Leonard Padilla and Tim Miller on Scared Monkey Radio - 10/10/08

DNA Solves
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So LP is on the Radio saying that Lee Anthony fathered Caylee?

It just goes on & on & on with LP.

Every where you look......There he is..!

Nancy Grace - Greta - Geraldo - Today Show - Dr. Phil - News papers & now Radio

I don't know what to believe anymore because he's also said.....(not in these exact words) ....

That Caylee drowned in the Anthony Pool & Casey put her body in the trunk & the Chlorine from the pool became mixed with urine from Caylee's diaper & that is the reason for the Chloroform in the trunk

He said he thought Caylee fell from the balcony of Tony's Apt.

He said that Casey put Caylee in the recycling dumpster at amscott & that her remains were in an out of state landfill.

Then he said she would be found near the Airport BEFORE Tuesday's Grand Jury .

Then the very next day he said Caylee would be found "shortly after" Tuesday's Grand Jury.

He's also claiming that Casey is making threats to him on her Myspace page - "I'll get even with LP"

Speaking of threats - He also claimed that he was receiving threats from "Local FLA Bail Bondsmen" because they were jealous of him because he bailed Casey out & they "Couldn't get it done"

He told Nancy Grace that Casey never spoke to him about what happened to Caylee.......His exact words were ..."Not One Word" !

Then he tells Greta Van S. that Casey told him & RD all about the "Script" episode at Blanchard Park.

When LP first got involved in this Case he said...(not in these exact words)

That Casey gave Caylee to one of her friends & she can't remember who has her.

That Casey may have been involved in something illegal & she got in over her head.

That he knows who has Caylee & he's giving them 1 week to drop her off at a "Drug Store" or else he was comming after them.

Then there was LP's comment that Casey would tell him everything once she "Got her nails done" ...&..... "Had a cheese burger"

There's so much more....He just keeps going on & on & on.....

The only thing missing from LP is "The Book" ..!

But lets give that some time.....I'm sure we'll see one sooner or later

:clap: :clap: :clap:

I soooo agree. I think he lurks on blogs and discussion boards and regurgitates theories that he comes across seasoned with some of his tabloid spice.
I would think LA could sue LP, but he would have to prove he isn't and tell who really is the father.
OT kinda, for those interested who dont know; Leonard has a myspace page. I just sent him a request. Hes pretty popular on there with people following the case.
asking for him to come to websleuths to chat - or did you ask about the LA paternity issue?
Yes there is. My son is a chemist/biologist and said that if there are more than a certain # of alleles (spelling?) in common in the mitochondrial DNA, then the child has a father who is blood related to the mother. They don't need a man's DNA to show a child of incest, they need it to prove WHO is the father - which one, brother or father...LP was given information by LE - he is a private investigator involved with the case (or was) and that allows them certain information. I don't know all legal/scientific info, but I do know this much.

In common with what?

I'm sure there are people here who understand and can explain DNA tests better than I can, but mitochondrial DNA is passed ONLY from the mother to all of her children. Fathers' mitochondrial DNA isn't passed to their offspring.

Since Casey, Caylee and Lee all had the same matrilineal line through Cindy, they would all have identical mitochondrial DNA, as would Cindy, Cindy's mother, Cindy's grandmother and so on.

Am I nuts? It's my understanding that you can't learn anything about paternity from mitochondrial DNA.

Of course all of this could be cleared up if LP would just explain what in the heck he's talking about and what is the source of his information. My impression from hearing what he said on NG was that he was inferring that Caylee and Lee have identical mito. DNA therefore Lee is her father. That's wrong.
The fact that NO ONE has told him to stop makes me believe it may be true.

Exactly! Contrary to what posters on the other thread were saying, I don't think this guy LP would make slanderous statements without being able to back it up. A few weeks ago the possibility of incest was too horrible to consider, and it seemed out of the blue, so I didn't read the thread about it then, but now I think it's a very real possibility. It would explain Casey's overly-sexual nature,her dropping out of school, the high-fiving going on with her brother, and I find the spelling of Caylee's name to be very narcissicistic: Casey + Lee= Caylee, not Kaylee, Cailey, Kailee, or any other way of spelling it. It also explains why Lee refused DNA testing and polygraph testing. He doesn't want his dirty laundry aired...
LP is just wrong about too many things.
I think he doesn't understand the science behind "old fashioned" DNA paternity testing.

It is not impossible that Lee is Caylee's father, but highly improbable. Casey may be dysfunctional and maybe the whole family is, but heck, who's isn't a little bit.
The person to shame is Casey, not her family.
Lee not having his DNA swabbed etc.. was probably just grandstanding as defender of his sister. You can think that is awful, and it really is, but in the end, this is all on the shoulders of a grown up woman named Casey Anthony.
Speculation is fine, but I would not get to hyped up about this as I am fairly certain, LP is just speaking from ignorance.
Was the last Leonard bashing thread closed or was it merged with this one? :waitasec:

I'm surprised that so many people hate Leonard and are quick to judge him, while Casey is the one that lost her child and the probability is that she killed her.

Every possible scenario and theory that can be imagined has been thrown out by nearly every member of this board, and even recanted to regroup and re-theorize. Why is it so wrong for anyone else to try and rationalize through this case the same as we have? :confused:
Yes indeed, in the news earlier this year a woman who had been held captive in a basement by her father and abused, told the authorities her seven children were indeed her DADS! This wasn't in the US but somewhere else it escapes me now.

Joseph/Elisabeth Fritzl- Austria. We have a thread/forum here on WS about it.
Yes incest/child abuse-molestation is very disgusting, but it happens, more than the average person could even comprehend.
And turning a blind eye or refusing to discuss....ignorance breeds ignorance. NOT discussing is what permits some of this abuse to occur and occur again.
Like I have said on other threads, many of us have first hand knowledge, family, or friend that has been abused or had a crime commited against them.
So NO, I can't stop discussing. I want all the knowledge there is to be at anyone's disposal.
Forums like this is where I got help from Victims Advocates when my family member was violated.
And they are who gave me the strength to see the process thru to get the perp behind bars and help my family heal.

Bravo! :clap:I stand up with you as another who has first-hand knowledge of being a victim. I learned last night on WS something I never knew and wish I didn't- uncle-niece relations also fall under the category of incest.:sick::sick::sick:
One who sleuths is a sleuth NOT a sleuther!


I do, most humbly beg your pardon, as I am at fault for using the term "sleuther." I have discovered "sleuther" is not a word, although to "sleuth" may be used as a verb, thus my faux pas: "sleuther." I am shamed to my academic marrow. I do promise you that I have been certified as having high intelligence by both testing and credentials. I will forthwith refrain from using the term "sleuther" ever again.

Was the last Leonard bashing thread closed or was it merged with this one? :waitasec:

I'm surprised that so many people hate Leonard and are quick to judge him, while Casey is the one that lost her child and the probability is that she killed her.

Every possible scenario and theory that can be imagined has been thrown out by nearly every member of this board, and even recanted to regroup and re-theorize. Why is it so wrong for anyone else to try and rationalize through this case the same as we have? :confused:

I for one don't hate LP, I find him entertaining. BUT...

When he is using junk "science" to attempt to bolster a theory and make it fact, that is wrong. The reality of MtDNA has been explained again, and again, and again. It says nothing about paternity and never will. It is the veritable Eve and says nothing about who Adam is. It is matrilineal, has always been, and will always be, forever and ever.. amen.

If he believes that LA is Caylee's father, fine and dandy. He needs to stop pulling the DNA card to support this claim.
Yes insest/child abuse-molestation is very disgusting, but it happens, more than the average person could even comprehend.
And turning a blind eye or refusing to discuss....ignorence breeds ignorence. NOT disgussing is what permits some of this abuse to occur and occur again.
Like I have said on other threads, many of us have first hand knowledge, family, or friend that has been abused or had a crime commited against them.
So NO, I can't stop discussing. I want all the knowledge there is to be at anyone's disposal.
Forums like this is where I got help from Victims Advocates when my family member was violated.
And they are who gave me the strength to see the process thru to get the perp behind bars and help my family heal.

I am currently giving you a standing ovation.I agree 100% with everything you have said. People just dont want to believe this happens , or think if it happens then it is extremely rare and comes from an extremely dysfunctional environment.
I am really shocked that so many educated members here wont take an hour to actually research it, and instead choose to remain ignorant.
People aren't suggesting that LA could be the dad because we are trying to turn this into a soap opera- it is entirely possible.Why wouldnt KC fall into that 15%?
I also dont understand how people can accept the notion of a mother killing her child, but refuse to accept that she could have had an intimate relationship with her own brother.
Unless these things are brought out of the shadows, the abuse cycles will continue, and I refuse to be a part of that.
The denial of these people too, explains why 80% of mothers whose children were having a relationship had no idea it was happening.
LP's thoughts are just that peroid. His track record of facts is questionable at best. If you remember it was announced he was entering the case on the same day that the family announced they were getting a spokesperson, That person's reputation is nothing to be proud of.

LP likes to play old school but don't forget what he is about, making money, he was and probably is running for the Mayor of Sacramento. So he gets free press for his campaign. His antics in California border on something next to bizarre, giving a plot of land to homeless people for publicity. This case blew his upcoming NG series.

He display some common street sense that comes with being a bounty hunter, but he lacks some of the knowledge that is being seen in these "new age" criminals. He was used to getting a grain of salt in a statement then running with it. This group gives you grains of pepper and tells you its salt.

He may be right or may be wrong, I like other listen to him for the entertainment value.

Looks like Colorado has at least 2 posters that are applauding Boston! :clap:

Add me to that chorus gang....LP may be a good hearted man...but I remember his early insertion into this case also.

He may be right...who knows? But as with the A's...his past record makes his present record a bit murky in my eyes...
So LP is on the Radio saying that Lee Anthony fathered Caylee?

It just goes on & on & on with LP.

Every where you look......There he is..!

Nancy Grace - Greta - Geraldo - Today Show - Dr. Phil - News papers & now Radio

I don't know what to believe anymore because he's also said.....(not in these exact words) ....

That Caylee drowned in the Anthony Pool & Casey put her body in the trunk & the Chlorine from the pool became mixed with urine from Caylee's diaper & that is the reason for the Chloroform in the trunk

He said he thought Caylee fell from the balcony of Tony's Apt.

He said that Casey put Caylee in the recycling dumpster at amscott & that her remains were in an out of state landfill.

Then he said she would be found near the Airport BEFORE Tuesday's Grand Jury .

Then the very next day he said Caylee would be found "shortly after" Tuesday's Grand Jury.

He's also claiming that Casey is making threats to him on her Myspace page - "I'll get even with LP"

Speaking of threats - He also claimed that he was receiving threats from "Local FLA Bail Bondsmen" because they were jealous of him because he bailed Casey out & they "Couldn't get it done"

He told Nancy Grace that Casey never spoke to him about what happened to Caylee.......His exact words were ..."Not One Word" !

Then he tells Greta Van S. that Casey told him & RD all about the "Script" episode at Blanchard Park.

When LP first got involved in this Case he said...(not in these exact words)

That Casey gave Caylee to one of her friends & she can't remember who has her.

That Casey may have been involved in something illegal & she got in over her head.

That he knows who has Caylee & he's giving them 1 week to drop her off at a "Drug Store" or else he was comming after them.

Then there was LP's comment that Casey would tell him everything once she "Got her nails done" ...&..... "Had a cheese burger"

There's so much more....He just keeps going on & on & on.....

The only thing missing from LP is "The Book" ..!

But lets give that some time.....I'm sure we'll see one sooner or later

Thanks for summing that up. Boggles the mind, doesn't it? I've learned not to take what he says too seriously. I think he has good intentions, but loves the spotlight.
I am currently giving you a standing ovation.I agree 100% with everything you have said. People just dont want to believe this happens , or think if it happens then it is extremely rare and comes from an extremely dysfunctional environment.
I am really shocked that so many educated members here wont take an hour to actually research it, and instead choose to remain ignorant.
People aren't suggesting that LA could be the dad because we are trying to turn this into a soap opera- it is entirely possible.Why wouldnt KC fall into that 15%?
I also dont understand how people can accept the notion of a mother killing her child, but refuse to accept that she could have had an intimate relationship with her own brother.
Unless these things are brought out of the shadows, the abuse cycles will continue, and I refuse to be a part of that.
The denial of these people too, explains why 80% of mothers whose children were having a relationship had no idea it was happening.

I can only speak for myself...but for my part...I DO know alot about abuse...am not denying that it is a possibility in this case at all.

I think the discussion has been a well thought out one on all sides. Its just not an accusation that one makes publicly without some seriously researched and documented facts.

I find most posters here to be very careful about putting something out as a "possibility/theory"...LP is broadcasting this nationally, or strongly inferring it.

You are so right however and its tragic that this happens all over the world and is hushed up. Most families have their skeletons rattling in the closet somewhere.
I am currently giving you a standing ovation.I agree 100% with everything you have said. People just dont want to believe this happens , or think if it happens then it is extremely rare and comes from an extremely dysfunctional environment.
I am really shocked that so many educated members here wont take an hour to actually research it, and instead choose to remain ignorant.
People aren't suggesting that LA could be the dad because we are trying to turn this into a soap opera- it is entirely possible.Why wouldnt KC fall into that 15%?
I also dont understand how people can accept the notion of a mother killing her child, but refuse to accept that she could have had an intimate relationship with her own brother.
Unless these things are brought out of the shadows, the abuse cycles will continue, and I refuse to be a part of that.
The denial of these people too, explains why 80% of mothers whose children were having a relationship had no idea it was happening.

I haven't seen anything here that I would categorize as denial of molestation or the fact that incest does occur. What I see is the refutation of a theory that is not based on any fact whatsoever.

When it comes from someone who has been wrong about so many other things it is natural to question it. We couldn't call ourselves sleuths without an interest in knowing the facts, and as of now, there are none to back up this theory, as LP claims.

May facts come to light based on this theory? Perhaps. At this time we have none, and so taking LP's theory as gospel is foolish.

"I am really shocked that so many educated members here wont take an hour to actually research it, and instead choose to remain ignorant.

Research what? MtDNA? I can assure you that many of us have, and thus have arrived at the position that LP's accusation cannot at this time be proven. Now, if we had access to nuclear DNA test results, we would know. We don't, and I don't believe LP does either. The statement he made was referring to the MtDNA, not nucleic, and thus his theory is based on ignorance. If it's based on anything else, he isn't talking which would frankly be surprising with LP. He loves to talk and he would love to be correct. If he had ironclad proof he would provide it. Instead what we're seeing is him using junk science in an effort to be right. Again, maybe he is right, but the proof isn't in the MtDNA.

If you are referring to incest and molestation, I can also assure you that many members here have lived it, but it doesn't preclude logic or science.
Hello there, this is my first message, so apologies if I get it a bit wrong...

I would definitely agree with you about CA keeping quiet, especially as she and her family have a spokesperson. Surely if she wanted to dis-spell these rumors she would have gotten her mouthpiece to make a public statement, and surely LP would already be looking at a slander lawsuit?

Look forward to hearing what you all have to say...
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