MA - Conrad Roy, 18, urged by friend, commits suicide, Fairhaven, 13 July 2014

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It's funny how when a person gets caught with drugs the DA will charge you with 20 different offenses for the same crime just to make something stick; But in this case it seems that they are going for a one charge wonder. Plus since she looks like the all american teen; I wouldnt be surprised if some old grandfatherly judge vacates a guilty verdict and let her skate with a warning. Maybe the case needs to be moved in order to have a impartial judge and jury. Btw: I am sure Dr. Phil and her are emailing each other back and forth to set a date for the interview. Lol.
Just got finished reading the thread. This girl is EVIL and if she's not convicted and sent to prison...she's free to continue that evil and God knows what she will do next! Jody Jr is RIGHT! Evil! I haven't clicked on all the media links yet, but I did take a peeky at her FB and Twitter. Can't judge a book by it's cover, but something just seems off to me just by looking at her and noticing the lack of comments under her posts. For a high schooler - it doesn't seem like she has a lot of close friends (she has 600 something odd friends - you'd think more people would comment on her posts.) I noticed some of her favorite movies are "Mean Girls" and "The Devil wears Prada" and that under her twitter profile she says "Everybody is a little weird whether they embrace it or not. It's good to be weird." eh....anyway. I hope they can somehow upgrade the charges against her and make them stick! Very bad seed here!
It's funny how when a person gets caught with drugs the DA will charge you with 20 different offenses for the same crime just to make something stick; But in this case it seems that they are going for a one charge wonder. Plus since she looks like the all american teen; I wouldnt be surprised if some old grandfatherly judge vacates a guilty verdict and let her skate with a warning. Maybe the case needs to be moved in order to have a impartial judge and jury. Jmo

As an aside, the DA actually recused himself at the time of the initial investigation and remains so as he's a family member of Conrad Roy
Not sure why you are laughing etc ?

Here is one piece of info that might support my thought that MC might be suffering a variety of a Münchausen by proxy syndrome: ISSUES/02-26-15 Surrender.pdf

"Many texts seem designed to elicit sympathy for herself"

Like this one? ISSUES/02-26-15 Surrender.pdf page 19

“But on July 21, a text to one of her friends is a bit different:
And I just got off the phone with Conrad’s mom about 20 mins ago and she told me that detectives had to come and go thru his things and stuff. Its [sic] something they have to do with suicides and homicides. And she said they have to go thru his phone and see if anyone encouraged him to do it in texts and stuff...they read my messages with him I’m done. His family will hate me and I could go to jail.”

She knows exactly what she did. SO I don't think it's MPS..
I don't see what she should be accountable for. Honestly.

I have been battling depression and suicidal ideations for years. There is nobody in this world that could convince me to kill myself by telling me to. The decision to commit suicide is very personal and no one can really influence it in either direction.

I guess the boy had been claiming to be suicidal for months. Who knows how many such messages they had exchanged only to have him showing up in school the second day harm free? Maybe she is a sociopath that got drunk on her power to make someone do what she says.

Amanda Todd's aggresor was never changed with murder, and he did so much more to her.

Should these people be charged as well?
As an aside, the DA actually recused himself at the time of the initial investigation and remains so as he's a family member of Conrad Roy.
Even though he recused himself, I'm sure his being DA influenced whoever did press charges. It might influence a judge to not be taken by her All-American-Girl looks. It's sad to think this girl might have gotten away with this if his relative wasn't the DA. Let's hope the jury isn't fooled.
Hmmmm....If she violates the conditions of her bail - she goes to jail, right? Hope police are watching her social media and that she slips up. Still can not believe she texted his mother and said "I tried to save him".
The more I read the more I think it all just made her so powerful. Narcistic even, thought I would hate to give her a mental heath excuse. ISSUES/02-26-15 Surrender.pdf

“that a string of text messages stretched all the way back to early last week [before his death], and throughout the entire sequence of messages from early last week till the Saturday before Conrad’s body and truck were located, Michelle Carter not only encouraged Conrad to take his own life, she
questioned him repeatedly as to when and why he hadn’t done it yet, right up to the point of when his final text was sent to her on Saturday
evening, July 12, 2014 at 6:26 p.m."

ETA: So it started a week before he even attempted to take his life.

When I saw her FB Friday morning I was stunned that she had tributes and all kinds of sympathy for him I thought there must be a mistake - like they were taking texts out of context.

Not Now.

I don't see what she should be accountable for. Honestly.

I have been battling depression and suicidal ideations for years. There is nobody in this world that could convince me to kill myself by telling me to. The decision to commit suicide is very personal and no one can really influence it in either direction.

I guess the boy had been claiming to be suicidal for months. Who knows how many such messages they had exchanged only to have him showing up in school the second day harm free? Maybe she is a sociopath that got drunk on her power to make someone do what she says.

Amanda Todd's aggresor was never changed with murder, and he did so much more to her.

Should these people be charged as well?

I am very sorry that you suffer from depression. I have been there and and it's one of the hardest things to endure. I hope that you are surrounded by people who love you and are able to lift you up in your greatest time of need. However, don't you see that this girl is evil and that she contributed to pushing him over the edge? He got out of his truck because he had second thoughts and she told him to get back in and do it! Yes, he had a CHOICE, but he was at his lowest low and she took advantage of that by telling him to get back in the truck and just do it. I can not imagine someone saying that to me during my darkest hour. Instead of pulling him through....she pushed him off the cliff.
Hmmmm....If she violates the conditions of her bail - she goes to jail, right? Hope police are watching her social media and that she slips up. Still can not believe she texted his mother and said "I tried to save him".

Her latest friend addition on FB was 11 hours ago

ETA In fairness it could be someone else with access such as parents
Even though he recused himself, I'm sure his being DA influenced whoever did press charges. It might influence a judge to not be taken by her All-American-Girl looks. It's sad to think this girl might have gotten away with this if her relative wasn't the DA. Let's hope the jury isn't fooled.

It's not her relative, it is the Victim's family;

"Thomas Quinn, the Bristol district attorney, recused himself from the investigation because of a familial relationship with Roy’s family.

Cataldo, the lawyer for the accused teen, asserted that the relationship potentially influenced the case. “It would seem to me that his whole office should be recused,” he said."

The more I read the more I think it all just made her so powerful. Narcistic even, thought I would hate to give her a mental heath excuse.
Feel free to label her as you wish because personality disorders don't equate to insanity.

&#8220;that a string of text messages stretched all the way back to early last week [before his death], and throughout the entire sequence of messages from early last week till the Saturday before Conrad&#8217;s body and truck were located, Michelle Carter not only encouraged Conrad to take his own life, she
questioned him repeatedly as to when and why he hadn&#8217;t done it yet, right up to the point of when his final text was sent to her on Saturday
evening, July 12, 2014 at 6:26 p.m."

ETA: So it started a week before he even attempted to take his life.
What struck me was her simultaneously texting friends about how worried she is about him!

I'd like to know what happened prior to this. They were boyfriend/girlfriend. I'm wondering if she broke up with him. I'm trying to get the "tone" of the texts because LE says she helped him research HOW to commit suicide. It's not clear if she was "being a friend" or if these texts were sent with nasty tone.

When I saw her FB Friday morning I was stunned that she had tributes and all kinds of sympathy for him I thought there must be a mistake - like they were taking texts out of context.
Her twitter is even worse. Every month, she posted something on the anniversary.
Maybe she started advocating for suicide awareness once she knew that the cops were on to her texts. This would be considered as a cover up or a leniency play. This girl is just devious and not suffering from any Muchassen proxy syndrome. Jmo.
It's not her relative, it is the Victim's family;
I'm well aware. "Her" was a typo. I meant "his." I don't believe she would have been charged if the DA wasn't related to the victim. (I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I think something like this would normally not be taken as seriously as it should.) Interestingly, the quote you posted has her lawyer saying the same thing I said. Recusing himself didn't change the dynamic because his office wasn't recused.
I don't think her initial motive was attention seeking. Sadism motivated her. Her texting his sister was similar cruelty. The attention was an unexpected added bonus. She relished the spotlight and continued doing whatever she could to prolong that attention. Or she wasn't seeking attention at all and her public persona was simply to cover-up what she did.


I agree. That text to the baby sister was sadistic and so cruel. I have no doubt that one thing that brought him out of the car, when he said he didn't want to leave his family, was the image of his baby sister at his funeral. I am sure that was hard for him to deal with, and for MC to have the nerve to text her, giving 'reasons' he wanted to die---just plain CRUEL and COLD HEARTED.
Feel free to label her as you wish because personality disorders don't equate to insanity.

What struck me was her simultaneously texting friends about how worried she is about him!

I'd like to know what happened prior to this. They were boyfriend/girlfriend. I'm wondering if she broke up with him. I'm trying to get the "tone" of the texts because LE says she helped him research HOW to commit suicide. It's not clear if she was "being a friend" or if these texts were sent with nasty tone.

Her twitter is even worse. Every month, she posted something on the anniversary.


Roy’s father, Conrad Roy Jr., told authorities his son had met Carter a few years ago in Florida, where both were visiting family. In interviews with police, Roy’s mother, Lynn, said her son was friendly with Carter, but believed that most of their relationship was based on texts and phone conversations.
Carter had attended Roy’s wake and funeral, she told police.

Two weeks after Roy’s death, Carter wrote Lynn Roy, saying, “You tried your hardest, I tried my hardest, everyone tried their hardest to save him.”

Friends of Carter told police she was prone to exaggeration, and had a history of crying wolf. It was hard to tell if she was being completely truthful in her messages, they said.

But police said her behavior seemed calculated to engender sympathy and drama, even as Roy was reaching out to her. As she texted friends saying Roy was missing, he texted her “I love you btw.”

God this is sad stuff.

I am imagining the family was aware of the investigation the whole time.

I am very sorry that you suffer from depression. I have been there and and it's one of the hardest things to endure. I hope that you are surrounded by people who love you and are able to lift you up in your greatest time of need. However, don't you see that this girl is evil and that she contributed to pushing him over the edge? He got out of his truck because he had second thoughts and she told him to get back in and do it! Yes, he had a CHOICE, but he was at his lowest low and she took advantage of that by telling him to get back in the truck and just do it. I can not imagine someone saying that to me during my darkest hour. Instead of pulling him through....she pushed him off the cliff.

AND she was supposedly his lover and his closest friend. They texted each other thousands of times. So she had a very big impact upon him and a lot of emotional power and influence. I think she deserves some type of punishment. JMO
I am very sorry that you suffer from depression. I have been there and and it's one of the hardest things to endure. I hope that you are surrounded by people who love you and are able to lift you up in your greatest time of need. However, don't see that this girl is evil and contributed to pushing him over the edge? He got out of his truck because he had second thoughts and she told him to get back in and do it! Yes, he had a CHOICE, but he was at his lowest low and she took advantage of that by telling him to get back in the truck and just do it. I can not imagine someone saying that to me during my darkest hour. Instead of pulling him through....she pushed him off the cliff.
I understand what Lulu is saying though. There are some people who threaten suicide to manipulate or gain attention.

My neighbor is like that. She doesn't do it to me, but she does it with all her family members. One day I was telling her she was an adult who has a responsibility to care for her children, and she told me she appreciated my honesty because people usually walk on eggshells for fear she'll commit suicide. (Something I learned that very moment she said it.) My immediate response was to tell her she needed to be committed if what I said made her feel suicidal. I further told her I felt she was being manipulative and using suicide threats to escape her family from holding her accountable for her responsibilities. She admitted it.

Since she has spent a lifetime doing it and successfully manipulating her mother and later her boyfriends and husband, it's ingrained in her personality and the only way she knows how to interact with loved ones. As a result, she could go over the edge and actually committing suicide if her manipulations no longer worked and her close family members who historically bowed to her feet whenever she threatened suddenly sounded like they didn't care and wished she was dead.

I could see an immature almost young adult not being equipped to handle that type of personality, and eventually saying, "Why don't you do it?" and "Why haven't you done it?" and "Why didn't you do it? and "When are you going to do it?" BUT her other behavior--- acting like she was worried about him, texting his sister, etc.---indicates she was being malicious when she said these things. If she hadn't done the other things, I could believe a defense of her not believing him.
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