MA MA - Phillip Markoff, Craigslist Killer

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Based on the info I've seen, it didn't appear that the perpetrator was doing anything sexual with the women, he tried to tie them up and rob them right away.

The reports of a gambling problem would make sense in this context -- if he had money issues due to compulsive gambling, he might have considered robbing these women as a fast means to cash -- maybe later in the evening when they had a chance to collect a stash from multiple clients. He just wanted to grab the dough and scram. Unfortunately, one woman fought back and he didn't know how to handle that.

I would imagine they will have excellent forensic comparisons on the zip ties to match the ones found in his apartment to the ones at the different crime scenes. They have at least one bullet from the Marriott murder, so hopefully they'll get a ballistics match to the gun and ammo they found in his apartment.

Funny, I saw an episode of the Forensic Files last weekend, where they matched commonly used zip ties by comparing the cut marks on the small piece of metal that holds the tie in place. Maybe they are doing something similar here -- it's amazing what modern investigation techniques can do!

I wonder how long the fiancee will be in denial -- I can imagine there are two issues for her here -- one is the loyalty and inability to face the prospect that her fiance is a monster. The other is possibly having to face the fact that the dream wedding / marriage to an up and coming doctor isn't going to be. (Just my two cents...). I feel bad for her regardless, it looks like she's a victim of his deviousness as well.

A college mate from SUNY Albany was just on Fox -- we'll probably hear from more acquaintances now.

One thing that the guy said was that Philip Markoff was a regular gambler while an undergrad -- that he would be one of the folks playing many nights during the week until 5 AM. When Shepard Smith asked if he was usually one of the winners, or one of the losers, the guy said that Markoff would usually be on the losing end, and would then play more to try to win back his losses.

Just an interesting tid bit...

I wonder how much he owed? Was he afraid for his own life if he didn't pay those he owed? How in the world does some one in Medical School have time to gamble into the wee hours? My, how things have changed.

He looks totally defeated and guilty in the photo - not like someone wrongly accused. The evidence is pretty strong. That computer evidence will get you every time.

I hope his girlfriend will come out of denial and be thankful she did not marry this man.

The Daily News article says that his fiancee is also a medical student, I wonder if they're both at BU Medical school.

Something got me wondering if he has committed this crime in other cities -- "gambling" places like Las Vegas, Atlantic City, maybe even Foxwoods, where opportunities to set up assignations like this are probably pretty great.

I wonder if this is where he got the original idea to commit this type of robbery. He'd be out of cash, wanting to raise a stake to gamble some more... preying on people who might be reluctant to report it... And after enough successes, he figured he was on to something he could get away with.

I think I would have questioned my fiance if he was out at those hours. Maybe she thought he was working but was gambling and killing instead. I feel bad for her but she needs to come to reality.
Maybe she was was the one he was texting on the blackberry in the pics to justify where he was at.
He looks like just a normal guy, smart, etc., and they refer to *murder* as a *mistake*? :slap:

Just sayin'

Alleged 'Craigslist killer' recalled as a nice, smart boy

By Eric Moskowitz, Globe Staff

SHERRILL, N.Y. -- In the neighborhood where he grew up, people today said they were shocked that authorities have charged Philip Markoff as the Craigslist killer. In their recollections, he was a nice, smart boy with loving parents.

"All of them were terrific people. It's unbelievable. I don't know, I don't have a bad thing to say about them," said Dorothy Guider, 53, who said she was friends with Markoff's mother, Susan Carroll, and his stepfather, Gary Carroll, when they lived in the neighborhood. "They were loving and caring people. They would do anything for anybody,"

She described Markoff as "intelligent, very intelligent, sweet, nice."

"If he made a mistake – or who knows what happened? – it's just sad," she said.
Just so sad, .......this guy had an education, looks, faithful girl friend, nice future and he blew it ...........wonder how long he has been doing this before it escalated to murder!
If not caught another Ted Bundy???
anyone have date and time and city of birth?
Want to ask our forensic astro group to do a chart on him..........
Just so sad, .......this guy had an education, looks, faithful girl friend, nice future and he blew it ...........wonder how long he has been doing this before it escalated to murder!
If not caught another Ted Bundy???

I know that LE is asking anyone who may have been a *victim* of this guy and not previously reported it, to please step forward. It's scary, wonder where else he goes 'gambling?':eek:

I saw one of his school mates from earlier on with Shep on Fox? and his friend said he used to play poker almost every night until 5 a.m. He said he thought he was a 'good loser.' ..................Guess not. :(


PS..........sorry, don't know about his birth date etc....fran
I wonder how much he owed? Was he afraid for his own life if he didn't pay those he owed? How in the world does some one in Medical School have time to gamble into the wee hours? My, how things have changed.

He looks totally defeated and guilty in the photo - not like someone wrongly accused. The evidence is pretty strong. That computer evidence will get you every time.

I hope his girlfriend will come out of denial and be thankful she did not marry this man.
He was in Pre Med school I heard. His girlfriend should be thankful they caught him now before she ended up being a victim like some of the other missing wives. If he killed once he could do it again.

Seems like they got lots of evidence. Looks like he was book smart but not very smart in other ways. Didn't know the computer can be traced and cell phones can be like a GPS.
The guy has a screw loose, whether he committed the murders or not; and it looks like he did.

Who goes to medical school, where you are studying for work that involves preparation for tremendous responsibility - and GAMBLES every night away? You can see that learning anatomy was not a priority. He must have had quite an addiction for some time. A gambling addiction is very serious.

I noticed that had a mother and "stepfather". The dentist is his stepfather? I wonder who is original father is and what happened there. Death or divorce?

Perhaps there are family issues there that went unnoticed. Perhaps the "nice and sweet" was a facade for a troubled psyche.
He was in Pre Med school I heard. His girlfriend should be thankful they caught him now before she ended up being a victim like some of the other missing wives. If he killed once he could do it again.

Seems like they got lots of evidence. Looks like he was book smart but not very smart in other ways. Didn't know the computer can be traced and cell phones can be like a GPS.

Well Pre-med is a whole different ballgame; the news may be getting some things mixed up. I thought I read medical student in some places.

Even in pre-med, if you're serious about it you study alot. Maybe it's just something his parents "wanted" for him.
Well Pre-med is a whole different ballgame; the news may be getting some things mixed up. I thought I read medical student in some places.

Even in pre-med, if you're serious about it you study alot. Maybe it's just something his parents "wanted" for him.

I first heard Med Student and then Pre med. I know med school is hard and there is usually no time for gambling and etc. Seems like he had lots of free time. Maybe he is one of those people that doesn't need to study. One thing is certain is that this guy has serious mental problems. I hope he is never allowed his freedom again.
Just so sad, .......this guy had an education, looks, faithful girl friend, nice future and he blew it ...........wonder how long he has been doing this before it escalated to murder!
If not caught another Ted Bundy???

Respectfully bolded by me.

I also question how long he has and would have continued to commit these crimes. As far as we know, it looks like it started this year (2009), but who knows there were other victims who didn't come forward as early as '08. LE is reaching out to anyone who will come forward as far as prior assault and robbery by the suspect.

Maybe he just got bold and brazen after not being caught with the kidnapping/robberies. The young lady who fought back was unfortunately murdered while trying to save her own life.

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