long weekend break: discuss the latest here #113

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What was telling to me was when JA talked about thinking that Travis was going to marry Mimi at that time, not knowing at that point that Mimi just wanted to be friends. This solidified for me that her motive was jealousy. There was no way JA was going to let Travis marry anyone besides herself. She could not stand the thought of Travis not belonging to her and she knew their sexual relationship was over.
Her motive wasn't only to keep Travis from going to Cancun with Mimi but to keep him from marrying her as well.

Very good point -- she didn't know what Mimi's feelings were, but it didn't matter to her, because naturally all women think just like her in her world.

By the way, the Hokey Pokey is, indeed, what it's all about. I put my left foot in yesterday and proved it conclusively.

As you will note, I did not say that what happened was improper. I said that it could become an issue if a juror was to see it. I take your points regarding what might have happened after the fact. I just don't imagine that he would want to take the chance, nor will he offer another opportunity for a recurrence.

This is surely true, I imagine Juan forgot about who he was dealing with, the boo hoo, :boohoo: cry babies to end all cry babies DT.
I would like to address the story of the engagement ring that Travis supposedly bought earlier on for another woman.

Why are we just hearing about this now?

Who was the other woman?

When was the ring purchased?

It was stated that the ring went missing during the time Travis was involved with JA, (so we know who took it.)

Were the pawn shops around Yerka checked, around where Gus lived, where Matt lived?

Was the grandparents house checked?

tia if anyone knows!!
I think she pulled his head up off the floor to slash his throat so the tip of the knife had room to go past the opposite side of the neck where the cut started without jamming into the floor. I would think in slashing someone's throat you'd have to hold their head immobile anyway so the head didn't roll in the direction of the cut making it that much harder TO cut.

Ugh. This is the one thing she did to him that I have so much trouble thinking about... it's just so horribly ghastly. I don't know, but to me it just seems like the most evil and grisly way to kill someone that even the most hardened violent person would tend to step back from.

Evil, ghastly, grisly and so, so cold. If she did this in a rage, it seems like by that time, her rage would have been spent. If there was no other evidence that she killed him in cold blood, this would definitely be the evidence that she did, imo.
Maybe I am being a little hard on JC, but it rubbed me the wrong way how she over-dramatized and made such a big deal out of it. I just tend to think that Juan knows what he's doing. And if this had happened the other way around, does anyone here believe the prosecutor would have behaved the way the DT is?

I think JM is a terrific prosecutor and is doing an excellent job -- but I would be willing to bet an awful lot of money that nobody has even walked up to him and asked him to sign their cane before. I don't think he did anything other than be reflexively polite in a very awkward situation. It goes to the character of the man, actually -- he defaulted to being accommodating and gracious.

As for Jean, I don't think making the point she made was overdone. It certainly could prejudice a juror against the state's case. If a juror saw something like that and walked off thinking, "Who does that guy think he is? That doesn't seem appropriate," that could very well lead to them casting a negative eye on what the prosecution presented or how he did it.

I am not saying that he did anything wrong. He did not. I think I have made that clear by now. The point is that she pointed out that it could be misinterpreted by a juror. Come now, sleuthers. After the other trial which shall not be named, is there any among you who really can't see that there might be some truth in that statement?

In fairness to Travis, there is no evidence he ever "loved" her or said that he did. The Defense would be trumpeting that from the rooftops if they could produce any such evidence. That depth of romance existed only in JA's mind.

In one of the newly released interrogation tapes JA said neither one of them ever told the other they loved each other.

I don't think Travis would have ever told her that because he didn't love her, imo. At first he was infatuated with her and the new sexual experience but that paled quickly when he found out how strange and psycho she was.

I think JM is a terrific prosecutor and is doing an excellent job -- but I would be willing to bet an awful lot of money that nobody has even walked up to him and asked him to sign their cane before. I don't think he did anything other than be reflexively polite in a very awkward situation. It goes to the character of the man, actually -- he defaulted to being accommodating and gracious.

Agreed. In fact he was quite surprised when asked to sign that woman's cane.

For the defense to attempt to smear his reputation is atrocious. Not at all unexpected though from them.

No relationship is perfectly 50/50 with respect to the parties' investments, but this one was beyond mildly imbalanced. It was downright lopsided.

JA wanted to be Miss Cancun, workin' her moneymaker with any PPL Mormon who seemed to have the Midas touch, and TA was her first choice.

In return for sex and other 'consideration' of dubious value, she wanted him to put a ring on that catawampus digit. But that just wasn't gonna happen.

We know how she decided to end their story, with much malice aforethought.

Karma in that its the wedding ring finger that is all messed up and never in a condition to get on and wear one
To show that there wasn't time enough for the story Jodi testified to under oath, to the jury to be the truth. That's all. She testified the first accidental pic is when the attack (against HER) began. From that pic to the next accidental pic is 62 seconds. No time for a body slam, a chase, climbing up shelving to find a gun, more chase, the shooting, the him falling and screaming he's going to kill her, then she must find a knife , stab him over twenty times some of which are defensive wounds and slit his throat at the other end of the bathroom hall from which she shot him. Her story is crap.

I keep thinking / hoping that Juan will have a re-enactment done for the jury to watch. Does anyone know if this kind of thing is ever done?
Evil, ghastly, grisly and so, so cold. If she did this in a rage, it seems like by that time, her rage would have been spent. If there was no other evidence that she killed him in cold blood, this would definitely be the evidence that she did, imo.

I don't think she was in a rage. She reminds me of someone laying in wait ...waiting for the best opportunity to strike.

I think she was cold, methodical and went about carrying out her plan and used whatever measures it took to make sure Travis was dead.

I don't think she was in a rage. She reminds me of someone laying in wait ...waiting for the best opportunity to strike.

I think she was cold, methodical and went about carrying out her plan and used whatever measures it took to make sure Travis was dead.


I agree. Initially I thought she had to have been in a rage, I mean, who can do this in their right mind? But as you say, there was too much planning. And, it went on far too long to have been a rage killing, imo.
Hello, my lovelies!

Started watching the interrogation tapes last night and I'm only on seven but wow are they fascinating or what??

I agree with other posters on her totally change in demeanor with the female detective. It's blatantly obvious.

When I say psycho, you say JODI! Psycho - JODI! Psycho - JODI!
I tend to agree with this. That he was even approached for an autograph is such an aberration I doubt he saw it coming and didn't have time to think it through. Imo he won't do it again.

Why Not? He didn't commit a crime. He wasn't trying this case outside of the courtroom. He wasn't expressing his professional nor personal opinion about Jodi, anyone or anything related to this case.

I for one and thrilled to see someone being admired and respected for his character and integrity rather than sports players and movie stars. I think it's wonderful that so many citizens and guests from other countries are taking such an interest in this trial.
I keep thinking / hoping that Juan will have a re-enactment done for the jury to watch. Does anyone know if this kind of thing is ever done?

I remember the Mark Chamura rape trial his atty built an exact replica of bathroom where the assault supposedly happened. Proved it wasn't big enough to fit the story the victim told LE. Not guilty

In Houston, DA Kelly Siegler brought in a bed, tied up her law clerk on it, straddled him and replicated the 193 stab wounds Susan Wright inflicted in "self defense". Guilty
I agree. Initially I thought she had to have been in a rage, I mean, who can do this in their right mind? But as you say, there was too much planning. And, it went on far too long to have been a rage killing, imo.

Stab x29 may have been partly rage, but the slashing of the throat from ear to ear was plain EVIL. However, the murder was premeditated, as the evidence shows (IMO).

How can he be dead? His arm is up, his shoulders and head are up.

Is it OK to post pictures? If not, Mods please delete.

Maybe this pic was taken as she turned him over right after she slashed his throat. That would account for his arm being up and head also, they were in motion from the turning. Turning him over to drag him back to the shower. I believe this was after the throat slashing and he was dead for all intents and purposes at that time. In order to slash his throat so deeply she would need the leverage of having him face down so that she would be pulling up while cutting. JMO MOO all that :moo:

That being said, I can't quite figure out why she would bother to turn him over.
I don't think ALV's line of thinking is reasonable.

I have been with my husband for almost 20 years. We started dating when I was 17. I would be embarrassed to admit the number of screaming fights we've had. I've shoved him a couple times out of intense anger (many years ago, but it still isn't right). He has never laid a hand on me but he did punch a hole in the bedroom wall once during a fight.

We have a wonderful, beautiful, intensely caring and loving relationship. It's healthy but of course not perfect. We went through everything we went through for a reason and I am proud of how far we've come. I think it's been a pretty normal marriage so far, especially since we were married so very young.

Surely Ms. LV will say I should have left long ago, that we're both abusive and our relationship is incredibly unhealthy.

A "normal" relationship is pretty simple and black and white on paper. But living it that way is a different story. I dare anyone in a relationship to say they haven't had at least a few major fights or screaming matches.

Or, maybe I truly am a freak of nature.

ETA: reasonable, not UNreasonable!

Hopeful One,
I think ALV is Herself a very sick person. According to her, everyone would be divorced. Or maybe that is her desire.
Very good point -- she didn't know what Mimi's feelings were, but it didn't matter to her, because naturally all women think just like her in her world.

By the way, the Hokey Pokey is, indeed, what it's all about. I put my left foot in yesterday and proved it conclusively.

Looking at that photo, for the first time I see what appears to be Travis' left hand/thumb on his right bicep. Or I have had too much coffee. jmo

I've always thought it was his arm on the right hand side....until now. I believe you could be right, and that is his leg.

I've also wonder if CA's jurors could have found her guilty of killing her daughter even if there were pictures of it. Here, we have the pictures, but Aris has had the exact same evidence to ponder over for the last 5 years, and she has made her statements fit the evidence. To me, it's absolutely unbelievable! I keep wondering why we try to make her statements fit the crime, when we know it's all lies. No gun in the closet, no dropping the camera and Travis flying into a rage, no little boy pictures, no abuse of Jodi, no nothing! He didn't want her, and he made it clear. He was OK with the sex, and maybe even had feelings for her at one time. Once it was obvious she was a fatal attraction, he wanted out. Jodi would not accept that as an option. That's my take on it.
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