Leonard Padilla and Tim Miller on Scared Monkey Radio - 10/10/08

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I know, it would be so damaging. I dont even want to go there. But in another thread I mentioned something.......and I'll repeat it here!!

All the more reason that makes is "conveinent" for Casey to dispose of her daughter. I know that sounds harsh to belief, but for this girl as disconnected from her lies & her illegal activities- she has no remourse for anything she's done....

if this is true. If it is not, shame on LP for repeatedly saying it. It isnt right or moral to say it, if its not true. He said many times that the body may have been in the dumpster @ Amscot. Now this thing claiming LA is the bio father.........why isnt someone telling him to stop saying it? You'd think JB or MN would be all over the media screaming about this. But so far, no one has publicly told him to cease his comments.

The fact that NO ONE has told him to stop makes me believe it may be true.
Blink, I have seen LP w/o his hat, he has beautiful hair. He was on IIRC NG a few months ago, fill in host even asked him "where's the hat". He is a personal favorite, let me add, how much I appreciate and look forward to reading your posts. I TY for all your expertise and time.

thank you so much, I missed NG, now I have to find out if not having his hat on is a "coded message"..LOL. LP is a great guy, and he is committed to finding answers for Caylee, I respect that and him and his team!

Truly, these same people that left Orlando are still dedicating the bulk of their time working on this case; I learned my lesson about jumping to conclusions from them. I am trying to get them to focus a portion of their work on MP cases going forward, I hope I am successful.
IF LA is Caylee's father, I'm afraid the defense will use this in their favor. I have never thought KC was anything other than a cold blooded killer and "spiteful beeotch", as she so adequately described herself, but if this is the case, it sends my brain down a new path.

Even though I still think of her this way, I am now thinking to myself, if KC is a victim of incest, and if it was forced, the defense might indeed try and use the post traumatic distress. Studies have shown many incest victims are prone to promiscuity, prostitution, and a lot of other illegal and immoral habits.

IF it is shown LA is the father, and IF it was forced. I'm not saying it's an excuse for killing the baby, but Im saying Jose will use this to try and save KC's butt from the death penalty.
thank you so much, I missed NG, now I have to find out if not having his hat on is a "coded message"..LOL. LP is a great guy, and he is committed to finding answers for Caylee, I respect that and him and his team!

Truly, these same people that left Orlando are still dedicating the bulk of their time working on this case; I learned my lesson about jumping to conclusions from them. I am trying to get them to focus a portion of their work on MP cases going forward, I hope I am successful.

I just admire your dedication on MP cases.:clap::clap::clap::clap:
I am skeptical about the notion of Lee being Caylee's father but I leave the possibility open because Casey is so obviously screaming, flaming, disturbed.

What if Lee did not know he was the father? What if he had a fear he could be but Casey assured him he was not. This is something Casey would love, always having something tucked away to threaten Lee with in future, when necessary.

So maybe now it's necessary. Maybe she recently told Lee he was the father, (whether he is or not). As long as they had one incestuous encounter within a viable time window, Casey could now scare the stuffings out of Lee.

Still, it's all a stretch. But you have to think even LP is smart enough to be wary of slander suits.
Lol, you are always too smart for me, Mac. Yes, it is about the hats, for now... If I am right, we will all get to see his lovely mane... Think about it, has anyone seen him without it?

I am countin' on being right, or I am gonna be sportin my 'ole cowboy lid -
for quite a while:blowkiss:

Yes, I have. The day they got Casey out of jail when it was raining, his hat had got wet, so he wasn't wearing it when he was on NG. He has a nice, full head of hair, slightly gray, and a tad wavy in front. Pretty nice-looking guy for his age.
With KCs history of multiple "partners", I honestly don't see how she would even know who fathered Caylee!
He didn't wear his hat during his appearance on the Dr. Phil show. He said he wasn't allowed to. I can't remember what interview he was in when he was talking about it. He said they picked out his clothes and even tried to put makeup on him and he wouldn't allow the makeup.

Yes, Don't see LP as a makeup wearin' Cowboy.
Well apparently he and blink have a bet going, and he does not seem the type to make a bet that he thinks he is going to lose-look how fast he jerked that bond money back when he realized little miss priss was not going to tell him where the baby was and when he realized that the evidence was saying something far different than the MOUTH...maybe blink could ask him...:)

The bond was revoked when she was rearrested and went back to jail... not because she wouldn't talk. And it was Tony P. who put up the bond, not LP. LP lost his initial $50,000.
So is he saying that Tony helped? Tony says in his interview that Casey left in the morning of the 27th and said she would be back. But that he got a call to come get her because she was out of gas.

If we are to believe LP's theory, how did she leave unless Tony drove her?

I don't buy it.

It makes more sense that the Amscot employee simply got the day or time wrong. She saw the car on the 28th at 7am. But not on the 27th as she said in her interview.

I thought I heard somewhere that the Amscott was close enough that KC could jog the distance, and that she, in fact, was seen jogging in the area at that time.
I have third cousins married, there are some states that allow 2nd, and IIRC a few that allow first cousins to marry. I don't necessarily agree, and am on the fence as far as Caylee's bio dad, but it would not be the first time. there are quite a few females that have had their fathers children.

Third cousins or even 2nd cousins are not that closely tied, genetically, because of the other parent of one or the other. First cousins are a little closer, but brother and sister, who share the same parents... that's about as close as you can get.
This issue of Lee being Caylee's father is the ONLY theory I do not agree with LP on, and I know he's been tossing this around for quite awhile. I also remember LP saying that he and Lee talked quite a bit, even after he went back to CA, so maybe something he said got him thinking that way. I would be astounded if this turned out to be true. I know some here think George was the father... and that's equally as astounding to me.
Rick says that George is the biological father of both Lee and Casey, I do remember that from when he posted on another forum.
I still think someone needs to talk to LP about Mitochondrial DNA to make certain he is not mistaking the results there as being from LA.

Then again, I guess you never know what depravity happens behind closed doors. I can't see LP making these statements repeatedly without something either. I just hope he isn't confused on the issue. I don't doubt he believes it is true.
Several weeks back when the hair strands from the trunk were being discussed, LP posed the question about the DNA resulting from a union with CaA and LA.
Another statement was info that would "shock the world."
Then JB metioned "compelling reason."
At this point, nothing would surprise me.
Disgust and revolt, yes, but not surprise.
I am praying justice is swift for this sick bunch. The whole lot of them.
Third cousins or even 2nd cousins are not that closely tied, genetically, because of the other parent of one or the other. First cousins are a little closer, but brother and sister, who share the same parents... that's about as close as you can get.
This issue of Lee being Caylee's father is the ONLY theory I do not agree with LP on, and I know he's been tossing this around for quite awhile. I also remember LP saying that he and Lee talked quite a bit, even after he went back to CA, so maybe something he said got him thinking that way. I would be astounded if this turned out to be true. I know some here think George was the father... and that's equally as astounding to me.
Rick says that George is the biological father of both Lee and Casey, I do remember that from when he posted on another forum.

okay maybe I'm crazy, but didn't Rick (CA's brother) mention something about Cindy having another child? Maybe it is not LA's but someone else in the family is the father but LP assumes it is LA's b/c he is the logical choice.
I'm older but not this old: I remember my mother talking about "cliffhanger" movies - they end the movie when something bad is about to happen to someone and then next week the movie takes up where it left off the week before and the person is saved. Well this is the twilight zone version and it's not weekly, it's daily.
So what's happening tomorrow?

Those movies were called 'serials' just like our modern day soap operas (daytime serials) and primetime serials like Dallas, Falcon Crest, Dynasty, plus some newer ones that I don't watch.

I agree, this saga is "edge of your seat" tension building. Too bad it all centers around a missing child, and the Anthonys have the starring roles. :crazy:
The fact that NO ONE has told him to stop makes me believe it may be true.

The claim is outrageous and it could be one of those, "I won't even dignify that remark with a response" type of things. :confused:

I would be interested to know why LP makes this claim. What does he know?
I know this might be out there, but does anyone remember a interview that the person said Caylee was kinda of a flirt?

I can't remember if it was Tony's roommate or Amy. Just thinking of a 2 year old flirting throws a red flag to me.
anyone remember this interview I don't know where to search but I know I read it..
I'm not a big believer in the "Lee is dad of Caylee" theory, however as this case has gone on I've thought of a few things. It seems to me that around the time Casey got pregnant, the whole family sort of exploded. Mom and Dad both filed for divorce. Dad moved to Ft. Meyers to live with his parents. Lee moved out for his job - but really soon was living a few blocks from Mom and Casey.

Casey and Cindy had the house to themselves for some time there, right? Apparently the Mother-Daughter bonding didn't go so well because Casey was angry that Cindy got to hold the baby first (still is angry about that...)

I read here on WS (but can't remember where) that before this latest family crisis, Lee wouldn't stay in the Anthony house if his Dad was there - would only visit Cindy and Casey but would leave if George arrived.

Now, I'm a skeptic but, if Casey didn't tell anyone about that pregnancy until her seventh or eighth month, she was not happy about it and I believe had no intention of keeping the baby. Maybe thinking she would toss it in a dumpster right after birth.(?) She was found out an in a very short time the family just disintegrated. Perhaps it was revealed that Lee was the dad and George couldn't take it so he left and Lee was in big trouble so he left.

That left Cindy and Casey with a couple of months to hastily throw together a nursery for the baby, etc. in the house by themselves. After a little while, money was tight and George came back to help out but became very distant, working the evening shift so he wasn't around much and Lee kept a low profile - avoiding his dad.

I can see the dynamics fitting a family that just discovered incest going on. Lee was eager to prove himself as a family supporter when Caylee went missing, but as soon as it looked like murder, he vanished again, because no one wanted to disclose this family secret.

Man, this is just too big for me to understand on an emotional level. My heart hurts in so many directions and I feel disgusted, sad, angry, horrified and compassionate all in the same breath. I'm afraid we're all going to need professional help when this case is finally concluded.

Sorry for this mind dump - I just wanted to see if it makes sense to anyone else and if there are other oddities I've left out, relevant to the timing of Caylee's conception or birth, please add.

I hope LP is right. I like him a lot and I believe his heart is in this. If he's right, it would also go to motive for Casey getting rid of Caylee whch would help prosecution.
Several weeks back when the hair strands from the trunk were being discussed, LP posed the question about the DNA resulting from a union with CaA and LA.
Another statement was info that would "shock the world."
Then JB metioned "compelling reason."
At this point, nothing would surprise me.
Disgust and revolt, yes, but not surprise.
I am praying justice is swift for this sick bunch. The whole lot of them.

Hmmmm. Maybe ZG was actually LA. Could Lee have been keeping Caylee and when Casey went to pick her up, Lee told her there had been an accident and to keep her mouth shut, "or else?"

Naaahh. That would be too crazy, even for this family.
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