Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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Does Kio's mom live on Hopespring Dr? I can't seem to remember.
The only way this will come into play is if they connect the dots to lead to someone in the Anthony family knew where Caylee was otherwise I don't think this will come into play. I don't think the jurors will even get to hear this.

Could it be coincidence of the names? Or was it researched?

This only brings out more questions than answers and throws another wrench into this mix.
I hear ya. :waitasec:
This came from the OCSO public records dump of 11/26/08 (.PDF Part 01 wesh.com copies):

Page 2287-2287: Photos: Evidence Wall Board contents of garbage bag

Page 2316-2317: TL's 09/08/08 Interview RECAP

- Inside garbage bag was a receipt from Fusian Ultra Lounge dated 05/24/08 01:50am belonging to TL's roommate.
- TL's roommate also recognized other items in the garbage bag as coming from TL's apartment including the bag.
- TL's roommate couldn't explain why the garbage bag from TL's apartment would be in Casey's car trunk.
- 06/23/2008 TL said Casey called him that she ran out of gas in a subdivision near her parents home.
- 06/23/2008 TL found Casey walking south on Chickasaw Trail, from there he drove her to the Anthony home.
- 06/23/2008 TL broke lock on the Anthony's shed with tire iron for Casey to get gas cans.
- 06/23/2008 TL did not smell any strange odor coming from Casey's car while standing outside the vehicle.

Hope this helps :)


Thanks for the info. I just went back and read it and this is what I see
TL said there was a receipt that was dated 5/24 from Fusion. He said he recognized several items of garbage in the bag and believe the bag was PROBABLY from his apartment. It states that TL couldn't explain why the garbage bag would be in the trunk of her car, especially since at the time the car was abandoned, KC claimed she was enroute from her parents home on Hopespring dr.
Now here's my problem: He only recognized several items of garbage in the white trash bag including the receipt dated 5/24. What else was in that bag? KC is known to take things from her parents home like the food (for her to eat at TL's apartment) she had when he picked her up from Amscot. She could've taken things from his home as well (which were the items he recognized as being from his apartment). As far as the pizza box in the trunk, I think that perhaps there were several slices left and she took the pizza with her to eat at a later time, which is why he recognized the pizza box. Does anyone know when it was that they ordered pizza?
KC claimed to have been coming from home when the car was abandoned at Amscot on 6/27. If this bag was also in the car when the body was supposedly placed there, why not get rid of this bag too? I just don't think that the white trash bag in her trunk came from TL's apartment. He said it PROBABLY came from his apartment and I think that is only because he recognized items inside the bag as coming from his apartment. Now that we know there were white trash bags found at this abandoned home on Branckenwood, I think that this is where the white bags came from. And KC used these bags to bag up her trash, maybe that was left in the car or at this house on Brackenwood. I also think that she used one of these bags to place Caylee in first. Because the bags were cheap and generic, it may have ripped open in the trunk, which is why she needed to put her in a second bag. I think this occurred on one of those days that she was seen backing her car into the garage. I think Caylee may have been killed at this house or maybe kept there for a small amount of time after death. As far as the cadaver dogs hitting in the backyard at the A's I think that was due to her using a vacuum of sort to clean the stain of decomp in the trunk and afterwards dumping it in the backyard.
I've been thinking about this for awhile now, so can anyone help me with this theory. I know it may not be accurate but I am just curious.
I'm not one to usually toot my own horn, but I think at this point I should get a "Scooby Doo Award" or something.

1. Yes, it is a box of trash bags. Wal-Mart brand, tall kitchen, white 30 ct. with twist ties.

2. It is neither a blue tarp nor an air mattress. It is a pile of clothes which includes jeans and some shirts.

3. The truck says: Ponce Waste Service, Inc. 407-*advertiser censored*-XXXX

4. There is no couch. There is, however, a piano.

5. There is a Maxim magazine on the side table. There is also a large notebook.

6. The large black "box" is in fact a vending machine.

7. The house does not appear to be currently investigated by LE. I can't speak to whether or not it has been searched in the past, but right now there is no crime tape, no indication of LE activity, nothing noticeable at all about the house. The average person would not give this house a second glance if they were to drive by it.

8. It does not APPEAR to have been searched previously in respect to fingerprints on windows, doors, etc. There is no fingerprint powder visible and the windows are covered in a lot of grime and dirt from the elements. I'm not saying it hasn't been searched (I have to believe that it has), but I saw no evidence of it.

9. The gate to the backyard is WIDE open. The backyard is clearly visible from the street.

10. The house does not appear to be in use by squatters or anything like that. It looks like an abandoned house that was left in disarray with lots of junk in it.

Questions? Thoughts? Observations?

Toot away you deserve it for sure.

Interesting the truck had Ponce on it - forgive me still mostly lurking if this has been mentioned. On people finders Ponce, PR is listed as to an area they lived in once.

I am stuck on the p/w's and their correlation here:

I don't know if there is any or not - this may have already been discussed and I not being here often have not seen it.

Did the Google earth deal
driving time from house on Brackenwood to where Caylee was .7 mi 2 min
Walking distance (best I could do) approx 699ft the dang path line would not bend lol

Add all the numbers in the p/w's you get = 523
We have Rico - Timer - Cays ..... could this be the number of steps it took her to walk the shortest way from the Gonzalez house to Caylee OR it took 55 secs to walk/jog/# of steps - to where Caylee was from the Gonzalez house. She was in track...right? Hop that chain link fence in the back of the G house and jog across the grass across the street to where Caylee was.

Thank you again - don't know if this house is in the actual plan or a diversion....but hope it is checked by LE. And forgive me jumping in the middle of the discussion but this is bugging me.

1) Blue thing on the floor is like a stackable desk organizer...turned upside down. Item on left is either a greeting card, or a CD. Item on the right looks like a stack of memo pads.

2) Framed in by the legs of the table, but, behind it, is a stick-horse toy w/ oversized head....maybe a zebra...facing toward the floor w/ nose to the right and ears/mane to the left. It's left eye is visible.

3) Next to and on the floor-side of the horse/zebra's face is a doll. The doll's head is to the left and facing toward the camera. Its appears to be wearing a short dress or shorts with the legs extending to the right. Doll is similar in scale to 'mama', IMHO, for reference only.

I do not see any of these things. I think the most obvious object (besides the table) is the blue box, and I too think it's a box of trash bags. I definately don't see it as a stackable desk organizer.

There's a lot of reflection from outside on the glass doors that can be very misleading.
It was trash from TonE's apartment, and a credit card receipt that belonged to his roommate was in there. I think this is where the empty pizza box originated as well. Sorry, I don't have a link.

My guess is the CC receipt was going to be used later. She saw it and rather than just taking the receipt, she acted like she was going to take out the garbage as she went out.
I do not see any of these things. I think the most obvious object (besides the table) is the blue box, and I too think it's a box of trash bags. I definately don't see it as a stackable desk organizer.

There's a lot of reflection from outside on the glass doors that can be very misleading.

Did you see my post today? I posted what the items actually are. Unfortunately, no zebras.:)
Did you see pg 12 4th pic at the top is the 16 acres guy? Not that it has anything to do with anything:bang: lol. We did kinda already link him to Lake Vaj didnt we?

Thinking out loud I guess.....:rolleyes:

If you go to the St. Patty party there are a lot of pictures of him and I guess KC missed the LakeVaj party for Halloween. LOL

1) Blue thing on the floor is like a stackable desk organizer...turned upside down. Item on left is either a greeting card, or a CD. Item on the right looks like a stack of memo pads.

2) Framed in by the legs of the table, but, behind it, is a stick-horse toy w/ oversized head....maybe a zebra...facing toward the floor w/ nose to the right and ears/mane to the left. It's left eye is visible.

3) Next to and on the floor-side of the horse/zebra's face is a doll. The doll's head is to the left and facing toward the camera. Its appears to be wearing a short dress or shorts with the legs extending to the right. Doll is similar in scale to 'mama', IMHO, for reference only.

Does anyone remember pictures of KC attending a party in a home where Amy was standing off to the right, Lauren (dark haired) and KC were all by a kitchen table? There was food on the table - a little hostessing had taken place (versus the no food lake vaj parties). Does anyone recall/remember? I'm wondering if the table here is the same as the table that was in that pic? I've searched and I cannot find the picture.
Wow.. using a laptop there? Must be different from around here because when people abandon a house here they don't continue to pay for electricity, gas, or water service, and even if a realtor or a bank has arranged to keep that on to try to sell the home...they sure don't maintain their internet service! This house did not seem like one that would look attractive to ANYONE to sneak into, and it would be very difficult to do anything like that on a regular basis when the neighbors KNEW it was abandoned!

Re: using a laptop there, IF the Anthony home had a wireless internet connection, and IF Casey's laptop could still read/see the wireless signal coming from the Anthony home, then she could be on the laptop for at least as long as her computer's battery lasted...and even then, one can buy a flashdrive (more power) for a couple more bucks.
This picture makes me so uncomfortable. I pulled it up on the TV so I could see it larger than life, and the things that jumped out at me quite frankly made me physically ill. The problem is, I know it is all in my head. I showed it to my SO (or as I like to call him, the man I allow to share the same air space) and tried to explain. I said "ALL I SEE ARE FACES!!!!!" I know they're not there. I know it's that brain phenomenon. I read the thread about "did you see this in the crime scene? Is that a book? Is that a skull? Is that a stroller???" I can't see any of them, except the book. I maybe think I saw the picture next to the book. However, THIS picture, exposed like it is, well.........Let's just say I had to not be alone in the room anymore. Someone else said "There's a creepy feeling about this house." Lemme tell ya.......

I cannot look at it anymore. There is something bad there.

I agree. There is something very evil about that house.
Re: using a laptop there, IF the Anthony home had a wireless internet connection, and IF Casey's laptop could still read/see the wireless signal coming from the Anthony home, then she could be on the laptop for at least as long as her computer's battery lasted...and even then, one can buy a flashdrive (more power) for a couple more bucks.

That was at the Oviado house and the pictures are in the thread.:)
You all are on page 50, too far to keep digging through and searching, but is the report from Kathy B saying "they" found the house in the video and it was a defense ploy show up anywhere here?

I just watched it on You Tube.


I realize it is a little thing but it goes to credibility. To stand there and say we have an exclusive that we uncovered rankles me after the all the sleuthing that went on here to find it!!
Is it possible that the PI Casey did have a tip.......something that KC told someone.......that the baby was behind the Gonzales house.

Since the house on the corner of Hopespring and Suburban Drive is owned by a Gonzales person and the house on Brackenwood where he was digging is also owned by a Gonzalez person, could he have been checking out both places?????

In the video I saw it looked like he was digging around at the Brackenwood house and also when he was coming out of the woods it looked very like the crime scene area on Suburban.

Any thoughts??

I noticed in one of the pictures that were taken by one of our wonderful sleuthers that there is water behind that "G" house. It is a canal? Could it be that Casey dumped Caylee there and that is how it ended up on the other side of Suburban? Just a thought. I would like to know if that is a ditch back there and if so where would it lead.
You all are on page 50, too far to keep digging through and searching, but is the report from Kathy B saying "they" found the house in the video and it was a defense ploy show up anywhere here?

I just watched it on You Tube.


I realize it is a little thing but it goes to credibility. To stand there and say we have an exclusive that we uncovered rankles me after the all the sleuthing that went on here to find it!!
That really P*ssed me off too after all our hard work on this thread!
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