LeAnna (Mom) #1

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Disagree because I've done Home Health for many years. You have alot of freedom. You set your own schedules with your clients. Unless the media is following her around like paparazzi, they wouldn't know where she is going to be when. You don't even go into the corporate office every day.

Thanks for your post LinasK, it allows me to clarify. My "yes they would" point was directed at the Atlanta media. They would be camped at her house and follow her trying to get footage and a comment regularly. The field reporters here in Atlanta are determined and CNN is here too. I worked closely with Home Health since the early 1980s and you are correct the provider has the ability to design their schedules.
If you look at Wood's clients post-Jewell, they all seem to have the money to afford his services. How she is paying for him?

you usually don't pay for a civil lawyer until you actually retain him. A consultation can be free. Saying she's going to do something and actually doing it are two different things. If she thinks the media will be intimidated to the point of backing off, she really is naive.

Thanks, Murphy ..... So civil procedure is different in different states. I was thinking back to the OJ wrongful death suit in CA. He did have to testify, and was nailed !
It's doubtful the representation of DaVita and LH would be a conflict of interest. These two cases would not be directly adverse. That would be the most obvious conflict. One is civil in nature, the other criminal, possibly civil (defamation suit). However, the civil cases would be unrelated and it is unlikely the facts of one case would be brought into the other. And, if there was any question of a conflict they could easily have the conflict waived. All MOO.

Here is the ABA Model Rule on conflicts with concurrent clients. Georgia follows the model rules pretty closely.


lin wood didnt represent davita
you usually don't pay for a civil lawyer until you actually retain him. A consultation can be free. Saying she's going to do something and actually doing it are two different things. If she thinks the media will be intimidated to the point of backing off, she really is naive.

True. Many times a retainer is only a portion of the fee or enough funds to be used for the initial fees required to file a suit. Also, many civil attorneys take cases on a contingency basis. That means the attorney only is paid if there is a recovery. Many times, retainer agreements will call for upfront fees to be paid (i.e. filing fees, stenographer fees, mediation fees) by the client during the litigation. Others will allow those expenses to be taken off the top of any recovery.

It all really just depends on what their retainer agreement states. MOO.
lin wood didnt represent davita

Correct. Wood represented the whistleblowers. Those cases have nothing to do with the other save for the fact that he represented clients who sued DaVita and now potentially may represent a DaVita employee on a separate, and unrelated, matter. MOO.

eta: I see why you corrected. I had "of" instead of "in" in my original post. I went back and clarified that. Thanks! :)
IMVHO, this is yet another ill conceived stunt/statement to try and get people to back off. She will be deposed as part of any kind of discovery associated with this kind of activity so it seems highly unlikely that she would agree to start something like this.

Seriously, whoever is leaking or spinning is digging her hole much deeper.

"@MPetchenikWSB: Source tells me Leanna Harris will meet with #Atlanta atty L. Lin Wood to discuss defamation case vs. "tabloid" media. #HotCarDeath. #wsbtv."
LOL. That tickled me.

Seriously, though, I'm scratching my head, can any of our legal experts weigh in here? What would be the grounds for this defamation suit? I haven't seen one media outlet come right out and say she's a murderer or an accomplice, yep, plenty of inferring, suggesting, surmising based on her demeanour, actions and words in the wake of Cooper's death but no more than there is in any other controversial case. I'm stunned by this latest development.

I see no false statements of any kind. In order to be liable for defamation, the following needs to be met:

1. a false statement about the plaintiff;
2. communication of the statement to a third party in the absence of a special privilege to do so;
3. fault of the defendant amounting at least to negligence; and
4. harm to the plaintiff, unless the statement amounts to per se defamation. See Smith v. Stewart, 660 S.E.2d 822, 828 (Ga. Ct. App. 2008).

So, she would have to prove that what was reported about her was false - she didn't make the statements attributed to her, she didn't act in the manner reported, etc.

She would then have to prove that there was no special privilege to communicate the statement to a third party.

Then, she would have to show that the defendant (the media), was at least negligent in their publication of false statements about her. Such as they failed to adhere to even minimum fact checking.

Finally, she'd have to prove harm occurred to her (damages) unless the statements published constituted per se defamation.

Possible defenses or roadblocks to such a suit are as follows:

1. The statements are likely true - that she appeared stoic, what she said to LE, to her mother, to the daycare, to her husband, at the funeral.

2. She may constitute a public figure (like a celebrity). Who is a public figure is not always clear. But many in the legal community consider crime suspects to be involuntary public figures: http://works.bepress.com/daniel_pesciotta/1/ That's important because if the plaintiff is a public figure, he or she must show more than negligence - they must show actual malicious intent on the part of the defendant when they published the false statement.

3. The media may hold privileges that are complete defenses to a defamation suit:
2010 Georgia Code
§ 51-5-7 - Privileged communications
The following communications are deemed privileged:
(1) Statements made in good faith in the performance of a public duty;
(2) Statements made in good faith in the performance of a legal or moral private duty;
(3) Statements made with a good faith intent on the part of the speaker to protect his or her interest in a matter in which it is concerned;
(4) Statements made in good faith as part of an act in furtherance of the right of free speech or the right to petition government for a redress of grievances under the Constitution of the United States or the Constitution of the State of Georgia in connection with an issue of public interest or concern, as defined in subsection (c) of Code Section 9-11-11.1;
(5) Fair and honest reports of the proceedings of legislative or judicial bodies;
(6) Fair and honest reports of court proceedings;
(7) Comments of counsel, fairly made, on the circumstances of a case in which he or she is involved and on the conduct of the parties in connection therewith;
(8) Truthful reports of information received from any arresting officer or police authorities; and
(9) Comments upon the acts of public men or public women in their public capacity and with reference thereto. http://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2010/title-51/chapter-5/51-5-7
4. The statements may not be defamation per se. Defamation per se includes: Statements falsely accusing the plaintiff of sexual immorality, false accusations of criminal behavior, or false statements of the plaintiff having a contagious disease such as HIV/AIDS are grounds for a case of Defamation Per Se. http://kellywarnerlaw.com/georgia-defamation-laws/

I have not seen one media report actually accuse LH of criminal behavior. Thus, the statements published about her are unlikely to be defamation per se and that means LH would have to prove actual damages - i.e., that she lost money as a result of the false statements published.

So, LH has a long road ahead of her in succeeding on a defamation suit. The media generally have teams of lawyers lined up just for these kinds of cases.

I think it's just a threat from her lawyers who are trying to do damage control and to stop the negative press about their client. This is about PR.

Lin wood is a great lawyer. Most likely he would take contingency for a suit like that. And no one said he agreed to it yet. It is just a meeting.

It is highly unlikely that Lin Wood or any other well known, good attorney would take this case on a contingency basis. Contingency cases are usually relegated to personal injury cases and civil cases that have a high probability of high payouts. I don;t see that here at all: "Common sorts of cases that lawyers will take on a contingency fee are those involving personal injuries, employment discrimination, sexual harassment, malpractice, and other cases in which there are likely to be substantial recoveries." http://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/question-how-do-i-find-lawyer-28292.html

Everyone needs a lawyer when they have legal issues or complications. Innocent people especially.

Well, it would seem odd for an attorney to argue against that, but...

Yes, lawyers are helpful and often necessary when people have legal issues. But IMO and experience, grieving, innocent parents are most unlikely to retain lawyers when their child dies or goes missing, especially right away. Even when they are being treated as a POI or a suspect:

"I never considered not cooperating and I never considered hiring a lawyer." "We bring these children into this world
and it's our duty then to do whatever we can to protect them and that includes totally cooperating with law enforcement
right down the line." "It's only when you hire a lawyer that it becomes apparent, if not obvious that you are hiding something."
Marc Klaas.

"I know, when Adam was missing, I never left the Hollywood Police Department until they found his body, for two weeks. I said, And why wouldn't you go in and cooperate with the police? I said, When Adam was missing that day, they took Revay (ph) and I in separate rooms for 12 hours, cross-examining us, because you have to eliminate the immediate family or friends. And we took polygraphs repeatedly, two polygraphs each, to dispel any rumor and innuendo about this."
John Walsh (who did not hire an attorney).
You can win the battle but lose the war.

Casey won, but her life will never be free.

LH could have gained sympathy playing her cards right.

She is only 30 years old. That is a lot of living to do, even if she becomes wealthy.

Money doesn't buy everything. It can't buy public opinion,
Jeez, it shouldn't take a PR team to tell her to quit digging the hole.


What specific stories written about Leanna could have a case for defamation? You have to show examples. The Ramseys sued a few tabloids (NY Post and Globe, I think) for an article saying Burke killed JonBenet. Name one story or report published by a media outlet where she could have a case for defamation, libel, or slander. Her hiring of Lin Wood tells me they will sue (one of the worst things she could do right now-- PR wise) but what is her case?

It's going to be very difficult if not impossible for her to play the domestic violence card at this point. Her husband is charged and sitting in jail. She's with her family so she isn't being isolated now. I agree she may have been the orchestrator. Her comment to Ross, "Did you say too much" is a very controlling comment.


I cannot believe LH is spending a single minute, at this point in time, even thinking about a defamation lawsuit. A defamation lawsuit would take more than a year to conclude, and with attorney fees (contingency), there is not guarantee of a big payout at the end.

Let's review a few things.

LH's husband is in jail, no bond, facing enormous prison time. He has been fired from his job, so there is no more $$ coming in from her husband, and he won't be able to earn or contribute for a considerable amount of time-- if ever.

She just buried her baby son. She may have expenses from that, still.

The baby's insurance policies won't pay out for a loooong time, most likely. And $27K won't go far in her situation regardless if she got it today.

She has taken on expenses with her representation-- at least 2 high powered attorneys.

She can't work, and hasn't for 4 weeks or so. Unless she has some kind of short term disability, there won't be any $$ coming in from her job for the foreseeable future. I don't think she will be able to work for months on end, and I foresee she will have to resign. She might be able to apply for some kind of leave (FMLA??) but it won't last forever, and won't last until this is all resolved.

We know they had in excess of $4000 in credit card debt. Those still have to be paid every month. I doubt that they had significant savings to tap into.

We know they continue to have monthly bills for housing, probably 1-2 car payments, insurance, utilities, food, gas, etc. Those expenses don't go away-- they compound.

So, IMO, LH is facing a huge financial crisis at this moment in time. I wonder why her attorney isn't advising her on simplifying her financial picture, so she can exist as long as possible on credit cards, etc? I suspect the apartment complex would let her out of her lease, because of the high profile nature of the case, and avoiding the hassle of eventual eviction if bills aren't paid. Why isn't she focused on wrapping that up? Having the atty help her get all the documents into her name so she can conduct business? She is in a HUGE crisis here that will completely ruin her financially for decades, assuming she isn't charged with anything. (And I think she probably will be, JMO.)

Whether she is charged or not, RH's case is going to take at least a year, I'd guess. I doubt she will be working at all. She is staying with relatives. Somebody needs to shake her, hard, and wake her up to the REALITY of her situation. Ross is not coming home. She is on her own. A defamation suit is the LEAST of her worries, at the moment, IMO!

And exactly WHAT damages has she experienced from the "defamation"?? It has to be specific for defamation-- not just general impact on your life, or embarrassment, etc. A lawsuit for defamation has to show that the defamer created a situation THAT WAS NOT TRUE that directly caused a specific outcome. I don't think she has a case.

Maybe this is just a bunch of distraction-- that's what I think. She has much, much bigger problems than defamation right now, IMO.
She has buried her son, her husband is going to prison, her apt is gone, she is living with her mom, job is gone, ...she should file bankruptcy, cooperate with LE and pray she doesn't end up in prison too. imo
Sorry, You are wrong. How about Ryan Ferguson? Or Richard Jewel?

Everyone needs a lawyer when dealing with the police or legal situation.

Neither were parents of a missing or dead child. I know what you're saying and I agree technically. But my point is that innocent, grieving parents do not lawyer up.

I bet she is hoping a media outlet will settle out of court, and she can use the money to pay for Ross's defense.

She may hope that but her attorneys know better. This is far from the Jewel case.
Thank you so much to Gitana and K_Z for such great informative posts explaining defamation and what a suit would entail. You guys rock. :loveyou:

Having read what you had to say, I'm very much inclined to believe this rumour is probably aimed at scaring the media into backing off a bit. Seems to me though it's a pretty futile effort since the media have their own lawyers who would be quite capable of calling LH and her attorneys' bluff.
If I were innocent and being accused there is a good chance I would get a lawyer to help me fight the charges. I can't say for certain, since I have never been in this situation but I have been falsely accused of something and police got involved. Thankfully it became obvious to the police of what the other person was doing but still...it was nerve wracking and had it gone further i would have gotten an attorney involved. I don't make a judgment based on someone getting an attorney (although yes, it does look hinky) but I go more on words, actions, behavior, and level of cooperation. Her actions and behaviors and words are very very telling, IMO
If I were innocent and being accused there is a good chance I would get a lawyer to help me fight the charges. I can't say for certain, since I have never been in this situation but I have been falsely accused of something and police got involved. Thankfully it became obvious to the police of what the other person was doing but still...it was nerve wracking and had it gone further i would have gotten an attorney involved. I don't make a judgment based on someone getting an attorney (although yes, it does look hinky) but I go more on words, actions, behavior, and level of cooperation. Her actions and behaviors and words are very very telling, IMO
I wouldn't and neither did Marc Klass nor John Walsh, both of whom have had their children kidnapped and murdered by strangers. Both of them were innocent. It looks very GUILTY to lawyer up when you have no good reason to do so.
I also think putting out the consultation with Wood story is a tactic to get the media to back off. I will be very surprised if Leanna hires Wood. I can't see him working for free, because I see no possible case here, so how would he get a percentage?

ETA: It is also possible that she requested the meeting, and he will turn her down. She probably hopes he will represent her for free. In the article I posted above, Wood says he gets calls constantly from people thinking they are the next Jewell, and "for most of them, they aren't".
Neither were parents of a missing or dead child. I know what you're saying and I agree technically. But my point is that innocent, grieving parents do not lawyer up.

She may hope that but her attorneys know better. This is far from the Jewel case.

Did you watch the preliminary hearing? She would have been a fool not to lawyer up after that guilty or not.
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