MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #3

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JMO. They overly expressed she was well nourished. Volume spot on for a child her age and height. Where did he get starvation from?

Good question! Did the autopsy reveal any stomach contents? Was she starved? Good heavens! You don't abort a 4 y/o child's life and toss her away like trash!!!

My husband doesn't like Walsh. Says he makes money off his dead kid. :banghead: I'm torn. Statistically, the odds are that this young child was killed by one of her parents. Who is that cold?

"While not drawing any conclusions, Northeastern University Criminologist Jack Levin said many murders are committed by someone close to the family, even a family member themselves.

“The chances are really low that she was killed by a stranger or by some neighbor. Chances are this was an intimate murder,” Levin said. “The truth is, parents are responsible for more than half of all the murders of children. And when it comes to children under five, that figure is 70 percent. I think it’s a very interesting idea that this little girl had been cared for. There were at least mixed feelings on the part of the killer. There seems to be some kind of feeling for this little girl, and that also indicates she was probably killed by a family member.”
ur welcome, did u see the others pic back on the last thread before they opened this one? if not i can repost them all....

Thank you so much Floridian! I'll go back to the previous thread so you don't have to look up information already posted.
Water Treatment Plant and someone who happens to have a contractor bag. I just dont know about this. Maybe the bag did not come per say from the Plant but what about contractors that work there? They show up prepared. Contactors carry around all kind of junk in their trucks. They could be freelance and be selected to handle a specific project or problem at that time and then released once its complete. JMO. Would people that fish carry this sort of bag on their boat? I dont fish so I dont know.

Who picks the trash up at the park? The City of Winthrop? A city worker perhaps?
What about a heavy duty garbage bag that was used as a laundry bag.Remember the guy in the laundry at who claimed he saw Baby Doe with a heavyset blond woman?
What about a heavy duty garbage bag that was used as a laundry bag.Remember the guy in the laundry at who claimed he saw Baby Doe with a heavyset blond woman?

Yes, I was just reading about him. Said he hadn't seen her since November. He said she was about 5'8" or shorter and was pushing a toddler in a stroller. Oh What was the name of that neighborhood? That's what I was going to google pics of....
Yes, I was just reading about him. Said he hadn't seen her since November. He said she was about 5'8" or shorter and was pushing a toddler in a stroller. Oh What was the name of that neighborhood? That's what I was going to google pics of....

On Thursday, State Police Sergeant Scott Holland, who that first night had stood on the beach with Herman, pulled up to the curb at the Eagle Hill Laundromat in East Boston, where employee Sal Golisano, 62, swore he had seen Baby Doe.

“I said, ‘You know, I got to say something. I’ve seen this girl. I seen her with her mother,’ ” Golisano said.

The mother, Golisano said, was heavyset, with a light complexion and dirty blonde hair. Five feet 8 inches, he thought, maybe shorter. She pushed a toddler with brown hair and eyes in a stroller at another laundromat.

“I feel free now,” he said. “My conscience is clear
Links for the recent posts, especially those with quotes, would help people follow the discussion. For us who may be ill or not able to be here as much as we like it would be extremely helpful.

And please don't use that Wikipedia article as a source for information about the case. It's riddled with errors and many of its assertions trace back not to LE but to that retired profiler and to news articles that appear to cite LE but are really making things up.
Yes, I was just reading about him. Said he hadn't seen her since November. He said she was about 5'8" or shorter and was pushing a toddler in a stroller. Oh What was the name of that neighborhood? That's what I was going to google pics of....

We need to google satellite drive around that neighborhood. Just check it out
We keep asking why Deer Island? I think the answer is simply Opportunity.

I can't imagine dumping a child's body would be easy. I can't imagine a family member thinking we had fun here, I'll leave her body in a trash bag here, it's our special place. Nah. They did not hide her well for a reason...
They didn't have the time.

No one wants a dead body laying around. It would need to be quick, out of sight and easy. This was an opportunist burial sight. On the way to work. At the treatment plant. No other reason to be there at a time no one would see you dumping a heavy garbage bag. A janitor perhaps? They have access to industrial garbage bags. Does the treatment plant have shifts? It's open 24/7. 3rd shift, 11pm would be dark. 3a shift even better. Anyone report late to work or call off within the days before 6/25/15? Who's quit since that day? How easy would it be to sort and pull up who has a daughter that age on their insurance?
THey said it was a heavy duty bag black i believe. and in the same paragraph it stated they were questioning people that worked at the treatment place nearby, that was in a early on statement not long after she was found during the investigation. so im guessing there was no connection with the bag and treatment place...

Thinking about people that would have contractor bags on hand - not having to take a trip to lowes is what I mean by on hand:
Construction Contractors
Homeowners that are renovating or just completed a renovation (I fall into this category- the first time I purchased such bags was during renovation)
Landscapers (when they cut heavy shrubbery down, they use contractor bags rather than lawn and garden bags to put the cuttings to the road
Someone working in demolition
We keep asking why Deer Island? I think the answer is simply Opportunity.

I can't imagine dumping a child's body would be easy. I can't imagine a family member thinking we had fun here, I'll leave her body in a trash bag here, it's our special place. Nah. They did not hide her well for a reason...
They didn't have the time.

No one wants a dead body laying around. It would need to be quick, out of sight and easy. This was an opportunist burial sight. On the way to work. At the treatment plant. No other reason to be there at a time no one would see you dumping a heavy garbage bag. A janitor perhaps? They have access to industrial garbage bags. Does the treatment plant have shifts? It's open 24/7. 3rd shift, 11pm would be dark. 3a shift even better. Anyone report late to work or call off within the days before 6/25/15? Who's quit since that day? How easy would it be to sort and pull up who has a daughter that age on their insurance?

Another theory is that the bag was placed during high tide at night. Killer waded into the water knee deep and placed her there expecting her to go out to sea, then as the sun rose, the tide went back out and she didn't. She settled on the sand. Killer is like uh oh when they hear the news of her discovery

This theory comes from locals saying their are dramatic tide changes over night there and from the very obvious sea sud/foam line in the pics with LE on the beach. You can see that the water was much higher the evening before
"Eagle Hill Laundromat in East Boston, where employee Sal Golisano, 62, swore he had seen Baby Doe."

But the article is not clear if it is that location or another location he believes he saw her.

"The mother, Golisano said, was heavyset, with a light complexion and dirty blonde hair. Five feet 8 inches, he thought, maybe shorter. She pushed a toddler with brown hair and eyes in a stroller at another laundromat."
Janitors probably sneak a good garbage bag or two from work.
Oh, and all restaurants use heavy duty black bags as well.
respectfully, i disagree. only bc that was a very populated visited area, the goal would've been not to get caught and of all the places that would be easy to dump grassy areas, even in the water for that matter, for some reason they chose those rocks in the open, and that particular spot is well populated traveled...etc... i think there is more, i def think they wanted her to be found and hopefully found over night as people are assuming.. i think it was someone very close that she trusted, and i think they didnt want her there long..... its being speculated that maybe they were hoping it would be assumed she washed up, but i think that place holds a meaning to them.......maybe they vacated there often maybe they lived there, maybe the little girl loved that spot and loved climbing the rocks and in some sick twisted screwed up thinking they thought they would put her at a place she enjoyed..... so many women out there that choose a man over there child, maybe she was annoying to the man maybe she was a burden, headache, maybe they lovd drugs and couldnt care for her bc she was getting in the way of there drug use..... maybe it was accidental.... although from things im reading, i think the LE could possibly see it not accidental... who knows..... im ready for it to break wide open with info..........
We keep asking why Deer Island? I think the answer is simply Opportunity.

I can't imagine dumping a child's body would be easy. I can't imagine a family member thinking we had fun here, I'll leave her body in a trash bag here, it's our special place. Nah. They did not hide her well for a reason...
They didn't have the time.

No one wants a dead body laying around. It would need to be quick, out of sight and easy. This was an opportunist burial sight. On the way to work. At the treatment plant. No other reason to be there at a time no one would see you dumping a heavy garbage bag. A janitor perhaps? They have access to industrial garbage bags. Does the treatment plant have shifts? It's open 24/7. 3rd shift, 11pm would be dark. 3a shift even better. Anyone report late to work or call off within the days before 6/25/15? Who's quit since that day? How easy would it be to sort and pull up who has a daughter that age on their insurance?
You're giving the killer too much credit. It's hard for us to really think about how cruel this murder is because as normal people we can't wrap our heads around the evil. Projecting kind emotions onto this person is because you are such a good person, : ) but it is not realistic. I'm at the point you were the other day. I am mad. This killer does not deserve us speculating that they had any good intentions or emotions when they left that little girl there.

We don't know that they choose that place. That is just where she was found.
You're giving the killer too much credit. It's hard for us to really think about how cruel this murder is because as normal people we can't wrap our heads around the evil. Projecting kind emotions onto this person is because you are such a good person, : ) but it is not realistic. I'm at the point you were the other day. I am mad. This killer does not deserve us speculating that they had any good intentions or emotions when they left that little girl there.

We don't know that they choose that place. That is just where she was found.
Credit.... oh no.... i hope they burn in HELL!!! but im trying to see it thru other eyes, yah know.... we cant imagine such a thing, its just as shocking as the first day of this if not more shockn now that it has drag on this long....... its easy to get in that mad mode many have been... even the onez that travel the area seeing the billboards just make them angrier that this is the world we live in and its sick harsh and cruel.. NOT EVERYONE there's still a few good out there.... THANK GOD...... Sometimes in this situation ur in now being mad is good.... u take a breather, then u get to that point that ok enough is enough what are we missing, and u start thinking of other things like the night i had thinking of her nails painted, pocycles, were her feet clean had she had a bath that night, did she have chocolate or sticky on her face from junk food.... i know this has really gotten to the hearts of many of us deep in our hearts, i will be honest im obsessed, obsessed on finding who did this and who she is.
god decides when its our time to go, not some STUPID !!! and it wasnt her time, she had so much to offer, many more popcycles to eat pony tails to wear, flip flops to play in, and books to read.... We have all came up with some very good scenario, and opinions and questions, but i think we have exhausted our leads... We have had nothing more to go by, no updates. Hopefully the 15th will lead us somewhere.. Then we can pick up and go from there.. its hard doing things with my boy and not think about her.. Wondering all the time what she encountered before her death.. GOD ONLY KNOWS... i hope it was peaceful she deserved that, and so much more... ONLY TIME WILL TELL! Keep up the good work and hang in there....
For those of u curios to the big black heavy duty trash bags,, I have a few im gonna take pics of it length, and how big it is... we literally thru broken Chester drawers in them wooden drawers and they didnt even cut the bag the slightest bit nor tear the bag.. give me a few and i will be back :) i will even climb in one and take pic so u can see the size of
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