LP Asks “Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey..

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Ha.... LP probably came to the conclusion from just putting the two names together...


IMO there was no union between the siblings. We all know the person who runs the show at home most likely picked the the baby's name ;)

I hadn't thought of that, but it makes a lot of sense. :)
LP may have info and again he may not.
His involvement has helped him get publicity.
Since he is no longer in "Or- lon-do", I wonder who he may be working with on this. No doubt he has many connections and LE is under no obligation to give him information.
The tidbits he shares are annoying--just wish he'd come out and spill what he knows.
This is not in reply to anyone in particular -- just my thoughts about the topic of this thread:

The Anthonys would not be exempt from the realities of incest, no matter how much the idea might offend some. I think LP knows the difference between Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA. IMHO.
This is not in reply to anyone in particular -- just my thoughts about the topic of this thread:

The Anthonys would not be exempt from the realities of incest, no matter how much the idea might offend some. I think LP knows the difference between Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA. IMHO.

I have been afraid to be direct in my opinion about the incest possibility. Feared everyone would jump all over me.
Recently read: 92% incest is between brothers and sisters

Also, this family has the characteristic of incest family....JMO
I had my speculations with this in the beginning, being that if you take Casey and Lees names and put them together, it makes CayLEE.. But I dont believe it anymore. Who knows who the baby daddy is.. It could be Brian the neighbor for all we know! LOL.
This is not in reply to anyone in particular -- just my thoughts about the topic of this thread:

The Anthonys would not be exempt from the realities of incest, no matter how much the idea might offend some. I think LP knows the difference between Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA. IMHO.

It is SO much more common than people realize and is rarely prosecuted.
It is offensive to the average person, but murder of a child is much more offensive to me.

When there are so many secrets in a family, it is hard not theorize what else they are hiding.

I believe JG gave LP access to the DNA results he had done on Caylee and that is why LP brought this up. It is VERY easy to read in-line DNA, and may even be printed out in the report.

I don't believe LP set himself up to be sued for a minute. I believe he knows the story and for some reason, LA still talks to him all the time.
I don't think that is true in the South. LOL

:eek: Wow, Is that true? I am from the South and I know people THINK that we are "backwards", but IMHO incest is no more prevalent here than anywhere else. Is it not illegal South Turbo? (I guess I assumed it was, and should know better than to assume anything!)
Ha :)
I don't think he is, she had no shortage of lovers at the time and she was 19 so if there was abuse or incest I highly doubt it went on at 19

Why would LP say that to the press? shocking! Unless he has other info we don't...

Waddles, I highly doubt any of us know for sure IF she had any intimate lovers at 19...
IF she had been dating, her parents would have suspected her pregnancy....imo

WHY do you assume incest stops before age 19 or doesn't happen to females at age 19? I know for a fact it does happen....
So the Anthony's (well Lee at least) DO know who Kayla's father was, and have been depriving that family of the joy of knowing that child, and are also depriving them of her demise.
Shish, how kind....

Ya know, maybe that family would have loved to have CUSTODY of Kayla and she would be ALIVE now, and we wouldn't even know the damn Anthony family. Real charitable Lee, really.....

Sorry, I am just sick to death of these people. Tell one guy he's Kayla's father, um nope you're not, after 10 months of bonding, so lets just keep it a secret from the REAL father....I never thought I would despise a family more than I despise Scott Peterson's, however the Anthony's have surpassed them in my book.....

It's plain to me the Bio-father is still not taking any responsibility for his child....a family secret to protect HIS cowardly *advertiser censored*s for 3+ years....jmo
:eek: Wow, Is that true? I am from the South and I know people THINK that we are "backwards", but IMHO incest is no more prevalent here than anywhere else. Is it not illegal South Turbo? (I guess I assumed it was, and should know better than to assume anything!)

I was just joking..........not serious. It did not used to be called incest except a parent or a sibling because many families would not allow their children to marry anyone BUT cousins to keep the line "pure." (1700-1800 era)
I have been afraid to be direct in my opinion about the incest possibility. Feared everyone would jump all over me.

Recently read: 92% incest is between brothers and sisters

Also, this family has the characteristic of incest family....JMO

KarenMamo, Do you think Casey's actions/ possible split-personality disorder are typical of a incest victim?

Did anyone think it strange when Lee told his parents to not take the lie detector test? WHY if there was nothing to hide?
KarenMamo, Do you think Casey's actions/ possible split-personality disorder are typical of a incest victim?

Did anyone think it strange when Lee told his parents to not take the lie detector test? WHY if there was nothing to hide?

I found it very interesting that it was LA who stopped the polygraphs. It also interested me as to why the parents would have agreed to what he said.

If one of my adult kids said "don't take a polygraph", I would tell them to mind their own business and do what they wanted, but I would do what I felt was right.

It appears to me that the inmates are running the asylum in that family.
I'm not convinced of the whole "incest" aspect of the case but I AM convinced that this family is NOT normal. It's like they've been living in their own distorted universe for a long time now and they continue to believe that they can do so even after one of "their own" has been abandoned and left/likely dead. Something isn't right. I don't know what it is but something is definitely NOT right.
KarenMamo, Do you think Casey's actions/ possible split-personality disorder are typical of a incest victim?

Victim??? Hmmm...possibly the perpetrator??
Works both ways. Not considered a victim if mutually agreed upon....

Did anyone think it strange when Lee told his parents to not take the lie detector test? WHY if there was nothing to hide?

Yes, several here thought it strange! And one of my suspicions at the time might be in regard to questioning along the lines of Caylee's biological father. Even if moms and pops passed....maybe Lee would not????

Lots of questions, aren't there?
I don't think we will hear that in trial. because i don't believe that true . i don't think people any where elese to go accept for theses remarks. SAD
I don't think we will hear that in trial. because i don't believe that true . i don't think people any where elese to go accept for theses remarks. SAD

The father will be discussed in the trial, you can count on that. There will be depositions prior to trial and anyone named will be tested if they don't already have the info, which I believe the have.

I believe the prior full DNA of Caylee gave them all they wanted to know, and if there is anything like that, they have it already because they did a DNA on all the family members in the beginning.
Ha.... LP probably came to the conclusion from just putting the two names together...


IMO there was no union between the siblings. We all know the person who runs the show at home most likely picked the the baby's name ;)

Someone needs to educate LP about the facts of life. You have to put two things together in order to create a baby, and it's NOT names.
If the father is alive and if he even thinks remotely that there is a possibility that he could be the father - I really hope that he finds a way to be heard! For Caylee! Caylee deserves that, at the very least! Someone to look out for her and to care for her interests! No one in this family appears to be up to the task! I would applaud and uphold the father that could/would step forward at this point - as a hero!
If the father is alive and if he even thinks remotely that there is a possibility that he could be the father - I really hope that he finds a way to be heard! For Caylee! Caylee deserves that, at the very least! Someone to look out for her and to care for her interests! No one in this family appears to be up to the task! I would applaud and uphold the father that could/would step forward at this point - as a hero!
What if whoever the father is has known about her all along and didn't give a fig, would you still applaud and support him for coming forward now to care for Caylee's interests?
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