LIST Case Questions and Answers For Members #5

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Who had tip lines for Caylee Anthony besides OCSO?

Is there are full list of these?
Are you referring to the yellow book that was found at the Suburban Dr. site?

Yes, definitely. However, I'm merely assuming that book is the same one Caylee was videod reading at the nursing home. I'm basing my assumption on the fact that the book and Caylee were together one day before Caylee vanished, and that Caylee probably wasn't reading well enough to tackle more than one book. However, I could be completely wrong. :)
Assuming that the venue doesn't get changed, what qualifications would get someone (a central Floridian) on or off the jury in this case? To be more specific, would a person be disqualified by their interest in the case? Would they be disqualified due to their discussions on this board and others? I guess this might be a question for any legal experts out there. I've heard no further word lately on the change of venue, so I'm curious how they will find an untainted jury in Central Fl.

Hi. First I'm not a legal expert but I was on a jury last year here in Florida for a capital murder case that included a possible death penalty. From my experience the lawyers on both sides establish who and what they are looking for. Each possible juror is questioned by the prosecution and the defense. They pick from the possible jurors by there answers, demeanor, life experiences and so on. Some are dismissed, some are kept, re-questioned and all get narrowed down until there are 12 jurors and 3 alternates. This can take several days or more to accomplish. I don't know if this helps but this was my experience.
Who had tip lines for Caylee Anthony besides OCSO?

Is there are full list of these?

As far as I recall, only OCSD had a tipline for Caylee. Although, IIRC, the Anthony's were going to set up their own tipline, but not sure if this was ever completed. The Anthony's had all of their phone numbers, email addresses visual throughout for people to contact them.

The OCSD tipline was on America's Most Wanted, TES, and many other major sites of Missing People.

So, if anybody saw an Anthony sign, t-shirt, car plaque, etc - they saw the Anthonys' own personal phone number and email address?
Lot's of speculation regarding where the duct tape was found on Caylee, if it was actually on Caylee.

Thanks Patty! I have heard reports about it all over the news, but have never really heard it confirmed by LE that there was even duct tape...
Has the "choking" fight between KC and CA the night of the 15th ever been confirmed, or is LP the only person saying this?

Has the "choking" fight between KC and CA the night of the 15th ever been confirmed, or is LP the only person saying this?


It is still hearsay only.
Has the "choking" fight between KC and CA the night of the 15th ever been confirmed, or is LP the only person saying this?


Lee also told Jesse about it. I'll try to find where that info is.
Thanks Patty! I have heard reports about it all over the news, but have never really heard it confirmed by LE that there was even duct tape...

I searched for this a few days ago, and the most I could find is "sources say there was duct tape" on the local TV websites.
Not sure of what your question is, but he knew it was towed from amscott because it was stated on the form that the towyard sent to him telling him the car was towed.

I reread the transcript from the tow yard owner and he said it is never stated on the form where a vehicle is towed 'from'. My question then is: how did GA know the car was towed from Amscot and that it had run out of gas?

So, if anybody saw an Anthony sign, t-shirt, car plaque, etc - they saw the Anthonys' own personal phone number and email address?

Yes. Also given out in several interviews and on multiple web sites.
I noticed something new tonight while watching Nancy Grace--

During LE's interview with Casey on July 16th, Casey claims to have talked to Caylee on the phone the day before, and Casey says that Caylee was talking to her about the book that she's been reading. Quote: "And she just kept talking about the book that she's been reading. We have videos of her reading the story, and she's telling me the story." :waitasec:

The only video I've seen of Caylee reading that book was recorded by Cindy on Father's Day, June 15th, at the nursing home. Have we seen any other videos of Caylee reading that book??? Because if the only video is the one from June 15th, then when did Casey have time to learn that it was taken? And why would the subject even come up at a time of such family turmoil?

I have wondered the same thing!! I know they found the picture of Caylee at the Nursing home on the camera, but when was the video download & by whom? Casey wasn't home much after June 16th, except to steal the gas cans??

Also, I read something very strange in her written statement to LE on July 16th.

"With one short conversation with Zenaida in June, I was never able to check on the status:waitasec:(strange word) or well-being of my daughter. Zenaida never made any attemp to explain why Caylee is no longer in Orlando:confused::confused: or if she is EVER going to bring her home":eek:

Another one that stays with me is in her first interviews with LE, she states, "That's the story I'm going to stick with":pinocchio::runaway::saythat:
Thanks, Spitfire!!!

So, LA told JG who told RG who told LE.

Talk about hearsay! Anyone remember playing the telephone game in kindergarten?

Hi daisy7,
You are very welcome. I knew I had seen this information somewhere and wasn't giving up until I found it. I'm sure LE has investigated and has all of the details. It is hearsay but RG and JG seem to be reliable. Of course this is JMO.
Hopefully we will get a document dump soon so new information can be sleuthed. :praying:
OMG...I do remember the telephone game :rolling: Thanks I need that!
Now what else need to be sleuthed before we get the "fresh" stuff? :)
I am still waiting for a video clip of Cindy making the statement "I can't lose another one" and for verification that she was speaking about Lee zooming away from the media. I have asked a zillion and one over-exaggerated times but to date, I only get confirmation that this was what she was commenting on. I can't find the video anywhere. HELP (purdypleasewithsugarontop)

Debs, I went on another search for the origination of this statement that CA is supposed to have made.

There was another thread about this but I don't see it anymore so I will tell you what I found.

All the other blogs and forums that popped up when I used advanced search google I was able to determine that the other posters across the web say that this phrase originated with Rozzie Franco "who is the full-time news anchor for WFLF-AM 540 in Orlando, Florida as well as the Florida News Network serving major markets in the state of Florida."

Those other posters to the internet state that this was said by Rozzie Franco while speaking on a show aired on Court TV (In Sessions). Rozzie went on to suggest during this interview that the dna of male family members should be tested as to the paternity of Caylee (She stated who those male family members were by name, and I will not type their names or relationship to Caylee, I don't believe that myself)

Now, for myself, I was sitting in the computer room with the tv on loud enough to hear it during the day while the kids were at school. I remember hearing that interview and when the reporter (who I did not know at the time) stated this and started in on her theory about Caylee's paternity I got up walked into the livingroom and cut the tv off. I, myself, do not remember a video clip but only the reporter stating her opinions and relating a conversation she had with CA.

I will continue to search Rozzie and for Court TV transcripts and/or videos.
Tater, Last I heard/read Cindy was on short term disability. Have no idea where that came from though. :confused: I've been trying to stay away from reading too much lately, but I've got to know...Any word on Caylee's funeral yet? Poor baby, still has not been laid to rest. :mad:

I haven't heard anything that they stopped paying Cindy. There are a lot of rumors about "possible" disability but I take that one as a rumor.

TY both.

So, we don't know if:
1. Gentiva did ever pay CA anything out of the Gentiva employee trust fund for her salary beyond the 5 weeks PTO
2. If CA is off on employment insurance disability OR government disability?
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