Yes, Cubbeegirl.
It is very hard to quit any drug, especially if you are in pain not only from withdrawals, but the constant pain one feels once the meds are stopped, plus the cravings, debilitating anxiety, flu like symptoms, digestive tract mess, hot & cold sweats, prickly untouchable skin, sneezes so bad you are choking just trying to breathe, runny nose & eyes, vomiting & restless arms, legs & depression. I probably left something out, but y'all get the picture.
When you feel this way you will do anything in your power to stop it. I mean anything.
Bupe/subs is a wonderful drug that in my experience stops withdrawals in its tracks but you still have to deal with the emotional upheaval, depression and cravings. That's why it's good to be in an inpatient environment.
Methadone helps too but it takes at least 4-5 hrs to kick in. I have taken done but am terrified of the even more horrifying withdraw symptoms that last much longer. You just shake and your screwed. JMO