LP's Confidence

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I do not care for LP or any other bounty hunter that would have gotten Casey out on bail. I have held this position from the beginning. Getting a person out on bail who has (at that time) been charged with child neglect, and lying to officials does not a hero make. For LP to think that he could get more out of Casey than LE is just ridiculous in my opinion. And I do not care who has said what about LP, I will never believe he has an 'in' with LE.

This was Casey's first jail stay and she should have been left there to get desperate and do almost anything to get out. Maybe she would have decided to talk. That will never be known. Instead, she was bailed out of jail and treated like a celebrity escorted by security, etc. That also gave she and the Anthony's a chance to compare notes and who has said what to whom, plus get their story straight.

Also, why should LP get so very much praise over everyday people who gave their time and love to search for Caylee? I will never forget what Tim Miller said LP mentioned to him about all of the money and publicity were the two of them photographed holding little Caylee's skull. I heard it with my own ears when Tim said it on Nancy Grace.

My praise goes to Tim Miller, TES and it's members, and to all of the people who were not named that got out there and earnestly searched for little Caylee. My praise goes to the Websleuthers who got out there and searched for little Caylee. No praise for LP from me - now or ever!

***ETA: The focus was taken way off of Caylee the moment Casey was bonded out. It then became the Casey Anthony Show, IMO.
I couldn't agree more.

I also have serious questions as to why LP got involved in this case in the first place. I didn't just decide that I didn't like LP because he wears a Black cowboy hat. I listened to what he had to say & none of it made sense.

First of all he said that none of the local FLA bondsmen were capable of writing a 500k bond & that is a complete line of BS. There are plenty of bondsmen in FLA that would have wrote KC's bond but LP lied to us & said that none of them were capable of writing a bond that big.That was a cover story for why he brought is nephew Tony along to write the bond. Otherwise somebody else would have made the 50k instead of his nephew Tony.

Does anyone remember when LP said that he was getting "threats" from FLA bondman because they were "Jealous" that he was bailing KC out? Well that's more BS from LP. They were angry at him for sure but not because they were Jealous......."Read between the lines" as another poster suggested.

By the way....Has anybody heard from Tony P. lately??

I guess he's too busy spending the 50k that he made for writing the bond - That is of course if you believe that he actually kept the money & didn't return it to his uncle Leonard
If you go back & read the statements that LP has made since the begining of this case it's impossible for words to "make sense".

There are also numerous inconsistencies in his various interviews.

He tells Greta one thing & Nancy another.

It's also amazing to me that when somebody mentions his inconsistencies they are accused of "Bashing LP".....I don't get it...!!

Why this guy is off limits to criticism??
I have noticed there is an obvious slant where only the negative has been posted about LP and the things that have turned out to be either true and backed up by evidence or by LE have not. Interesting. When I feel like going back through it all to put it all together, I will...as I have seen quite a few instances where LP's statements were finally shown to be based on facts.
I also have serious questions as to why LP got involved in this case in the first place. I didn't just decide that I didn't like LP because he wears a Black cowboy hat. I listened to what he had to say & none of it made sense.

First of all he said that none of the local FLA bondsmen were capable of writing a 500k bond & that is a complete line of BS. There are plenty of bondsmen in FLA that would have wrote KC's bond but LP lied to us & said that none of them were capable of writing a bond that big.That was a lie & a cover story for why he brought is nephew Tony along to write the bond. Otherwise somebody else would have made the 50k instead of his nephew Tony.

Does anyone remember when LP said that he was getting "threats" from FLA bondman because they were "Jealous" that he was bailing KC out? Well that's more BS from LP. They were angry at him for sure but not because they were Jealous......."Read between the lines" as another poster suggested.

By the way....Has anybody heard from Tony P. lately??

I guess he's too busy spending the 50k that he made for writing the bond "allegedly" - That is of course if you believe that he actually kept it & didn't return it to his uncle Leonard
Perhaps you missed it. LP and TP were first contacted by a third party, which one could assume is the same person still paying for the defense team and has required them to all sign confidentiality agreements. JB was the go-between, IIRC.

TP was paid the money due to him and he did not give any of it back to LP...because I trust what TP said was true. He gave no one any reason to doubt him, imo. He was very upfront and honest from everything I learned about him (and according to people who did get to know him). It is a shame someone would go after him because they don't like LP.
I couldn't agree more.

I also have serious questions as to why LP got involved in this case in the first place. I didn't just decide that I didn't like LP because he wears a Black cowboy hat. I listened to what he had to say & none of it made sense.

First of all he said that none of the local FLA bondsmen were capable of writing a 500k bond & that is a complete line of BS. There are plenty of bondsmen in FLA that would have wrote KC's bond but LP lied to us & said that none of them were capable of writing a bond that big.That was a cover story for why he brought is nephew Tony along to write the bond. Otherwise somebody else would have made the 50k instead of his nephew Tony.

Does anyone remember when LP said that he was getting "threats" from FLA bondman because they were "Jealous" that he was bailing KC out? Well that's more BS from LP. They were angry at him for sure but not because they were Jealous......."Read between the lines" as another poster suggested.

By the way....Has anybody heard from Tony P. lately??

I guess he's too busy spending the 50k that he made for writing the bond - That is of course if you believe that he actually kept the money & didn't return it to his uncle Leonard

You certainly don't understand how the bonding business works. Yes, most likely there were bonding companies who could write the bond, but SOMEONE had to put up the $50,000. The Anthonys were in dire financial need. Their court testimony said they were about to lose their house in foreclosure and no one else would put up that kind of money. Someone did later I believe after some contracts were signed for the story.

It took two bonding companies to be able to post the bond. Neither of them had enough financial backing to make it alone and court would not accept either one of their bonds for the entire amount. LP put up the $50,000 cash bond to pay the "front money" on the bond.. NO......he did not get it back. That is how bonding companies make their money. Tony did not write the bond because they were not licensed in Florida - they used a combination of companies in Florida.

They had the money and financial bonding surety to write that size bond, but in order to do it, they had to apply for a Florida license, so they got the two companies to do it for them, but even with that they had to still financially guarantee the bond, because neither company had adequate financial resources that the court would accept.

What you posted is mis-information and needs to be corrected.
You certainly don't understand how the bonding business works. Yes, most likely there were bonding companies who could write the bond, but SOMEONE had to put up the $50,000. The Anthonys were in dire financial need. Their court testimony said they were about to lose their house in foreclosure and no one else would put up that kind of money. Someone did later I believe after some contracts were signed for the story.

It took two bonding companies to be able to post the bond. Neither of them had enough financial backing to make it alone and court would not accept either one of their bonds for the entire amount. LP put up the $50,000 cash bond to pay the "front money" on the bond.. NO......he did not get it back. That is how bonding companies make their money. Tony did not write the bond because they were not licensed in Florida - they used a combination of companies in Florida.

They had the money and financial bonding surety to write that size bond, but in order to do it, they had to apply for a Florida license, so they got the two companies to do it for them, but even with that they had to still financially guarantee the bond, because neither company had adequate financial resources that the court would accept.

What you posted is mis-information and needs to be corrected.
You have successfully corrected it as far as I know, because this is exactly my understanding of how it went down. thanks for writing it out, because I gave it up about 3000 threads ago. :)
You have successfully corrected it as far as I know, because this is exactly my understanding of how it went down. thanks for writing it out, because I gave it up about 3000 threads ago. :)

ROFL!!! :banghead: It takes time sometimes. LOL

Old saying: TIME TAKES TIME !!
I don't always agree with LP's tactics, the theories, or other things he says. I don't always agree with posters here either. LP does go out on a limb and people make the mistake of hanging on his words literally. Sometimes, he throws things in the mix to stir the pot which do sound ridiculous. Then later on...things come to light as to why or where he came up with those things and they do make sense. I have also seen him more than once apologize or correct his mistakes.

If he were hiding evidence, lying to shield a murderer of a child, and doing all of this for the glory of a defense team bought and paid for by some anonymous donor...then I guess people would be more understanding of him? They could say he was only acting in the best interest of the client.

I happen to appreciate what he is doing is to find the truth of what happened to this precious child by any means he can. He in no way is supporting other people who are trying to pull the wool over LE's eyes to hide the truth. To me, this outweighs his personality traits, his theories, and anything else other people are finding to kvetch about him doing.
I don't always agree with LP's tactics, the theories, or other things he says. I don't always agree with posters here either. LP does go out on a limb and people make the mistake of hanging on his words literally. Sometimes, he throws things in the mix to stir the pot which do sound ridiculous. Then later on...things come to light as to why or where he came up with those things and they do make sense. I have also seen him more than once apologize or correct his mistakes.

If he were hiding evidence, lying to shield a murderer of a child, and doing all of this for the glory of a defense team bought and paid for by some anonymous donor...then I guess people would be more understanding of him? They could say he was only acting in the best interest of the client.

I happen to appreciate that he what he is doing is to find the truth of what happened to this precious child by any means he can. He in no way is supporting other people who are trying to pull the wool over LE's eyes to hide the truth. To me, this outweighs his personality traits, his theories, and anything else other people are finding to kvetch about him doing.

Thanks, Turbo!! You were right on the money with that response!! :) It is how it all went down as I understand it, too.
I don't always agree with LP's tactics, the theories, or other things he says. I don't always agree with posters here either. LP does go out on a limb and people make the mistake of hanging on his words literally. Sometimes, he throws things in the mix to stir the pot which do sound ridiculous. Then later on...things come to light as to why or where he came up with those things and they do make sense. I have also seen him more than once apologize or correct his mistakes.

If he were hiding evidence, lying to shield a murderer of a child, and doing all of this for the glory of a defense team bought and paid for by some anonymous donor...then I guess people would be more understanding of him? They could say he was only acting in the best interest of the client.

I happen to appreciate what he is doing is to find the truth of what happened to this precious child by any means he can. He in no way is supporting other people who are trying to pull the wool over LE's eyes to hide the truth. To me, this outweighs his personality traits, his theories, and anything else other people are finding to kvetch about him doing.

Thank you ......... again ..........:clap::clap:
You certainly don't understand how the bonding business works. Yes, most likely there were bonding companies who could write the bond, but SOMEONE had to put up the $50,000. The Anthonys were in dire financial need. Their court testimony said they were about to lose their house in foreclosure and no one else would put up that kind of money. Someone did later I believe after some contracts were signed for the story.

It took two bonding companies to be able to post the bond. Neither of them had enough financial backing to make it alone and court would not accept either one of their bonds for the entire amount. LP put up the $50,000 cash bond to pay the "front money" on the bond.. NO......he did not get it back. That is how bonding companies make their money. Tony did not write the bond because they were not licensed in Florida - they used a combination of companies in Florida.

They had the money and financial bonding surety to write that size bond, but in order to do it, they had to apply for a Florida license, so they got the two companies to do it for them, but even with that they had to still financially guarantee the bond, because neither company had adequate financial resources that the court would accept.

What you posted is mis-information and needs to be corrected.

You are on the money, know about the money :clap::clap::clap:
May I just ask... has everyone here forgotten that LP spearheaded a wild goose chase "find" at the Econ River that was called a crime scene when it wasn't, and LE took the stuff, called it "found property", then asked him to take a lie detector test? Do these officers consider him a standup guy too?

I didn't see that at all as a "wild goose chase", but an HONEST effort to try to find her little body. He was the ONLY one who seemed to even be interested at the time, and he put HIS MONEY where his mouth was.

He was NOT taking a FREE PI's word that they were "seeing" her all the time and about to close in after her being moved 9 times.

He was NOT hiding anything, but trying to open up the media to ideas that others could search without TES or anyone else's approval.

He was doing it with the approval of LE or he could not have been in a public park in that area. He KNEW KC was there a lot and that was his best guess knowing how sloppy she would be getting rid of a body.

NO ONE even considered she would just go down the street and throw it out like garbage then go dancing. Even that was below what most people believed the devil's spawn would do.

The head of the FBI in his state said of LP that if he said something " YOU COULD TAKE IT TO THE BANK" on national TV. That speaks volumes.

When he got the word on the PI taping there he immediately called the FBI to get the film. He is a stand up guy and I am tired of hearing all this bashing of him when most except the Anthonys admire him. They are AFRAID of him and it appears with good reason now.
I think what I just found speaks for it all... LP is putting himself in this case. He did not have the backing of the FBI for the dive, as someone said. Pretty much it doesn't take much to see that he is not a part of the case... said from the horses mouth (LE) during the dive fiasco:


Orange County Sheriff's Sgt. John Allen said the dive search going on in the river had nothing to do with either the FBI or the OCSO's official investigation, and was being conducted by Padilla.

"The Orange County Sheriff's Office and the FBI are working together, along with other police agencies, to find Caylee's remains," Allen said. "If you want to know what Leonard is doing here, I suggest you ask Leonard."

See, this is why I question LP's presence, still, in this case... add in the fact that he's not even on the witness list for the trial, it does make one sit up and question what the heck he is up to, because he goes on shows (mostly NG) and speaks out like he is involved in the case... when he obviously isn't.
You certainly don't understand how the bonding business works. Yes, most likely there were bonding companies who could write the bond, but SOMEONE had to put up the $50,000. The Anthonys were in dire financial need. Their court testimony said they were about to lose their house in foreclosure and no one else would put up that kind of money. Someone did later I believe after some contracts were signed for the story.

It took two bonding companies to be able to post the bond. Neither of them had enough financial backing to make it alone and court would not accept either one of their bonds for the entire amount. LP put up the $50,000 cash bond to pay the "front money" on the bond.. NO......he did not get it back. That is how bonding companies make their money. Tony did not write the bond because they were not licensed in Florida - they used a combination of companies in Florida.

They had the money and financial bonding surety to write that size bond, but in order to do it, they had to apply for a Florida license, so they got the two companies to do it for them, but even with that they had to still financially guarantee the bond, because neither company had adequate financial resources that the court would accept.

What you posted is mis-information and needs to be corrected.

Sorry Turbo...I happen to know Plenty about how the bonding Business works.

More than you know..........That I can guarantee you.

Tony Padilla Made 50k on the Bond - Minus his expenses & fees

Tony Padilla told me himself on this very website -

Leonard P. confirmed this himself on numerous occasions

Look it up...I can't be bothered trying to prove it to you
Love you guys... love debating with you guys... (and girls... *I don't judge), but dang this is draining. I'm taking a comment sit out for the night, on LP. A Diet Pepsi is calling me...

(*stolen from the creepy Ikea lady) :)
You have successfully corrected it as far as I know, because this is exactly my understanding of how it went down. thanks for writing it out, because I gave it up about 3000 threads ago. :)


Please inform me what part of my Post was corrected?

Tony Padilla was the BONDSMAN on Casey's Bond

He made the "commission" of 50k on the bond which was 500k (Minus his fees)

I asked Tony Padilla this very question on this Web-Site & he told me that he did make 50k but he did have expenses.
I think what I just found speaks for it all... LP is putting himself in this case. He did not have the backing of the FBI for the dive, as someone said. Pretty much it doesn't take much to see that he is not a part of the case... said from the horses mouth (LE) during the dive fiasco:


Orange County Sheriff's Sgt. John Allen said the dive search going on in the river had nothing to do with either the FBI or the OCSO's official investigation, and was being conducted by Padilla.

"The Orange County Sheriff's Office and the FBI are working together, along with other police agencies, to find Caylee's remains," Allen said. "If you want to know what Leonard is doing here, I suggest you ask Leonard."

See, this is why I question LP's presence, still, in this case... add in the fact that he's not even on the witness list for the trial, it does make one sit up and question what the heck he is up to, because he goes on shows (mostly NG) and speaks out like he is involved in the case... when he obviously isn't.

I can assure you he IS INVOLVED heavily in the case and WILL be on the witness list before trial.

They "allowed" him to search although it was not 'official in a PUBIC part." Try that yourself and see what happens.

You might want to go back and read my post on WHY someone like LP can break a case wide open when LE can't. It is very informative how bounty hunters work and what they can add to a case although they are not "official."
You certainly don't understand how the bonding business works. Yes, most likely there were bonding companies who could write the bond, but SOMEONE had to put up the $50,000. The Anthonys were in dire financial need. Their court testimony said they were about to lose their house in foreclosure and no one else would put up that kind of money. Someone did later I believe after some contracts were signed for the story.

It took two bonding companies to be able to post the bond. Neither of them had enough financial backing to make it alone and court would not accept either one of their bonds for the entire amount. LP put up the $50,000 cash bond to pay the "front money" on the bond.. NO......he did not get it back. That is how bonding companies make their money. Tony did not write the bond because they were not licensed in Florida - they used a combination of companies in Florida.

They had the money and financial bonding surety to write that size bond, but in order to do it, they had to apply for a Florida license, so they got the two companies to do it for them, but even with that they had to still financially guarantee the bond, because neither company had adequate financial resources that the court would accept.

What you posted is mis-information and needs to be corrected.[/QUOTE]

No, I am not. Your confused

Please inform me what part of my Post was corrected?

Tony Padilla was the BONDSMAN on Casey's Bond

He made the "commission" of 50k on the bond which was 500k (Minus his fees)

I asked Tony Padilla this very question on this Web-Site & he told me that he did make 50k but he did have expenses.

Tony DID NOT post the bond, but had two companies in Florida do it after he put up the $50,000 cash and the surety guarantee.
You certainly don't understand how the bonding business works. Yes, most likely there were bonding companies who could write the bond, but SOMEONE had to put up the $50,000. The Anthonys were in dire financial need. Their court testimony said they were about to lose their house in foreclosure and no one else would put up that kind of money. Someone did later I believe after some contracts were signed for the story.

It took two bonding companies to be able to post the bond. Neither of them had enough financial backing to make it alone and court would not accept either one of their bonds for the entire amount. LP put up the $50,000 cash bond to pay the "front money" on the bond.. NO......he did not get it back. That is how bonding companies make their money. Tony did not write the bond because they were not licensed in Florida - they used a combination of companies in Florida.

They had the money and financial bonding surety to write that size bond, but in order to do it, they had to apply for a Florida license, so they got the two companies to do it for them, but even with that they had to still financially guarantee the bond, because neither company had adequate financial resources that the court would accept.

What you posted is mis-information and needs to be corrected.[/QUOTE]

No, I am not. Your confused

I am not the least bit confused. Read back and you will see. I won't debate it but it is available if you want to read how it worked.
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