MA - Conrad Roy, 18, urged by friend, commits suicide, Fairhaven, 13 July 2014

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Conrad's grandmother used the word "fragile" in one of the MSM articles. Carter took advantage of that fragility. IANAL, but I am thinking these actions must be comparible to something like hazing or dram shop laws? Those are the first two things that come to mind.

I sure wish we had a verified atty to chime in here......

Also, I really wonder if MC texted suggestions on how he should commit suicide. One of the msm articles mentioned 1000's of texts between the two. To read those.......
What a scary, horrible, evil case, I'm speechless !!!

That girl, MC, has to be a really sick, twisted psychopath, and has to be locked up for good!!!

This is her facebook, check out all her fony fake posts (in her image gallery) about how she miss and love the poor victim Conrad Roy:

The ONLY possible alternative, IMHO, to MC being VERY dangerous, really sick, twisted psychopath is that she might be a

a VERY dangerous, twisted variety of "Münchausen by proxy syndrome"ünchausen_syndrome_by_proxy

However, I do believe she is a psychopath !
For someone who is not supposed to be on the internet....she's made 4 friends in the past 7 hours on FB
She probably friends everyone. I'll bet people have friended her to see what she's posting before her lawyer tells her to take her FB page down.
The ONLY possible alternative, IMHO, to MC being VERY dangerous, really sick, twisted psychopath is that she might be a

a VERY dangerous, twisted variety of "Münchausen by proxy syndrome"ünchausen_syndrome_by_proxy

However, I do believe she is a psychopath !
Lol. I just spit my coffee on my screen from laughing at that. Lol. Good thing I dont have a beer in my hand. I probably would have dropped my phone as well. Lol
For someone who is not supposed to be on the internet....she's made 4 friends in the past 7 hours on FB

it's probably people that she friend-requested before this and they just now accepted
The Fairhaven Neighborhood News carried coverage of her arraignment. You can read information on the actual text messages themselves. This child seems very broken. Her defense attorney claims that she is being overcharged and that there is no law against talking to someone while they are committing suicide. You cant make this stuff up.

Michelle Carter not only encouraged Conrad to take his own life, she questioned him repeatedly as to when and why he hadn’t done it yet,right up to the point of when his final text was sent to her on Saturday evening, July 12, 2014 at 6:26 p.m.


Ms. Carter also texted Mr. Roy’s 13-year-old sister with long, detailed,dramatic messages that she attributed to Mr. Roy that detailed his depression and reasons why he wished to kill himself


But on July 21, a text to one of her friends is a bit different: “And I just got off the phone with Conrad’s mom about 20 mins ago and she told me that detectives had to come and go thru his things and stuff. Its [sic]something they have to do with suicides and homicides. And she said they have to go thru his phone and see if anyone encouraged him to do it in texts and stuff...they read my messages with him I’m done. His family will hate me and I could go to jail.”

The Fairhaven Neighborhood News carried coverage of her arraignment. You can read information on the actual text messages themselves. This child seems very broken. Her defense attorney claims that she is being overcharged and that there is no law against talking to someone while they are committing suicide. You cant make this stuff up.



Michelle Carter not only encouragedConrad to take his own life, shequestioned him repeatedly as towhen and why he hadn’t done it yet,right up to the point of when his finaltext was sent to her on Saturdayevening, July 12, 2014 at 6:26 p.m.

Ms. Carter also texted Mr. Roy’s 13-year-old sister with long, detailed,dramatic messages that sheattributed to Mr. Roy that detailed hisdepression and reasons why hewished to kill himself

But on July 21, a text to one of herfriends is a bit different: “And I justgot off the phone with Conrad’s momabout 20 mins ago and she told methat detectives had to come and gothru his things and stuff. Its [sic]something they have to do withsuicides and homicides. And she saidthey have to go thru his phone andsee if anyone encouraged him to do itin texts and stuff...they read mymessages with him I’m done. Hisfamily will hate me and I could go tojail.”



She is awful. She texted his 13 yr old little sister, pretending to be him? ugh She should get jail time for that alone.
The Fairhaven Neighborhood News carried coverage of her arraignment. You can read information on the actual text messages themselves. This child seems very broken. Her defense attorney claims that she is being overcharged and that there is no law against talking to someone while they are committing suicide. You cant make this stuff up.

1)Michelle Carter not only encouraged Conrad to take his own life, she questioned him repeatedly as to when and why he hadn’t done it yet,right up to the point of when his final text was sent to her on Saturday evening, July 12, 2014 at 6:26 p.m.

2)Ms. Carter also texted Mr. Roy’s 13-year-old sister with long, detailed,dramatic messages that she attributed to Mr. Roy that detailed his depression and reasons why he wished to kill himself

3)But on July 21, a text to one of her friends is a bit different: “And I just got off the phone with Conrad’s mom about 20 mins ago and she told me that detectives had to come and go thru his things and stuff. Its [sic]something they have to do with suicides and homicides. And she said they have to go thru his phone and see if anyone encouraged him to do it in texts and stuff...they read my messages with him I’m done. His family will hate me and I could go to jail.”


Dang. She text his baby sister. Whoa. This is deeper then we thought. Jodi would be proud. This girl may be certifiable or she just has diarrhea of the mouth. I hope she gets a thorough psych evaluation.
This was so elaborate. There were 20 pages of documents, 1K text messages. She would text his mother asking her if he was still missing, and she would be texting with him. Or talking to him. So, legal eagles...if she is tried in juvenile court, can she get her record expunged in 3 years?
The Fairhaven Neighborhood News carried coverage of her arraignment. You can read information on the actual text messages themselves. This child seems very broken. Her defense attorney claims that she is being overcharged and that there is no law against talking to someone while they are committing suicide. You cant make this stuff up.




oooh I wonder if his mom was trying to get her to say something incriminating ... like if the detectives had her call Michelle while they were there or listening to see what she would say when Conrad's mom mentioned that the cops went through his phone to see if anyone encouraged him to do it
Lol. I just spit my coffee on my screen from laughing at that. Lol. Good thing I dont have a beer in my hand. I probably would have dropped my phone as well. Lol

Not sure why you are laughing etc ?

Here is one piece of info that might support my thought that MC might be suffering a variety of a Münchausen by proxy syndrome: ISSUES/02-26-15 Surrender.pdf

"Many texts seem designed to elicit sympathy for herself"
This was so elaborate. There were 20 pages of documents, 1K text messages. She would text his mother asking her if he was still missing, and she would be texting with him. Or talking to him. So, legal eagles...if she is tried in juvenile court, can she get her record expunged in 3 years?

They should not be doing this in juvenile court.....she needs to be tried as an adult
They should not be doing this in juvenile court.....she needs to be tried as an adult
Agreed. But I'm concerned about the case not qualifying for manslaughter. I don't want to see her get away with this. I wish there was an appropriate charge that we were confident would get a conviction.
OMG. I hope someone is watching the mom closely. I know I would have probably tried to kill that girl by now if it was my fragile son she messed with like that. I would hate to see the mom get herself in trouble. She must be so angry. :furious:

Especially when she read the texts to her 13 yr old girl, who must have been so despondent. And to get long rambling texts justifying the suicide, and thinking they were from her brother, when they were really from this sick creature, that egged him on and encouraged him to die---ugh

My family/friends would have to restrain me if I ever saw her anywhere...
Not sure why you are laughing etc ?

Here is one piece of info that might support my thought that MC might be suffering a variety of a Münchausen by proxy syndrome: ISSUES/02-26-15 Surrender.pdf

"Many texts seem designed to elicit sympathy for herself"
She wanted attention. She's got it now. I hope her life is miserable. I hope her parents realize what a sick, twisted person she is and get her some serious treatment before she harms others. If it's Munchausen's by Proxy, her future children are at risk. This particular tragedy with her boyfriend might not have been MBP, but the attention she got afterwards that she enjoyed very well could have ingrained MBP into her personality and put others at risk in her future.
Not sure why you are laughing etc ?

Here is one piece of info that might support my thought that MC might be suffering a variety of a Münchausen by proxy syndrome: ISSUES/02-26-15 Surrender.pdf

"Many texts seem designed to elicit sympathy for herself"

I found it funny because if a guy was accused of forcing his vulnerable ex-girlfriend to kill herself; The last thing we would be talking about is this syndrome. I think it is a crutch that has no real standing in the court of law. I doubt she conspired on him killing himself so she could get sympathy. It's not like they were married with a family. Plus she made comments about him being too gullible. So I think she just used her power against him to see if he would actually do it. Because some people just like to display the power that they have over other individuals. JMO. But still no offense to mothers and others who truly do suffer from the M syndrome.
I had a really long post ready but I deleted it.

I should probably stay out of this one because my brother killed himself in this exact same way and I'm having too many conflicting emotions reading here.

RIP Conrad. I hope you have found peace. :rose:
I found it funny because if a guy was accused of forcing his vulnerable ex-girlfriend to kill herself; The last thing we would be talking about is this syndrome. I think it is a crutch that has no real standing in the court of law. I doubt she conspired on him killing himself so she could get sympathy. It's not like they were married with a family. Plus she made comments about him being too gullible. So I think she just used her power against him to see if he would actually do it. Because some people just like to display the power that they have over other individuals. JMO. But still no offense to mothers and others who truly do suffer from the M syndrome.
MBP isn't just about getting sympathy. It's about getting attention. This girl relished the attention she received. She sought out the attention to the point of organizing a fundraiser in his honor. I'm not saying it's MBP. It's possible MBP, but it's most likely psychopathy. But you're right about nobody would even consider MBP if it was a male.
Agreed. But I'm concerned about the case not qualifying for manslaughter. I don't want to see her get away with this. I wish there was an appropriate charge that we were confident would get a conviction.

In some other countries, laws allow a charge of driving somebody to suicide, which seems like it would be a perfect charge here. I don't understand why she is charged as a juvenile. She is now an adult. Sounds like it won't even be possible for her to get any prison time.
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