MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #4

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Please excuse the graphic nature of my post. I did some googling last night about decomp and a freezer or refrigerator. There would still be decomp in a refrigerator. Usually the organs are among the first to decompose. I think that even if things unfolded as described, they may not have been able to tell because things were such a mess internally.
Also, based on what I found, I think they had an idea if she may have been deceased longer then she had been out on the island. I remember thinking myself that the fact that she had no fingerprints after an estimated 36 hours seemed odd. Add to the fact that "putrification" was listed as making her unrecognizable and being unclear as to whether she had been in the water or not. If the body was as "fresh" as 36 hours, those threw up some big flags as far as inconsistencies. It never crossed my mind she had been frozen or refrigerated, but I'm not trained in these things. It seems the investigators must have had an idea there was some discrepancies with the condition of the body based on decomp, if that makes sense.

Adding to this, I'm taking a forensic science course on DNA. Just yesterday my professor put it this way. His analogy, you buy a steak and its freshest when you first buy it. If you put it in a fridge it stays "good" for a few days (4*), if you put it in a freezer (-20*) it stays good for a lot longer. Same with preserving DNA evidence, because biological evidence such as semen or DNA has a 1/2 life (meaning that the fresher the sample is the better test results you'll get, DNA in the elements starts to break down pretty quickly, but if it's preserved it stays "fresh" enough to test for a lot longer.)

Sorry if this is confusing, just thought it could possibly be relevant...

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."
I am saying that the reasoning behind it is a bit asinine. Yes, ideally the parents would get their act together, but realistically most don't. And I completely agree that it is traumatizing to be taken from your parents. But what if Bella, at age 2 had been taken from her mom? Yeah it would be upsetting and she would have to make her adjustment. But at 2 she would make it quickly and then she would be spared an entire childhood of additional traumas. It seems better to have the trauma of being separated from the crappy parent than to have 18 years of constant trauma and neglect. But what do I know? I am just an unqualified person who can clearly see that the current system we have is a miserable failure of epic proportions for these kids. So yeah, let's keep it doing it the same way! Eventually theory will meet practice and our policies will work perfectly!

bbm: Okay ... I apologize for the offense.
She was willing to do sexual things for $20. Wow. That is nothing. I wonder if she was willing to maje more money using her child?

To put your kid in the freezer tells me she has zero thought or care for her child. Just continued partying on
my thoughts as well
I think you're right. That's exactly the vibe I felt as this case unfolded. The findings about the body were just so strange, but nobody could really pinpoint what was strange. It didn't occur to us that the child was refrigerated before being discarded.



But I recall LE saying they thought the child was alive the weekend before she was found.

The initial autopsy report is just blowing my mind. Maybe in addition to knowing her trunk was beaten, they knew she had been frozen too, but were trying to make the mother feel comfortable by pretending they knew nothing?
I fear what we will learn Monday. I can barely stand to think poor Bella may have suffered :tantrum:
Adding to this, I'm taking a forensic science course on DNA. Just yesterday my professor put it this way. His analogy, you buy a steak and its freshest when you first buy it. If you put it in a fridge it stays "good" for a few days (4*), if you put it in a freezer (-20*) it stays good for a lot longer. Same with preserving DNA evidence, because biological evidence such as semen or DNA has a 1/2 life (meaning that the fresher the sample is the better test results you'll get, DNA in the elements starts to break down pretty quickly, but if it's preserved it stays "fresh" enough to test for a lot longer.)

Sorry if this is confusing, just thought it could possibly be relevant...

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."

Terrific about your class - you're going to be all the more useful here on WS (and that's the reason you're taking the class, I'm sure, lol!).
A large problem with the foster system is thst the kids in it are not up for adoption. The parental rights have not been terminated, the kids spend years in foster homes while they wait to see if the biological parents will clean up their acts and work on regaining custody.

Changes need to be made to the process of terminating rights.
That is what I was thinking too, a Gastrointestinal perforation. Being punched so hard the the gut gets torn on the spine. So very Sad. Rest in Perfect Peace Dear Bella

I don't know if I really want to know the answer, but would an injury like this cause immediate death or would she have been in a lot of pain before she passed. Poor angel.
To me, it really looks like RB told the biological father, who then in turn told his sister and she was the one who called in the tip.

The father may have called his sister, being overwhelmed by the information and also uncertain as to its truth, knowing the history of the mother. Having just come from Florida, he may not have known about the widespread coverage of a missing toddler girl, but his sister most likely did.

We will find out more at the arraignment.

Bio-dad JA is not LS's (the tipster) brother....
She was willing to do sexual things for $20. Wow. That is nothing. I wonder if she was willing to maje more money using her child?

To put your kid in the freezer tells me she has zero thought or care for her child. Just continued partying on

This is the thing that so many normal people cannot understand about the addict's mind. RB is 40, which means that she has had a substance abuse probably of waxing and waning proportions for 25 years. From 15 to 40, a time when people develop and mature, RB got high and partied. I am sure she had times over the years where she was sober for a month or two, but essentially she has been unable to process emotion maturely her entire adult life. You could see it clearly in the birthday video. She is getting mad at Bella for not seeing what she did. It's like when you're five and you run to your mom who is doing adult stuff and you go "look mom, LOOK!" RB has the same maturity level as a small child. She honestly believed that a two year old should have immediately recognized everything she did and had a reaction which indicated delight and praise. The rest of us know that babies that age are completely unpredictable in that regard and none of us would be personally hurt if a baby did not react the way we wanted them to.
I don't know if I really want to know the answer, but would an injury like this cause immediate death or would she have been in a lot of pain before she passed. Poor angel.

Wasn't there a report that her injuries prevented her from breathing? So, my guess is that she was hit so hard that she lost her breath and was unable to ever regain it. If that is true, I'm hoping it was quick.

bbm: That's a horrifying thought.

But they said no signs of sexual abuse- but then again, they said no signs of trauma.

At the moment though, I can't handle the thought of Bella being sexually abused, so I choose to believe the initial autopsy report that she wasn't.
Wasn't there a report that her injuries prevented her from breathing? So, my guess is that she was hit so hard that she lost her breath and was unable to ever regain it. If that is true, I'm hoping it was quick.


But does that happen? I mean I've never heard if that.
A large problem with the foster system is thst the kids in it are not up for adoption. The parental rights have not been terminated, the kids spend years in foster homes while they wait to see if the biological parents will clean up their acts and work on regaining custody.

Changes need to be made to the process of terminating rights.

Good point!
I've never thought about it this way, but you make good points. I, too, think that something needs to be done. First step, imo, immediately start drug testing those on federal assistance. Take it away from them and force them into rehab if they test positive. The money we're giving them to blow on drugs could go towards some type of rehab. If they refuse than they are on their own. Look where she's living? A nice home that the tax payers are paying for. She's a prostitute druggie and now accessory to murder.

I hope something good will come out of this, for Bella's sake and in her memory.

Waste of taxpayer money. They have drug tested welfare recipients, and the rates of use are extremely low. I am not going to hope we get some kneejerk laws from this case.
She was put into a freezer after death? :(
The world is full of sickos...

Lock these two up and throw away the key!!!
As a retired teacher who was a mandated reporter, I say in most cases take the child away . There are programs tbat work with parents intensively . Do they work? We should find out because I doubt it.

But, foster placement is incredibly expensive and there simply are not enough homes for children. And if people take these children , there needs to be intensive support.

Will we do something or will we continue to fill prisons with messed up people?

We are willing to spend plenty on incarceration, but nothing on proactive solutions.

Why is that? And it isn't as if he ultra rich aren't producing drug and FAS babies.

To me, the ultra rich and the poor do the same things. The rich have the money to cover it up

I volunteered at a shelter/rehab organization, and I found, that most (not all) don't really want help! They're kinda working the system, either because they have to be there or they get something for free. It's a bit discouraging.
But does that happen? I mean I've never heard if that.

Have you ever had the wind knocked out of you? A hard hit empties your lungs unexpectedly and it takes a moment to recover. But a man hitting a toddler would be a horrible impact on the body and she might not have been able to recover from the blow.

I wonder if there were other drugs beside heroin MM might of been doing?
There's a lot on the news lately about other drugs people are doing if they can't get their hands on heroin. Those drugs are known to make some act violent, crazy, hallucinate, etc..
Like flakka or bath salts kind of stuff.
Waste of taxpayer money. They have drug tested welfare recipients, and the rates of use are extremely low. I am not going to hope we get some kneejerk laws from this case.

It's a waste of taxpayer money to support drug abusers too. Why give them money to support them? Maybe if we tried to help them rather than turning a blind eye to their drug use we could save someone. What we're doing now is obviously NOT working.
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