Lies point us to the truth

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I was talking about BR and what he saw in the basement. After all, that was the story he told less then 2 weeks after the murder to the good doctor. In the basement, took out a knife, hit her over the head. Not worried, just getting on with my life. I didn’t understand how the bedroom doors came into topic.

As for PR dropping hints ... Are you by chance in the process of writing a book?

As for the type of case it is, I would say 1 and 2. I question number 3 unless it was PR.

Rain on my Parade,
I was talking about BR and what he saw in the basement. After all, that was the story he told less then 2 weeks after the murder to the good doctor. In the basement, took out a knife, hit her over the head. Not worried, just getting on with my life. I didn’t understand how
the bedroom doors came into topic.

Burke Ramsey 1998 Interview with Detective Dan Schuler, Excerpt
DS You know it’s been a long painful process for you, up to now, hasn’t it, with your mom and dad?

BR (Burke Ramsey): Probably.


DS: Why do you think you’re here?

BR: You wanna find out… who killed my sister.

DS: Christmas Eve. Let's talk about Christmas Eve. Okay, you talked about how excited you were, right? And that you tried to stay awake?

BR: Yeah, I think I might have tried to go to sleep one of the Christmases.

DS: Okay. Um, do you remember what JonBenet was doing that night - was she pretty excited?

BR: Yeah, I think she actually slept in my room. So that I would wake her up when I woke up, 'cause I would always wake up before her.

DS: When did you wake up the first time?

BR: Um, 5:00. 'Cause it was Christmas.

DS: And what did you do, did you wake JonBenet up?
So JonBenet slept in Burke's bedroom on Christmas Eve.

National Enquirer - Excerpt
The boy's outburst came as Dr. Suzanne Bernhard, a specialist in child psychology, gently probed to find out whether he knew about the brutal killing of the 6-year-old beauty queen.

"The doctor asked him what he thought had happened to his sister - and Burke became irritated for the first time during the interview," an insider revealed to the ENQUIRER.

"Then he blurted out, 'I know what happened. She was killed. Someone took her quietly and took her down in the the basement...took a knife out...hit her on the head."

Cops were stunned, a source close to the case told The Enquirer.

"They're particularly intrigued by Burke's mention of a knife at that early stage of the investigation."

"In the basement where JonBenét was battered and strangled to death, police found a Swiss Army knife, which her father John Ramsey had bought as a present for Burke during a trip to Switzerland.

"But John didn't mention seeing the knife when he found JonBenét's body. And the first time it was publicly reported was nine months later when the police search warrants were released."

Bonita Papers on Burke Ramsey's Interview with Dr. Suzanne Bernard,Excerpt
Dr. Bernhard asked what he thought happened to his sister. Burke, showing the first signs of irritation during the interview, responded, "I know what happened, she was killed.” Burke's explanation to the doctor was “someone took her quietly and took her down in the basement took a knife out or hit her on the head." He said that the only thing he asked his dad was "where did you find her body", a highly unusual query from a child considering the possible questions a child might ask about the death of a sibling.
Yeah, reminds me of What did you find.

As Kolar remarks BR does not mention JonBenet being strangled and that the head injury was first mentioned publicly by Daily Camera Jan 1997, so was Burke an avid newspaper reader, I doubt it.

Burke tells us he was asleep all night and never heard anything unusual. His parents say they did not discuss the case with him, and he was whisked away to the Fernie's house early that morning.

So how can Burke realistically claim to know what happened?

Burke Ramsey could not have seen JonBenet in the basement as her staged appearance is that of a strangled homicide victim, Burke claims she had a head injury.

Yet JonBenet's head injury was invisible until Coroner Meyer peeled back JonBenet's scalp, during the autopsy, to reveal an extensive fracture.

So did he walk into her bedroom when Patsy or John was staging JonBenet on her bed? Well probably not as the bedroom doors had internal snib locks.

Even if he did interrupt the staging, how would he know JonBenet died as the result of being whacked on the head, even the Coroner did not anticipate it!

Which surely must mean Burke Ramsey does know JonBenet had sustained Blunt Force Trauma, why, because he landed the blow?

Anyone familiar with neurology and Availability Bias, usually means if you see something associated with an object, say a large number, e.g. 90% and someone asks you a question about the object then you will use the 90% figure as a clue in your answer.

Similar principle arises when you might think about a sequence of events, e.g. a homicide, you tend to remember the last event, same with taking an action the action you take is the one upper most in your mind or presently available?

This is what I think took place with Burke Ramsey during the Dr. Bernhard interview, he remembers the last thing he did?

All speculation of course, so Lin Wood knows not to litigate as its hypothetical theory.

As for PR dropping hints ... Are you by chance in the process of writing a book?
A book might be beyond my abilities. What could be said that has not already been in print, have you seen the size of the major JonBenet sites?

I've had emails from journalists posing similar questions, along with an invite to a private anonymous whatsapp JonBenet forum. I declined that one, its sounded too creepy.

MO, for what its worth, is that a book, ebook, or podcast is not quite the right medium in todays networked world for publishing a crime-case, something alike a web-app which would allow the user to navigate easily through all the lines of investigation, evidence and images, i.e. be interactive, whilst still being able to read it as a linear ebook seems more appropriate?

As for the type of case it is, I would say 1 and 2. I question number 3 unless it was PR
I agree with you on 3. as they would have rushed JonBenet straight to hospital, i.e. accidental death can be ruled out.

On 2. this is similar to 3. with urine added, so while not impossible, it appears improbable.

1. Is where I usually end up. Add in the forensic evidence relating to JonBenet's internal injuries and it becomes difficult not to see the case any other way?

Kolar's footnote about the unindicted minor does bias me towards BDI, but I'm aware JDI is also a possibilty given JR's unconsummated relationship with Patsy, according to LHP?

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I’ve read all the books (except DOI, though I’ve read excerpts that tell me that was a good decision), and have actually been following this case from the day the story broke. <snip>

I think you're missing out on quite a bit by not having at least a used copy of DoI with you. In the chapter in which Patsy writes about JonBenet's birth, she states one of the names she was considering was Colette.

Origin of the name Colette:
Short form of Nicolette, which is a diminutive form of Nicole, a feminine form of Nicolas (victory of the people).

Colette Name Meaning & Origin

This ties in to the note.
I’ve read all the books (except DOI, though I’ve read excerpts that tell me that was a good decision), and have actually been following this case from the day the story broke. <snip>

I think you're missing out on quite a bit by not having at least a used copy of DoI with you. In the chapter in which Patsy writes about JonBenet's birth, she states one of the names she was considering was Colette.

Origin of the name Colette:
Short form of Nicolette, which is a diminutive form of Nicole, a feminine form of Nicolas (victory of the people).

Colette Name Meaning & Origin

This ties in to the note.
Kolar's footnote about the unindicted minor does bias me towards BDI, but I'm aware JDI is also a possibilty given JR's unconsummated relationship with Patsy, according to LHP?

JR was known for his affairs. As I recall JB hated that he was always gone. And yes their marriage was not consummated but they stayed together throughout this ordeal until PR passed.
That aspects of the staging appear irrational might be a deliberate ploy?

Bill Kurtis: "Why would a sexual predetor kidnap a little girl for ransom?"

John Ramsey: "This is a deranged person. This is not a person who thinks logically or normally. Um... Yeah, well, when people say that isn't logical, nothing is logical in this... tragedy."

Rain on my Parade,

Burke Ramsey 1998 Interview with Detective Dan Schuler, Excerpt

So JonBenet slept in Burke's bedroom on Christmas Eve.

National Enquirer - Excerpt

Bonita Papers on Burke Ramsey's Interview with Dr. Suzanne Bernard,Excerpt

Yeah, reminds me of What did you find.

PR: (inaudible) police.
911: (inaudible)
PR: 755 Fifteenth Street
911: What is going on there ma’am?
PR: We have a kidnapping...Hurry, please
911: Explain to me what is going on, ok?
PR: We have a ...There’s a note left and our daughter is gone
911: A note was left and your daughter is gone?
PR: Yes.
911: How old is you daughter?
PR: She is six years old she is blond...six years old
911: How long ago was this?
PR: I don’t know. Just found a note a note and my daughter is missing
911: Does it say who took her?


As Kolar remarks BR does not mention JonBenet being strangled and that the head injury was first mentioned publicly by Daily Camera Jan 1997, so was Burke an avid newspaper reader, I doubt it.

Burke tells us he was asleep all night and never heard anything unusual. His parents say they did not discuss the case with him, and he was whisked away to the Fernie's house early that morning.

So how can Burke realistically claim to know what happened?

Burke Ramsey could not have seen JonBenet in the basement as her staged appearance is that of a strangled homicide victim, Burke claims she had a head injury.

Yet JonBenet's head injury was invisible until Coroner Meyer peeled back JonBenet's scalp, during the autopsy, to reveal an extensive fracture.

So did he walk into her bedroom when Patsy or John was staging JonBenet on her bed? Well probably not as the bedroom doors had internal snib locks.

Even if he did interrupt the staging, how would he know JonBenet died as the result of being whacked on the head, even the Coroner did not anticipate it!

Which surely must mean Burke Ramsey does know JonBenet had sustained Blunt Force Trauma, why, because he landed the blow?

Why couldn't he have overheard something said by his mom and/or dad?

<snip>Kolar's footnote about the unindicted minor does bias me towards BDI, but I'm aware JDI is also a possibilty given JR's unconsummated relationship with Patsy, according to LHP?

According to LHP, Patsy sought her help regarding her relationship with John as she did not want to perform fellatio. (The circumference of a Maglite is similar to that of an erect adult male penis- maybe used to test an individual's ability to take something of that size in their mouth.)
I think you're missing out on quite a bit by not having at least a used copy of DoI with you. In the chapter in which Patsy writes about JonBenet's birth, she states one of the names she was considering was Colette.

Origin of the name Colette:
Short form of Nicolette, which is a diminutive form of Nicole, a feminine form of Nicolas (victory of the people).

Colette Name Meaning & Origin

This ties in to the note.

That’s interesting, isn’t it? Rather a coquettish name.
Bill Kurtis: "Why would a sexual predetor kidnap a little girl for ransom?"

John Ramsey: "This is a deranged person. This is not a person who thinks logically or normally. Um... Yeah, well, when people say that isn't logical, nothing is logical in this... tragedy."

The statement you’ve bolded is, to me, the key to this bedeviling mystery. We spend way too much time imagining what makes sense and not nearly enough viewing the events of the case through the eyes of deeply twisted people.
Bill Kurtis: "Why would a sexual predetor kidnap a little girl for ransom?"

John Ramsey: "This is a deranged person. This is not a person who thinks logically or normally. Um... Yeah, well, when people say that isn't logical, nothing is logical in this... tragedy."

I watched the video as far as “The Ramseys cooperated in every possible way” (or words to that effect). Granted, this was filmed a long time ago, so the unquestioned acceptance of Lou Smit’s stun-gun theory and other questionable pointers to an intruder, could possible be forgiven. Still, I will grant that they did well in shining a light on the BPD’s many mistakes, including mismanagement of FBI support for the investigation. It’s a mixed bag. But what about this case *isn’t*?
The statement you’ve bolded is, to me, the key to this bedeviling mystery. We spend way too much time imagining what makes sense and not nearly enough viewing the events of the case through the eyes of deeply twisted people.

I consider John and Patsy to be people who were in deep pain for years and their shadow sides came out in full force that night.
I consider John and Patsy to be people who were in deep pain for years and their shadow sides came out in full force that night.

I'm not opposing your opinion. Would you mind sharing in what ways you see the pain manifest? I tend to see loss and grief, but considerable anger, controlling behavior, and serious entitlement-the kind only money can buy. They often seem disconnected and detached from emotion of any kind, save anger directed at their accusers.
I'm not opposing your opinion. Would you mind sharing in what ways you see the pain manifest? I tend to see loss and grief, but considerable anger, controlling behavior, and serious entitlement-the kind only money can buy. They often seem disconnected and detached from emotion of any kind, save anger directed at their accusers.

Patsy's pain/trauma came from her mother who, according to what Judith Phillips related to Dr Andrew G Hodges M.D., would often verbally cut-down Patsy, but did so southern belle-style with a smile on her face. Patsy reached out to LHP regarding her marriage-problem with John meaning that she viewed LHP as more comforting and motherly than her own mother.

In her 1996 Xmas letter, she mentioned the ages of John Andrew and Melinda. (Aging is on her mind and she just turned the big 4-0.) She related that Burke lost the last of his baby teeth so that they'd be seeing the orthodontist in 1997 (i.e. needing help with straightening out something crooked). JonBenet was in school full-time. Her son lost the last tooth of his childhood and her daughter wasn't around like she used to be. Her children, especially JonBenet, were growing up and separating from her, a woman who only knew being a mother. For most other women, this wouldn't be much of a deal, but Patsy is more than likely viewing things through the lens of her cancer. She was only at the halfway point of remission, so it was likely she was thinking "Will this be my last Christmas? What will happen the next time I'm scanned? Will any [cancer cells] be found? Will I die?" Then add to this that she related that John's real love was made to look older than what she really was.

John had his own losses and near loss. His first-born daughter dies in a car accident on 8 Jan 1992, so it wouldn't be surprising for him to link that loss with Christmas. His father died a few months later. A year later, he's faced with the near-loss of Patsy. I would imagine that he and JonBenet spent time comforting each other and tragically a line was crossed. JonBenet was his touchstone, the one with whom he felt comfort. She was the closest substitute to Patsy. JonBenet, to John, was essentially Patsy in a blond wig.
Then add to this that she related that John's real love was made to look older than what she really was.

What do you propose this means exactly? Please not the substitution of PR w/JB.

And just for curiosities sake, how would this fit in with the NP comment about the size of her grandson’s privates?

we know this ...
this family is dysfunctional on a large scale. There is no telling who did what here except for the true bills = child abuse resulting in death and cover up by both parents. JAR was said to be out of state; as were the grandparents. They were all shielded and continue to be so. Some have now passed and so their story goes with them.
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I do not understand why PR is referred to as being a Southerner. West Virginia may be south of the Mason Dixon line, but it is usually grouped as a Mid-Atlantic state. West Virginia became a state because it did not want to be part of the Confederacy, and separated from Virginia. JR isn't a Southerner either. Before the RN, I had never heard the phrase about the well-known common sense of Southerners.
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