MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #4

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I volunteered at a shelter/rehab organization, and I found, that most (not all) don't really want help! They're kinda working the system, either because they have to be there or they get something for free. It's a bit discouraging.

Right, they are there because they have to be.

I am sorry that rachelle's mom didn't know about Bella's existence. If she had known, I'd like to think that she would have taken her away from her crack prostitute daughter. Furthermore, if Bella could have made it to her 5th bday, her schools would have been able to intervene as I'm sure Bella wouldn't have made it to school more than once every couple of weeks
I think parents should get one chance to shape up and that's it. Children are "adoptable" when they are babies or toddlers, but most people who are willing to adopt a child don't want a nine-year old with behavioral problems. So in Bella's case CPS was involved twice. Had there not been a second time, she would have been alive today. There are a lot of people on this board alone who would have adopted her. Heck I am single and not really looking to have kids right now but if the chance was offered to me to adopt that baby, I would seriously consider it.

We as a society ought to be ashamed of ourselves. We do not do right by the Bellas of this world.
You give her a lot more credit than I ever would. What I think she loved first and foremost were the drugs. Whether she loved that beautiful child or the boyfriend more, we'll never know.

A mother who loves her child does not keep her in a freezer for a month and then toss her out like so much garbage. A mother who loves her child protects her child from anyone and anything.

I have a friend who has lost custody of four of her children because of her drug and alcohol use while pregnant (two taken right at birth), or the fact that drugs and alcohol played a bigger part in her life than raising her children. Yet she still has the audacity to say she *loves* her children.

Personally I hope they up the charges against Bella's "mother." She's totally complicit in her daughter's death and coverup.

RB was no doubt a drug addict, maybe she wasn't involved in Bella's actual death but she knew it happened and she proved how much she cared about her by covering it up for months. I don't care how addicted she is there is no way she "loved" Bella. That's a lie. She loved drugs and herself.

I hope more charges are coming her way and I pray that she doesn't end up with a Casey Anthony jury.

Stuffed in a freezer? Jesus, if that's true, any inkling of sympathy for that woman is gone. And I really didn't have much to begin with. You can only blame the drugs so much. If you loved your child you would have gotten her out of that house and away from those toxic influences in your own life. Leaving her with a known domestic abuser on top of your own drug problems? I just. Wow there are no words.
I pray that on Monday that turns out it be false, same thing with the stomach punching. I don't care how high you were, anyone who can do that to an innocent 2 year old is possibly the lowest of the low. Same with helping to cover up that crime. I'll be pissed if a Homolka- style plea bargain is given to RB. MM will be locked up for life no doubt, at least.

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. All this talk, respectfully, about how much she loved Bella based on facebook posts, was making me feel a little nutty. Her baby was found in a bag on the beach and no one came forward to claim her.

Total strangers to Bella loved her vastly more than her egg donor. RB dumped her like trash while others researched and prayed and had nightmares and agonized and searched and created beautiful memorials. Come on.
It's a waste of taxpayer money to support drug abusers too. Why give them money to support them? Maybe if we tried to help them rather than turning a blind eye to their drug use we could save someone. What we're doing now is obviously NOT working.

You're going to spend millions to drug test welfare recipents, when an extremely small amount is going to test positive. Then when they do test positive, and you send them to rehab, how are they going to work and go to rehab at the same time? Who is going to support their family? And are they suppose to just get clean after one visit to rehab? Where are their children going to go when they are in rehab?
Have you ever had the wind knocked out of you? A hard hit empties your lungs unexpectedly and it takes a moment to recover. But a man hitting a toddler would be a horrible impact on the body and she might not have been able to recover from the blow.


I don't know too much about the mechanics of breathing, but I think that the diaphragm and other muscles in the abdominal area are necessary. I think that if one or some of those muscles were to be severely damaged, that would make breathing difficult/impossible.
Well.........So many issues to discuss but one huge point to be made: This is NOT Florida where complete access to case documents is public record and thus.......... many "unauthorized" points of information will be traveling throughout the media (thus frustrating the heck out of the general population!).

1. Child protective services: rather familiar with them in Mass. from the past decades where they WOULD have "followed" peripherally, since the huge intervention of ACLU et al., once a case is deemed closed.....the participants are "off the radar"! From the dates given, Aug -Dec '12 & June-Sept '13, I'm ASSUMING a case of mandatory reporting @ birth and the second intervention could be for any number of reasons but perhaps another mandatory reporting (maybe a WIC provider?). The primary objective (stated a bit harshly, perhaps!) of the DCFS is to reunite families (and federal $$ are provided to each State for the % of "successes"). On another side of the coin, CDFS workers have HUGE caseloads & miserable support facilities, from what I've seen recently in my jurisdiction, many of the dedicated "old souls" with MSWs are retiring (yeah, fiscal cutbacks, again!) & staffing credentials have been modified significantly!

Next post: forensic "stuff" discussion :gaah:.............also which will be verbose! :loveyou:
I don't want to derail the thread, I apologize for venting about drug use.
Adding to this, I'm taking a forensic science course on DNA. Just yesterday my professor put it this way. His analogy, you buy a steak and its freshest when you first buy it. If you put it in a fridge it stays "good" for a few days (4*), if you put it in a freezer (-20*) it stays good for a lot longer. Same with preserving DNA evidence, because biological evidence such as semen or DNA has a 1/2 life (meaning that the fresher the sample is the better test results you'll get, DNA in the elements starts to break down pretty quickly, but if it's preserved it stays "fresh" enough to test for a lot longer.)

Sorry if this is confusing, just thought it could possibly be relevant...

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and a man."

shandram19: major "props" to your professor! VERY nicely explained, & you did it justice in presenting it! I foresee a wicked awesome future for you in forensic science! Glad YOU are the future against the "bad guys"!!!!
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one. All this talk, respectfully, about how much she loved Bella based in facebook posts, was making me feel a little nutty. Her baby was found in a bag on the beach and no one came forward to claim her.

Total strangers to Bella loved her vastly more than her egg donor. RB dumped her like trash while others researched and prayed and had nightmares and agonized and searched and created beautiful memorials. Come on.

I think so many people these days have had their heads messed with by social media. Anyone can make their life look any way they want on facebook. You curate your own identity there. In my opinion, Rachelle Bond did not even do it very well. Her posts about loving Bella reeked of "the lady doth protest too much" and the video she posted to show what a great mom she was had the opposite effect.

We need to understand that facebook may or may not reflect reality. People don't write that they're drug addicts who neglect their children and blow parolees for $20.
I think parents should get one chance to shape up and that's it. Children are "adoptable" when they are babies or toddlers, but most people who are willing to adopt a child don't want a nine-year old with behavioral problems. So in Bella's case CPS was involved twice. Had there not been a second time, she would have been alive today. There are a lot of people on this board alone who would have adopted her. Heck I am single and not really looking to have kids right now but if the chance was offered to me to adopt that baby, I would seriously consider it.

We as a society ought to be ashamed of ourselves. We do not do right by the Bellas of this world.

It's so complicated and there are sooooooooo many using abd abusing the system while still procreating abd soooooooo many addicted to hard drugs that there really is no good answer. It's overwhelming to think about. Getting drugs off the street would be a start, but we kkne that won't happen. Sterilizing these addicts that can't take care of themselves let alone their children- that won't happen. There's really no perfect realistic answer. We SAY we would adopt Bella, but there are lots of Bella's out there and we are to adopting them. I know I'm not up for adopting a child in foster care- I have 5 children of my own to raise. Of course if someone showed up on my doorstep with Bella and said "tomorow this baby's crack *advertiser censored* mom is going to allow her heroine addicted boyfriend to beat her death then will put her in a freezer then dump her in a garbage bag on the shore near a waste treatment facility. Would you adopt her so this doesn't happen? " I would say yes and would really adopt her. But that's not how it works, ya know. It's sad. Does something need to be done? Yes. But what? Most of these people don't want to get better and most of these people keep procreating while we pay for them to eat and receive healthcare. I don't see an easy fix.
Eugenics has nothing to do with not allowing people to have more children if they have lost parental rights.

Too bad. If someone hits a tree while drinking and gets paralyzed, there are no do overs.

If someone messes with children so much that they lose their parental rights, they should not be given the option to do it again. Why should innocent children suffer? We as a society should say that we value children so much that we are not going to accept abuse.

I am truly sick of children having less rights than dogs in a puppy mill.

bbm: No, they shouldn't get the right to do it again. So why not strip them of their parental rights upon birth?

Seems like a better long-term solution than forcible surgery. imo and jmo.
I don't know if I really want to know the answer, but would an injury like this cause immediate death or would she have been in a lot of pain before she passed. Poor angel.

Most abdominal organ perforations would NOT cause "immediate" death, defined as "within minutes", exception being an aortic transection (ripping/slicing the aorta (upper abdominal positioning) into pieces). A death from other abdominal organ perforations/transections is frequently/often/usually prolonged & painful.
I'm so sad for Bella, she truly deserved so much better. Everyone who could have helped failed her, her mother and her family, social services and I'm going to put the neighbors here too. Anyone with any questions should have contacted LE, such a shame, and shame on all of them.
bbm: No, they shouldn't get the right to do it again. So why not strip them of their parental rights upon birth?

Seems like a better long-term solution than forcible surgery. imo and jmo.

So if they use drugs or alcohol while pg, they can continue to have sex and create a child? They can have sex all they want, but no child.
I haven't been able to source that rumor about the freezer, where did that come from? I was thinking that if this baby was killed anytime from January- March there's no way these winners could have hidden her body.

I live in Watertown and when we had a birthday party for my friend in March there was still 3-4 feet of snow in my backyard.

They might have put her in a chest freezer because they had no other way to hide her. Then maybe mom and boyfriend were forced to move or something?

This case is horrible and I think it definitely highlights the heroin problem we have in Massachusetts. Kids like Bella are the ones that suffer.

And I wonder where the chest freezer in question would have been. Most people in apartments don't have chest freezers.

Disclaimer: This is several levels of speculation.
If Bella had not been unidentified for months, this case would be getting zero attention outside of Boston. I feel like there's a connection between child-abuse murders getting very little media coverage/attention/outrage outside of their immediate area, and there being nothing done to prevent them. It's similiar to inner-city murders of children. Every now and then, you have one that manages to get some national attention (like the little girl shot in her bedroom in Ferguson) but most don't even make a dent. I feel like the fact that these children tend to be the kids of low-income people w/ history of drugs and violence is a big part in why they aren't sparking new laws and changes. People see it as "inevitable" and "As long as my children are safe" which is why we have gotten plenty of laws whenever a child is killed by a stranger sexual predator.
I think so many people these days have had their heads messed with by social media. Anyone can make their life look any way they want on facebook. You curate your own identity there. In my opinion, Rachelle Bond did not even do it very well. Her posts about loving Bella reeked of "the lady doth protest too much" and the video she posted to show what a great mom she was had the opposite effect.

We need to understand that facebook may or may not reflect reality. People don't write that they're drug addicts who neglect their children and blow parolees for $20.

Not to derail the topic but this is don't rue. People said this about Casey Anthony...look how happy Caylee looked in (posed) pictures. here is a perfect example of social media and illusion

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Not to derail the topic but this is don't rue. People said this about Casey Anthony...look how happy Caylee looked in (posed) pictures. here is a perfect example of social media and illusion

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I don't think this is derailing the topic at all. I could only lurk last night because I was working, but I kept facepalming every time someone here would mention that Bella looked cared for and that RB looked like a loving mother based solely on a few pictures and posts on facebook. I am still a bit flabbergasted. We all need to seriously stop assuming that social media even comes close to telling the whole story. It's ridiculous. The reason I feel that this is on topic is because RB had many facebook friends, and I wonder if just one of them did not believe the Big Lie of Social Media, if he or she might have put two and two together.
Early autopsy reporting & police "behavior": 2 subjects that I'm VERY familiar with & participate (d) in & even in Mass.!

As I mentioned before, NOT a full disclosure State regarding the public "right to know" and due to some very hard work of past Chief Medical Examiners, autopsy reports are NOT automatically provided under FOI! Different regulations come into play after the courtroom proceedings but for this case, that's WAY down the Pike!

The public in general did not have any rights to the investigative materials generated (yeah, wicked frustrating to those "invested" public!) and as hypothesized by many here, LE kept some "significant" details from the public (confirmed by a Mass. LE source & my DH!). This DID include the "working COD" that the OCME had (amazing just how much quasi-public "talk" was going on up there regarding "incompetence"!).
Between October 2006 and June 2011, court filings show Bond’s life spiraling out of control. During that period she was arrested more than a dozen times for charges including possessing crack cocaine, possessing heroin, selling pills and prostitution.

In April 2008, Bond was arrested in Fitchburg for offering to perform sexual acts on an undercover cop for $40. Two years later, she was arrested on Dorchester Avenue for the same thing, this time offering to service an undercover Boston cop for $20.

Sad.....crack prostitutes shouldn't have kids. JMO

How do people like this get SSI disability? They use it to buy sell, use, shoot up drugs? My poor sister is riddled with osteoarthritis and can barely walk or move gets turned down for SSI benefits but yet losers, druggies and trailer trash always manage to get it along with section 8 housing. Nice the government gives away tax payers money for pathetic losers like this it makes me sick. I read in one of the articles she received it and was one of her likes on FB.
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