MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #4

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Compression asphyxia maybe? Pressure to the abdomen that impedes the diaphragm from movement in breathing. I would think there would be petechiae (bluish-purple dot hemorrhages of delicate capillaries). And why no bruising where the pressure was? hmmmm

I read this morning that the LE indicated that Bella was kept in a refrigerator a number of days after she was killed, before her body was brought to deer island.

Does anyone know if this would this minimize blood flow after the fact or impact trauma showing up on the autopsy?

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They were playing that video again of Bella's birthday surprise party. The screeching of RB, and all the balloons on the floor, and it looked like little balls all over the floor, I'm not sure what they were. The table scattered with presents. I'm sure all of that was done to show all the friends what a wonderful mom she was. Poor Bella was overwhelmed, I would have been overwhelmed and wouldn't have known where to turn. Aunt Shannon, didn't say anything or not much, she was probably all confused as well. She did seem to spend a lot of money for toys, shoes and clothes for Bella, don't know if it was all for show, or part show, and part because she cared some for Bella? I don't believe for a second, if true, that new boyfriend thought Bella was possessed, more like, he was jealous of what she had, and she took up too much time with her mom, and he didn't like it. And for the bio dad, Bella looks like him, she has his eyebrows, but where did he go? Maybe we will find out he tried to get Bella in his life? Because if he didn't, he really needs to shut up, who wants to hear how Bella was conceived? Was that suppose to be some type of love story? If she was in the fridge, wouldn't the smell be overbearing? If she was in the freezer, I wouldn't think so, but don't know. Just wondering if someone would explain about that.

The little balls were pompons -- they're just decorative.

As for the over-the-top display (pure speculation on my part), it could have been cycle-of-abuse behavior, or the honeymoon phase. After an incident, the abusive person feels guilty and goes on a spree with lots of overt displays of love and affection and lots of gifts. Again, pure speculation only, but that's what pinged my radar.
The media earlier said that RB was arrested while with Bella's bio father.
The information came from the father himself.
Maybe it was someone in his family or him that she admitted the death too?
JMO So, how is he sure that he is the father? JMO

And why would he leave a baby with someone he himself chose not to stay with? I don't get people.

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Could this be an attempt to secure an insanity defense? Wondering what other people think...

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I was thinking the same thing.
I can think of two cases where someone killed their child(ren) due to insanity and both of them (mothers) immediately admitted to it. MM and RB took time to hide the body and cover their tracks. Even if they were both high as a kite and thus hallucinating at the time of little Bella's death, that doesn't constitute insanity in my mind and I believe in the eyes of the law? They don't suffer from schizophrenia or borderline or anything of the sort from what I've read. Depression? Maybe. I suffer from major depression but I sure as hell aren't murdering babies. Ugh, I'm just rambling at this point. This man deserves the worst kind of punishment.
I read this morning that the LE indicated that Bella was kept in a refrigerator a number of days after she was killed, before her body was brought to deer island.

Does anyone know if this would this minimize blood flow after the fact or impact trauma showing up on the autopsy?

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But once Bella died, there would be no blood flow when the heart stopped pumping.
"We have a very good idea about what happened to her, based on the evidence. We believe by an act of violence in the very place that she should have felt safest, in her home."

Based on that ^^^ I believe they knew before the arrests how she died .

They just kept it from the public ..

Glad Bella has her name back and that the killer(s) are behind bars, but I'm so sad for what she may have endured. Punched in the stomach! Good grief!

I'm sooooo far behind, so sorry if this has already been said:
I'm thinking LE knew - her trunk must have been bruised and organs as well. But they probably said nothing in hopes that by saying - "no abuse or outward signs if trauma" the mother would think "ok they don't know anything so I'm safe and can at least say it was an accident" - make her more likely to come forward and say it was an accident. Once that happened, they would spring it on mom- you are lying, we know she was beaten in the belly.

I don't know. Maybe that's far fetched. But LE probably assumed it was a boyfriend type of situation and hoped the mom would come forward out if guilt eventually if she felt like LE didn't know the COD.
Im not mentioning the names but if you search they are named in articles. A woman with a Billerica address called in the tip. Apparently her brother told her that RB told him about Bella's death.

The info about who called in the tip is in this article. Her brother is who RB told about Bella's death and he then told his sister and she called it in on Wednesday.
"""Police searched a Boston apartment Thursday after receiving a tip.

A Billerica woman confirmed to a Lowell Sun reporter on Friday that she knew something about the case of Bella, but said she could not speak any further about what details she knew.

According to sources, information regarding the case was phoned in to Suffolk County authorities from 13 Bayberry Lane in Billerica.

At that address, Laura Sprinsky did not open the door for a reporter, only speaking through the window of the house.""""

I assume this is okay to post since its MSM.....if not please remove.
The little balls were pompons -- they're just decorative.

As for the over-the-top display (pure speculation on my part), it could have been cycle-of-abuse behavior, or the honeymoon phase. After an incident, the abusive person feels guilty and goes on a spree with lots of overt displays of love and affection and lots of gifts. Again, pure speculation only, but that's what pinged my radar.

Thank-you, I never looked at it that way, but that makes sense, to give presents and love after being either verbally or physically abusive. I guess that I will never stop being afraid of a child swallowing something and choke, when watching that I just pictured her picking up the pom poms and choking on them.
To me, it really looks like RB told the biological father, who then in turn told his sister and she was the one who called in the tip.

The father may have called his sister, being overwhelmed by the information and also uncertain as to its truth, knowing the history of the mother. Having just come from Florida, he may not have known about the widespread coverage of a missing toddler girl, but his sister most likely did.

We will find out more at the arraignment.
Horrible tragedy, but where do people want these kids to go? At least if people said "I'd pay more taxes for orphanages" that would be a suggestion. Obviously orphanages became disfavored for many reasons that are legitimate. But where is the state supposed to put them? How many foster homes are there? How many are satisfactory? No one becomes a DCF worker because it is a fun, rewarding job. Wherever the line is drawn, there will be issues. That's the reason they aren't taken at birth - parental rights. They used to ship them off on orphan trains, and that wasn't good either. Anyone could take them. It's hard to predict when a child will be physically harmed, and the mental harm of being taken away and placed with strangers probably frequently outweighs the harm of being in a typical bad situation. So sad. The world doesn't operate under the rules that competent parents should be the ones who reproduce. So upsetting.

ETA: I have also consistently been baffled by the jump to illegal immigrant. They could flee and never be prosecuted. It makes far more sense for it to be a citizen who is uncomfortable with LE - they far outnumber illegal immigrants.

I know what you're saying but there are thousands and thousands of couples who would have loved to adopt Bella. There are waiting lists for white babies and toddlers. She would not have needed an orphanage.

Also, our system tries to place children with families and I would venture to guess many kids in foster care are being cared for by family members.

I will not be surprised if this story changes over time, or if the charges change.

If she walked in on her significant other assaulting her child (it is claimed she saw him hitting the girl) and instead of getting medical attention for the girl she alerts nobody, the child dies, and she participates in covering up the acts and disposing of the body - how is she not charged with some form of manslaughter or possibly even murder?

I would have to review Massachusetts law but this seems to me that it would rise to at least a charge of manslaughter.

Involuntary manslaughter carries the same potential sentence as accessiry after the fact to murder- up to 10 years:

Child neglect charges would result in less possible time.

I think they charged her with the charge leading to the most possible time for her conduct in relation to Bella's demise.

I don't think there's anything off about mom walking in on him killing her. He was probably high out of his mind and either really did think she was possessed or just couldn't handle a crying child.

If RB did walk in on it, i hope they up her charges. She failed to get medical treatment which may have saved her life

I think the pictures posted and called mugshots are really DMV photos. MM is in the hospital, i doubt his mugshot has been taken.

I think RB loved Bella. Just not as much as she loved her boyfriends and getting high. It makes it harder to understand how she let this happen but it's reassuring to know that beautiful Bella did know some love in her short life. I think that love is enough for her to come clean and it sounds like Bella was finally identified because RB spilled the beans.

RB was an awful mother. Bella should have been taken at birth. But i don't think she would have hurt Bella. If Bella died accidentally due to neglect or abandonment, i would be looking at RB. I believe she was a neglectful and selfish mother who never put her daughter first. But i believe MM was the one who actually killed her.

I just hope they find more charges for mom. Unless MM confesses, i sadly see a plea deal coming for RB

Random thoughts based on a few posts

I feel like doing drugs while caring for a toddler, screaming at a baby, having a succession of nasty men around her and allowing at least one of those nasty beasts to harm your small child, IS hurting her.

This woman clearly hurt her baby. Her actions directly led to Bella's destruction. Horrible.

Also, I take issue with the thought that she loved her child. I don't care what drugs she was on. Maternal instinct is strong. Someone is hurting your child you stop them. If you love your baby you get help and keep trying to get help. And if you can't get help, true, sacrificial maternal love means you give up your child to a better life rather than keep her and destroy her.

This woman is a vile creature. She didn't love Bella. She just enjoyed her toy for awhile. Until it broke. That's my angry feeling. No loving mother places her baby's body in cold storage while calmly going on with life. I mean, understand that, everyone: She ate, sold her body, bought drugs, used them, watched tv, slept, woke up, took showers, went to the store, used the bathroom, smoked cigarettes, did laundry, all while knowing her little "monkey" was dead and cold.

No amount of drugs explains that level of apathy on the part of a mother who actually loved her child at one time.

Imo, the only explanation is she didn't truly love her child. If she had and somehow was too numbed by drugs at the moment of her child's death to react at that moment, (which I think is garbage because if she was lucid enough to walk into the room where her man was doing whatever he was doing to the child she called her life, her breath and her soul, then she was lucid enough to try to stop him), well she had numerous opportunities after that to do something. To care. To go to the police.

You can smoke a cigarette? Then you can call the cops. You can eat food? Buy drugs? Sell yourself? Then you can call the cops.

If she truly loved her child, at the least, she wouldn't be able or willing to go on day after day. She'd just slam an extra amount of heroin into her veins and be done with it. At the least.

But not this treasure of a human. She just kept on as usual.

No one can convince me she really loved her baby.
This poor sweet baby. She kind of looks like I did when I was a young child.. And with that I pray that my mom is holding her close up in heaven. I know I've said that about baby Lonzie, but I just know my mama has got Bella close to her up there. I can't imagine how someone could do this.. TO KEEP HER IN A FRIDGE/FREEZER FOR A MONTH?! The words I wanna say.. Would get me banned for life. What a bunch of people these are. I too hope michael's arm falls off.. Would serve him right for what he allegedly did to this beautiful baby.

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To me, it really looks like RB told the biological father, who then in turn told his sister and she was the one who called in the tip.

The father may have called his sister, being overwhelmed by the information and also uncertain as to its truth, knowing the history of the mother. Having just come from Florida, he may not have known about the widespread coverage of a missing toddler girl, but his sister most likely did.

We will find out more at the arraignment.

The brother of the woman in Billerica who called in the tip gave police, in an unrelated matter, a home address of 135 Maxwell St. on 6/21/15. It is not bio dad. Bio dad did say on news interview RB told him what happened but I believe that was yesterday morning....not prior to the tip being called in.
The media earlier said that RB was arrested while with Bella's bio father.
The information came from the father himself.
Maybe it was someone in his family or him that she admitted the death too?

“She told me the whole story,” Amoroso said. “She was very emotional, sincere through the whole thing, and I believe her. I believe her — that it was this man who murdered our daughter, murdered a 2-year-old.”
I suppose everything I have to say has already been expressed by everyone else here. My one issue though is that I do not think that RB loved her daughter at all. So she had a few facebook posts. I know many parents who love their children to death, and they don't write about it on facebook. RB put that stuff on facey to look good to other people, not because she loved her daughter. Hardcore drug addicts cannot form loving relationships with people. It is physically impossible for them because the "love" parts of the brain are taken over by drugs.

I wish that we as a society would take this time to reevaluate our policy of trying to keep families together when CPS gets involved. Let's just get the child out of the situation and place him or her with a loving and stable family. If mom and dad want to turn their lives around, they can but that should be their own thing independent of their child.
How do you live in an apartment with your dead child in the fridge/freezer,

I hope that they are both dope sick, to the extreme. MM shouldn't be in a hospital, jails have infirmaries

The so called mom makes me sick, she should have died protecting little Bella,

I'm still pages behind I think, but
How could this source know this and not speak up until Thursday?

Maybe he punched her belly then sat in top of her chest until she stopped breathing??? Is that possible. The cod is just not making sense. I'm guessing in addition to heroin that he was on bath salts or whatever that synthetic drug is that makes people paranoid and hallucinate that people are demons etc?
I have the same weird feeling about her, firewood. Her facebook posts and that video of that child waking up from her nap and being made to "look at the table, look at the table, look what mommy and auntie did for you look at all this look at the table look what I did for you while you napped". Lord. And all those pictures, Mommy and Bella. It's just like a fake love. Honestly reminds me of Casey Anthony posing making faces with her daughter. Weird.

You see other parents, who have mother love, when their child gets up from a nap and is a little woozy they hold them and say things like wait just a minute, she's still a little bit sleepy. She's just waking up. Snuggle. This whole video where she commands her to look at the table in the voice other mothers command their kids to get back from the street.
This. Saying no apparent cause of death made everyone assume it was not a murder. Then we tried to figure out why on earth a person would not report an accidental death, who would be scared of the police. I don't know why illegal immigrants came forth way more than drug users. Now that I think about it it makes sense. I think we were thinking of who had most to lose by reporting to the police. A drug user could clean up their home, remove the drugs and paraphernalia, an illegal immigrant could not so easily hide their status. Just throwing out ideas here. But now that we know at least the boyfriend and maybe the mom was a hardcore user it makes more sense, since those people are not thinking right in the first place.

If they can prove she saw this happening before Bella was dead I would think they'd be able to charge her with more, because then it wouldn't only be "after the fact". That might be all they have, and all they'll ever have, unfortunately. They will need to meet the burden of proof if they are going to trial, and if they are trying to get a full confession before going to trial they might give her incentives to tell the truth (ie immunity from further charges if she tells what really happens). It's a double edged sword because you want the truth (and people are more likely to tell the truth when there will not be consequences) but at the same time you want this (bleep) to get the harshest punishment possible.

They could give him Suboxone or Methadone to ease his withdrawal and allow him to be in court, depends on what kind of treatment he's in. I personally hope he's as sick as can be, because I've worked with people and been told it's the absolute worst feeling ever, and he deserves to suffer (not being threatening, dope-sickness is not deadly, just nearly intolerably miserable) but they could help him to be ok for court. Just depends. I guess we'll see on Monday. If he is not on Subs or Methadone and they make him go in I'd love to see how he looks because he is going to be in bad shape.

With the guys who have apparently been in and out of her life in just the last couple of years, and the fractured relationships with her family, I am guessing Rachelle did not have a lot of people in her life long term. Even the friends she had seemed to have been from a shelter, and probably more short term as well. She probably never had anyone in her life long enough for someone to really get close enough, sadly. Between drug issues and anger issues that have been reported I can't imagine she was someone (normal) people wanted to continue to be around, so her family had already pretty much cut ties and everyone else seemed to be in and out of the picture fairly quickly. This poor little girl had no one.

These stories always cut me, as I had cancer when I was 19 and had a total hysterectomy and I have no chance of having my own children ever. I would have loved to have a beautiful little daughter like Bella. So sad to see these people who are too selfish or drugged up or just plain stupid to appreciate what they have and how lucky they are.

Sorry fizzypop for what you've endured. I can only imagine how infuriating cases such as these make you! You'd think these moms would clean up for their babies!
IMO Bella was just a meal ticket. She had to put on a good front fearing Bella would be removed :tantrum:
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