Lies point us to the truth

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All depends on what Burke’s downstairs means: is that down the basement steps, or down the staircase to the room where the Christmas Gifts were laid beneath the tree?

It sounds like JR is talking about a transformer to me. Who knows if BR meant wine cellar toys or under the tree toys.
I tend to agree, its just that some of John's early statements have been retracted, or revised, consider his remarks regarding Burke's upcoming birthday gifts in the wine-cellar where he states 'Patsy never knew they were there', then later Patsy says she opened those gifts, onto John advising Dr. Phil he put Burke to bed using the flashlight, in distinction to what Patsy says he would normally use the flashlight for.

Patsy or John hid Burke's birthday gifts down in the basement. The role of the wine-cellar is open for debate.

Reading between the lines I get the impression the R's arrived home and it was business as usual where they all did their own thing with Patsy wanting everyone off to bed as they were flying off the following morning?

JonBenet dressed for bed, had her dressed in ponytails and snacked in the breakfast bar along with Burke who might have been dressed in his blue pajama top and bottoms of an unknown color.

Left to their own devices as Patsy was busy packing for the flight and John was getting ready for bed.

Burke and JonBenet left the breakfast bar and headed upstairs to share JonBenet's bedroom possibly complete with the flashlight?

The rest is history.

Check out the crime scene photos of the glass and pineapple bowl on the table. They are in the center of the table. (Sorry, but it only took 20 years of keeping up with this case before I noticed this.). No one was sitting at that table enjoying pineapple!
Check out the crime scene photos of the glass and pineapple bowl on the table. They are in the center of the table. (Sorry, but it only took 20 years of keeping up with this case before I noticed this.). No one was sitting at that table enjoying pineapple!

I have to agree with you here. Not only that but it is placed near the formal dining room and not the kitchen. Odd indeed.
Check out the crime scene photos of the glass and pineapple bowl on the table. They are in the center of the table. (Sorry, but it only took 20 years of keeping up with this case before I noticed this.). No one was sitting at that table enjoying pineapple!

Really, you must expand on this, there are numerous threads devoted to the pineapple snack.

It sounds like JR is talking about a transformer to me. Who knows if BR meant wine cellar toys or under the tree toys.

Rain on my Parade,
Who knows if BR meant wine cellar toys or under the tree toys
Exactly. IMO JR is giving Burke an alibi when he talks about playing with a toy, this leaves JonBenet alone either in the breakfast bar or her bedroom?

I tend to agree, its just that some of John's early statements have been retracted, or revised, consider his remarks regarding Burke's upcoming birthday gifts in the wine-cellar where he states 'Patsy never knew they were there', then later Patsy says she opened those gifts, onto John advising Dr. Phil he put Burke to bed using the flashlight, in distinction to what Patsy says he would normally use the flashlight for.

Patsy or John hid Burke's birthday gifts down in the basement. The role of the wine-cellar is open for debate.

Reading between the lines I get the impression the R's arrived home and it was business as usual where they all did their own thing with Patsy wanting everyone off to bed as they were flying off the following morning?

JonBenet dressed for bed, had her dressed in ponytails and snacked in the breakfast bar along with Burke who might have been dressed in his blue pajama top and bottoms of an unknown color.

Left to their own devices as Patsy was busy packing for the flight and John was getting ready for bed.

Burke and JonBenet left the breakfast bar and headed upstairs to share JonBenet's bedroom possibly complete with the flashlight?

The rest is history.

Check out the crime scene photos of the glass and pineapple bowl on the table. They are in the center of the table. (Sorry, but it only took 20 years of keeping up with this case before I noticed this.). No one was sitting at that table enjoying pineapple!
I have to agree with you here. Not only that but it is placed near the formal dining room and not the kitchen. Odd indeed.
Really, you must expand on this, there are numerous threads devoted to the pineapple snack.

Since you mentioned the pineapple bowl on this thread, I felt it was more than appropriate to respond!
Somewhere it was stated that Burke did not get a bike and may have gone through the basement gifts and realized that he was shortchanged (in his 9 year old mind)...Was there actual jealousy that got out of hand at some point?
Somewhere it was stated that Burke did not get a bike and may have gone through the basement gifts and realized that he was shortchanged (in his 9 year old mind)...Was there actual jealousy that got out of hand at some point?
Jealousy could have gotten the best of Burke, but not over a bicycle. PR purchased two kids bikes for Christmas that year. BR bike seemed to have disappeared Christmas night. BR was known for flying off the handle.
Rain on my Parade,

Exactly. IMO JR is giving Burke an alibi when he talks about playing with a toy, this leaves JonBenet alone either in the breakfast bar or her bedroom?

Seems like a reasonable conclusion. He did state that he and FW sat on the floor playing with Daphne and JB (making jewelry). I have always found this highly unlikely (unusual at best). But then JB was so zonked out when arriving home (according to JR and PR) that she never woke up when her mom changed her into size 12 bloomies and BR thermal pants.
That's what I used to think. Burke was nearly 10 years old, so could be he was an early starter?

In the Grand Jury Counts both parents are hit with child neglect charges, by virtue of their knowledge that JonBenet was in danger from the unamed person who assaulted her.

That is both parents looked the other way. It could be because Burke and JonBenet were both in therapy they thought they had done enough?

It is interesting to note that JR and PR were on Prozac after JB death. And the medicine was prescribed by BR psychiatrist in Atlanta. Makes me wonder about the term therapist verses psychiatrist before and after the murder.
Seems like a reasonable conclusion. He did state that he and FW sat on the floor playing with Daphne and JB (making jewelry). I have always found this highly unlikely (unusual at best). But then JB was so zonked out when arriving home (according to JR and PR) that she never woke up when her mom changed her into size 12 bloomies and BR thermal pants.

Rain on my Parade,
But then JB was so zonked out when arriving home (according to JR and PR) that she never woke up when her mom changed her into size 12 bloomies and BR thermal pants.

You should re-read Patsy's account regarding her redressing JonBenet after returning from the White's party.

Nowhere does she say she dressed JonBenet in the size-12's!

The size-12's found on JonBenet are to this day unexplained.

It is interesting to note that JR and PR were on Prozac after JB death. And the medicine was prescribed by BR psychiatrist in Atlanta. Makes me wonder about the term therapist verses psychiatrist before and after the murder.

Rain on my Parade,
And the medicine was prescribed by BR psychiatrist in Atlanta. Makes me wonder about the term therapist verses psychiatrist before and after the murder
Do you have a reference/source for this as it would be significant if substantiated?

Rain on my Parade,

Do you have a reference/source for this as it would be significant if substantiated?

June 23rd, 1998
LOU SMIT: Okay. Are you under, taking any
JOHN RAMSEY: Taking Prozac.
JOHN RAMSEY: Twenty milligrams in the
morning, ten milligrams at night.
LOU SMIT: Okay. And who is the doctor?
JOHN RAMSEY: Well, Dr. Sheevy, Catherine
Sheevy, is who I saw in Boulder. Well I haven't
seen her in a while. Steven Jaffee, Dr. Steven
Jaffee in Atlanta, prescribed the Prozac for me.
JOHN RAMSEY: He's actually Burke's

June 23,1998
TOM HANEY: Ms. Ramsey, are you
currently under a doctor's care?
TOM HANEY: And who is the doctor?
PATSY RAMSEY: Dr. Sammy Brown,
Samuel Brown in Atlanta, psychiatrist, M.D.
TOM HANEY: Okay. And are you
taking any medication?
TOM HANEY: And what are you
PATSY RAMSEY: I take 30 milligrams
of Prozac a day, and Ativan, half a milligram as
TOM HANEY: When is the last time
you took either/or both of these?
PATSY RAMSEY: I took 20 milligrams
of Prozac this morning and I will take ten this
evening. And I took Ativan, half a milligram of
June 23rd, 1998
LOU SMIT: Okay. Are you under, taking any
JOHN RAMSEY: Taking Prozac.
JOHN RAMSEY: Twenty milligrams in the
morning, ten milligrams at night.
LOU SMIT: Okay. And who is the doctor?
JOHN RAMSEY: Well, Dr. Sheevy, Catherine
Sheevy, is who I saw in Boulder. Well I haven't
seen her in a while. Steven Jaffee, Dr. Steven
Jaffee in Atlanta, prescribed the Prozac for me.
JOHN RAMSEY: He's actually Burke's

June 23,1998
TOM HANEY: Ms. Ramsey, are you
currently under a doctor's care?
TOM HANEY: And who is the doctor?
PATSY RAMSEY: Dr. Sammy Brown,
Samuel Brown in Atlanta, psychiatrist, M.D.
TOM HANEY: Okay. And are you
taking any medication?
TOM HANEY: And what are you
PATSY RAMSEY: I take 30 milligrams
of Prozac a day, and Ativan, half a milligram as
TOM HANEY: When is the last time
you took either/or both of these?
PATSY RAMSEY: I took 20 milligrams
of Prozac this morning and I will take ten this
evening. And I took Ativan, half a milligram of

Rain on my Parade,
Thanks for the citation. Sounds like Dr. Steven Jaffee in Atlanta might be Burke's postmortem appointed psychiatrist.

If not, he will have prepared and filed a medical report on Burke for the Grand Jury?

Rain on my Parade,

Do you have a reference/source for this as it would be significant if substantiated?

June 23rd, 1998
LOU SMIT: Okay. Are you under, taking any
JOHN RAMSEY: Taking Prozac.
JOHN RAMSEY: Twenty milligrams in the
morning, ten milligrams at night.
LOU SMIT: Okay. And who is the doctor?
JOHN RAMSEY: Well, Dr. Sheevy, Catherine
Sheevy, is who I saw in Boulder. Well I haven't
seen her in a while. Steven Jaffee, Dr. Steven
Jaffee in Atlanta, prescribed the Prozac for me.
JOHN RAMSEY: He's actually Burke's

June 23,1998
TOM HANEY: Ms. Ramsey, are you
currently under a doctor's care?
TOM HANEY: And who is the doctor?
PATSY RAMSEY: Dr. Sammy Brown,
Samuel Brown in Atlanta, psychiatrist, M.D.
TOM HANEY: Okay. And are you
taking any medication?
TOM HANEY: And what are you
PATSY RAMSEY: I take 30 milligrams
of Prozac a day, and Ativan, half a milligram as
TOM HANEY: When is the last time
you took either/or both of these?
PATSY RAMSEY: I took 20 milligrams
of Prozac this morning and I will take ten this
evening. And I took Ativan, half a milligram of
June 23rd, 1998
LOU SMIT: Okay. Are you under, taking any
JOHN RAMSEY: Taking Prozac.
JOHN RAMSEY: Twenty milligrams in the
morning, ten milligrams at night.
LOU SMIT: Okay. And who is the doctor?
JOHN RAMSEY: Well, Dr. Sheevy, Catherine
Sheevy, is who I saw in Boulder. Well I haven't
seen her in a while. Steven Jaffee, Dr. Steven
Jaffee in Atlanta, prescribed the Prozac for me.
JOHN RAMSEY: He's actually Burke's

June 23,1998
TOM HANEY: Ms. Ramsey, are you
currently under a doctor's care?
TOM HANEY: And who is the doctor?
PATSY RAMSEY: Dr. Sammy Brown,
Samuel Brown in Atlanta, psychiatrist, M.D.
TOM HANEY: Okay. And are you
taking any medication?
TOM HANEY: And what are you
PATSY RAMSEY: I take 30 milligrams
of Prozac a day, and Ativan, half a milligram as
TOM HANEY: When is the last time
you took either/or both of these?
PATSY RAMSEY: I took 20 milligrams
of Prozac this morning and I will take ten this
evening. And I took Ativan, half a milligram of

Rain on my Parade,
Yes, this information was run as a headline in one of the US national magazines in recent years suggesting Patsy was out of it the night JonBenet was killed, i.e. high on whatever she was being prescribed?

Looks like this is how the Ramsey's navigated the Boulder Horror Show, could be they are addicted to them.

Consider Burke during his Dr. Phil Interviews he certainly behaved as if he was on something, giggling, smirking and trashing JonBenet for Flaunting herself at pageants.

Rain on my Parade,
Yes, this information was run as a headline in one of the US national magazines in recent years suggesting Patsy was out of it the night JonBenet was killed, i.e. high on whatever she was being prescribed?

Looks like this is how the Ramsey's navigated the Boulder Horror Show, could be they are addicted to them.

Consider Burke during his Dr. Phil Interviews he certainly behaved as if he was on something, giggling, smirking and trashing JonBenet for Flaunting herself at pageants.

I found both on acandyrose
Rain on my Parade,
Thanks for the citation. Sounds like Dr. Steven Jaffee in Atlanta might be Burke's postmortem appointed psychiatrist.

If not, he will have prepared and filed a medical report on Burke for the Grand Jury?

Do we know the name of the therapist JB and BR were seeing?
Just wondering: how did BR knew how all this happened on this date 1/8/96?
He knows she was struck in the head and a knife was used.
In the second video he says he is a deep sleeper. We know this isn’t the case. But, then he says later he is awake laying in bed wondered what happened, his mom is going psycho. Why is he lying here? He thinks perhaps JB is missing, but what are the chances of that happening? He crawls up into a ball (comforting himself) ... when he is curious about something he tries to find out what’s happened. Does he do this, no he waits until somebody comes and gets him. BR bedroom is directly underneath the homes entrance up one flight of stairs. I have lived in an older home and can tell you with all the coming and going in that house that morning ... he should have been awake instead of pretending to be asleep when the cop came in with the flashlight.
When asked about the bowl of pineapple he literally sits on his hands. This is a sign he has something to hide. If you watch Dr.Phil he keeps one hand between his legs.
Did you kill your sister? Will he ever did say “yes, I did it”?
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