List Attorney/Client visits we wish to request/Jail Logs uploaded in post 33

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Is it too early to request today's attorney/client visit video? :crazy: All visits from this week should be requested. jmo
I say release them all and let the chips fall where they may. I believe 99% of this is a set up for a challenge to the Sunshine Laws anyway.

Hopefully the 'challenge' comes properly in the form of legislation, if it is going to change (which I would not want it to be changed, if I were a Floridian).
A la the Earnhardt law, seal the deal the proper way, either way, and put it to bed so that it does not create any chaos via appeals.
I'd like to see what constructive defense work was being done 8 hours a day at JB's office every day while she was out on bond...........searching for her kidnapped toddler.
I see the defense has knocked that wiggle hipped, look at me, me, me walk out of KC. Or maybe it's the shackles, never mind.
In any case, I can live without tapes of JB and his client. It's Christmas and I don't want to be more of 'a hater'. :cool:
ITA...but couldn't we just ask Santa for the licorice video?
I am assuming any videos that are being recorded would appear to look similar to the LE interview videos we have seen (as far as distance of camera from parties, etc).

Let's face it....had we not been given transcripts of those interviews, followed by video WITH AUDIO, we wouldn't have a clue what was being said and by whom. All we would be able to see is gesturing (such as when Yuri takes CA hand and leans in) etc....

So I am making the assumption that any videos that could possibly be released between KC and any of her attorneys would not violate any rights of confidentiality, as I don't believe we would have a clue as to what is being said (don't think view is even close enough to "read lips")

I also suspect any videos that show a very descriptive reaction by KC (rage fit, arms flailing) would eventually be ruled by JS as being prejudicial to KC so don't think we would get to see them.

But I DO think we would see how often they "share" the laptop screen and other minor details...

And, yes, I am still DAMN NOSY!
In all honesty, I don't think the "in Jail" Surveillance video is technically a public record; which is why we have not seen any released. I think Judge Strickland may have overlooked this when he wrote his order.

See Section 119.071(2)(d), Florida Statutes. "General exemptions from inspection or copying of public records.--"

Hoping RH comes back to this thread to respond to this....


Could you explain in more layman terms how this applies to KC visits with her attorneys?

I do not know any of this legal jargon, so from my uneducated point of view, this appears to read as an exemption from releasing any video that may put the jail security/surv. at jeopardy?

Which would make sense as I would doubt the jail would want the general public to have video access to how the system, cameras, etc are set up to avoid assisting in any escape plan attempts????

Or am I so tired that I am now a coo coo puff?
Have any videos from the jail ever been released (not just this case but any) since the Sunshine Laws went into effect? As I understand it, the way this works is in response to a public records request petition being filed w/OC - so maybe there have been many previous requests for jail videos . . . .
Have any videos from the jail ever been released (not just this case but any) since the Sunshine Laws went into effect? As I understand it, the way this works is in response to a public records request petition being filed w/OC - so maybe there have been many previous requests for jail videos . . . .

I was wondering if the local lawyers could tell us if any of their cases ever, ever had the media request one of these videos or was this the best kept secret that they could even indeed be? Perhaps a local reporter could request one on a different case as a test, as it were.
George admitted they made up the Blanchard Park as a theory!
My favorite, very favorite part of this entire depo is George admitting that they were sitting around, he , wife and son, and throwing out ideas , just speculating.... he used the word draw I believe, two possibilities they were "imagining" were 1) Jesse holding Casey down in Blanchard Park and someone taking off with the baby and 2) same story, insert Zanny in place of Jesse's name, and low and behold soon afterward, Casey comes out with the exact same story! Just like magic.

Just like Cindy coming in Casey's room that first night after bringing her home from Amy's and asking "Who took her?".....Suddenly....."Zanny took her, Mom".

Cindy plants the seed, Casey adopts the story, this is exacly (just turned around to be opposite, ) how Dom wound up in the woods. Casey dropped the clue, Cindy talked to the psychic, psychic calls Dom with a vision.

Apple , tree.

I was also amused at George admitting he followed around Casey's lovers, but never, ever, ever went to track down Zenida. If Lee and Malory did have a baby, I hope for that baby's sake, they move far far away from CC and Joe Joe!
I wonder how Casey took this news about pop outing all the lies at his depo, or if Baez thought what she doesn't know Can't hurt her. I had not thought he gives her the transcripts of the depos to study. In the absence of speaking to them in visits, is this the next best thing to getting their stories on the same page? After this weeks rulings they better start getting serious. So far, it hasn't seemed they have been.
I remember George telling KC in a jail video that he knows a man that she should talk to. Something tells me that he is referring to DC and I do think that DC did visit KC in jail. I don't know if he went with JB, or if he went alone. If he went alone, did he speak to her in the room with the video that is now under discussion. If so, I want to see that video as I think that the Suburban info went directly from KC to DC, with JB conveniently not present.
I remember George telling KC in a jail video that he knows a man that she should talk to. Something tells me that he is referring to DC and I do think that DC did visit KC in jail. I don't know if he went with JB, or if he went alone. If he went alone, did he speak to her in the room with the video that is now under discussion. If so, I want to see that video as I think that the Suburban info went directly from KC to DC, with JB conveniently not present.

Does anyone know if indeed the State did already have their State's investigative subpoena issued and depose Dominic? We haven't seen a updated court filing that would be a Defense Witness List to suggest that Baez did pony up a witness list at last, so I assume the State forged ahead as the judge instructed in the recent hearing. Do any of our local members know of any local talk on this subject? I asked Richard Hornsby but he hasn't answered yet.

Secondly, have the Anthonys or the defense been on local TV since the judge ruled? We haven't heard a peep nationally.:snooty:
here you go. Casey's visitor log from the jail. Special thanks to Greenturtlegirl for getting this log for us.

You will have to rotate it once counter clockwise to read it properly and you do need adobe reader to do so.



  • Casey Visitor Log.pdf
    297.9 KB · Views: 355
Tricia, do I need to have posted a specific number of times to be able to open that attached file?
Yes you do Sun. I'm sorry. Long story as to why we had to do it this way. Hang on and I'll see what I can do for you.
Some interesting visits here - Jeanene Barrett is a mitigation specialist for the CJCC (Center for Justice in Capital Cases) since 2008. One of her degrees is in social work and she worked in the child welfare field for eleven years. Information here: just scroll down.

If I am reading the visitor log correctly note that one of her interviews with Casey is 10 hours long! And there are many, many interviews. I suspect this is who is digging out the sad story of Casey's life in order to mitigate the death penalty and prove how she was driven by her life's circumstances so that she had no choice but to harm her child.

I hope GA and CA can hear the bus coming! And Lee also. And Jesse. And Roy Kronk. (Oops - he never met her before - guess he can't be in the story!)

Just my opinion.

I also note that Todd Macaluso and Linda Baden haven't been logged in since May!
here you go. Casey's visitor log from the jail. Special thanks to Greenturtlegirl for getting these for us.

You will have to rotate it once counter clockwise to read it properly and you do need adobe reader to do so.


12.16.09 motions denied---Baez visits KC the following night for 1 hr. 4min. 8:38 til 9:42
12.18.09 DP motion denied---Mort Smith visits KC the following day for 8 min. from 12:26 til 12:34 for in the afternoon.

So Baez didn't even break the news to her about the DP motion being denied, did Mort? If so it only took him 8 minutes to do it.
I had no idea casey had so many different attorneys. Amazing that they can visit 24/7.
Are all these attorney's listed as casey's council, or can any lawyer baez wants come to visit for hours at a time? Also, I noticed LE and Melich came to visit (scratches head). Do they also have to notify baez if they want to visit casey? There are quite a few interviews. Can anyone other then attorneys simply have a face to face visit with her? Or are these interviews done over the camera, like her parents used to do? So many questions, sorry :)

eta: Baez was visiting just about every day for the first while...Now, it's running about every 5 or more days. ~L~
I'm sure she feels slighted. That narcissistic behaviour casey possesses won't like that she's not the center of baez's world.
I see on 11.14.09 Jeanene Barrett just spent the entire night with KC---visit began @ 8:46pm on 11.14.09 and ended @ 6:21am on 11.15.09. What's up with that! 9 hrs. 47 min!
What did they do have a slumber party?
I had no idea casey had so many different attorneys. Amazing that they can visit 24/7.
Are all these attorney's listed as casey's council, or can any lawyer baez wants come to visit for hours at a time? Also, I noticed LE and Melich came to visit (scratches head). Do they also have to notify baez if they want to visit casey? There are quite a few interviews. Can anyone other then attorneys simply have a face to face visit with her? Or are these interviews done over the camera, like her parents used to do? So many questions, sorry :)

eta: Baez was visiting just about every day for the first while...Now, it's running about every 5 or more days. ~L~
I'm sure she feels slighted. That narcissistic behaviour casey possesses won't like that she's not the center of baez's world.

IIRC the Melich visit was to photograph her "bella vita" tattoo.
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