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The second kitchen, with the two wine glasses, is where DB and JI were staying during the time of their interviews last weekend with media.

You can see that it is JI hugging DB. This is where they were for the interviews. I am guessing that it's a guest house somewhere that NBC, or ABC paid for.

Having said that, it might be a good guess that those were their wine glasses. MOO

No, not if I'm looking at this correctly. D and J's attny- D Short -was on GMA today and that's the same kitchen she walked into after entering and looking over D and J's bedroom.

Isn't it? It looks like the same cabinets. :)

Interview with Cyndy Short:,0,355334.story

"There's some detectives that really have a broken trust, and so it's going to be counter-productive to try to sit down with those detectives again," Short explained. "So it would be better to bring in some detectives who are fresh-eyed, fresh-eared, to listen to the parents. And the parents, I think, would feel more comfortable and less afraid."

Broken trust....

Short says her clients have behaved like innocent people from the beginning. She says their innocence is the reason they didn't hire an attorney from the start; because they didn't see the need.

I don't feel that they have behaved like innocent people from the beginning. There weren't any frantic attempts by them to show Lisa's image and poster or give specific details about Lisa. We still don't have an actual image of the clothing Lisa was wearing that night. Give me a flipping break...

Deborah's acted anything but innocent imo.
sorry to hear about your brother :(

but how can you be sure they are innocent? as no one can we sure that they are guilty either,we all have our own theories.we are only getting to see what LE allows us to through the media

Until you wake up to an empty crib, are accused of hurting your child, having to be put in front of media and cameras with everything you say being critiqued or taken out of context, having to deal with Police, and on top of it the emotions of missing your baby. You will know! My Parents lives were never the same after my brother's disappearance. They would never support someone if they thought they had something to do with their child's disappearance.

This is a classic case of tunnel vision.
The wine glasses on the counter-you would think after what these people are going through..Wine would be the last thing they need around them-LOL!!! WOW
ITA - AND more importantly, IF your attorney is going to do a video walk-through wouldn't it be advisable to REMOVE said wine glasses from the counter before filming?

Why didn't the attorney notice them? Or the cameraman? By leaving them there for the www to see - well,,, not the image I would want to project - KWIM?

Have to wonder if there is still some "wine drinking" going on now? Dontcha?
My brother was kidnapped from his crib 25 years ago. My mom failed the polygraph and the Detectives formed a myopic view. The investigation was flawed because of this and I have not seen my brother in 25 years. My father, Gil Abeyta is in Kansas City and now has some insight on the case. Deborah and Jeremy are not involved with the disappearance of their child. The Kansas City Police should be ashamed at how they have handled this grieving family and the investigation. Hopefully too much time has not been wasted and the investigation can be pushed toward the right direction.

Thank you for making this point, this is exactly what I'm so worried about. There are times that I lean off the fence, but then I watch how the media is handling this, and I worry that LE is playing to the media.
The wine glasses on the counter-you would think after what these people are going through..Wine would be the last thing they need around them-LOL!!! WOW

Obviously she doesn't believe there was anything wrong with getting so drunk that night it allowed someone to get into the house and kidnapped her baby.

My brother was kidnapped from his crib 25 years ago. My mom failed the polygraph and the Detectives formed a myopic view. The investigation was flawed because of this and I have not seen my brother in 25 years. My father, Gil Abeyta is in Kansas City and now has some insight on the case. Deborah and Jeremy are not involved with the disappearance of their child. The Kansas City Police should be ashamed at how they have handled this grieving family and the investigation. Hopefully too much time has not been wasted and the investigation can be pushed toward the right direction.
Thank you for your update. I see so many similarities in the cases. Your brothers case is the 1st one I thought of when this story first broke. The boogie man is very real and does exist. Just because the parents are usually responsible, doesn't mean always.
ITA - AND more importantly, IF your attorney is going to do a video walk-through wouldn't it be advisable to REMOVE said wine glasses from the counter before filming?

Why didn't the attorney notice them? Or the cameraman? By leaving them there for the www to see - well,,, not the image I would want to project - KWIM?

Have to wonder if there is still some "wine drinking" going on now? Dontcha?

I do KWYM..I don't know what her lawyer was thinking leaving it there for the world to see!
Broken trust??? Really?? Cyndy, any broken trust was by your client. The one who is claiming a drunken blackout. Baby Lisa trusted this woman to care for her, keep her safe.

I'm already sick of Cyndy. And, blaming LE is so lame. Boring, actually.

No, not if I'm looking at this correctly. D and J's attny- D Short -was on GMA today and that's the same kitchen she walked into after entering and looking over D and J's bedroom.


Yes, the first kitchen is, the one with the wine box. That's the one Cyndy Short was in today. You are right about that. BUT..

The second one is different, different. Newer and darker cabinets, and counter tops.
Cyndi, stop pulling a Baez. Your clients "behaved" so "innocently" it made them all confuzzled about what happened the night Lisa disappeared so they made up time line after timeline after timeline.

Lisa, yes. Their daughter. The one solely "big bad" LE seems to be focused on.

Pff, I need a box of wine to deal with this spiel.

All my opinion :twocents:

Until you wake up to an empty crib, are accused of hurting your child, having to be put in front of media and cameras with everything you say being critiqued or taken out of context, having to deal with Police, and on top of it the emotions of missing your baby. You will know! My Parents lives were never the same after my brother's disappearance. They would never support someone if they thought they had something to do with their child's disappearance.

This is a classic case of tunnel vision.

i didn't mean to offend you.

the only people that know what happened to Lisa is the person/people who took her or harmed her.

we can only speculate on here.some people believe DB and/or JI are involved others believe they are innocent we're all allowed our own opinion and its always good to see things from someone elses point of view or theory
Innocent people don't need to keep changing their version of the truth, imo. If it's the truth, it doesn't change. In fact, if it's the truth it CAN'T change, can it?

My brother was kidnapped from his crib 25 years ago. My mom failed the polygraph and the Detectives formed a myopic view. The investigation was flawed because of this and I have not seen my brother in 25 years. My father, Gil Abeyta is in Kansas City and now has some insight on the case. Deborah and Jeremy are not involved with the disappearance of their child. The Kansas City Police should be ashamed at how they have handled this grieving family and the investigation. Hopefully too much time has not been wasted and the investigation can be pushed toward the right direction.

Why denalves do you say D and J are innocent?

Many others and I think the complete opposite.


Thank you for continuing to share your insights and personal story denalves. I am sure this case is difficult for your family to watch play out in the media, feeling as they do. It must be a terrible sense of dejavu all over again.

Thanks as well to your father, for going to KC and trying to offer his support to baby Lisa's family at this most horrific time. As you say, til one has walked in another's shoes, one cannot know.

I am also glad to read that your family feels these parents are not involved as that has been my feel, despite some of the unflattering facts that have arisen. I did some reading on your brother's case after you first started posting on Lisa's forum. My deepest sympathies for what your family went through. My most sincere prayers that someday, your family have at least some measure of closure. I cannot imagine the pain of not knowing, after all of these years. How difficult a burden that must be for your family to bear.

I know that some things cast your parents in less than flattering light and heightened LE focus upon them rather than away, so kudos to you for reminding us that some things that are not picture perfect within a family or a marriage do not necessarily mean parents that have done something to their child.

Again, thank you so much for offering us your very unique perspective on abduction.
NimaKCTV5 Nima Shaffe
As the person prays for the conviction of the person or persons responsible for #LisaIrwin, Deborah Bradley begins sobbing. #findbabylisa
27 minutes

Doesn't surprise me.
MOO.. I can't stand the way that folks call LE when something happens and then later tear them to shreds.

What has LE done that is wrong? The only person saying that LE is focused on DB is DB.

This is one of the worst treatment of LE by a victim that I have seen in sometime. Call it a hunch, but I think this is going to backfire on the defense.

Thank you for your update. I see so many similarities in the cases. Your brothers case is the 1st one I thought of when this story first broke. The boogie man is very real and does exist. Just because the parents are usually responsible, doesn't mean always.

My Parents probably have an advantage on a case like this. One, it is so similiar to my brothers disappearance. We have thought like a kidnapper and a cop for 25 years, constantly questioning. My Dad is consulting, not being paid by anyone -- no wealthy benefactor! Purely there because he has 25 years of experience. Lisa Irwins parents are not involved in their daughters disappearance.
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