Leonard Padilla and Tim Miller on Scared Monkey Radio - 10/10/08

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Relatively new to posting here but Im wondering what evidence people have that amkes them think LA fathered Caylee? It seems ludicrous to me that people are jumping to this conclusion simply because Casey and LA have a close bond. I have 5 older brothers and I am very close to each of them so Im curious as to why some have come to this conclusion. Thanks![/QUOT

Of course not just by the court records but if you listen to some of the reports it is possible. The fact that Lee will not give his DNA, the fact that Lee asked if Caylee's DNA would have his DNA and Casey's or how would that come out. Then of course you have the responses from the whole Anthony family when asked about the father. Leonard Padilla's comments. ETC....
Wow, so it was CINDY who was the defendant?? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I would so love to know the details of what happened!
Btw, your link didn't work, I get an error message everytime I try to launch it.

Could this have been the filed divorce between the 2, which would fall under family court?

BTW - see below for the Calls for Service to the Anthony home (http://www.ocso.com/Agency/MediaRelations/CAYLEEPAGE/tabid/547/Default.aspx Calls for Service Summary under Public Records Request. There was a lot of activity in April 2005, 4 months before Caylee was born.

Can someone enlighten us as to what these codes mean?

Date Priority Call Type Unit ID Disposition Jurisdiction Location
11/01/2003 2 CM 120A R SO 4937 HOPESPRING DR
04/21/2005 2 VERBAL 320A NR SO 4937 HOPESPRING DR
04/30/2005 1 DIST 120A NR SO 4937 HOPESPRING DR
05/29/2005 2 DIST 120 NR SO 4937 HOPESPRING DR
06/26/2006 2 STOVEH 225A R SO 4937 HOPESPRING DR
06/24/2008 2 BURGR 220C R SO 4937 HOPESPRING DR
Yes!!!!!!!!! I think if I read it correctly, this Stacy P. would be Casey's 1st cousin because I think she is Rick's (Cindy's brother) daughter.

Can you believe it?? Very creepy!!!!
I have no idea where the Peterson name is coming from but I have found documents that show Nathan Z P and Stacy Marie Jones-P as being husband and wife in 2003. There are also documents listing them together but as single in 2008. So, I guess that its possible that they were married, divorced and that she subsequently remarried to a Peterson. Regardless, the blood relative to the Plesea clan here, appears to be Nathan - not Stacy.

I followed the link to the young man who died in a car crash and MAY HAVE BEEN Caylee's father. Look at the friends photos. There is a "Stephvvy" or something like that and the photo looks like Caylee and a woman with a fuller face than Casey, WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE FRIEND'S PHOTO AND GIVE ME YOUR OPINION???
I followed the link to the young man who died in a car crash and MAY HAVE BEEN Caylee's father. Look at the friends photos. There is a "Stephvvy" or something like that and the photo looks like Caylee and a woman with a fuller face than Casey, WILL SOMEONE PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE FRIEND'S PHOTO AND GIVE ME YOUR OPINION???

I believe that Pamela S P is Rick's wife. I'm not sure who Nathan is (maybe their son ?) but he is married to Stacy Marie and she now uses his last name as well. This is what I have been able to find through Trumbull County deed documents.

Interesting Note - John Hopkin's "son", the one that ZFG supposedly babsat with Caylee, according to KC - his name is Zachary. Nathan's middle name is Zachary.

I just looked up Nathan P on MySpace and found him ... 28 years old in Warren OH. His profile doesn't show he is married - it says "in a relationship". His wife/gf (whatever the relationship is) is Stacey Marie (age 37 in Warren OH -she is his #1 friend). He also shows that he is a 'proud parent' and there is a picture of a little boy carving a pumpkin.....his name - yes, you guessed it....Zach (short for Zachary I suppose).
Could this have been the filed divorce between the 2, which would fall under family court?

BTW - see below for the Calls for Service to the Anthony home (http://www.ocso.com/Agency/MediaRelations/CAYLEEPAGE/tabid/547/Default.aspx Calls for Service Summary under Public Records Request. There was a lot of activity in April 2005, 4 months before Caylee was born.

Can someone enlighten us as to what these codes mean?

Date Priority Call Type Unit ID Disposition Jurisdiction Location
11/01/2003 2 CM 120A R SO 4937 HOPESPRING DR
04/21/2005 2 VERBAL 320A NR SO 4937 HOPESPRING DR
04/30/2005 1 DIST 120A NR SO 4937 HOPESPRING DR
05/29/2005 2 DIST 120 NR SO 4937 HOPESPRING DR
06/26/2006 2 STOVEH 225A R SO 4937 HOPESPRING DR
06/24/2008 2 BURGR 220C R SO 4937 HOPESPRING DR

Very good and interesting question. The 6/24 is the burglary of the gas cans in the garage/shed but I could only guess at the rest. That is a lot of dispatches to one address. Maybe we can find the Orlando translation. Jargon & abbreviations are not always the same in various jurisdictions.
Very good and interesting question. The 6/24 is the burglary of the gas cans in the garage/shed but I could only guess at the rest. That is a lot of dispatches to one address. Maybe we can find the Orlando translation. Jargon & abbreviations are not always the same in various jurisdictions.

From a previous post on Websleuths:

Report of Service OCSO abbreviations
The report is an RMS report, RMS meaning records management system. The call types are as follows:
CM-criminal mischief,
Rescue- medical call, LE would not respond to this unless requested by FD
Verbal- verbal dispute
dist- generic call listing for any type of disturbance
stoveh- stolen vehicle
burgr- residential burglary
kidnap- self explanatory
geninv- usually generated by the deputy it can literally be anything. judging by the report writer (listed unit ID) they are supplements to the original report.
park- parking complaint, probably protester related

Unit ID info:
anytime you see a number, IE- 120A, it is the marked zone car (patrol car w/lights on top ect). The 1st number is the shift that unit works, the second number denotes the sector that unit works (in this case sector 2, the east side). The second and third numbers combined are the zone that unit is assigned to (IE zone 20), and if there's a letter, it means there is more than 1 unit in that zone.
DV14- a domestic violence detective. (The OCSO is using detectives from every unit to help investigate the case.)
PA21- the sector 2 commander or lieutenant.
PA22- the other "rotations" sector 2 commander
S21- sector 2 squad 1 sergeant.

The call number is generated anytime someone calls 911, regardless of whether a report is taken or not.

The case number is when an incident or arrest report, ect is written at the address.
11-1-03 CM= Criminal Mischief (vandalism or damage to real or personal property)
R= Report Taken

2-5-04 RESCUE= Medical Rescue Only
TOTFD= Turned Over To Fire Dept.

4-21-05 VERBAL= Verbal Disturbance
NR= No Report Filed

4-21-05 VERBAL= Verbal Disturbance
DUP= Duplicate Call for Service (same event)

4-30-05 DIST= General Disturbance (loud person or party), NR= No Report
5-29-05 DIST= General Disturbance, NR= No Report

6-26-06 STOVEH= Stolen Vehicle
R= Report Filed
Poor baby, I think she was looking for someone to fill the missing "Daddy" role in her life.

I don't think this at all, I'm sure her g'pa filled that void. My daughter is same way, seems to take to men more than women. She's got an active daddy and g'pa in her life.

My son was just the opposite, he took to women and he too had both active in his life.

I don't think anything out of the norm of her favoring men more.
I don't think this at all, I'm sure her g'pa filled that void. My daughter is same way, seems to take to men more than women. She's got an active daddy and g'pa in her life.

My son was just the opposite, he took to women and he too had both active in his life.

I don't think anything out of the norm of her favoring men more.

I agree with this post. I think Caylee was very loved by her grandparents and missed out on nothing there.

I put no credence into her being more affectionate toward men. To me, it means she wasn't intimidated, which is a good thing.
I just looked up Nathan P on MySpace and found him ... 28 years old in Warren OH. His profile doesn't show he is married - it says "in a relationship". His wife/gf (whatever the relationship is) is Stacey Marie (age 37 in Warren OH -she is his #1 friend). He also shows that he is a 'proud parent' and there is a picture of a little boy carving a pumpkin.....his name - yes, you guessed it....Zach (short for Zachary I suppose).
Bree - Could you throw a link into the mix for us!??? :)
From a previous post on Websleuths:

Report of Service OCSO abbreviations
The report is an RMS report, RMS meaning records management system. The call types are as follows:
CM-criminal mischief,
Rescue- medical call, LE would not respond to this unless requested by FD
Verbal- verbal dispute
dist- generic call listing for any type of disturbance
stoveh- stolen vehicle
burgr- residential burglary
kidnap- self explanatory
geninv- usually generated by the deputy it can literally be anything. judging by the report writer (listed unit ID) they are supplements to the original report.
park- parking complaint, probably protester related

Unit ID info:
anytime you see a number, IE- 120A, it is the marked zone car (patrol car w/lights on top ect). The 1st number is the shift that unit works, the second number denotes the sector that unit works (in this case sector 2, the east side). The second and third numbers combined are the zone that unit is assigned to (IE zone 20), and if there's a letter, it means there is more than 1 unit in that zone.
DV14- a domestic violence detective. (The OCSO is using detectives from every unit to help investigate the case.)
PA21- the sector 2 commander or lieutenant.
PA22- the other "rotations" sector 2 commander
S21- sector 2 squad 1 sergeant.

The call number is generated anytime someone calls 911, regardless of whether a report is taken or not.

The case number is when an incident or arrest report, ect is written at the address.
11-1-03 CM= Criminal Mischief (vandalism or damage to real or personal property)
R= Report Taken

2-5-04 RESCUE= Medical Rescue Only
TOTFD= Turned Over To Fire Dept.

4-21-05 VERBAL= Verbal Disturbance
NR= No Report Filed

4-21-05 VERBAL= Verbal Disturbance
DUP= Duplicate Call for Service (same event)

4-30-05 DIST= General Disturbance (loud person or party), NR= No Report
5-29-05 DIST= General Disturbance, NR= No Report

6-26-06 STOVEH= Stolen Vehicle
R= Report Filed

Wow, thank you for putting all that together!
The Feb. 04 call, didn't someone say Casey had some kind of attack or took too much medicine. I cannot remember but I thought someone had said they had to call the paramedics. Does anyone remember that?
If you have the link to the Jesus Ortiz My Space would you please post it. I can't find it. After reading about the link and following it I saw a post from Stephvvy and the photo looks like a woman and Caylee. If you would please provide the link and look at the photo that would be great. Is it Casey and Caylee or someone else and Caylee or am I just seeing things???:eek:
If you have the link to the Jesus Ortiz My Space would you please post it. I can't find it. After reading about the link and following it I saw a post from Stephvvy and the photo looks like a woman and Caylee. If you would please provide the link and look at the photo that would be great. Is it Casey and Caylee or someone else and Caylee or am I just seeing things???:eek:

I'm sorry, I don't have the link but I do know the woman you're referring to and I thought that the girl in the pic with her could be Caylee. The last time I checked it out, her myspace was private but her message was in support of KC/the Anthony's so I assumed that she was a friend.
Actually, I see no reason to post anything from J.O.. I think it has been well established that he nor his family have anything to do with this case. He should rest in peace and his family should no longer have people digging into their history, imo.
I totally agree with you. There is no way for LP to have these facts. None!

Yes there is. My son is a chemist/biologist and said that if there are more than a certain # of alleles (spelling?) in common in the mitochondrial DNA, then the child has a father who is blood related to the mother. They don't need a man's DNA to show a child of incest, they need it to prove WHO is the father - which one, brother or father...LP was given information by LE - he is a private investigator involved with the case (or was) and that allows them certain information. I don't know all legal/scientific info, but I do know this much.
If you have the link to the Jesus Ortiz My Space would you please post it. I can't find it. After reading about the link and following it I saw a post from Stephvvy and the photo looks like a woman and Caylee. If you would please provide the link and look at the photo that would be great. Is it Casey and Caylee or someone else and Caylee or am I just seeing things???:eek:

Here you go simonsmom, the link for Jesus Ortiz.

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