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What is most interesting about your thoughts are not that they are true - but the questions they raise in the people who hear them.

These types of questions are necessary to ferret out my true credibility. If I can ultimately withstand your attacks and still come out credible - then I have survived.

And my point of that analogy is to show your question of me is exactly what Mr. Baez's job is of Mr. Kronk. They need to cross-examine and explore every questionable motive, financial incentive, or bias he has in front of the jury.

If Mr. Kronk satisfactorily answers those questions, Mr. Baez has raised no doubts in a jurors mind - but, if Mr. Kronk does not answer those questions convincingly; well the jury may be left with questions about his veracity and credibility.

But keep it up, hopefully I can prove that while I am guilty of being a jerk, I am nonetheless an honest jerk.

This eloquent paragraph is nonresponsive to the question of whether the witness has a bias against WFTV or Shaeffer given Shaeffer's supplanting the witness's position at WFTV.

Just to recap:
Andrea D. Lyon works to promote social justice, equity and improvement in the criminal justice system. She is an attorney, educator and author.

From her site:
I thought this would be a good time for me to post some important observations.
May 31st, 2009

1 I have dedicated my professional life to the principle that every person, no matter how they appear is entitled to a fair trial. That includes a vigorous defense by skilled counsel.

2 One of my fears is that somewhere in my neighborhood or on my watch, an innocent person might be condemned.

3 Neither of these principles is inconsistent with having compassion and concern for victims.

Oh, I would love to be in there now, wonder what is more important to Bill - the story or his reputation with other criminal defense lawyers who he threw under the bus for Kathi.

Don't forget, at the end of the day. Bill still has to stand in line right next to every other criminal defense attorney to speak to a judge.

Welcome to Websleuths!
ITA. If you pay for this seminar material how can they believe some people will not share it?

At the link below you can buy a copy of the seminar with Ms. Lyons speaking that has been removed from WFTV.

You don't have to be a member of the FACDL or even a lawyer as far as I can tell. You just have to pay a bit more for it if you're a non-member. I got this link off of Hornsby's blog post about Belich getting this material from Sheaffer and how Sheaffer betrayed all of his fellow lawyer's by giving it to Belich.

If the organization sells copies to anyone, I really don't see how they can expect to keep it out of the public eye. And how could they possibly kick Mr. Sheaffer out of their organization if there can be no way to prove he released it to WFTV. Also, he's not listed as a member of this organization on their website, but Hornsby is (and Baez is too).

Wow, sounds like a Private Club for defense attorneys. They don't want to give out the secret handshake and proprietary decoder ring to prosecuting types and us Great Unwashed in the jury pool. Unless we pay royalties for their intellectual property.
Yes, it's a privilege to relax in candor among colleagues at a seminar but why would the content of a seminar need protection? Florida sunshine is pervasive and walls do have ears. I've seen them. Check behind the drapes sometime. Further, this is the I.T. Age. We public "KILLERS" are heartened that the tricks of the trade are being exposed. Since the law is a game to many practitioners, we the jury resist and resent being the maneuverable pieces on the board with no chance to look at the little white book, "How This Game Is Played."

:clap::clap: ITA :clap::clap:
Just to recap:
Andrea D. Lyon works to promote social justice, equity and improvement in the criminal justice system. She is an attorney, educator and author.

From her site:
I thought this would be a good time for me to post some important observations.
May 31st, 2009

1 I have dedicated my professional life to the principle that every person, no matter how they appear is entitled to a fair trial. That includes a vigorous defense by skilled counsel.

2 One of my fears is that somewhere in my neighborhood or on my watch, an innocent person might be condemned.

3 Neither of these principles is inconsistent with having compassion and concern for victims.


#2BBM - can I just say that one of MY fears is that somewhere in my neighborhood, an innocent person might be killed by someone she represented using her questionable tactics?
Again, haven't made it through all of the posts, but if you are still around, and if you are who you say you are, I had a question for you.

Did you ever disclose when writing about the case that you have advised Mr. Baez on strategy? It seems like something the public should know, as we expect our legal analysts not to have a horse in the race.

We expect a certain amount of bias from another defense attorney, but when that attorney is connected somehow, even informally, it seems fair to explain that.
Yes mam I did. I have emailed that same email to three or so reporters. And I have specifically emailed it previously to Hal Boedeker.

So while I don't think posting to a members only listserve should be frowned upon, I have nonetheless revealed it before.
When she made an example of a rape case - where she says - "What do you do when the victim and your client know each other, You claim the contact was by consent! - What do you do if they don't know each other - you claim incorrect ID" - so she doesn't really care about the truth just how to make the victim look like a liar.

And what she said after that about the victim showing her "V" to everyone and the jury wondering why she would claim rape if she wasn't and how it is the defenders job to try and make that seem not so bad...

she is gross.
I found that part sooooooo left me sick to my stomach. How dare she!
Interesting reading here.....may explain in part why the lectures were taken down.* Please visit the link below to see a copy of the Confidentiality Agreement required for attendance at the Capital Investigation Training Program.* This program is taught by Mort S........who is AL PI.* This seminar teaches skills in conducting investigations for a Capital case.* WOW.....the Confidentiality Agreement, requires the applicant to state that they are NOT involved in prosecution and that applicant further agree NOT to share materials or even discuss the seminar.'s sure getting crowded in that bed.
Just to recap:
Andrea D. Lyon works to promote social justice, equity and improvement in the criminal justice system. She is an attorney, educator and author.

From her site:
I thought this would be a good time for me to post some important observations.
May 31st, 2009

1 I have dedicated my professional life to the principle that every person, no matter how they appear is entitled to a fair trial. That includes a vigorous defense by skilled counsel.

2 One of my fears is that somewhere in my neighborhood or on my watch, an innocent person might be condemned.

3 Neither of these principles is inconsistent with having compassion and concern for victims.

4 This site is constructed in part to discuss these issues in an open and honest way. However, we will not post on this cite any personal attacks and threats will be reported to the appropriate authorities.


So number 3 is the public facade? The "expert" blogger sideshow is a meaningless diversion. It isn't really about honor and betrayal in discussing her remarks, or proprietary rights in some special, never before thought of or heard of defense strategy she has developed or pioneered. Blaming everyone but your client, courtroom histrionics, disdain for jurors -- is any of this new? The stuff revealed, in her own voice, just plain old makes her seem awful. So much for showing off at a seminar and choosing to talk as if you're some old coot of a swaggering male sexist.
I am now getting a clearer picture of AL motives. Per her articles, that I have cited in this thread, her motivation is not to state guilt or innocence, but rather save a life. One of her methods (again outlined in articles) is to introduce alternative theories. She doesn't state proving SODDI, just introducing other theories. I expect that she will use Kronk, not in an attempt to prove he did it, nor to prove KC didn't, but rather in an effort to introduce him and prior acts during her "introduction to alternative theories 101 lesson" she plans to present to the jury. Remember.....her sole job here is not to defend guilt or innocence AND she has said as much. She has been retained to prevent the DP. Nothing more...nothing less. If however, she is precluded from using info on Kronk discussed in the recent memo, during that "introduction to alternative theories" lesson, she needs to know that ahead of time and plan for alternate "bus accident" victim(s) or theory supporters.

With respect we are not in the penalty phase and contesting DP versus LWOP -- IMHO -- AL is engaging in scorched earth Defense and there is a chance that KC might walk based on a technicality or hung Jury. I have no issues whether KC gets DP or LWOP since she'd be on death row most/all of her life BUT I don't appreciate these tactics to win at all costs and get KC off completely.
This eloquent paragraph is nonresponsive to the question of whether the witness has a bias against WFTV or Shaeffer given Shaeffer's supplanting the witness's position at WFTV.

Thanks...I thought it was just me. All I see is a lot of dancing around the issue...that being, the lack of professionalism employed to discredit a "fellow" attorney.
Yes mam I did. I have emailed that same email to three or so reporters. And I have specifically emailed it previously to Hal Boedeker.

So while I don't think posting to a members only listserve should be frowned upon, I have nonetheless revealed it before.
Why? Aren't there enough players in this case?
Yes mam I did. I have emailed that same email to three or so reporters. And I have specifically emailed it previously to Hal Boedeker.

So while I don't think posting to a members only listserve should be frowned upon, I have nonetheless revealed it before.

I am just curious, what was the purpose in your releasing this information to the media - regarding the listserve response to Baez? I am totally serious, I just don't understand your point in wanting this made public, if you only responded to a private listserve? Was it your original intent to have this information become public?
Again, haven't made it through all of the posts, but if you are still around, and if you are who you say you are, I had a question for you.

Did you ever disclose when writing about the case that you have advised Mr. Baez on strategy? It seems like something the public should know, as we expect our legal analysts not to have a horse in the race.

We expect a certain amount of bias from another defense attorney, but when that attorney is connected somehow, even informally, it seems fair to explain that.

Yes, he has disclosed it. *HE* is the one who released the email. On his blogsite.

Ok, I'm curious about something. Are Lyon's comments on strategy, jurors, women prosecutors, blaming the victim, etc par for the course among defense attorneys? Do defense attorneys for the most part hold these same type of views? Or is she 'the best at what she does' because she does some of the morally worst stuff out there? I seriously don't get it. Some of the things she said make me want to puke, but I'd like to know if I'm puking because of HER, or the system itself. Am I naive at being repulsed by her comments?

Rhornsby, if you're still around, can you answer this for me? The comments she you find them acceptable? Do they represent the norm in terms of attitude and approach? Would you, in your practice, follow some of the same strategies she outlines? Does it seem ok to you?
Ok, I'm curious about something. Are Lyon's comments on strategy, jurors, women prosecutors, blaming the victim, etc par for the course among defense attorneys? Do defense attorneys for the most part hold these same type of views? Or is she 'the best at what she does' because she does some of the morally worst stuff out there? I seriously don't get it. Some of the things she said make me want to puke, but I'd like to know if I'm puking because of HER, or the system itself. Am I naive at being repulsed by her comments?

Rhornsby, if you're still around, can you answer this for me? The comments she you find them acceptable? Do they represent the norm in terms of attitude and approach? Would you, in your practice, follow some of the same strategies she outlines? Does it seem ok to you?
Considering that he decided to attack the messenger (BS) and not the message (AL's) one can only assume.
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