LP's Confidence

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Frankly, I kept seeing posts bashing LP all over the forum on every thread. I thought discussing LP in a positive light was a good thing and the reason I came to this particular thread to support him. ;)

I thought it was just me noticing all the negativity towards LP. I came here earlier to support him and got the impression that if I posted a positive reply I could get "respectfully" disagreed with. Same with other threads. I wasn't going to post earlier, but then thought I DO have something nice to say and have the right to say it. Which I did.

Guess I posted too quickly :(
The multiple threads I see here discussing the things LP brought up should probably reflect the notion they are nothing of value (except his goal was exactly to keep us talking about the case which he accomplished). There have been many, many things he has said in the past we didn't understand until later when LE came out with them publically. He has his reasons for that muddy water.

I agree with Drumstick. What he said early on he would do and exactly what he has done is to keep Caylee's case in the forefront of the public. He is a self-proclaimed media *advertiser censored* (which I find refreshing he candidly admits). Out of all the players in this case, Leonard was one of very few who actually did something to get people to listen, to search, and to do whatever it took to bring Caylee home. He was spending his own money, time, and energy in his efforts.

Every missing person case should have a Leonard. His phone is constantly buzzing with people begging him to help put their cases out into the public for more exposure. The airtime he has garnered is rare in such a world where the missing and murdered are not given the time of day. (Have you checked out the actual number of people who have vanished without a trace?)

While the A fam was screaming about people getting off their @sses to find Caylee, Leonard was already in action. He continued his quest long after the other people faded in the background because he is determined to find justice for this child. His heart, imo, is in the right place even if people don't like him. He has made it clear that he doesn't care as long as people are still talking about the case. He is willing to see this through to the end when Casey et al will be made to pay for what they have done to Caylee.

So as far as I am concerned...Keep talking, LP! I can read between the lines and you are doing just fine. Say just enough to confuse the public and put pressure where it belongs. It is an art form which few people understand or bother to realize is simply Politics 101. LOL I think it is pretty funny that so many people haven't figured it out and can't see what he is doing...yet they spend so much time screaming about him doing it. ;)


LP is a fine politician with the best of missions, Justice for Caylee.

:woohoo: :woohoo:​

My bold.
May I just ask... has everyone here forgotten that LP spearheaded a wild goose chase "find" at the Econ River that was called a crime scene when it wasn't, and LE took the stuff, called it "found property", then asked him to take a lie detector test? Do these officers consider him a standup guy too?

Respectfully, with his own funds and the info had at the time, LP hired and paid for professional divers to do the search. LE did take the contents of what was found and yes, LE/FBI was reported to have asked for a lie detector test. If there is a doc that specifically states LE/FBI, not a reported article, asked for the lie detector test would you be so kind as to link it.

I am aware that TM at the time said he had had sonar go over the area and they found nothing. Again, respectfully, going over an area more than once doesn't rule out or prove anything as hindsight has shown us.

Does LE consider LP a standup guy? I don't know, you would have to ask them. I do.
May I just ask... has everyone here forgotten that LP spearheaded a wild goose chase "find" at the Econ River that was called a crime scene when it wasn't, and LE took the stuff, called it "found property", then asked him to take a lie detector test? Do these officers consider him a standup guy too?
What you call a "wild goose chase", I call covering all the bases. I wanted someone searching that waterway in the manner it was done...by hand with divers. Casey did mention it several times and while it was a red herring...no one knew that at the time. It is my understanding he was given the go ahead to search it by OSCO and Nick S. from the FBI was also present. I can't speak for how they feel about LP.

I did hear the FBI agent on NG or GVS stating how he had worked with LP in the past on other matters and he said you could "take to the bank" in respect with what LP told Law Enforcement. (So someone in higher places thinks that LP is a man of his word when it comes to reporting the facts to LE.)
I hate that this is a bash LP thread! I didn't think we did this kind of thing here. I thought this was more like a huge forum we all know. IMO, this serves no good purpose for sleuthing. There are so many WS'rs who are looking at data, timelines, facts. I'll retreat now.

It's not bashing. Saying that you don't agree with someone's actions or pointing out their mistakes and things they have said that haven't turned out to be true is not bashing.

I wish those of you who worship the ground he walks on would stop accusing everyone who doesn't think he's (blink, blink, starry eyes) *the most wonderful thing ever* of bashing. All you're trying to do is stifle those who don't agree with you and that's completely unfair and not what this board is about.

I agree with Chilly. I don't care whether his heart's in the right place or his motives are purely selfish, I think he's done a lot of harm to this case.

In fact, so many of the false rumors he's started have been so helpful to the defense, I have seriously wondered if he's still working for the defense.
I thought it was just me noticing all the negativity towards LP. I came here earlier to support him and got the impression that if I posted a positive reply I could get "respectfully" disagreed with. Same with other threads. I wasn't going to post earlier, but then thought I DO have something nice to say and have the right to say it. Which I did.

Guess I posted too quickly :(
Keep posting!! Your posts are very welcome! :) You do have every right to say whatever you feel!
I agree with Chilly. I don't care whether his heart's in the right place or his motives are purely selfish, I think he's done a lot of harm to this case.

In fact, so many of the false rumors he's started have been so helpful to the defense, I have seriously wondered if he's still working for the defense.
Hmmm...I haven't seen anything in this case so far that is really helpful to the defense. IMO, Trying to get TO the truth is what this case is all about and has been all along. The defense is not interested in this and has stated it is not in the "best interest" of their client for the truth to emerge. I will have to track down Baez exact statement.
May I just ask... has everyone here forgotten that LP spearheaded a wild goose chase "find" at the Econ River that was called a crime scene when it wasn't, and LE took the stuff, called it "found property", then asked him to take a lie detector test? Do these officers consider him a standup guy too?

I personally think that it is unfair to call LP's search a wild goose chase "find".

The planned TES search for Caylee had been hyped for a few weeks as being the largest in history, LP was convinced that this effort would find Caylee. The actual search only lasted ~1.5 days and LP did not want to give in that easily.

LP was convinced based on a number of comments from KC on JBP, the discovery of the cross and, it just seemed to be plausible that KC dumped the body in the river. We all had a debate and concluded that side sonar scanning does not work well where there is deep silt.

LP took a risk, gained the support of FBI and -- proceeded to put divers in the water. I do concede that the find was poorly handled but LP did the right thing -- he called in the experts to review the find. There is still debate over whether there were bones or not, maybe animal.

The stakes were very high, both those totally against this search as well as hopeful that something would be found. I do think that LP and the team were pre-disposed to finding something, so when they found some toys and some rocks/bones in a black bag -- bingo!!

I personally feel that LE's reaction was more embarassment, for a minute under the media's watchful eye LE also believed LP had found Caylee and -- when they saw the find they just elected to embarass LP and slap him down.

We can all view things as the glass is half full or half empty depending upon where we are coming from, it colors our view. If we like LP we tend to treat developments with optimism, if we dislike LP then we are going to view things badly and find fault. At least LP tried and he was the "only one" trying to find Caylee -- to lay her to rest.

We are not going to change, we can understand each other better but quite often -- first impressions stick. It is far easier for anyone to criticize and find fault. It is tougher to be brave, take a stand and --- try to do something.

I personally love LP and feel that he is a positive contributor, very much the politician.
I seem to remember Nejame saying that Cindy and George were asked to take lie detector test, but they couldn't, because Cindy takes medication. I remember the posts in here wondering why George couldn't take a lie detector test because Cindy was on medication.

Anybody else remember that? I think Nejame was on a talk show, possibly on N Grace.
I remember that!
I've seen nastier threads! For the most part I think they're keeping their cool on this one. It absolutely amazes me how this guy in the black hat has polarized folks here so much.
...and I really don't get it!!
If there is a doc that specifically states LE/FBI, not a reported article, asked for the lie detector test would you be so kind as to link it.

LP talked on TV about being asked to take a lie detector test.

We can all view things as the glass is half full or half empty depending upon where we are coming from, it colors our view. If we like LP we tend to treat developments with optimism, if we dislike LP then we are going to view things badly and find fault. At least LP tried and he was the "only one" trying to find Caylee -- to lay her to rest.


Wow. What a slap in the fact to all the people who trudged through heavy brush in horrendous conditions searching for little Caylee's body. What a slap to all the TES volunteers and Florida residents who went out on their own to search day after day after day. What a slap to the psychics, misguided as they may have been who took it upon themselves to search. What a slap to the meter reader who was so persistent in trying to get someone at LE to take him seriously. LP, who never got his feet wet or a burr in his clothing is the ONLY one who searched. LP who did nothing buy sign autographs and pose for the camera is the only one who tried to find her.

LP talked on TV about being asked to take a lie detector test.

Yes, I heard him talk about it and he said he had no problem with taking one either. What I haven't seen in writing is where LE/FBI formally required him to take one.

At this juncture it doesn't seen important now other than to rule out he was purposely miss-leading LE/FBI. Which I don't believe he was doing since he had LE/FBI approval to do the search dive with his own funds and divers.
Yes, I heard him talk about it and he said he had no problem with taking one either. What I haven't seen in writing is where LE/FBI formally required him to take one.

At this juncture it doesn't seen important now other than to rule out he was purposely miss-leading LE/FBI. Which I don't believe he was doing since he had LE/FBI approval to do the search dive with his own funds and divers.
They couldn't have forced him to take one anyway.
Frankly, I kept seeing posts bashing LP all over the forum on every thread. I thought discussing LP in a positive light was a good thing and the reason I came to this particular thread to support him. ;)

It seems as we get a lot of these bash LP posts right before LE or him come out with something new against the Anthonys or their demon spawn.

Wonder why that is? And wonder what is going to be released soon?

I can't wait, myself.
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