MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #3

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I sort of feel like with her out in the open like that the perp must have felt strongly no one would know who this child was or no one would be looking for her. Surely they knew the body would be found.
Maybe some kind of baby trafficking for black market adoption?
Last random thought of the morning, I swear!

There had to be some evidence of some sort on that blanket. Fleece may as well be duct tape because everything sticks to it and even a good washing won't rid a blanket of fuzz or cat hair.
Another thought (I'm full of them today, aren't I), locals here keep mentioning that deer island isn't a well known place unless you live there. Maybe someone from another area saw it and thought it was more secluded or secret than it is?

But there is a WTP there so they would have to know it's got tons of people and workers on the site daily. Someone give me a good theory why she was there! My brain is hurting
ha ha ha , ur brain is hurting.... lmbo... MINE TOO.... theories..... hmmmm im thinkn we have exhausted them... and everyone of them are legit.. any of it could be... but im thinking along the lines of what u said maybe they didnt know the area bc they arent from around there... they could be in another state close to mass. they didnt rule out much when they said the New England area, thats many states all around Mass... so them not being from that location and not knowing a dump spot, is very likely. It is a spot that many go, and it is right off the highway. With out being caught maybe they put her down the beach a ways in a spot to hide her the passenger got out, and took her to the location, and the driver drove around the block giving the passenger enough time to get her body wherever they put it and then came back to get the passenger, that way no vehicle would been seen at the location or parked around location.. and with it being dark and foggy, it makes it easier. Usually the tide comes in at angle, its possible she was put in water for short time and tide pushed her in at angle and that might not have even been the spot she was initially put in the first place..couldve actually been put in a darker secluded area. Our beaches here have a tide that is at angle, and u may start out floating in one spot and u will be way down at another spot.. I know first hand..
Going back to a thought a few pages back, I don't think that anyone is giving whoever placed her there any kind of credit, but there are some things that show it might have been someone who cared for her. It's hard to tell. But sometimes people do things we will never understand, that can be caring in their mind, and that seems counter intuitive to anyone who thinks rationally. If something happened that caused her to die and someone wanted to make sure she was found, they might have thought this was the best way to do it. I'm in no way defending this horrible action, but for some, it's an act of caring. Of course we don't no yet what the situation was and I don't think we have enough to know if this was "caring" or not. But even Casey Anthony showed some kind of care for Caylee by putting the heart sticker on her. I think she is the worst person in the world and did horrible things (even aside from killing Caylee) but even in doing something unthinkable (ditching your child in a bag) she had some kind of emotion about it.

I still think the theory that makes the most sense is an illegal immigrant who didn't want to contact authorities after an accident or natural death for fear of being deported or otherwise getting in trouble. I don't think the location meant it was someone who worked out there, could have just been someone who was somewhat familiar with the area and thought it'd be a fairly easy place to put her without being caught, and so far that's proven very true, unfortunately. I'm still convinced she was placed and not washed up. Of course as always these are my opinions only.
and I for one completely agree with you... So many thoughts and opinions have been put on here speculations and so forth. But everyone on here tuning in, giving ideas, thoughts scenarios, I would love to know the ONE thought you have of what happened to our girl.
you know the one Im talking about, that one that no matter how you try to figure this out, and how hard you try to see in anothers eyes, that one scenario you keep going back to that you really think in your heart has happened to her.. No matter how many scenarios i come up with, or how i try and entertain others thoughts of what happened to her, I keep going back to the one thing i truly think happened. I wished everyone would post that one scenario/ thought they believe in there heart happened..
Mine is that i dont think shes from Boston Mass, or around Deer Island. I feel shes in a surrounding area. I feel a mother or father was responsible for her being there, and i believe her death was accident. Her parents whether mom or dad, put her there not in water, in hopes she would be found, and found soon. Maybe there bc its a peaceful area, calm, by the water the waves the noise, and in there head they felt its satisfying for them and they knew she would be found within hours. I believe they are illegal, and thats why they did what they did.. Everything points to her being well taken care of and loved.. Once again im not crediting them what so ever, but considering what they may have had alot to lose including other children, etc they prob felt that was there only option, in order not to lose there other children. I feel in my heart, the mother is heartbroken over this, for some reason i just keep seeing a broken mother... We all know how this unfolded was obviously wrong and bad, but we dont know how the person was in that frame of mind either.. I do know that whomever was responsible will def have there day, and it may not be with JUSTICE of the law, who knows? But i feel emotionally mentally they will break..
Going back to a thought a few pages back, I think that anyone is giving whoever placed her there any kind of credit, but there are some things that show it might have been someone who cared for her. It's hard to tell. But sometimes people do things we will never understand, that can be caring in their mind, and that seems counter intuitive to anyone who thinks rationally. If something happened that caused her to die and someone wanted to make sure she was found, they might have thought this was the best way to do it. I'm in no way defending this horrible action, but for some, it's an act of caring. Of course we don't no yet what the situation was and I don't think we have enough to know if this was "caring" or not. But even Casey Anthony showed some kind of care for Caylee by putting the heart sticker on her. I think she is the worst person in the world and did horrible things (even aside from killing Caylee) but even in doing something unthinkable (ditching your child in a bag) she had some kind of emotion about it.

I still think the theory that makes the most sense is an illegal immigrant who didn't want to contact authorities after an accident or natural death for fear of being deported or otherwise getting in trouble. I don't think the location meant it was someone who worked out there, could have just been someone who was somewhat familiar with the area and thought it'd be a fairly easy place to put her without being caught, and so far that's proven very true, unfortunately. I'm still convinced she was placed and not washed up. Of course as always these are my opinions only.
Mass resident here. I don't think she's ever going to be identified. I also think that her parents/caregivers are undocumented.

I took a harbor islands cruise on a big open top boat and saw where she was left. What shocks me, as a resident of Boston, is how weirdly open and exposed that spot is. Yeah, it's hard to get to by car but those weird bowling pin silos are so obvious and striking to me. Crikey, I would not leave ANYTHING I didn't want to be found there!

I dont think we'll ever know. Makes me so sad. I'd love to have a little girl to raise. I hope the brief life she had was happy.

What a horrible thing.
I haven't seen anything new of any other child being ruled out as Baby Doe. I certainly hope she has. Will do some searching to see if her name pops up as ruled out.

The only little thing that keeps me from thinking this was an illegal family who thought they didn't have any options was IF she was placed on the island she was placed out of the range of cameras. Just my opinion, but that is kind of a taunt toward police to me. Maybe that's just my weird way of seeing things, but I see that as ODD. I think someone who had specifically looked for cameras on the island or had worked for the MWRA and KNEW where the cameras were as far as the plant was concerned and the park, and specifically that part of the park where Baby Girl was placed, felt they got away with something. This makes me think it was a BAD boyfriend or someone very cruel and mean like Ariel Castro, and who would enjoy watching the horror unfold as we watched Baby Girl's story. This is what is nagging me about her story ~ someone dumped her where they wouldn't be caught on camera. Now whether or not they planned on the bag floating out or not ~ that might have been a big UH-OH moment for them, but I don't know. . . . Nothing would surprise me any more at this point.

Here's the quote from the Globe dated June 27, 2015 - just 2 days after Baby Girl was found:

The spot where the girl’s body was found is next to a public walkway that spans 2.6 miles. Two State Police divers searched the rocky coastline for evidence Friday afternoon.

The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority runs a waste-water treatment plant on the island.

About 250 people work at the plant, which is staffed 24 hours a day, MWRA officials said. An extensive camera system tracks the plant, but it does not cover the beach where the body was found, said Frederick Laskey, MWRA executive director.

On Saturday, Laskey said the MWRA has not “been able to find anything on any of our cameras.”
Going back to a thought a few pages back, I don't think that anyone is giving whoever placed her there any kind of credit, but there are some things that show it might have been someone who cared for her. It's hard to tell. But sometimes people do things we will never understand, that can be caring in their mind, and that seems counter intuitive to anyone who thinks rationally. If something happened that caused her to die and someone wanted to make sure she was found, they might have thought this was the best way to do it. I'm in no way defending this horrible action, but for some, it's an act of caring. Of course we don't no yet what the situation was and I don't think we have enough to know if this was "caring" or not. But even Casey Anthony showed some kind of care for Caylee by putting the heart sticker on her. I think she is the worst person in the world and did horrible things (even aside from killing Caylee) but even in doing something unthinkable (ditching your child in a bag) she had some kind of emotion about it.

I still think the theory that makes the most sense is an illegal immigrant who didn't want to contact authorities after an accident or natural death for fear of being deported or otherwise getting in trouble. I don't think the location meant it was someone who worked out there, could have just been someone who was somewhat familiar with the area and thought it'd be a fairly easy place to put her without being caught, and so far that's proven very true, unfortunately. I'm still convinced she was placed and not washed up. Of course as always these are my opinions only.

Sometimes you have to remove emotion and just discuss the case at hand. We all agree this person did a very cowardly thing by putting a child in a trash bag and discarding her. We all know that's wrong. Moving past that, I think they could not stand the thought of throwing her body out completely exposed to the elements so they wrapped her in the blanket and put her in the bag. I dont think they could stand to look at her like that. That blanket and that bag are cold yet caring touches. This is not giving the perp any kind of emotional kindness, this is using past information in the history of crimes to shed some insight into this case. They could have done anything with her body. Buried it, burned it, took it apart like what Chicago is dealing with....hell, drove around with it in their trunk. They could have thrown the blanket away just like they probably did everything else the child owned. They didn't. Someone cared for that baby at some point. I'm thinking this is a young, inexperienced mother who had a child that was cramping her style or she could not afford it. Maybe they want the welfare check every month. The minute you tell the state someone is deceased, that check gets cut in funds or cut off completely--depending on the circumstance. I think the child suffocated via foul play. I also think she's mixed with hispanic since they won't release her ethnicity. By now, they have it. They might think people won't care about her if they use the word hispanic with the whole anchor baby thing going on. We care. This is just MY opinion. You're welcome to disagree. PS: The Texas lab that was handling her Mitochondrial DNA profile, has anyone seen results? I have not.
Mass resident here. I don't think she's ever going to be identified. I also think that her parents/caregivers are undocumented.

I took a harbor islands cruise on a big open top boat and saw where she was left. What shocks me, as a resident of Boston, is how weirdly open and exposed that spot is. Yeah, it's hard to get to by car but those weird bowling pin silos are so obvious and striking to me. Crikey, I would not leave ANYTHING I didn't want to be found there!

I dont think we'll ever know. Makes me so sad. I'd love to have a little girl to raise. I hope the brief life she had was happy.

What a horrible thing.

Thank you for taking the time to post for Baby Doe! I'm starting to feel the same ~ we're never going to know her name.

As a local, what is your opinion of was she left in that spot specifically by someone in a car or did they come by sea in a boat?

It also seems your opinion of where she was found is similar to the investigating officers ~ that the place had a "ceremonial feel" about it. I don't know if what you felt would be considered "ceremonial" or just rather creepy? I'll look for that link that describes what the investigator said about the place where she was found.

I would love to have a little girl to raise too! :heartbeat:
Sometimes you have to remove emotion and just discuss the case at hand. We all agree this person did a very cowardly thing by putting a child in a trash bag and discarding her. We all know that's wrong. Moving past that, I think they could not stand the thought of throwing her body out completely exposed to the elements so they wrapped her in the blanket and put her in the bag. I dont think they could stand to look at her like that. That blanket and that bag are cold yet caring touches. This is not giving the perp any kind of emotional kindness, this is using past information in the history of crimes to shed some insight into this case. They could have done anything with her body. Buried it, burned it, took it apart like what Chicago is dealing with....hell, drove around with it in their trunk. They could have thrown the blanket away just like they probably did everything else the child owned. They didn't. Someone cared for that baby at some point. I'm thinking this is a young, inexperienced mother who had a child that was cramping her style or she could not afford it. Maybe they want the welfare check every month. The minute you tell the state someone is deceased, that check gets cut in funds or cut off completely--depending on the circumstance. I think the child suffocated via foul play. I also think she's mixed with hispanic since they won't release her ethnicity. By now, they have it. They might think people won't care about her if they use the word hispanic with the whole anchor baby thing going on. We care. This is just MY opinion. You're welcome to disagree. PS: The Texas lab that was handling her Mitochondrial DNA profile, has anyone seen results? I have not.

Great post! I think you are so on point with the cowardly aspect of the despicable person that took this child's life. Also, I think everyone is so afraid to not be Politically Correct that they are afraid to say the child is Hispanic. Plus, if the person who did this is trying to make a point for instance "look at America - they don't care about babies" "they're going to bury her as Anonymous" then it's almost as if they are trying to turn the tables on us to talk about what horrid people we are and what a terrible country we are because we just bury babies in unmarked graves and don't care. Maybe I'm wrong! I hope so.
I haven't seen anything new of any other child being ruled out as Baby Doe. I certainly hope she has. Will do some searching to see if her name pops up as ruled out.

The only little thing that keeps me from thinking this was an illegal family who thought they didn't have any options was IF she was placed on the island she was placed out of the range of cameras. Just my opinion, but that is kind of a taunt toward police to me. Maybe that's just my weird way of seeing things, but I see that as ODD. I think someone who had specifically looked for cameras on the island or had worked for the MWRA and KNEW where the cameras were as far as the plant was concerned and the park, and specifically that part of the park where Baby Girl was placed, felt they got away with something. This makes me think it was a BAD boyfriend or someone very cruel and mean like Ariel Castro, and who would enjoy watching the horror unfold as we watched Baby Girl's story. This is what is nagging me about her story ~ someone dumped her where they wouldn't be caught on camera. Now whether or not they planned on the bag floating out or not ~ that might have been a big UH-OH moment for them, but I don't know. . . . Nothing would surprise me any more at this point.

Here's the quote from the Globe dated June 27, 2015 - just 2 days after Baby Girl was found:

Whoever discarded her came down pretty far...almost to the gate of the WTP. I don't even understand why they went that far. There is water everywhere! There are much more accessible places than this to dump someone, especially at night. Whoever did this I'm thinking is a first offender, naive person. JMO. LE will catch up to them. They are sloppy. In time....
Great post! I think you are so on point with the cowardly aspect of the despicable person that took this child's life. Also, I think everyone is so afraid to not be Politically Correct that they are afraid to say the child is Hispanic. Plus, if the person who did this is trying to make a point for instance "look at America - they don't care about babies" "they're going to bury her as Anonymous" then it's almost as if they are trying to turn the tables on us to talk about what horrid people we are and what a terrible country we are because we just bury babies in unmarked graves and don't care. Maybe I'm wrong! I hope so.

You can't be afraid when looking for answers. You can't be afraid of what you might find. When you have people dumping babies on the beach, forget being PC. I think burying her without a name is too painful to LE. That's why they have not done it yet. Like us, they so desperately want to know her name before they lay her to rest for good. Also, access to the body during the investigation so they don't have to exhume. JMO.
Mass resident here. I don't think she's ever going to be identified. I also think that her parents/caregivers are undocumented.

I took a harbor islands cruise on a big open top boat and saw where she was left. What shocks me, as a resident of Boston, is how weirdly open and exposed that spot is. Yeah, it's hard to get to by car but those weird bowling pin silos are so obvious and striking to me. Crikey, I would not leave ANYTHING I didn't want to be found there!

I dont think we'll ever know. Makes me so sad. I'd love to have a little girl to raise. I hope the brief life she had was happy.

What a horrible thing.

I know, right! The silos make it easy to locate even on the satellite map. It sticks out like a sore thumb. So bizarre of a drop point. If there is not someone looking out from that Water T. Plant, then fine I'm wrong. Lol. I'm still so leery about someone working or freelancing there. I can just hear Patsy Ramsey saying "Keep your babies close" in her best Tammy Faye voice. IMO Deceptive voice. Creepy how someone could have selected that spot so they could monitor the situation and feel close to her. That's just my gut from the beginning. Why there? If they did not come by boat, it took some footwork. I hope you'll stick around with us! We need more resident points of view. :)

I'm looking hun. Not seeing anything yet. I see her headshot on M/E/C. Age 4 missing 2014 from California. I'll dig around. Justice for Baby Doe had a large list of M/E/C that were ruled out per LE. I should have saved that list because now it's not coming up. Be back in a few....
I'm looking hun. Not seeing anything yet. I see her headshot on M/E/C. Age 4 missing 2014 from California. I'll dig around. Justice for Baby Doe had a large list of M/E/C that were ruled out per LE. I should have saved that list because now it's not coming up. *Update* She was ruled out on July 9th per the Massachusetts State police at 508-820-2121. They release batches of names and the Justice For Baby Doe volunteer group keeps up with them.


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