Leonard Padilla and Tim Miller on Scared Monkey Radio - 10/10/08

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Thats exactly my point...they will research DNA but not statistics on sibling incest....personally I think LP should stick to talking about what he knows, and he clearly doesnt understand the DNA thing- neither do I which is why I wont say anything about it.
My point is just that the people who believe that it could be a possibility, (because it could be a possibility in ANY family, not just the Anthonys) are being shot down and accused of spreading viscious rumours.
There is speculation about many things, and all I am saying is never say never about anything.I am not yet convinced that LA is the father, but I accept that it's possible.
Clearly there is also a difference between individuals pondering the possiblity on a forum, and someone going on air which influences thousands of people who just accept his word for it.
I also think its a shame that people like LP are spending so much time on talkshows and radio instead of doing something that could actually help find Caylee.
The worst thing about it is that all of these media appearances will only serve to give JB reason to seek for a mistrial when the time comes.
I haven't posted on this thread, not because it's shocking or disturbing, and it is, but I know it's a possibility. But if this is just a viscious rumor, what could Cindy say? If it's true maybe Cindy doesn't know about Lee and Casey. I would think it would be hard NOT to know, but then again if she does know what could she say? I think if she answered either way, we'd still not know the truth. That's just what this family is really good at.
I agree about all that are spending so much time on tv talk/radio shows throwing all these theories out there, as "butwhatif" says this can actually be helping JB get Casey a mistrial.
It really bothers me too as it does everyone else here that none of the family or JB have done any physical searching that we know of...just seems they know alot more than we've been told, in which of course I can understand that.
Welcome USABound!
That's the point I was trying to make as well. Why Cindy and George who are very vocal are Mute when it comes to Leonard's claim of Lee fathering Caylee. My gut wants to say that Leonard was being naive when he made this claim but my heart wants to hear the Anthony's that this isn't true!Even their spokesman for the family hasn't spoken on this taboo subject.
Hello there, this is my first message, so apologies if I get it a bit wrong...

I would definitely agree with you about CA keeping quiet, especially as she and her family have a spokesperson. Surely if she wanted to dis-spell these rumors she would have gotten her mouthpiece to make a public statement, and surely LP would already be looking at a slander lawsuit?

Look forward to hearing what you all have to say...
Thank You Bam...
I'm just a bit confused as to why this may cause a mistrial, as it has nothing to do with the actual matter at hand? Don't mean to sound ignorant, I am not very good with all the court stuff when it gets really in depth.
I haven't seen anything here that I would categorize as denial of molestation or the fact that incest does occur. What I see is the refutation of a theory that is not based on any fact whatsoever.

When it comes from someone who has been wrong about so many other things it is natural to question it. We couldn't call ourselves sleuths without an interest in knowing the facts, and as of now, there are none to back up this theory, as LP claims.

May facts come to light based on this theory? Perhaps. At this time we have none, and so taking LP's theory as gospel is foolish.

"I am really shocked that so many educated members here wont take an hour to actually research it, and instead choose to remain ignorant.
I just went back and listened to the interview, and in this one which is SM radio, he never once mentions mtDNA.

Research what? MtDNA? I can assure you that many of us have, and thus have arrived at the position that LP's accusation cannot at this time be proven. Now, if we had access to nuclear DNA test results, we would know. We don't, and I don't believe LP does either. The statement he made was referring to the MtDNA, not nucleic, and thus his theory is based on ignorance. If it's based on anything else, he isn't talking which would frankly be surprising with LP. He loves to talk and he would love to be correct. If he had ironclad proof he would provide it. Instead what we're seeing is him using junk science in an effort to be right. Again, maybe he is right, but the proof isn't in the MtDNA.

If you are referring to incest and molestation, I can also assure you that many members here have lived it, but it doesn't preclude logic or science.
I just went back and listened to the interview, and in this one (which is SM radio) he never once mentions mtDNA.
He says lee is refusing to take the dna test because he doesnt want it to come up that he is the father of the child- thats it. now, I know that he had previously mentioned the mtdna on another show, but i was under the impression that this thread was about this particular interview.
I'm guessing by now he has been informed over and over that mtdna would not prove paternity...Fact is the man is entitled to his opinion, as we all are. he doesnt say" I have evidence that will prove that this is the case", at least not in this interview.

And it still shows that you would rather pick apart one mans statement than educate yourself on the other side of the issue which is significant.

Dunno what logic you're using, and if I'm not mistaken, psychiatry is a science is it not?(I guess even that could be up for debate)
Its not all about DNA- this stuff goes hand in hand.(which is why KC had a court ordered psychiatric evaluation)

Clearly LP needs sleep. He's not making much sense,and the only thing he is gaining by being in the media is attention at this point.
Also you should know that this theory was being discussed way before LP said anything about it.We are not all jumping on his theory.HE is not our God....we are not sheep who follow blindly.
I personally find it interesting that he keeps saying it so publicly, because it does seem so 'out there' to most people. I dont know what his motive is, maybe he's just trying to stir the A's up to get them talking again or it could be that its true ....who knows?
I do believe that he satrted out with good intentions, but that he is burnt out, and really needs a break from it, unless of course he wants to join the search party when it resumes...
ETA- in this (SM)interview he doesnt even mention mtdna.....not once.
Was the last Leonard bashing thread closed or was it merged with this one? :waitasec:

I'm surprised that so many people hate Leonard and are quick to judge him, while Casey is the one that lost her child and the probability is that she killed her.

Every possible scenario and theory that can be imagined has been thrown out by nearly every member of this board, and even recanted to regroup and re-theorize. Why is it so wrong for anyone else to try and rationalize through this case the same as we have? :confused:
I don't understand the bashing either. LP has done more to find this missing child than her own family has. IMO the more he talks about this case the better. The truth must be told what happened to Caylee and what circumstances or events lead up to her murder.
Bravo! :clap:I stand up with you as another who has first-hand knowledge of being a victim. I learned last night on WS something I never knew and wish I didn't- uncle-niece relations also fall under the category of incest.:sick::sick::sick:

What surprises me is the folks that can't feature that these things happen, sometimes right under your nose. And this is nothing new.
About 33 years ago a very close friend of mine was dating a girl that was 17 and he was her first boyfriend. They had to sneak around because her father didn't allow her to date.
We got a call one day that she had been murdered...shot in the head while she was sleeping by her father, who then turned the gun on himself. Turns out he had been molesting her for years and was furious that she had a boyfriend. Was one of the most horrible situations and the double funeral the family and friends had to attend was something I pray I will never have to witness again.
Needless to say, her mother was in shock, but I often wondered if she had any idea that this was going on.
Thats exactly my point...they will research DNA but not statistics on sibling incest....personally I think LP should stick to talking about what he knows, and he clearly doesnt understand the DNA thing- neither do I which is why I wont say anything about it.
My point is just that the people who believe that it could be a possibility, (because it could be a possibility in ANY family, not just the Anthonys) are being shot down and accused of spreading viscious rumours.
There is speculation about many things, and all I am saying is never say never about anything.I am not yet convinced that LA is the father, but I accept that it's possible.
Clearly there is also a difference between individuals pondering the possiblity on a forum, and someone going on air which influences thousands of people who just accept his word for it.
I also think its a shame that people like LP are spending so much time on talkshows and radio instead of doing something that could actually help find Caylee.
The worst thing about it is that all of these media appearances will only serve to give JB reason to seek for a mistrial when the time comes.
LP has been in the business for many years so I think there is a method to his madness, and in the end, it's all an effort to find Caylee.
By bonding her out, he got his people inside the A camp, has had access to info that we are not privey to, and direct contact and conversations with all parties involved.
Within a week he was faced with the reality that Caylee was dead, then stepped out of Casey's fantacy land. Alot of what he has said publicy was to debunk alot of the lies that have been told by the A's that serve no purpose to bring this child back home.
Yes he has spun different theories, but I think that happens in the course of many investigations. As the facts come in, the pieces of the puzzle form a clearer picture, which we will see at the murder trial.
I don't understand the bashing either. LP has done more to find this missing child than her own family has. IMO the more he talks about this case the better. The truth must be told what happened to Caylee and what circumstances or events lead up to her murder.

I do believe LP has done more to help find Caylee than the Anthony family has done, but the bottom line for me is, this case shouldn't be about destroying a family. It shouldn't be about tossing out every family secret, and I'm not sold that this is a family secret based on what LP has stated. It shouldn't be about ridiculing this family and trying to humiliate them at every opportunity.

All you people (and that's a generic sense of the words you people, not anyone in particular), are managing to do is toss some sympathy their way (Anthony's).

This case should be about finding Caylee; wherever she may be, and bringing those responsible for her death (and I believe she is dead), to justice, PERIOD.

I don't like LP. He's classless, IMO. Why he'd want to totally humiliate this family is beyond my comprehension. Remember, 2 years ago, he stepped up to the plate to provide housing for a pedophile who had nowhere else to go. Who here would EVER step up to the plate to help a convicted pedophile? I know I sure as heck wouldn't.

It's my hope that LP is way off base and that when all is said and done (and Casey is convicted) that the Anthony family files a suit against LP. IMO, he's way out of line on this issue. The implications are devastating to this family. That's not justice.

EDIT: and don't kid yourself, LP has his own motivations for getting himself involved in this case. I am always weary of anyone who tries to interject themselves into such a case. Aside from maybe EquuSearch (and they have a valid reason for being there), most of the other cast of characters just happen to be wrapped up on this due to circumstance. Not LP though.
I respect and understand your feelings on this, agree with alot of it too Nancy.
But I just can't get past the fact that he has talked about the possibilty so many times, without anyone desputing it or filing any suits. (I do believe that they all have representation now)
I guess time will tell. Regardless, I pray that Tim finds this little angel soon.
LP has been in the business for many years so I think there is a method to his madness, and in the end, it's all an effort to find Caylee.
By bonding her out, he got his people inside the A camp, has had access to info that we are not privey to, and direct contact and conversations with all parties involved.
Within a week he was faced with the reality that Caylee was dead, then stepped out of Casey's fantacy land. Alot of what he has said publicy was to debunk alot of the lies that have been told by the A's that serve no purpose to bring this child back home.
Yes he has spun different theories, but I think that happens in the course of many investigations. As the facts come in, the pieces of the puzzle form a clearer picture, which we will see at the murder trial.

AMEN!! People stop pounding on LP! You don't know what he knows! He had access to the phone records and other information long before we did! He did receive some information from LE, we all know that. He can't talk about it all. If he has a "theory" he says "I have a theory"...I don't believe he is making anything up.

And for the hundredth time, YOU CAN TELL CRIMINAL PARENTAGE USING ONLY MITOCHONDRIAL DNA!!. Criminal parentage is incest. There are multiple markers in common between mom and child that can prove that another blood relative is the father. They don't need George and Lee's DNA both to prove who, only one of them. They eliminate one, the other has to be the father of Caylee...

Not saying they actually did this parentage testing using gparents dna, but it is available and widely used. We will know soon enough. so far, nothing LP has said has been proven true, but it also hasn't been proven false - so leave it already - YEESH!
I respect and understand your feelings on this, agree with alot of it too Nancy.
But I just can't get past the fact that he has talked about the possibilty so many times, without anyone desputing it or filing any suits. (I do believe that they all have representation now)
I guess time will tell. Regardless, I pray that Tim finds this little angel soon.

I don't necessarily believe that it's true, but so what if it is? What business is it of LP's? Why in the God's creation would he think it's appropriate to go on national TV and talk radio and share this view with the rest of the world? What's his motivation? Why is he trying to humiliate them? Humiliating someone is not justice.

Now, if the Anthony family had harmed a loved one of LP's, I could understand the anger, rage, and hatred, and I would understand the need and want for revenge. But, LP injected himself into this case. It's my belief he initially bailed Casey out because he thought he was going to be the big hero. He wants that status. He offered 50 grand for anyone leading HIM to Caylee's remains. HE had to be the go between so HE could get his due.

IMO, his motivation isn't justice. He's in this for LP and all the glory he can glean from it. In a nutshell, he's classless.

That's not saying I side with the Anthony family, because I most definitely do not. I want Casey to pay for what she's done. If LE decides to charge the rest of the family and feel they can prove the charge in a court of law, I'll back that as well. I want justice, not vengeance.
I don't necessarily believe that it's true, but so what if it is? What business is it of LP's? Why in the God's creation would he think it's appropriate to go on national TV and talk radio and share this view with the rest of the world? What's his motivation? Why is he trying to humiliate them? Humiliating someone is not justice.

Now, if the Anthony family had harmed a loved one of LP's, I could understand the anger, rage, and hatred, and I would understand the need and want for revenge. But, LP injected himself into this case. It's my belief he initially bailed Casey out because he thought he was going to be the big hero. He wants that status. He offered 50 grand for anyone leading HIM to Caylee's remains. HE had to be the go between so HE could get his due.

IMO, his motivation isn't justice. He's in this for LP and all the glory he can glean from it. In a nutshell, he's classless.

That's not saying I side with the Anthony family, because I most definitely do not. I want Casey to pay for what she's done. If LE decides to charge the rest of the family and feel they can prove the charge in a court of law, I'll back that as well. I want justice, not vengeance.

Humiliate these people? Maybe there is fact to what he says - maybe they should have thought about personal humiliation a LONG time ago before they (CA & KC) started lying, covering, stealing, whatever! At the wedding "Casey's not pregnant, she's gained weight", "It wasn't a dead body, it was pizza rotting", "it was a squirrel", on and on and on. They humiliate THEMSELVES...and they deserve it. If they had waked up a while ago and swallowed their pride, Caylee might still be at home!

so far, nothing LP has said has been proven true, but it also hasn't been proven false - so leave it already - YEESH!

Oh, is that so? So, you're saying after Casey got her manicure she spilled the beans to LP?

Hell, 2 weeks ago he dropped the 50 grand reward money that would lead HIM to Caylee's remains, because, he said she was in the landfill and no one could find the remains. This week, he's saying, Tim Miller will find the remains just north of the airport. I guess this isn't technically saying what he said is untrue, he just changes it up whenever the whim hits.

If I actually wanted to take the time to go back thru various things he'd said, I have no doubt I could state at minimal, 10 times where he has indeed got it wrong.

Oh, and we don't have to leave it already. He, by his own free will, placed himself smack dab in the center of all this. Thus, he's open to criticism.
Humiliate these people? Maybe there is fact to what he says - maybe they should have thought about personal humiliation a LONG time ago before they (CA & KC) started lying, covering, stealing, whatever! At the wedding "Casey's not pregnant, she's gained weight", "It wasn't a dead body, it was pizza rotting", "it was a squirrel", on and on and on. They humiliate THEMSELVES...and they deserve it. If they had waked up a while ago and swallowed their pride, Caylee might still be at home!

And, if LE wants to charge them with trying to hamper this investigation, so be it. The issues are not comparable. LP better hope he's right, too, because he'll have everything he owns on the line.

EDIT: and I can assure you, if someone attacked my family with an untrue statement like this (if it's not true), I'd let them keep on talking so that it would be easier for me to build my case against them. I would then attempt to sue them for everything they're worth. Can you imagine how humiliated you'd be if the world thought your children belonged to your brother? You couldn't even go to the grocery store without being ridiculed. You couldn't move either, because the entire would know.

The sad thing is, I don't even like the Anthony's, but wrong is wrong.
This idea about Cindy holding the baby before KC just makes no sense to me. Why would one be resentful over that, and I mean after awhile wouldn't you just forget about it. So KC not holding Caylee right away brought her down this horrible path. You are so right there are many reasons a mother doesn't get to hold her baby first, I have 2 girls and didn't get to hold either one right away and frankly never thought anything of this until the discussion with Cindy and KC.

Same here. I don't know WHO held my baby first besides the dr and the nurses, it's possibly my mom or my ex held him first, I just remember they took him away to the warmer and to weigh or whatever, after ex cut the cord. I got him all wrapped up in a blanket and clean, after the dr finished doing what he needed to do to finish up with me.

IF KC wanted to give the baby up for adoption and IF the other indications are true that she didn't put being a mother as #1 and IF she puts herself first, always, then i have trouble believing that she would get upset that her mom held the baby first. That sounds like the action of a woman that is all about being a mom and bonding and all that. I think KC would have been far more concerned about HERSELF at that moment, and why no one was paying attention to her. jmho tho
Same here. I don't know WHO held my baby first besides the dr and the nurses, it's possibly my mom or my ex held him first, I just remember they took him away to the warmer and to weigh or whatever, after ex cut the cord. I got him all wrapped up in a blanket and clean, after the dr finished doing what he needed to do to finish up with me.

IF KC wanted to give the baby up for adoption and IF the other indications are true that she didn't put being a mother as #1 and IF she puts herself first, always, then i have trouble believing that she would get upset that her mom held the baby first. That sounds like the action of a woman that is all about being a mom and bonding and all that. I think KC would have been far more concerned about HERSELF at that moment, and why no one was paying attention to her. jmho tho

I think that incident signifies to KC the beginning of the power struggle she'd have with Cindy over Caylee. Who was the real mother-figure to Caylee, KC or Cindy? I think it was definitely Cindy, and as much as KC didn't want to be in the mother role, she didn't want Cindy "taking" it from her, either.
Why do so many people feel this way? I went to a couple chat rooms and if you even mentioned incest on this case, they threaten to ban you, they refuse to even discuss it. Yes it is sick and disgusting, but it happens all the time, and people need to get their heads out of the sand.

This happened between 1st cousins of my friend's family. I saw it coming for months (the two teens (18 and 19) were living together (with the boy's mom) and sharing a room and a bed (!!)). Heck, even my 7 yo has seen them all huggy smoochy. But the mom (and aunt of the other), was totally clueless. IMO, you don't have two teens of opposite sex sharing a bed, ever. But she was oblivious until the hickies showed up. :waitasec:

The family is religious, and I guess Biblically this is forbidden (?), and the gparents and other relatives FREAKED out at first, but sure enough, after a few weeks, the kids were allowed back to hang out with everyone all the time, even though they admitted they were in love and having sex. The family now just ignores the scandal of it all and pretends it's all normal.

I don't even know what to make of it.
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