MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #2

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Another question. There are tests available to show the locations that a person has lived in, not just through their life but even where they spent the last few weeks. Would you expect these tests to be done as part of the tox tests on Baby Doe? I presume it's quite a specialized test that wouldn't be done in every case, and it wouldn't be needed in most, but her case seems to be a prime candidate for that kind of information to help narrow down where to search for her caretakers.

If it is done, that could help the law enforcement to focus news bulletins and billboards and shop window notices, and people who live in that area would think a lot harder specifically about the little girls that live near them, rather than have them rule something out in their mind, because it's a big country and it can't possibly be *this* girl or *this* family that *I* know ... Also knowing if she lived in one place all her life or if she'd moved around a lot, that would be helpful?

ETA thank you, carbuff, for that extra info on the mitochondrial DNA testing... I had completely forgotten that a match could also be found in a maternal-side male relative, so a maternal-side uncle or cousin may show a match, which widens the field of potential.

You're welcome :)

It's my understanding that the isotope testing of hair or teeth to determine places the person might have been is entirely separate from toxicology or any other testing. I haven't heard anything specific but I'd be very surprised if they aren't at looking into having it done. I think it's pretty time consuming though so even if they are, we probably won't hear anything for a while.
I'm not sure if it's being discussed on Websleuths, but I just came across a found child case out of Australia that has a few weird similarities -
The child is thought to be a girl around 2 1/2 to 4 yrs old, and was found with a distinctive quilt they're hoping someone can identify. In the Australian case, however, the child was found in a suitcase that was left along side the road, and I guess they figure she's been dead for years.
You're welcome :)

It's my understanding that the isotope testing of hair or teeth to determine places the person might have been is entirely separate from toxicology or any other testing. I haven't heard anything specific but I'd be very surprised if they aren't at looking into having it done. I think it's pretty time consuming though so even if they are, we probably won't hear anything for a while.


Not only very time consuming but wicked expensive and some what NON-SPECIFIC! Yep, that's a huge part of the problem given the New England topography.
No new posts in 16 hours. I fear it will be a long time before baby girl gets her name back. I truly hope LE gets their big break soon.

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I really had hope that more "noise" in the media would come of the vigil and push in the news that MA State Police has done.

No new posts in 16 hours. I fear it will be a long time before baby girl gets her name back. I truly hope LE gets their big break soon.

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Massachusetts State Police and Suffolk County DA need more tips and leads from the public!!!! That is why this is at a standstill. People who DO know are NOT talking.... imagine that, people who won't talk to the police..... sorry.... just frustrated
Many local folks on social media have indicated that the unidentified toddler looks like a girl who went missing from Santa Caterina, Brazil. With Boston's seafaring history, the area has historically had a good number of Portuguese-speaking people...originally most were from Portugal, but in recent decades many Brazilians have become New Englanders and many make their home in communities near the coast.

Most of the discussion I could find about Emili Anacleto Miranda, the missing Brazilian girl, are in Brazilian news sites. I don't speak Portuguese so I am relying a bit on Google to help me out. It appears that originally, the similarities were considered, but the consulate did not believe the two girls were a match

However a Brazilian news agency said yesterday that an American researcher will be coming to Brazil to collect a genetic sample from Emili's mother. The sample will then be compared with Baby Doe.

Here is the story from yesterday:
There's a memorial mass for her today. (Not a funeral mass.)

Can't find the article but it was said on last night's news that they were going to proceed with testing for Emili even though neither Brazilian nor MA authorities think it's her. There are a lot of Brazilian immigrants and Brazilian-descended locals in the region, not to mention the Azorean and other Portuguese communities.
Many local folks on social media have indicated that the unidentified toddler looks like a girl who went missing from Santa Caterina, Brazil. With Boston's seafaring history, the area has historically had a good number of Portuguese-speaking people...originally most were from Portugal, but in recent decades many Brazilians have become New Englanders and many make their home in communities near the coast.

Most of the discussion I could find about Emili Anacleto Miranda, the missing Brazilian girl, are in Brazilian news sites. I don't speak Portuguese so I am relying a bit on Google to help me out. It appears that originally, the similarities were considered, but the consulate did not believe the two girls were a match

However a Brazilian news agency said yesterday that an American researcher will be coming to Brazil to collect a genetic sample from Emili's mother. The sample will then be compared with Baby Doe.

Here is the story from yesterday:

Looking at the pictures the eyes struck me, they have resemblances with the sketch!
I just read a quick Brazilian website news, says they're collecting mom's DNA but the family doesn't think it's her. I'll try updating more news in Portuguese later as I'm at work right now.

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There's a memorial mass for her today. (Not a funeral mass.)

Can't find the article but it was said on last night's news that they were going to proceed with testing for Emili even though neither Brazilian nor MA authorities think it's her. There are a lot of Brazilian immigrants and Brazilian-descended locals in the region, not to mention the Azorean and other Portuguese communities.

I understand the desire for a memorial mass, but I sort of wish they weren't holding one as it feels like closure. This case isn't closed. I worry that anyone who has information will feel a sense of "it's over" and decide to continue keeping silent and letting the past stay in the past.

But, like I said, I do understand the community's need for a memorial service. I am certainly glad that there are people who didn't even know the girl but who care about her.
i'm not religious, like at all.... but sometimes a gathering of prayer really can help a miracle come about... I truly do believe that.... there is still hope to ID her..... I know i'm sounding like a mushy mom at the moment lol... but it may take nothing short of a miracle to solve this case....even ID'ing her....

I understand the desire for a memorial mass, but I sort of wish they weren't holding one as it feels like closure. This case isn't closed. I worry that anyone who has information will feel a sense of "it's over" and decide to continue keeping silent and letting the past stay in the past.

But, like I said, I do understand the community's need for a memorial service. I am certainly glad that there are people who didn't even know the girl but who care about her.
i'm not religious, like at all.... but sometimes a gathering of prayer really can help a miracle come about... I truly do believe that.... there is still hope to ID her..... I know i'm sounding like a mushy mom at the moment lol... but it may take nothing short of a miracle to solve this case....even ID'ing her....
I agree with you. I'm not religious either but sometimes things do happen when the masses get together and pray/send positive energy/etc. Maybe it's coincidence or whatever, that's not for me to decide. But I imagine it helps the locals to get together and mourn. It doesn't mean they're closing the chapter, there are a lot if people who won't rest until they get answers.

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It's way too quiet over here :(

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There's a memorial mass for her today. (Not a funeral mass.)

Can't find the article but it was said on last night's news that they were going to proceed with testing for Emili even though neither Brazilian nor MA authorities think it's her. There are a lot of Brazilian immigrants and Brazilian-descended locals in the region, not to mention the Azorean and other Portuguese communities.

I may be reading into this more than I should but from your link, this quote:

"What must have her life been like to end so horribly," asked Gov. Charlie Baker, who eulogized the girl. "Did she believe she had people in her corner up until that horrible, violent death?"

Is it just phrasing? As far as we know there is still no COD and it's been stated she had no major injuries, correct? I guess all murders of children would be considered a "Horrible, violent death" though. Just thought it was odd wording. I'm probably grasping at straws, we have nothing to go on here.


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