LIST Case Questions and Answers For Members #5

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Is the DP off the table for good & all? I know it was announced once that it had been removed, but there was talk of it being re instated. Was that just rumour? Has that time legally passed? TIA
very interesting post, Cocoamom, thanks :) Were there any LE there, any search dogs, along with the TES people? What I always wondered was how that area didn't get searched by LE back when KMT told them they should check areas near the school, whenever that was, way back. I assumed they did. And that LE would not have searched along that side of the street anyway, how would it not be searched? It's very puzzling. There was talk about a piece of rope tied to a stick or something that they did find early on, but I guess it was across the street on the school side? Or was it the TES people who found that?
Is the DP off the table for good & all? I know it was announced once that it had been removed, but there was talk of it being re instated. Was that just rumour? Has that time legally passed? TIA

Great question, Paintr. I'd like to know the answer as well.

I'm gonna carry it over to the "Procedures & Legal questions" thread...should be around see if we can get an answer there.

IMHO, I think SA took DP off pending discovery of the remains and what they might yield regarding the cause & manner of well as...pursuing death penalty from the onset w/o the body would seem to put at risk the momentum SA might have if they had to eventually goto trial without the body...a weaker case...appearing over zealous to the jury, hence, building sympathy for the defendant. Just a totally hack opinon.

Also gives them leverage if they need [insert name of family member(s) incl. Casey] should cooperate or we will definitely go for DP. If SA had already gone full monty...well...leverage lost w/o gaining anything in the process.
Great question, Paintr. I'd like to know the answer as well.

I'm gonna carry it over to the "Procedures & Legal questions" thread...should be around see if we can get an answer there.

IMHO, I think SA took DP off pending discovery of the remains and what they might yield regarding the cause & manner of well as...pursuing death penalty from the onset w/o the body would seem to put at risk the momentum SA might have if they had to eventually goto trial without the body...a weaker case...appearing over zealous to the jury, hence, building sympathy for the defendant. Just a totally hack opinon.

Also gives them leverage if they need [insert name of family member(s) incl. Casey] should cooperate or we will definitely go for DP. If SA had already gone full monty...well...leverage lost w/o gaining anything in the process.

It is not too late to put it back on the table, the requirement is so many days before trial so the defense has time to respond appropriately (they would be granted a delay if requested). So it can come back, but with an undetermined cause of death and Casey's age I don't think we will see it back on the table.
It is not too late to put it back on the table, the requirement is so many days before trial so the defense has time to respond appropriately (they would be granted a delay if requested). So it can come back, but with an undetermined cause of death and Casey's age I don't think we will see it back on the table.
I think so. The SA's office is under real scrutiny now to get real justice for Caylee. If they do not put it back...they have a real problem with public trust, imo. Now that they have Caylee's body and evidence has mounted...I believe they could easily justify it.
Hey ....I tried to post this in the Geraldo thread but it closed. What time is Geraldo at Large on....with CA? I don't know because I previously refused to watch him......but any way, I am in Alabama and an hour behind Eastern time so what time will it be on here? Lol that sounds like a fifth grade math question.
Bolded by me.
My question is about TES and Tim Miller. - Please know I respect and love them dearly but......
I am still hung up on the area where Caylee was found. I have searched the threads and mods please correct me if I'm wrong but I can't get over how they claim to have "cleared" the area Caylee was found in.

TES has never claimed to have cleared that area. Tim Miller has repeatedly stated just the opposite, in fact, along with explaining that TES's attempted search in that general area had to be aborted because of flooding conditions. The search was never competed and it was never considered "cleared" by TES.

Perhaps you're confusing TM's statement about having already "cleared the area" when he was referring to JB Park where LP wanted to put divers in the water? Or perhaps the area where the Size 6 Disney Dress was allegedly found? Or some other area.

I watch this case closely and read WS as much as possible but nowhere have I found where that area was actually searched. I know they attempted it, lost a 4-wheeler, adn quit searching. But why didn't they mark it as a place to go back to when the water receaded instead of designating it as a "cleared" area. To me this really hurts TES credibility. I am hoping I am just missing a huge piece of this puzzle. I invite anyone to fill me in.

Re bold: Why do you think it wasn't marked as a place to go back to when the water receeded? Someone has given you incorrect information. Happens to all of us... :)
Just curious...I noticed in the Orlando Sentinel's Photo gallery today, they took Casey from the defense table and into a room then she came back with her hands unshackled. Did they take her out for that reason only? Was that so she could sign papers? Or did I miss something?

I believe it was only to remove the handcuffs. Baez made some comments to the guard who escorted Casey in. After those comments, she left the court room and came back, almost immediately, without the cuffs.
I answered Gma Kat's question about TES because TM has gone on record in the media many times in the past, saying what I just posted.

Unfortunately, I have to stop with that one answer and won't be able to comment or explain anything else relating to recent developments in this case if they involve TES, TM, or MN. (No matter how much I'm dying to do it!) LOL
I answered Gma Kat's question about TES because TM has gone on record in the media many times in the past, saying what I just posted.

Unfortunately, I have to stop with that one answer and won't be able to comment or explain anything else relating to recent developments in this case if they involve TES, TM, or MN. (No matter how much I'm dying to do it!) LOL


We appreciate the answers you HAVE been able to give us though!
Does anyone remember TM stating the last time they were here to search (November?) that they went to the area Caylee was found but couldn't search due to the newly erected fence by a developer? Or is that a rumor?
Is there ANY EVIDENCE that a piece of Drywall was taken by LE when they searched the A home 20th Dec.?

Do not want to perpetuate rumour, but it is one already.
Is there a pic with LE removing a piece of drywall?
Is there a pic with a hole in drywall somewhere in the house.
Is there a reliable report (NG, LP need not respond)
Is there ANY EVIDENCE that a piece of Drywall was taken by LE when they searched the A home 20th Dec.?

Do not want to perpetuate rumour, but it is one already.
Is there a pic with LE removing a piece of drywall?
Is there a pic with a hole in drywall somewhere in the house.
Is there a reliable report (NG, LP need not respond)

Yes, I heard about that piece of drywall too. I believe it was a she said so and so told so and so. Nothing other. It was on another site and there was a friend of CA who talked about CA being angry with what all they had done to the house? Beds, carpeting... No facts of it. So confusing.
Yes, I heard about that piece of drywall too. I believe it was a she said so and so told so and so. Nothing other. It was on another site and there was a friend of CA who talked about CA being angry with what all they had done to the house? Beds, carpeting... No facts of it. So confusing.
Thanks. About as much as I know.
I need more.

Anybody got more?
Can someone tell me the name of the prosecutor sitting in the middle at the most recent hearing? TIA:blowkiss:
Very early on I thought I read on a news website that there was a ZG in Florida who had a laptop stolen. The theft apparently happened before KC tried to name ZG as a suspect. It was just a small part of the article I read online somewhere, and I have not read anything about it since then. Maybe because that part of the article was inaccurate, who knows? Does anyone else remember anything about ZG and a stolen laptop? I cannot find the news article or any references to that aspect anymore. Was it just another false rumor? Thank you.
Is there ANY EVIDENCE that a piece of Drywall was taken by LE when they searched the A home 20th Dec.?

Do not want to perpetuate rumour, but it is one already.
Is there a pic with LE removing a piece of drywall?
Is there a pic with a hole in drywall somewhere in the house.
Is there a reliable report (NG, LP need not respond)

HP, I remember that as well. I am thinking that BC was the one who said it after the A's had returned home. I remember thinking, why would he give that kind of info out?:waitasec:

I will try to search after I wrestle my boys into their pj's.
Ny question is:

Is the CA 'exclusive GR interview' still on for tonight?
I don't know if the this is the right place to ask , but I will try anyway.:)

I am not familiar with Orlando or their prosecutors. Can someone tell me who the gentleman seated between the woman and man at the prosecution table.
He was talking very loud and turning to talk to the man behind him. Sounded like he was bragging about some conviction or other. I could not believe he was talking so loud and no one closed a mike or even warned him that they were on live tv.
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