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(disclaimer: I am against the death penalty)
with all due respects...her view is not that these "guilty" people should not be punished...her view is that the death penalty is wrong. She does not believe in an "eye for an eye." She seems to believe that if killing is wrong then it is wrong....why would we become that which abhor?" I was surprised that I finally understood her stand on this case. I thought she believed in KC's innocence. Now I see that is not necessarily the case. She joined this case, IMO, to have a platform with lots of publicity, to express her views.
On a personal note: why don't I believe in the death penalty? is not a deterant. It equates us to the perps...someone who commits murders...means that something went wrong in their life, in their development and they acted based on their perception of the world...however warped that may be. I put someone away for life because they are potentially harmful to others..

It is the ultimate and perfect deterrent for the perp.
Hornsby's blog comments are interesting..
Looks like Mrs. Lyons has a youtube account.. (link posted in comments, one is her in a conference with students it looks like)
[nomedia=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]
Learning the ins and outs of our legal system has left me pretty disillusioned.

In my naivete' I had confused right and wrong & "ethics" with the law. It is about "gamesmanship." And who has more tools in their kit to play the game, little to do with right and wrong, guilt or innocence. See OJ, etc., & those with the big bucks, buying their way out of paying for crimes committed. North Carolina will be releasing 20 hardened criminals this month because they have earned points during their incarceration.

I must admit AL is definitely passionate in her feelings about the death penalty. Until I became familiar with the Caylee case, I was against the death penalty. Casey changed my mind. I really hope that the preponderance of evidence in this case trumps her game.

It's a fine line between passion and obsession.
This is a big problem to me. While I respect your right as a member of WS since August of 2008 to participate in discussion on various topic threads, I take offense that you are choosing our forum today to (imho) provoke "attacks" in order to "prove your credibility". Shouldn't you be using your own blog forum to try to provoke attacks to defend, as opposed to putting our members at risk of violating TOS?

Seems very disrespectful to me...

We have a knack for making tasty lemonade here when we are presented with lemons....I personally welcome anyone who comes in here and would be glad to debate with him/her fact to fact.

Credibility here starts with good links and researchable facts. Once you make a good factual point or two, posters are more likely to give your opinion posts the time of day. Posting here will not improve anyone's credibility unless they have something informative to contribute.

Posters have heated debates here often, and we rarely resort to personal attacks-Just doesn't tend to solve anything and stalls our train.

If you recall, a member of LP's team was posting here...He provided some opinions based on his experience, and was immediately met with posters eager to debate or even just clarify what he had to say. We liked him personally fine, from what I can remember, but we needed more foundational connections to get to the heart of this case, not platitudes, and not an editorial on how WS'ers spend our time.

Welcome, Rhornsby, looking forward to considering and countering your experience-based theories, and hope we can all keep our eyes on the prize-Justice for Caylee.
just got home..lots of alerts I will reopen once I figure out what is happening.
for right now this does look like Mr. Horsnby.
So go ahead and post. Keep it to a dull roar please.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion.......BUT is "one" opinion worth losing a thread? Climbing off my soapbox.
This is kinda off topic, but kinda on topic...

Funny how Casey Anthony can even be the cause of lawyers fighting in blogs..

These guys would serve a better purpose fighting for crimes against children than spewing all this nonsense right now.. I challenge these men to step up for those children who need a voice, instead of what they are doing today...

This is kinda off topic, but kinda on topic...

Funny how Casey Anthony can even be the cause of lawyers fighting in blogs..

These guys would serve a better purpose fighting for crimes against children than spewing all this nonsense right now.. I challenge these men to step up for those children who need a voice, instead of what they are doing today...

Lets hear it for the post of the day!! Well said!! :D:woohoo:
When she made an example of a rape case - where she says - "What do you do when the victim and your client know each other, You claim the contact was by consent! - What do you do if they don't know each other - you claim incorrect ID" - so she doesn't really care about the truth just how to make the victim look like a liar.

And what she said after that about the victim showing her "V" to everyone and the jury wondering why she would claim rape if she wasn't and how it is the defenders job to try and make that seem not so bad...

she is gross.
This is kinda off topic, but kinda on topic...

Funny how Casey Anthony can even be the cause of lawyers fighting in blogs..

These guys would serve a better purpose fighting for crimes against children than spewing all this nonsense right now.. I challenge these men to step up for those children who need a voice, instead of what they are doing today...

....And if you are compelled to practice as a defense attorney, maybe consider being an advoate for the application of the Consitution and our laws, not an advocate for any one person. I now that sounds crazy, but to me justice is ensuring we have equal rights, not equal outcomes.
So... if this thread is about AL and the videos and the Bill S. blog. references to said videos.....perhaps we can start another thread dedicated to any discussion about rumored / reported / posted about, resignation / withdrawal from FACDL. Or a thread devoted to discussion and spirited debate about RH and BS blogs as they may or may not relate to one another.
This is kinda off topic, but kinda on topic...

Funny how Casey Anthony can even be the cause of lawyers fighting in blogs..

These guys would serve a better purpose fighting for crimes against children than spewing all this nonsense right now.. I challenge these men to step up for those children who need a voice, instead of what they are doing today...

I disagree. Bill Schaeffer wrote about the case; it was legally helpful. Richard Hornsby indulged in ad hominem attacks upon Bill Schaeffer; if there was actually legal content about the case it got lost in his vitriol and triumphalism.

Caylee needs a voice. I think Bill Schaeffer is doing his bit. R Hornsby, not so much.
When she made an example of a rape case - where she says - "What do you do when the victim and your client know each other, You claim the contact was by consent! - What do you do if they don't know each other - you claim incorrect ID" - so she doesn't really care about the truth just how to make the victim look like a liar.

And what she said after that about the victim showing her "V" to everyone and the jury wondering why she would claim rape if she wasn't and how it is the defenders job to try and make that seem not so bad...

she is gross.

She is very gross. I do understand more now though. It is up to the state to prove a theory of what happens to a victim, and up to the defense to throw something against the wall to see if it sticks..
How the hell someone can equate rape=consent just because the two knew one another makes me wanna puke..
I'll never look at a defense attorney the same way...never..
So... if this thread is about AL and the videos and the Bill S. blog. references to said videos.....perhaps we can start another thread dedicated to any discussion about rumored / reported / posted about, resignation / withdrawal from FACDL. Or a thread devoted to discussion and spirited debate about RH and BS blogs as they may or may not relate to one another.

That's a great idea for a thread...........
O/T and I apologize but is Cindy on paid LOA?
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