MA MA - Phillip Markoff, Craigslist Killer

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I know that LE is asking anyone who may have been a *victim* of this guy and not previously reported it, to please step forward. It's scary, wonder where else he goes 'gambling?':eek:

I saw one of his school mates from earlier on with Shep on Fox? and his friend said he used to play poker almost every night until 5 a.m. He said he thought he was a 'good loser.' ..................Guess not. :(


PS..........sorry, don't know about his birth date etc....fran

5am playng poker, gambling..........when did he study? sleep? see finace'?
What a double life! Like med school isn't rough enough!
April 14th night of murder moon was in last phase of full moon that started on April 9th........tidbit, I'm watching moon phases and crime..........

If he only wanted to rob these girls why did he have a gun?
How did he get a gun in college?
Live off campus?
Why did he buy a gun?
This guy wasn't actually a med student if I understand correctly. He was in pre-med, that is taking the prerequisite classes that med schools require before acceptance. He may have been in a program that was guaranteed acceptance if his GPA, MCAT's etc were to their standard.
My son is a 3rd year medical school student and there is no way in the world they have time to gamble. This son is very bright and has never had to study and medical school has really challenged him. He has given up almost everything these last 2 years. He goes to classes, labs etc and studies and hangs out with his fiance in his free time.
I've heard the perp was an A student and very bright. He could pull it off in pre-med. Pre-Med is just what they call your status in college if you are intending to go to medical school upon college graduation.
My youngest son is Pre-Med and is starting his 3rd year in college.
I feel so sorry for this fiance....her dreams shattered, but hopefully she will eventually face the truth and thank God that it happened before the wedding and she didn't marry this guy. ^i^

I wonder how much he owed? Was he afraid for his own life if he didn't pay those he owed? How in the world does some one in Medical School have time to gamble into the wee hours? My, how things have changed.

He looks totally defeated and guilty in the photo - not like someone wrongly accused. The evidence is pretty strong. That computer evidence will get you every time.

I hope his girlfriend will come out of denial and be thankful she did not marry this man.
This guy wasn't actually a med student if I understand correctly. He was in pre-med, that is taking the prerequisite classes that med schools require before acceptance. He may have been in a program that was guaranteed acceptance if his GPA, MCAT's etc were to their standard.
My son is a 3rd year medical school student and there is no way in the world they have time to gamble. This son is very bright and has never had to study and medical school has really challenged him. He has given up almost everything these last 2 years. He goes to classes, labs etc and studies and hangs out with his fiance in his free time.
I've heard the perp was an A student and very bright. He could pull it off in pre-med. Pre-Med is just what they call your status in college if you are intending to go to medical school upon college graduation.
My youngest son is Pre-Med and is starting his 3rd year in college.
I feel so sorry for this fiance....her dreams shattered, but hopefully she will eventually face the truth and thank God that it happened before the wedding and she didn't marry this guy. ^i^

This article definitely says he's a 2nd year med student at BU:

"He graduated in 2007 from the State University of New York at Albany. Later that year, he had a broad smile in a photograph taken as he put on a "white coat" at a ceremony for incoming BU medical school students."

But ITA, I don't even see how he would have time for all this gambling as a pre-med student. I also don't see how he was able to get accepted into medical school if he's had this problem for a while. :confused: It's so competitive. One of his friends said he was a regular gambler during undergrad. I wonder if he has a family member affiliated with this med school.
Darn, can't pull up the article, but I stand corrected. If he has a short white coat, then he received it at Convocation and is a med student. It's impossible to imagine a 2nd year med student having the time to gamble. It's your last year of classes, then the test for the two years, then you do rotations the 3rd and 4th year before you become an M.D. ..then start your Internship. Regardless of how bright he was, he'd have to learn the material, just reading all of the material would require lots of time.(He may be one of these folks with a photogenic memory?).
Gambling is such a horrible disease and he's so young to have it.
The only way to win is to walk out...
He's the only one to blame for his situation, but I do feel bad for the fiance. I think of my son and his fiance and it's scary to think that a kid who had everything going for him and took the med school oath (ours did at the beginning also) could kill someone, let alone rob them.
This guy definitely had issues..lots of folks gamble too much, not many would rob and kill to get the money to do it.

This article definitely says he's a 2nd year med student at BU:

"He graduated in 2007 from the State University of New York at Albany. Later that year, he had a broad smile in a photograph taken as he put on a "white coat" at a ceremony for incoming BU medical school students."

But ITA, I don't even see how he would have time for all this gambling as a pre-med student. I also don't see how he was able to get accepted into medical school if he's had this problem for a while. :confused: It's so competitive. One of his friends said he was a regular gambler during undergrad. I wonder if he has a family member affiliated with this med school.
Whoops, I fixed the link to the article. Try it again. :)

Here's a pic of him getting his white coat at "BU Medical School Ceremony in 2007":


Darn, can't pull up the article, but I stand corrected. If he has a short white coat, then he received it at Convocation and is a med student. It's impossible to imagine a 2nd year med student having the time to gamble. It's your last year of classes, then the test for the two years, then you do rotations the 3rd and 4th year before you become an M.D. ..then start your Internship. Regardless of how bright he was, he'd have to learn the material, just reading all of the material would require lots of time.(He may be one of these folks with a photogenic memory?).
Gambling is such a horrible disease and he's so young to have it.
The only way to win is to walk out...
He's the only one to blame for his situation, but I do feel bad for the fiance. I think of my son and his fiance and it's scary to think that a kid who had everything going for him and took the med school oath (ours did at the beginning also) could kill someone, let alone rob them.
This guy definitely had issues..lots of folks gamble too much, not many would rob and kill to get the money to do it.

Bolded by me... Exactly, I wonder how bad his gambling problem has been and how he was doing in school? 2nd year is still very demanding. How did he have time for these gambling trips, etc.?
I wonder how well he was doing in school. I can't see how you can function much less study with a gambling addiction and the guilt of having murdered someone while trying to rob them.

My nephew called me last night and when this guy was at SUNY Albany,he was in a bowling league with my nephew.I can't imagine how he got involved with this league as ,he would have been very young and my nephew is in his 30's. Anyway,he said Phiilip was stand offish,had somewhat of an attitude,maybe arrogant at times.One of my nephews friends almost got into an arguement with him. Interesting when everyone else says what a nice guy he was. Maybe he thought this group of blue collar workers were "beneath" him? He certainly felt that about "massage therapists"!
I heard on the news this morning that his fiance was with him when they pulled him over and arrested him.....ugh, what a scum bag.
I wonder how he could stay out so often....enough to commit these crimes and he fiance not suspect something was going on? Maybe he told her he was studying?? Poor girl!
I couldn't open the link but there was one on where his lab partner was interviewed. Does anyone else have that link?
For all of those who wonder how his fiance didn't notice his late hours when he was allegedly gambling, it would have been very easy for him to lie to her and tell her that he was at the hospital for his current rotation. She wouldn't have had any way of knowing any differently unless she went to the hospital and asked for him - which she obviously never had a reason to do and which doesn't surprise me.
A former medical school lab partner of the accused Craigslist killer said Philip Markoff was prone to profound mood swings and seemed "disturbed."
Tiffany Montgomery told The Boston Globe that she's "not even remotely surprised" that Markoff, 22, is a suspect in the case and said she was often alarmed at his extreme changes in mood. (more at link),2933,517409,00.html
SuziQ, thank you for posting the link. So this guy has more "issues" than a gambling debt.
A former medical school lab partner of the accused Craigslist killer said Philip Markoff was prone to profound mood swings and seemed "disturbed."
Tiffany Montgomery told The Boston Globe that she's "not even remotely surprised" that Markoff, 22, is a suspect in the case and said she was often alarmed at his extreme changes in mood. (more at link),2933,517409,00.html

This would fall in line with my nephews observation of him.Arrogant,aloof.Also sometimes mental illness will manifest itself at about this age. Wonder if there is any family history?
It's a shame that the lab partner didn't alert the school about Markoff like she said she thought about doing. Not that it would necessarily mean they would have done anything. Also, I'm sure she thought he might have some mental problems, but not to the degree that he did (especially a robber/murderer).
When he smiles he does look very arrogant and cocky!! When he looked more serious in court from a side view he looks more like Jeffrey Dahmer IMO.

If he has any morals or class at all, I hope he tells his girlfriend he's guilty so she can start dealing and moving on. If he continues to plead with her that he's innocent, she'll probably stick by him.

She surely knew about his gambling habits. Wonder why she'd want to marry him knowing that.

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