MA - Conrad Roy, 18, urged by friend, commits suicide, Fairhaven, 13 July 2014

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I'm well aware. "Her" was a typo. I meant "his." I don't believe she would have been charged if the DA wasn't related to the victim. (I'm not saying it's a bad thing. I think something like this would normally not be taken as seriously as it should.) Interestingly, the quote you posted has her lawyer saying the same thing I said. Recusing himself didn't change the dynamic because his office wasn't recused.

LOL It was more that I confused myself and had to go make sure!
What the lawyer said about the recusal seems a normal response - but carries no weight legally, IMO


Roy’s father, Conrad Roy Jr., told authorities his son had met Carter a few years ago in Florida, where both were visiting family. In interviews with police, Roy’s mother, Lynn, said her son was friendly with Carter, but believed that most of their relationship was based on texts and phone conversations.
Carter had attended Roy’s wake and funeral, she told police.

Two weeks after Roy’s death, Carter wrote Lynn Roy, saying, “You tried your hardest, I tried my hardest, everyone tried their hardest to save him.”

Friends of Carter told police she was prone to exaggeration, and had a history of crying wolf. It was hard to tell if she was being completely truthful in her messages, they said.

But police said her behavior seemed calculated to engender sympathy and drama, even as Roy was reaching out to her. As she texted friends saying Roy was missing, he texted her “I love you btw.”

God this is sad stuff.

I am imagining the family was aware of the investigation the whole time.

Thanks! It sounds like their relationship meant more to him than his parents realized.
Police mentioned her texting his parents asking if they found him---all while she was texting him about him killing himself. Since they met in Florida and her mother thought their relationship was just a text relationship, I looked up where they both lived. It turns out they lived an hour away from each other. Even though she was texting him, it's possible she couldn't help find him because she had no idea where he was.

That's really giving her the benefit of the doubt because she's texting, "Did you find him yet?" when she knew darn well they didn't. But being immature, "Did you find him yet?" could be desperation really meaning "Hurry up! Find him!" With texting and tweeting, people aren't very clear in what they mean, especially young people.

Another thing I'm wondering is if his parents contacted her when he was missing or if she contacted his parents and alerted them. It's sort of odd she had his mother's cell phone number since his mother viewed their relationship was viewed as a text relationship with someone he met in Florida who lives an hour away. And she had his sister's cell number too.

I need to see all of the texts in time sequence for context. I'm not making excuses for her. I just want to connect the dots because news reports always have huge black holes.
Is it at all possible Conrad planned this and begged her to help him in case he chickened out? Could the texts to the sister have been actual writings from Conrad and she sent them at his request?

We have seen many teen suicide pacts and this sounds like it could fit that scenario. Maybe she isn't the psychopath everyone perceives she is at this point. Maybe they both agreed to make this happen.

Or could she have kept him texting the only way she thought she could? Maybe she did not believe he was really doing it so was being really flippant about it all and was trying to actually send help?

I am trying to see this from every possible angle, but it is difficult.

RIP Conrad Roy
I had a really long post ready but I deleted it.

I should probably stay out of this one because my brother killed himself in this exact same way and I'm having too many conflicting emotions reading here.

RIP Conrad. I hope you have found peace. :rose:

:hug: I am so sorry.
I don't think her initial motive was attention seeking. Sadism motivated her. Her texting his sister was similar cruelty. The attention was an unexpected added bonus. She relished the spotlight and continued doing whatever she could to prolong that attention. Or she wasn't seeking attention at all and her public persona was simply to cover-up what she did.

:clap: Agreed.
Dear Lord, wth is wrong with this girl? My heart goes out to his family, I can't even imagine.. He was just a kid, had his whole life ahead of him.

It's not her relative, it is the Victim's family;

"Thomas Quinn, the Bristol district attorney, recused himself from the investigation because of a familial relationship with Roy’s family.

Cataldo, the lawyer for the accused teen, asserted that the relationship potentially influenced the case. “It would seem to me that his whole office should be recused,” he said."


Yeah, this is a dream. The DA did this the right way across the boards. The grand jury handed the indictment on 2/5/15 and she was arraigned 2/6/15. It was a special grand jury that didnt seat regularly. The DA got the ducks in a row. They know what they are looking at-the superficial all american girl and a possibly influential family. I see an attempt to plead it down, fwiw. Conrad should not be on trial here. Carter should rightly be on trial here. I applaud the DA's office for pushing forward with every aspect of this case. They were creative, imo, regarding making sure that the proceeding would be public and the FOIA wouldnt be sealed.
Honestly, my heart goes out to hers as well. If you read her family's social media posts, they were so proud of her for putting together this fund raiser. I would question, however, the friend she sent that 7/21 text to. I suspect that there were some others who had an idea of what went on here.
I think I found relevant law.

Massachusetts is one of ten states with a legal duty to rescue law.

It covers very limited scenarios, one of which I think applies in this case:

And that very well might be how they can make manslaughter stick.

I'd like to see the official charges on her. It can't be just manslaughter. There has to be other charges.

Since she was 17 at the time, it can be tried in juvenile or adult court.

I think she's inappropriately being tried as a juvenile. She was old enough to know better.

Hiding her knowledge of his whereabouts ....texting him while telling his mother she doesn't know where he is. His family was looking for him ....and he was still alive
Here's an article about the atmosphere at her school after the news broke:

At King Philip, mum's the word about senior charged with involuntary manslaughter

WRENTHAM - "The less said, the better," was the reaction of students and apparently faculty at King Phillip Regional High School about the fact that senior Michelle Carter of Plainville had been indicted and charged with involuntary manslaughter after allegedly urging a friend to kill himself last summer.

A girl on her way out of the school Friday afternoon who did not want to give her name said it seemed like students and teachers wanted to keep the matter quiet.

Students were reluctant to talk about it during school and it was not addressed at all by the school's faculty, she said.

"Everyone's acting like it's secret," she said. "Everyone's saying, 'Don't talk about it.' It's been in The Sun Chronicle. It's on the Internet.'"
Oh! Here's what her classmates think about it:

The student, a junior, said many of the people she's talked with think Carter, who organized fundraisers for mental health awareness and for cancer patients at Children's Hospital in Boston, is innocent of wrongdoing.

But there were others who were upset by the allegations, she said.

"A lot of people who think she's guilty are disgusted with her," she said.

A male student who was one of those who wanted to keep the matter quiet and supports Carter was angered by a story about the indictment published by The Sun Chronicle on Friday.

"I think the article you guys posted was a bunch of crap," said the young man, who did not identify himself. "It's not a crime. I think what's a crime is what you guys put on the Internet. I think you should leave."

A female companion echoed his sentiments. "Yeah, you should leave," she said to a reporter.

Another female student said she had nothing to say about the issue.

"I don't want to say anything," she said. "It's none of my business."
I'll bet more of them would be disgusted by what she did if the victim attended their school and they knew him.
This article gives a timeline of texts with dates and times:

Case against teen faces steep climb

Revealing texts

The following text messages from Michelle Carter’s phone were included in court documents in the July 13 suicide death of her boyfriend, Conrad Roy III. Carter was indicted on an involuntary manslaughter charge Feb. 5.

July 10, 2014, 5:30 p.m.: Texts a friend: “Is there any way a portable generator can kill you somehow? Because he said he was getting that and some other tools at the store, he said he needed to replace the generator at work and fix stuff. I didn’t really think anything of it, but he didn’t go to work today so idk (I don’t know) why he would of got that stuff.”

July 11, 2014: Texts Roy: “Let me know when you’re gonna do it.”

July 12, 2014

8:02 p.m.: Texts a friend: “He just called me and there was a loud noise like a motor and Iheard moaning like someone was in pain and he wouldn’t answer when I said his name I stayed on the phone for like 20 mins and that’s all i heard.”

8:27 p.m.: Texts a friend: “I think he just killed himself.”

9 p.m.: Carter texts Roy’s sister, asking if she knew where he was.

9:37 p.m.: Carter texts a friend: “He told me that day he went to the store to get the generator for work, I didn’t think anything of it at the time but on the phone I heard a motor running which I think was the generator. I just looked it up online and it said they are dangerous and fatal because they give off carbon monoxide. You can die within 20 mins with that thing, I think he poisoned himself and its all my fault I’m so stupid I should have known that’s what he was doing I’m so (expletive) stupid I don’t even know what to do.”

9:47 p.m.: Texts a friend: “He called me and I heard like muffled sounds and some type of motor running and it was like that for 20 mins and he wouldn’t answer. I think he killed himself.”

Sept. 15, 2014: Carter texts a friend: “...his death is my fault like honestly I could have stopped him I was on the phone with him and he got out of the car because it was working and he got scared and I (expletive) told him to get back in... because I knew he would do it all over again the next day and I couldn’t have him live the way he was living anymore I couldn’t do it I wouldn’t let him...”
Unless there is more, I don't think there is a case. She didn't help him figure out how to commit suicide via looking it up on the internet (like previous article implied). She looked it up to figure out just how dire the situation was. Her reasoning for telling him to get back into the car could innocently have been being too immature and lacking knowledge to know what to do when people are suicidal. Her texting his sister asking if she knew where he was could have been her trying to figure out how to help.

Is it possible that his family is looking for someone to blame because they're just so distraught?

Sadly, if this goes to court, I'll bet the defense will have texts about how terrible his parents are to blame them for why he was depressed.

We need to see all texts, not just selected texts by various journalists. Perhaps there are other texts that were published on these days and dates. We could pull all texts we find quoted in articles and try to get an idea of the contexts.
I'm really curious at all those text messages, once those are revealed there will be a very clear picture of what happened here.

At this point I see her handing him a gun ( all those texts ) and encouraging him to pull the trigger, yes, I see her finger on the trigger helping him. ( YES I know it was him in the car and it was cm poisoning ).

The above is just my analogy.
What was so bad, that he wanted to end his life.
As far as I know "assisted Suicide" is still not legal in the United States, well in nearly all states.
As far as I know "assisted Suicide" is still not legal in the United States, well in nearly all states.
Right. I posted a link about Massachusetts law on that. It says murder charges are what to use to prosecute assisted suicide. I think that's why manslaughter was chosen.
Like this one? ISSUES/02-26-15 Surrender.pdf page 19

“But on July 21, a text to one of her friends is a bit different:
And I just got off the phone with Conrad’s mom about 20 mins ago and she told me that detectives had to come and go thru his things and stuff. Its [sic] something they have to do with suicides and homicides. And she said they have to go thru his phone and see if anyone encouraged him to do it in texts and stuff...they read my messages with him I’m done. His family will hate me and I could go to jail.”

She knows exactly what she did. SO I don't think it's MPS..

Apparently some others knew what she did too. I wonder if others were aware of what she was doing during the suicide?
July 12, 2014: 8:02 p.m.: Texts a friend: “He just called me and there was a loud noise like a motor and Iheard moaning like someone was in pain and he wouldn’t answer when I said his name I stayed on the phone for like 20 mins and that’s all i heard.”

I think she was speaking to him during those 20 minutes and he was saying I dont want to do it. I doubt she would just listen in to a dead line. Since his phone was right next to him; she knew the police would be comming after her. So this text was her acting like she didnt know.

Sept. 15, 2014: Carter texts a friend: “...his death is my fault like honestly I could have stopped him I was on the phone with him and he got out of the car because it was working and he got scared and I (expletive) told him to get back in... because I knew he would do it all over again the next day and I couldn’t have him live the way he was living anymore I couldn’t do it I wouldn’t let him...”

Now she is saying that she knew that he changed his mind and that he was very scared but she decided to tell him to get back in there and kill himself.
Plus she wanted him to call her so he wouldnt back out. That is conspiracy to commit murder. She didnt tell anybody anything while she was playing the devils advocate. jmo
I am very sorry that you suffer from depression. I have been there and and it's one of the hardest things to endure. I hope that you are surrounded by people who love you and are able to lift you up in your greatest time of need. However, don't you see that this girl is evil and that she contributed to pushing him over the edge? He got out of his truck because he had second thoughts and she told him to get back in and do it! Yes, he had a CHOICE, but he was at his lowest low and she took advantage of that by telling him to get back in the truck and just do it. I can not imagine someone saying that to me during my darkest hour. Instead of pulling him through....she pushed him off the cliff.

I agree, and the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that she may have sought him out as a potentially suicidal person and "fostered" this in him. Her attention-seeking and her posting about suicide prevention--it just makes me think she was looking for a person who was vulnerable, someone she could push toward suicide?
July 12, 2014: 8:02 p.m.: Texts a friend: “He just called me and there was a loud noise like a motor and Iheard moaning like someone was in pain and he wouldn’t answer when I said his name I stayed on the phone for like 20 mins and that’s all i heard.”

I think she was speaking to him during those 20 minutes and he was saying I dont want to do it. I doubt she would just listen in to a dead line. Since his phone was right next to him; she knew the police would be comming after her. So this text was her acting like she didnt know.

Sept. 15, 2014: Carter texts a friend: “...his death is my fault like honestly I could have stopped him I was on the phone with him and he got out of the car because it was working and he got scared and I (expletive) told him to get back in... because I knew he would do it all over again the next day and I couldn’t have him live the way he was living anymore I couldn’t do it I wouldn’t let him...”

Now she is saying that she knew that he changed his mind and that he was very scared but she decided to tell him to get back in there and kill himself.
Plus she wanted him to call her so he wouldnt back out. That is conspiracy to commit murder. She didnt tell anybody anything while she was playing the devils advocate. jmo

Exactly. This is it in a nutshell:

Text to friend: "is there any way a portable generator can kill you somehow?"

Text to Conrad: "let me know when you're gonna do it"

Text to Conrad's mother: "do you know where he is?"

Where is the text to Conrad's mother expressing concern over the generator, explaining the noise, trying to help? Nowher because she was too busy prepping her role as tragic victim. "Get back in."
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