Lee Anthony's CMA reference?

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Most podiums are slanted..I guess that would make a difference too right? If this is a computer with the webcam built into the cover, he is at a perfect angle...JMHO

I don't know, its late..All I know is how nice it would be to find out that ONE OF THESE ANTHONY'S ARE NORMAL AND WANT JUSTICE FOR CAYLEE

They are so odd. Really odd. But we are o/t.

Let's have some measure of justice to match the carp display today.

Let's move on to our primary objective: justice.


Let it roll.
I tell you one thing no mistaking him for Georges son ! when you have it on mega screen (trying to pick up on this laptop still LOL) you can see george behind lee just one of his eybrows and then both lees !
Anyone know what that scar is on Lees Forehead ? thats a big scar !
See my post 506 on pg. 21 and tell me what you all think of the explanantions. I spent so much time editing it, it may go unnoticed.

I think that's a very good analysis of how the dual-speech likely broke down (that's how I personally want to interpret Lee's words, at least)!

I agree with your assessment-- except I don't know if I read Lee's mood as angry, so much as breaking down/trying to remain in control.

That speech threw me for a loop-- I really hope your assessment is correct because other interpretations would be very alarming, IMO!


About the webcamming possibilities--- I just don't see why Lee would record or livestream his speech. I think that if Casey were really live on his screen:
1. They would have left the screen up for the entire time the family was at the podium
2. Lee would have looked at the screen and not the crowd while he spoke.
3. Cindy and George would have totally lost it when they saw her on screen.
4. It was already being broadcast live, so there really wasn't a need to stream/record himself?

I really do think Lee used the laptop to display his speech in a manner that was easiest for him to read at the podium-- nothing more, nothing less. But that's just my opinion.
See my post 506 on pg. 21 and tell me what you all think of the explanantions. I spent so much time editing it, it may go unnoticed.

I think that the majority of what Lee is saying is directly to Casey. I also think that he is reassuring Casey that he will stick with her through this. It would be nice if he were actually saying that he will do what ever needs to be done to get Caylee justice but if that was the case then I think we would not have seen search warrants needed for such things as DNA. I think that just the fact that he moved back into the home with George & Cindy says a lot. I also think there was a level of frustration in Lee today that I think that is more about him feeling trapped in this nightmare than at Casey for not telling the truth and playing games.
I have always had the opinion that Lee knows a lot more than he has ever said and today it sounded like to me he was letting Casey know he was still not going to say one word of what he knows. If, in the end when more is know and if my thinking about Lee ends up being wrong I will be very surprised but it would be a happy and welcome surprise. Time will tell.
I'll be sold on this when we find out about the iron on letters. If it turns out to be CMA, then it will be clear to me today what Lee was doing with his laptop.
I only saw him pull it out of his under arm, open it, shut it, and put it back under his arm and walk away and set it down (cameras didnt exactly follow, they stayed on GA). I find it weird, just plain weird that he would have a laptop to read a speech such as one that he gave. I dont think it was a webcam on his part, it had to have been taped, she can see it anytime from JB's computer, but more likely IMO from JB's webcam to them instead of them to her...IMO, I think it was an IM or email that he was looking for from KC to say she was online, that she is the pillar of strength, whatever, or possibly even recording only his part of the service to immediately reach KC via Biaz's computer.
Whatever it was hinky especially for someone that wants the public to stop speculating...he did an Absolutely exceptional job of avoiding that didnt he, using a laptop instead of paper, using CMA instead of his nieces name, not wearing a Caylee button, nor wearing a tie or jacket (my personal opinion of how respect is shown at a memorial regardless of the deceased connection to you) he did it so well, he was absolutely radiant.
I think that's a very good analysis of how the dual-speech likely broke down (that's how I personally want to interpret Lee's words, at least)!

I agree with your assessment-- except I don't know if I read Lee's mood as angry, so much as breaking down/trying to remain in control.

That speech threw me for a loop-- I really hope your assessment is correct because other interpretations would be very alarming, IMO!


About the webcamming possibilities--- I just don't see why Lee would record or livestream his speech. I think that if Casey were really live on his screen:
1. They would have left the screen up for the entire time the family was at the podium
2. Lee would have looked at the screen and not the crowd while he spoke.
3. Cindy and George would have totally lost it when they saw her on screen.
4. It was already being broadcast live, so there really wasn't a need to stream/record himself?

I really do think Lee used the laptop to display his speech in a manner that was easiest for him to read at the podium-- nothing more, nothing less. But that's just my opinion.

I think we are all confused by this as a eulogy? Didn't sound like one and I couldn't see him saying he was proud of Casey. Maybe it was frustration for putting the family through this he#$ she has. I was basing that on his seemingly intentional banging against the mic.
The webcamming with Lee, I don't think I said. I did say why would he need to do that when it was being carried live on the internet and and KC and JB could watch it on his computer in the jail which I do believe IMO may have happened.
I think the next week or so will tell.
I think that the majority of what Lee is saying is directly to Casey. I also think that he is reassuring Casey that he will stick with her through this. It would be nice if he were actually saying that he will do what ever needs to be done to get Caylee justice but if that was the case then I think we would not have seen search warrants needed for such things as DNA. I think that just the fact that he moved back into the home with George & Cindy says a lot. I also think there was a level of frustration in Lee today that I think that is more about him feeling trapped in this nightmare than at Casey for not telling the truth and playing games.
I have always had the opinion that Lee knows a lot more than he has ever said and today it sounded like to me he was letting Casey know he was still not going to say one word of what he knows. If, in the end when more is know and if my thinking about Lee ends up being wrong I will be very surprised but it would be a happy and welcome surprise. Time will tell.

Well we aren't dealing with the average bear here. lol So hard to tell what any of them mean most of the time. :confused:
I don't care what he was doing with his laptop, I don't care if the screen was facing him or the church or whether he had a webcam going or whatever. It bugs the heck out of me that in playing all his little games that he couldn't manage to come up with one nice memory of his niece. Couldn't talk about Caylee AT ALL! :mad:
During LA Speech he says the following:

Wonder who he was directing this to???

He says:
Finally, for those of us that have the knowledge and the means to facilitate the answers that my family deserves I ask that you fill your heart w/compassion and truth and I ask that you allow your conscience to speak for you when your mind cannot comprehend the right words to say
I only saw him pull it out of his under arm, open it, shut it, and put it back under his arm and walk away and set it down (cameras didnt exactly follow, they stayed on GA). I find it weird, just plain weird that he would have a laptop to read a speech such as one that he gave. I dont think it was a webcam on his part, it had to have been taped, she can see it anytime from JB's computer, but more likely IMO from JB's webcam to them instead of them to her...IMO, I think it was an IM or email that he was looking for from KC to say she was online, that she is the pillar of strength, whatever, or possibly even recording only his part of the service to immediately reach KC via Biaz's computer.
Whatever it was hinky especially for someone that wants the public to stop speculating...he did an Absolutely exceptional job of avoiding that didnt he, using a laptop instead of paper, using CMA instead of his nieces name, not wearing a Caylee button, nor wearing a tie or jacket (my personal opinion of how respect is shown at a memorial regardless of the deceased connection to you) he did it so well, he was absolutely radiant.

I know! It is the oddest thing, any thing he did was bizarre. I think part of it might be his relative immaturity (Star Wars, Darth Vader things). He is communicating well with fellow game players (on the comp). He is on "another page" so to speak. I have known people like him, teaching college, they are reverse-amp. 10 years later, still in own world, they will tell you they finally understood Old English / could get Chaucer (ha ha), so hey write me a an official email. I am wha? Nice they finally finished college.:)

(In my field get lots of whacks btw)
I think we are all confused by this as a eulogy? Didn't sound like one and I couldn't see him saying he was proud of Casey. Maybe it was frustration for putting the family through this he#$ she has. I was basing that on his seemingly intentionally banging against the mic.
The webcamming with Lee, I don't think I said. I did say why would he need to do that when it was being carried live on the internet and and KC and JB could watch it on his computer in the jail which I do believe IMO may have happened.
I think the next week or so will tell.

Sorry-- I was first responding to your analysis of Lee's speech and then used a page break signal to indicate I was generally responding to webcam speculation.

I agree with your assessment of what Lee was likely saying-- and when he was talking about Caylee vs. possibly making a veiled address to Casey, imploring her to come clean. If Lee was saying Casey had taught him how life ought to be lived and made him proud, then that would be beyond disturbing, of course.

I understand why Lee's speech could sound somewhat odd when compared to other eulogies -- but, IMO, he was just saying what he felt comfortable saying in a public forum. I think he was conveying an intensely personal message to Caylee when he recalled the promise he had made to Caylee, etc.
I think the language Lee used today and the language Cindy used in her published eulogy reveal that both of them continue to grapple with the understandable difficulty of sharing private pain arising from a public tragedy. I think they use distancing words and at times addressed a generalized and unfamiliar "other"-- i.e., the public, as an unspecified "you" or "they"
This style can make their words resonate as somewhat awkward or impersonal, but to me, their diction resonated as more evidence of how much pain they are in and how utterly heartbreaking it must be to publicly grieve a personal tragedy.
Well we aren't dealing with the average bear here. lol So hard to tell what any of them mean most of the time. :confused:

In my neck of the woods once a bear proves to be not your average bear it is usually considered rouge and more times than not ends up getting tranquilized and relocated. If he keeps coming back he ends up looking down the nasty end of a shotgun and gets his a$$ shot. Me thinks Lee should go back into hibernation. LOL
I only saw him pull it out of his under arm, open it, shut it, and put it back under his arm and walk away and set it down (cameras didnt exactly follow, they stayed on GA). I find it weird, just plain weird that he would have a laptop to read a speech such as one that he gave. I dont think it was a webcam on his part, it had to have been taped, she can see it anytime from JB's computer, but more likely IMO from JB's webcam to them instead of them to her...IMO, I think it was an IM or email that he was looking for from KC to say she was online, that she is the pillar of strength, whatever, or possibly even recording only his part of the service to immediately reach KC via Biaz's computer.
Whatever it was hinky especially for someone that wants the public to stop speculating...he did an Absolutely exceptional job of avoiding that didnt he, using a laptop instead of paper, using CMA instead of his nieces name, not wearing a Caylee button, nor wearing a tie or jacket (my personal opinion of how respect is shown at a memorial regardless of the deceased connection to you) he did it so well, he was absolutely radiant.

I know! It is the oddest thing, any thing he did was bizarre. I think part of it might be his relative immaturity (Star Wars, Darth Vader things). He is communicating well with fellow game players (on the comp). He is on "another page" so to speak. I have known people like him, teaching college, they are reverse-amp. 10 years later, still in own world, they will tell you they finally understood Old English / could get Chaucer (ha ha), so hey write me a an official email. I am wha? Nice they finally finished college.:)

(In my field get lots of whacks btw)
He wants whoever, including himself, who gives part of the mystery to be "nice."

Funny appeal. They themselves hold all the keys no matter how broken, twisted, eroded, or bent.. But be nice, have a conscience....where the heart speaks.... blah blah blah. Ok, tell the truth, As.

It is a difficult thing with American English or turn of phrase. In America, we think "heart-speak" is the same as the truth as relgion, confessions. From day one...pizza not body. We are being gamed against our own honor.

Yes, I feel for them. As much as to make sure there were shamrock / clover pins all around for KC? No.
I started to do another thread and thought maybe i better not lest I get stoned

But .. regarding this part of the speech

Finally, for those of us that have the knowledge and the means to facilitate the answers that my family deserves I ask that you fill your heart w/compassion and truth and I ask that you allow your conscience to speak for you when your mind cannot comprehend the right words to say

I have to wonder if they believe Casey was set up

Parents can still stand by their child even when they have known that they did the crime, but these people are very firm in their belief that Casey is innocent

Everything that happens leaves me with more questions and less answers
In my neck of the woods once a bear proves to be not your average bear it is usually considered rouge and more times than not ends up getting tranquilized and relocated. If he keeps coming back he ends up looking down the nasty end of a shotgun and gets his a$$ shot. Me thinks Lee should go back into hibernation. LOL

ROFL, you owe me a keyboard. Darn coffee habit and WS, addictions are dangerous too. I vote all the A's go into hibernation till trial. Now if Mark E. is correct that gives us a 2 yr. reprieve from the insanity. :crazy:
Shadow of my mind writes:
<<In my neck of the woods once a bear proves to be not your average bear it is usually considered rouge and more times than not ends up getting tranquilized and relocated. If he keeps coming back he ends up looking down the nasty end of a shotgun and gets his a$$ shot. Me thinks Lee should go back into hibernation. LOL>>

Lee says everything in a convoluted way. It is really annoying to me.

Finally, for those of us that have the knowledge and the means to facilitate the answers that my family deserves I ask that you fill your heart w/compassion and truth and I ask that you allow" your conscience to speak for you when your mind cannot comprehend the right words to say."

1. He may be asking LE to be gentle when dealing with the family and explaining the crime scene and what they think happened. He may be requesting them to be kind to his Mom and Dad and think before the speak.


2. He may be telling Casey to express herself through her heart and just talk. Don't worry ... because your mind is not able to grasp the reality of what has happened to Caylee....just speak from your soul (he calls it conscious) and we will understand.
Finally, for those of us that have the knowledge and the means to facilitate the answers that my family deserves I ask that you fill your heart w/compassion and truth and I ask that you allow your conscience to speak for you when your mind cannot comprehend the right words to say

What "answers" does Lee think the family deserves?
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