LIST Case Questions and Answers For Members #5

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Jose has been in media spotlight almost as much as Casey, and its never for anything positive or good, IMO i think he's inexperienced, inappropriate at times, cocky, arrogant and out of his depth, JMO. Could Casey use his well publised wrong doings to her advantage in anyway such as god forbid getting her sentence overturned. I hate to think of her even getting an appeal from it.
I don't know how to search on here so if its been mentioned previously i am sorry.
I have always wondered if the photos from the nursing home and the ones with casey and caylee blowing kisses at the camera were taken on the same day. The reason why i wonder this is both pictures caylee is in a blue shirt and a blue hair tie. Hair is pulled up with the same strains out of the pony tail. Most importantly if you look at the left hand side of the picture with Caylee leaning aganist casey and casey blowing a kiss you can see what appears to be a winnie the pooh blanket.
I don't know how to post the pics so i am hoping you all know which ones i am talking about. Does anyone else see the appearance of a winne the pooh blanket in the pics and does anyone else think these were taken on June 15th??
If this has already been brought up i am sorry.
And also a wee technical question. When i try to access any attacments added to a post, it tells me i dont have permission to access that part of site. Is that correct or im i doing something wrong? Any help warmly welcomed, and TY in advance
I don't know if the this is the right place to ask , but I will try anyway.:)

I am not familiar with Orlando or their prosecutors. Can someone tell me who the gentleman seated between the woman and man at the prosecution table.
He was talking very loud and turning to talk to the man behind him. Sounded like he was bragging about some conviction or other. I could not believe he was talking so loud and no one closed a mike or even warned him that they were on live tv.

So I'm not the only one that was disgusted at his antics?
(shaking head).
According to this it's scheduled, but who knows until his show starts :)

Thank you kindly, TG! :blowkiss: Do you happen to also know if the locked thread for GR will be unlocked for posting? Or will there need to be another thread started?
Hey ....I tried to post this in the Geraldo thread but it closed. What time is Geraldo at Large on....with CA? I don't know because I previously refused to watch him......but any way, I am in Alabama and an hour behind Eastern time so what time will it be on here? Lol that sounds like a fifth grade math question.

I live in North Carolina (eastern time) and it comes on at 10 pm here.
Is Nancy Grace always a repeat/replay on Saturday and Sundays? I just started watching it when the Anthony case started. Silly question, I know, but...
Is Nancy Grace always a repeat/replay on Saturday and Sundays? I just started watching it when the Anthony case started. Silly question, I know, but...

not silly at all, and yes, always a repeat on the weekend.
Hi.....In another thread about" caseys demeanor" someone in there wrote about being there at last Fridays Hearing....they mentioned her suit top as being "light grey pin striped" and they mentioned the pants of being not matching, a dark blue blah blah blah,

so I while watching NG again, I noticed the Suit Jacket was pin striped. That said, it was told in another thread that JB picked this outfit up from CA last Wed for Casey to wear to court....Does anyone else wonder if the Suit Jacket is the jacket that matches the light grey dress slacks CA washed from the Wt. Pontiac???....the same pin striped grey slacks GA last saw Casey in on the 16th of June???

I know it would be hard pressed to know if that Jacket CA chose was part of the set that goes with those pants, but as I was noticing the tugging and all going on and noticed how wierd the navy slacks looked with the white socks, it struck me odd as to why she chose these ill-fitting peices........but, if my intuition is correct and that jacket went with the dirty smelly pants she washed....What an telling sign that is. I could be way wrong, but I cant help but wonder about that particular jacket having significance in this, as if saying "Case, I know what you did, love mom!" or something. How ironic would that be?
I am curious to know if anyone knows if there is anywhere online where Geraldo streams live, or any poster who may be streaming Geraldo tonight?
Is there ANY EVIDENCE that a piece of Drywall was taken by LE when they searched the A home 20th Dec.?

Do not want to perpetuate rumour, but it is one already.
Is there a pic with LE removing a piece of drywall?
Is there a pic with a hole in drywall somewhere in the house.
Is there a reliable report (NG, LP need not respond)

No evidence. I believe it stemmed from a poster on here being on another chat where a friend of a neighbor of Cindy's (or something like that :crazy:) posted, and she said that Cindy was so mad, because LE tore up the house and even cut drywall from the garage. It was further perpetuated by the fact that Cindy and George went in through the side door of the garage when they returned to their house after LE had been there to collect evidence after Caylee's remains were found.
Hi.....In another thread about" caseys demeanor" someone in there wrote about being there at last Fridays Hearing....they mentioned her suit top as being "light grey pin striped" and they mentioned the pants of being not matching, a dark blue blah blah blah,

so I while watching NG again, I noticed the Suit Jacket was pin striped. That said, it was told in another thread that JB picked this outfit up from CA last Wed for Casey to wear to court....Does anyone else wonder if the Suit Jacket is the jacket that matches the light grey dress slacks CA washed from the Wt. Pontiac???....the same pin striped grey slacks GA last saw Casey in on the 16th of June???

I know it would be hard pressed to know if that Jacket CA chose was part of the set that goes with those pants, but as I was noticing the tugging and all going on and noticed how wierd the navy slacks looked with the white socks, it struck me odd as to why she chose these ill-fitting peices........but, if my intuition is correct and that jacket went with the dirty smelly pants she washed....What an telling sign that is. I could be way wrong, but I cant help but wonder about that particular jacket having significance in this, as if saying "Case, I know what you did, love mom!" or something. How ironic would that be?

i'm glad you posted this law girl.
for some reason i always end up answering questions about what casey and caylee were wearing when george claims to have last seen them so the jacket hit me like 2 x 4. the 2nd half of this ensemble being very conspicuous by it's absence.
what in the world would make cindy choose this, if it is what we think it is? it doesn't say 'i love you' to me, but it certainly says something ..... how about - 'you can't have the other half ... guess why?!'
i'm glad you posted this law girl.
for some reason i always end up answering questions about what casey and caylee were wearing when george claims to have last seen them so the jacket hit me like 2 x 4. the 2nd half of this ensemble being very conspicuous by it's absence.
what in the world would make cindy choose this, if it is what we think it is? it doesn't say 'i love you' to me, but it certainly says something ..... how about - 'you can't have the other half ... guess why?!'

I believe the pants were jail issue. She was shackled around the ankles and waist. They may have felt it was easier to just let her put the jacket on and then the handcuffs. It was only after she entered the courtroom that her lawyer requested the handcuffs be removed. Probably more about efficiency that fashion statement.
Great question, Paintr. I'd like to know the answer as well.

I'm gonna carry it over to the "Procedures & Legal questions" thread...should be around see if we can get an answer there.

IMHO, I think SA took DP off pending discovery of the remains and what they might yield regarding the cause & manner of well as...pursuing death penalty from the onset w/o the body would seem to put at risk the momentum SA might have if they had to eventually goto trial without the body...a weaker case...appearing over zealous to the jury, hence, building sympathy for the defendant. Just a totally hack opinon.

Also gives them leverage if they need [insert name of family member(s) incl. Casey] should cooperate or we will definitely go for DP. If SA had already gone full monty...well...leverage lost w/o gaining anything in the process.

Good post BJB - don't you also find it quite the coincidence that the day of a hearing, the body was found? Very soon after the DP was taken off the table? Just seems a bit too odd for me - even for this crazy case! :crazy: was this hearing on Dec. 11th the day that they took the DP off the table or was that done earlier?
very interesting post, Cocoamom, thanks :) Were there any LE there, any search dogs, along with the TES people? What I always wondered was how that area didn't get searched by LE back when KMT told them they should check areas near the school, whenever that was, way back. I assumed they did. And that LE would not have searched along that side of the street anyway, how would it not be searched? It's very puzzling. There was talk about a piece of rope tied to a stick or something that they did find early on, but I guess it was across the street on the school side? Or was it the TES people who found that?

Yes, there were "special task teams" that TES took out to specific areas - I saw them rounding up and going very early - teams with dogs, LE, even boats, airboats, 4 wheelers, etc. They were very goal-oriented in my opinion. That's why I didn't object at what I was told about staying with the foot searchers.

I just pretty much assumed that TES was covering areas of interest given to them by LE. I also thought that the woods behind the A's house was the patch between the school and Econ Trail (to the East of the school).

MY big question is why didn't law enforcement search themselves search the woods where Caylee was found WAY back in July when she was finally reported missing???? The rains didn't even begin for several weeks - around the first part of August. It was already wet by the time TES got here the first time!!!!! LE should have covered this so don't blame TES (my opinion)!!
Good post BJB - don't you also find it quite the coincidence that the day of a hearing, the body was found? Very soon after the DP was taken off the table? Just seems a bit too odd for me - even for this crazy case! :crazy: was this hearing on Dec. 11th the day that they took the DP off the table or was that done earlier?

The State announced it wouldn't seek the DP on Friday December 5.
I didn't know there was a hearing scheduled for Dec 11, the day the remains were found?

The remains only being found after the DP was taken off the table and also while Cindy & George were out of town tripped my conspiracy theory trigger, but I do think it was all just a coincidence.
First off , I'd like to applaud everyone on here for their hard work and time that they have put into these threads , posts etc. Everyone of you here , have did and continue to do an amazing and outstanding job !! Congrats to all of you !

Secondly , I am new here , and this will actually be my first time posting on here , so hopefully I will be able to get it right.

I have a few questions and I am wondering if someone on here may have any insight to them.

1. Has it ever been determined what kinda card that was in the wallet of KC's billfold , the night that LA returned back to the 'rents residence after he picked up KC's belongings at T.L's apt the night of 7/15 early morning of 7/16 ? (If I am not mistaken , LA brought it up in one of his interviews of how a lady officer in the house that night snatched that card out of KC's wallet pretty fast ,and he wasn't for sure if it was an I.D card or not. However , I do belive he said it could have been an old D.L card , but he wasn't sure )

2. Is it clear if the remains were placed in a blk garbage first , and then the blk bag was placed in the laundry hamper bag ,or was it vice versa ? I was wondering if they were in the blk bag first , and then the blk bag was put in the hamper bag , if that is why RK way saying a gray bag , b/c the blk bag would have been darker under a light color hamper bag , which could possibly make the hamper bag look gray. (especially if the hamper bag was white , or if was a type of hamper bag that has mesh on it ).

Thanks in advance , and sorry if any of these question have been already been discussed / answered.
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