long weekend break: discuss the latest here #102

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Tules sea
Duh on me I was reading the right story. I'm sorry! These four children! Oh how sad that this happended to them and your brother and sisterinlaw.
Question: The camera and its memory card were found inside the washing machine at Travis' place. I'm into amateur photography and have to ask, did she take the card out of the camera before she tossed it in the washer? This wasn't clear from court testimony. It probably doesn't matter, but I am curious.

It was still in the camera IIRC..
It seems many of us here had the same thoughts so I am confident it wasn't lost on at least some of the jurors

Ever since the CA verdict, I choose not to predict what the jury is thinking. "We all" had the same thoughts then, and look what happened.

For that matter, some of the jury questions this week, have me thinking that one or 2 are buying her BS. We just won't know until the verdict! :twocents:
Tules sea where can I read about your brother hugs
I know loosing a family member is something you never get. Over. My sister died of double pneumonia! And two weeks later my father was murdered. His killer was never captured.

What were her own words? Something like "I'm the person who deserves to live with the memory of what happened....but I can't remember....."

She wants to be the ONLY one who shared that gruesome scene with Travis. Yeah, I call that obsessed.

Agree. She conveniently doesn't remember so it becomes another secret only she and Travis would ever know.

Plumeria5 said:
lonetraveler said:
I agree. I don't know how many of you saw the HLN Afterdark episode the other night but Judge Alex was on and was asked why Jodi brought the knife. He made a statement that really hit home with me and explained it very simply. Jodi was so enraged that she planned and executed her plan to murder Travis. She used the knife simply because she wanted to feel it enter his body over and over again, simply because in her mind, he deserved it and she needed to end him hold on her life forever. She wanted to experience the feeling she got from delivering horrendous pain as much as possible to Travis. The gun was just the coup de gras, to end it so that she could start her life anew and go on with it. I think that Judge Alex nailed it. Jodi was ready to make Travis pay. She planned on taping him, photographing him, causing him the most pain possible and murdering him, therefore putting him completely out of her life and then she would be free to go on and start another life.
Very well may be that the knife was her first choice. Most of you have probably seen it, but it is quite eerie that the poses and actions of the woman in the movie Psycho murder scene are quite similar to those that Jodi had Travis do. Was she reenacting the movie scene?
Jodi said on her MySpace that she is a fan of old movies, so I do believe she was reenacting that movie scene. Someone did a photo essay comparing the two sets of photos. Let's see if I can find that for you.

Here you go: http://www.chathousenews.com/2013/02/the-shower-scene-jodi-arias-chat-house.html

While I agree in general with what Judge Alex said, I'd take it a step further and say that more than needing to end Travis' hold on her life forever, her slaying him was a way to keep him as hers forever. A trophy. Otherwise she wouldn't have made such a point to take all the photos his final day alive--and posing in the shower, being directed by her--and remark how good she thought he looked in his last headshot ever, where he looks absolutely terrified and knows his fate. Regardless of where she spends her final years, she can relish and relive the thought that she had final absolute control over him and nobody else could ever have him.

To this day she still enjoys it. Recall what she said about her smugshot, that she was smiling because Travis was always smiling. She was smiling the day of his memorial service. She's not done with him, not by a long shot. He's her trophy. MOO
Thanks, Steely Dan!!

If that text isn't proof of a motive, I don't know what is... Sounds like she did something BAD and he was about to expose her to EVERYONE.

Did more come out about this? I've searched the threads and can't find anything. Even the timeline thread...

Hate to be a bother, but I can't believe I missed the significance of this in court. And why was she reading it as part of the defense? IMHO it makes her look worse. :/

What was the date that text was sent?
No, the card was in the camera. She didn't even think of it.

Guess what else she didnt think of? Taking the camera with her along with the gun and knife. Shes kicking herself over that one. This dope took her own crime scene photos.
My gay friends have a 'parental lock' on it so it can't be viewed without an access code, they find the extra time it takes to remember the code is long enough to resist the urge to watch it, even for a second.

I just had to turn off Geraldo, insulted beyond belief within a few short seconds and don't want to think about people who believe what they are saying - it's scary.

I lost all respect for Geraldo long ago, but I heard through social media what he had to say about the CA trial. I wasn't surprised, but still angry.

He tweeted something a couple weeks about about JA that caused an uproar. Something about it being a DP trial and that was too harsh for this crime. Really? Just exactly how harsh a crime does it have to be? Personally, I think he says most of what he does just to get a rise out of people, but using something like TA's death for something like that just shows the kind of man he is. :twocents:
Unfortunately, this was not classified as a heinous crime by the state.

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If this is true, why would she be charged with a death penalty qualified charge of 1st degree murder? For death, there has to be a heinous act performed during the murder.
Unfortunately, this was not classified as a heinous crime by the state.

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I must have gotten it wrong. I thought that of all the factors that would allow the State to pursue the DP, the crime being deemed heinous was the only one factor that applied according to the court. Am I screwed up here?
Scratching my head, again LOL
i believe i heard him say at one point tat they had 12 visits..he admits she lied about ninja story for half of those. That leaves 6 visits where he claims he believed her story. The other morning he testified that he first met her in 2009 and changed it to 2010 by the afternoon :facepalm: He claims 20-30 hours ... and later changed it to more ..I won't believe a word until and unless Juan produces it.

RS submitted his evaluation in June of 2011, the one based on the ninja story but continued to visit her up till Dec. of 2012. If you recall, when JM questioned him about why RS didn't perform another evaluation after Jodi changed her story, RS stated that perhaps maybe he should have done a new evaluation.:rocker:
There are actually a lot of similarities between Ted Bundy and Jodi Arias. Psychopaths tend to go about things in very similar ways, before and after the fact. Jus' sayin'... There is also zero evidence he treated her badly other than her own words.

I watched the Ted Bundy story again the other day when it was on and I was struck by the similarities between them.

He represented himself too and put the victims families through hell btw.

The same chameleon like changes in physical appearance and demeanor sometimes within minutes. Although both relatively smart, attractive, at times charming people, they share same narcissistic inability to predict how normal people should react and both only cried when talking about themselves. Both had normal childhoods as far as anyone could tell. Both lpved road trips. Both became obsessive about a particular lover which then sent them on the path to murder. Every girl Bundy murdered looked like the girl he loved who rejected him....
No, the card was in the camera. She didn't even think of it.

Wow. :what:

More questions! If she was kneeling down in front of the shower taking pics of Travis, how in the world could the dropped camera *bounce* and *roll* toward the bathtub?! It seems to me that it would drop a very short distance and stay there...?

I mean, WTH??

Another question: These pics clearly show Travis in the shower with the shower ON. She seems to have initially attacked him there. Wouldn't the water factor on the floor of the bathroom have been caused by the running shower w/the open shower door? Who is going to have the time to turn off the shower during this attack?

Sorry if I'm asking too many questions. The answers to these seem obvious to me, and I haven't seen them addressed. :seeya:
Her first oral partner at age 15 was named Clinton. Kind of like the way she described the right and wrong Mormon sex. What a whakadoodle!

Let's all remember the source of the claim and th name. She claims Clinton, later in testiphony references 'Bill Clinton type of sex,' I'm not ready to buy this, all it did show was more inconsistencies from JA.
Jodi said on her MySpace that she is a fan of old movies, so I do believe she was reenacting that movie scene. Someone did a photo essay comparing the two sets of photos. Let's see if I can find that for you.

Here you go: http://www.chathousenews.com/2013/02/the-shower-scene-jodi-arias-chat-house.html

While I agree in general with what Judge Alex said, I'd take it a step further and say that more than needing to end Travis' hold on her life forever, her slaying him was a way to keep him as hers forever. A trophy. Otherwise she wouldn't have made such a point to take all the photos his final day alive--and posing in the shower, being directed by her--and remark how good she thought he looked in his last headshot ever, where he looks absolutely terrified and knows his fate. Regardless of where she spends her final years, she can relish and relive the thought that she had final absolute control over him and nobody else could ever have him.

To this day she still enjoys it. Recall what she said about her smugshot, that she was smiling because Travis was always smiling. She was smiling the day of his memorial service. She's not done with him, not by a long shot. He's her trophy. MOO

Thanks for the link! I had seen the photos but somehow I glossed over this quote the 1st time. OMG!!!!!"Not like a blood-curdling horror movie girl scream",said Jodi on 48 hrs.
Other than butchering someone with a knife I don't see any similarity between OJ and Jodi Arias. OJ was a celebrity who was jealous of his ex-wife and decided to butcher her, Ron Goldman was in the wrong place at the wrong time and paid with his life. The OJ trial not guilty verdict was celebrity/race related. Period.

socio/psychopath with an abusive past killing out of anger and jealousy? I see the similarities.

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Thanks everyone who answered about the camera.

I am being told this could be it, 2008 base price around $350

No, the DSC-H9 was different from the DSC-H7 in two basic respects, the addition of infrared capability on the DSC-H9 and also a larger flip-up LCD screen compared to the H7.

You are correct that the DSC-H9 does not take video.
Agree. She conveniently doesn't remember so it becomes another secret only she and Travis would ever know.


I think the real reason she couldn't stop herself from looking at the autopsy and crime scene photos of Travis in court was because she is still obsessed with him and misses him. They were the photos that brings her back to the nearest time she was with him before he was dead. She is reliving his last moments alive, or their last moments together, by looking at those photos, rather than looking at a dead Travis.
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