local media's first home tour and presser 10/27/11 **cancelled**

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Yep, stall for 31 days, then a few more months,this is starting to feel like major Deja Vu, Casey Anthony all over again?! :maddening:

Ironically, I was just wondering if it had been thirty one days yet...I really don't like the similarities I keep seeing here...I seriously don't want another Casey Anthony case!!!!
I can't speak for others, but it does not conclusively convince me. It looks bad, and I dread that it's true, but it is not conclusive evidence IMO. There is a reason it is categorized the way it is. It, alone, is not even probable cause. It's "reasonable suspicion" in a court of law.

Cadaver dogs CAN hit on blood. My child had a head injury, it bled a lot, and I took her to the hospital. 8 hours later we were home and I cleaned it up. The decomposing blood WOULD cause most cadaver dogs to hit on that spot of my house.

The fact that a cadaver dog would most likely hit in my house leaves me to want more evidence.

But I will absolutely confess that my heart sank when I read that. Which means I do fear it to be exactly what it appears to be. :(

A cadaver dog "hit" is not 100% conclusive to me either. It's a piece of possible evidence, sure. But it tells me nothing really. A dog hit on a scent it has been trained to alert to - and then what? What does it mean, if anything? It's certainly worth pursuing, but nothing to hang your hat on, IMO.
Very true. I guess it all depends upon how much she wanted that box-0-wine. her brother was only 20, so she had to go.

But I agree that it would have been very risky to leave a dead child in the crib. Any time I have been asked to watch a sleeping child, I have ALWAYS looked in on them, at least a couple of times. I think that is common for people watching other peoples children. Especially if I had been told she was sick.
I would have stuck my head in the door and made sure she was asleep and okay. She is lucky that I was not her neighborhood babysitter that night I guess.

ahhh... fair enough. Minor oversight, har har.

Ok, so maybe she would have roped the neighbor into going. I just can't comprehend the risk of her plan (assuming this was all part of her plan) if she left someone else at home with a dead baby. JMO.
Again - agreed.

I've never heard of an attorney claiming to be exhausted as a reason they were unable to meet commitments made on behalf of their clients.

Nope - I don't think Ms. Short was saying that she herself was exhausted.

I have never heard this, either. Criminal defense attorneys will take calls at all hours of the night, since arrests aren't limited to 9-5 hours. I'm thinking exhaustion was an excuse for something big happening behind the scenes.

Ms. Short sends out vibes of not being comfortable with her client.

Maybe she is about to quit the case soon.


Eh, I'm not sure about this. A lot of times, you don't necessarily like your clients. Sometimes you even make fun of them behind closed doors. It takes a lot to discharge a client, once you've been retained. Most criminal defense attorneys aren't well off enough to be able to pick and choose their clients and the case they will represent. I think the discomfort we're picking up on is either discomfort with the national attention/cameras, or something going on behind the scenes we're not yet privy to.
I know this is just my personal opinion, but the sitting idle, ie. resting would be killer for me.

I know it's not apples to apples, but my husband is deploying to Afghanistan in less than 36 hours. I wish we could just get him gone already! He's been working a ton preparing, and that's actually been a blessing in disguise. Whenever we're together we're both kind of cross, not wanting to confront painful emotions and start breaking down in front of the toddler, so most of the time we sit awkwardly with this HUGE elephant in the room of him leaving to a hostile country for half a year. It's terrible! Tomorrow he gets to come home early from work to spend the day before he leaves tomorrow night. I'm almost dreading it. Trying to think of something to do like go to the park so we don't have to sit here and stare at eachother and think about him leaving. Maybe we just have faulty coping skills, but that's one of the reasons that it's SO hard for me to wrap my head around the idea the resting periods.

I feel the same way when my husband deploys. It's perfectly normal.
A cadaver dog "hit" is not 100% conclusive to me either. It's a piece of possible evidence, sure. But it tells me nothing really. A dog hit on a scent it has been trained to alert to - and then what? What does it mean, if anything? It's certainly worth pursuing, but nothing to hang your hat on, IMO.

I wouldn't downplay cadaver dogs like that. Their sense of smell is amazing. I've heard some dogs can smell decomp through things like cement. It doesn't always mean they are perfect with every hit, but I wouldn't just go throwing out a hit just because a cadaver dog made it. Something dead was there and left a scent for that dog to find. And no, there is no other smell like decomp. It can't be synthetically made. The only thing makes a decomp smell is a human body. Even animal bodies and plant or food decomposing smell differently than a human decomposing. Ask Oriah or Sarx, our dog experts.

Let me tell you, cadaver dogs hit in Caylee's backyard and in her mother's car trunk, and it was one of many things that made me believe she was in all those places at one time. I know we want to believe the best scenario in this case, but for there to be hit by a cadaver dog tells me there might not be such a happy ending here. Now the fact that there isn't much else to suggest a dead body does concern me, so maybe the cadaver dog was wrong here. It still worries me that there was any kind of decomp smell for the dog to pick up in the first place. There is just no innocent explanation for a decomp smell!
I know this is just my personal opinion, but the sitting idle, ie. resting would be killer for me.

I know it's not apples to apples, but my husband is deploying to Afghanistan in less than 36 hours. I wish we could just get him gone already! He's been working a ton preparing, and that's actually been a blessing in disguise. Whenever we're together we're both kind of cross, not wanting to confront painful emotions and start breaking down in front of the toddler, so most of the time we sit awkwardly with this HUGE elephant in the room of him leaving to a hostile country for half a year. It's terrible! Tomorrow he gets to come home early from work to spend the day before he leaves tomorrow night. I'm almost dreading it. Trying to think of something to do like go to the park so we don't have to sit here and stare at eachother and think about him leaving. Maybe we just have faulty coping skills, but that's one of the reasons that it's SO hard for me to wrap my head around the idea the resting periods.

My sincere thanks to both your husband and you for his service! It takes many heros to keep us free. Thank you!!!!
Well in reality it wasn't the parents who were going to be doing the tour or press conference. It was the legal team. Sooooooooo even if the parents are exhausted, what does the lawyer have to be exhausted about? I say something else is up. The lawyer cancelled for a reason other than that she was exhausted. IMO

I agree, Short didn't cancel because she was exhausted. Something else took priority. It could be something big, it could be something small.
I wouldn't downplay cadaver dogs like that. Their sense of smell is amazing. I've heard some dogs can smell decomp through things like cement. It doesn't always mean they are perfect with every hit, but I wouldn't just go throwing out a hit just because a cadaver dog made it. Something dead was there and left a scent for that dog to find. And no, there is no other smell like decomp. It can't be synthetically made. The only thing makes a decomp smell is a human body. Even animal bodies and plant or food decomposing smell differently than a human decomposing. Ask Oriah or Sarx, our dog experts.

Let me tell you, cadaver dogs hit in Caylee's backyard and in her mother's car trunk, and it was one of many things that made me believe she was in all those places at one time. I know we want to believe the best scenario in this case, but for there to be hit by a cadaver dog tells me there might not be such a happy ending here. Now the fact that there isn't much else to suggest a dead body does concern me, so maybe the cadaver dog was wrong here. It still worries me that there was any kind of decomp smell for the dog to pick up in the first place. There is just no innocent explanation for a decomp smell!

I do not downplay cadaver dogs at all, I think they are very accomplished and amazing! I just asked experts and it was confirmed that the spot in my house (post 517) may likely be "hit", and all of my kids are alive and well. A dog is not incorrect to hit there, they are very precise to hit there! Much respect to them for their ability to smell old blood that was cleaned well!

I would like to see more than that, some corroborating evidence, that's all.
I don't think it was the tour so much that CS wanted out of, I think it was the press conference in her office where she would answer questions from the local media. She likely learned the nature of the questions and realized she can't answer them in any way that wasn't going to make things worse.

I have to wonder about her judgment, too. How could she not know that stating the parents were too "exhausted" and needed to "rest" (after not doing anything of particular note the last 2 weeks) was going to ignite the s***storm that it did? All she did was create a hot mess.

Ms. Short is an experienced litigator. IMO, I think she would have either anticipated the nature of the media questions or, at the very least, would have vetted them before publicly agreeing to an interview. From what I've seen of her recently, I suspect there is little that ruffles her feathers. I don't see her as the duck & cover type, unless there is a very good reason to do so.
Maybe someone is getting a quicky divorce and wedding bells will be ringing soon.
I know this is just my personal opinion, but the sitting idle, ie. resting would be killer for me.

I know it's not apples to apples, but my husband is deploying to Afghanistan in less than 36 hours. I wish we could just get him gone already! He's been working a ton preparing, and that's actually been a blessing in disguise. Whenever we're together we're both kind of cross, not wanting to confront painful emotions and start breaking down in front of the toddler, so most of the time we sit awkwardly with this HUGE elephant in the room of him leaving to a hostile country for half a year. It's terrible! Tomorrow he gets to come home early from work to spend the day before he leaves tomorrow night. I'm almost dreading it. Trying to think of something to do like go to the park so we don't have to sit here and stare at eachother and think about him leaving. Maybe we just have faulty coping skills, but that's one of the reasons that it's SO hard for me to wrap my head around the idea the resting periods.

:sigh: :blowkiss: So difficult. Thank you for your sacrifice and for your husband's service to this County.
Well in reality it wasn't the parents who were going to be doing the tour or press conference. It was the legal team. Sooooooooo even if the parents are exhausted, what does the lawyer have to be exhausted about? I say something else is up. The lawyer cancelled for a reason other than that she was exhausted. IMO

Exactly! When lawyer's have cases with national spotlight on them, you expect the lawyer to be exhausted... they are paid the big bucks to be exhausted and continue to do their jobs. Something is brewing...or else this is some type of defence game/strategy
Well in reality it wasn't the parents who were going to be doing the tour or press conference. It was the legal team. Sooooooooo even if the parents are exhausted, what does the lawyer have to be exhausted about? I say something else is up. The lawyer cancelled for a reason other than that she was exhausted. IMO

Yep sounds like Legal-Wrangling time. Perhaps the lawyers were gonna be busy today getting the boys ready for tomorrows interview..and perhaps they are gonna try and stop the interview tomorrow.

I think it should be interesting to see what tomorrow brings..IMO it has nothing to do with finding Lisa.
Yep sounds like Legal-Wrangling time. Perhaps the lawyers were gonna be busy today getting the boys ready for tomorrows interview..and perhaps they are gonna try and stop the interview tomorrow.

I think it should be interesting to see what tomorrow brings..IMO it has nothing to do with finding Lisa.

Exactly I have wondered all day if they have attempted to file a motion in court to stop this questioning.
Wouldn't refusing parental consent be enough?
Aren't the members of the Bradley/Irwin family considered to be victims/witnesses at this time? Just wondering if that would make a difference as far as subpoenas.
I wouldn't downplay cadaver dogs like that. Their sense of smell is amazing. I've heard some dogs can smell decomp through things like cement. It doesn't always mean they are perfect with every hit, but I wouldn't just go throwing out a hit just because a cadaver dog made it. Something dead was there and left a scent for that dog to find. And no, there is no other smell like decomp. It can't be synthetically made. The only thing makes a decomp smell is a human body. Even animal bodies and plant or food decomposing smell differently than a human decomposing. Ask Oriah or Sarx, our dog experts.

Let me tell you, cadaver dogs hit in Caylee's backyard and in her mother's car trunk, and it was one of many things that made me believe she was in all those places at one time. I know we want to believe the best scenario in this case, but for there to be hit by a cadaver dog tells me there might not be such a happy ending here. Now the fact that there isn't much else to suggest a dead body does concern me, so maybe the cadaver dog was wrong here. It still worries me that there was any kind of decomp smell for the dog to pick up in the first place. There is just no innocent explanation for a decomp smell!


According to media reports, it was an FBI HRD dog that alerted to that spot in the master bedroom.

Sarx & Oriah have told us that FBI HRD dogs have the highest level of certification (i.e. they have passed the most rigorous testing).

This gives me confidence in the dog's alert.
I am wondering if they cancelled today in order to set up a cancellation for tomorrow for the children....i.e. turns out the whole family is just too exhausted after all...JMO
I do not downplay cadaver dogs at all, I think they are very accomplished and amazing! I just asked experts and it was confirmed that the spot in my house (post 517) may likely be "hit", and all of my kids are alive and well. A dog is not incorrect to hit there, they are very precise to hit there! Much respect to them for their ability to smell old blood that was cleaned well!

I would like to see more than that, some corroborating evidence, that's all.

Well, God forbid, if you were ever in a situation in which there were cadaver dogs in your home, you would at least have medical records to back up your story.

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