VERDICT WATCH MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #13

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After 8 weeks of gripping testimony, closing arguments are scheduled to begin any moment in the high-profile murder trial of Karen Read, accused of hitting and killing her boyfriend, Boston Police Officer John O'Keefe in 2022.

The prosecution claims Read backed into her boyfriend with her Lexus SUV after a night out of drinking, leaving him to die in the cold. The defense claims she is being framed, alleging a larger conspiracy and cover-up among police officers and colleagues who beat him to death.

You can catch up on the story by reading this article. I will live tweet the closing arguments below.

We have been waiting for closing arguments to begin, but just learned a female juror has been unexpectedly dismissed. My team on the ground spotted her being transported out & said she appeared "agitated." Other reporters I'm speaking to say she "stormed out." Court is in recess

Judge is back on the bench. Closing arguments are beginning. Defense will begin, Mr. Alan Jackson will deliver the close.

Jackson says the jury has been lied to from the beginning and told "to look the other way." Instructs them to stare down the evidence unflinchingly and unwaveringly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there was a cover-up in this case. How does a cover-up happen? Well, let's count the ways, shall we?" Jackson says.

-Lead investigator is someone they know
-Delete call history, Google searches
-Destroy phones, sim cards, even dogs
-Don't take witnesses in questioning, but question them together
-Ignore witnesses that don't fit narrative
-Write vague and false police reports
-Don't photograph evidence, don't document evidence, manipulate evidence
-Don't turn over videos, invert videos
-Make this case cut and dry and ensures the homeowner "never sees any *advertiser censored*"
-Most important, "pick your patsy.""It's not that it could happen, its that every one of those things did happen," Jackson says.

"Drag her through the mud and make sure you attack her character."Jackson says O'Keefe and Read were a loving couple and the narrative that they had issues at home was a lie.

Jackson reminds the jury about the Apple data for John O'Keefe, and says the Commonwealth will skew the data or point them in a different direction. "Don't be fooled, John walked into that house, Karen drove away, and the scientific data proves it.”

Talks about the prosecution's star witness, Jennifer McCabe. Says McCabe lied about what she witnessed and her call history. Now discussing a motive for Brian Higgins to coax O'Keefe to come to the home and his previous advances toward Karen Read.

Jackson wonders aloud why Higgins immediately left for the police department after a night of drinking? He claims to gather intel. Jackson also wonders why the dog, Chloe, was unexpectedly gone after 7 years ownership. "Was there something about the dog they didn't want law enforcement to find out?" One defense expert testified that marks on O'Keefe's arm likely came from a large dog.

Jackson going through the call history and Google searches of Albert, Higgins and McCabe. How long does it take for someone to die in the cold, was searched on McCabe's phone. "There is no innocent explanation for that Google search," Jackson tells the jury.

Jackson reminds the jury that Karen Read tried calling John 53 times before finding his body.

Jackson says that Read cracked her taillight when backing out and hitting O'Keefe's traverse. Now showing still images of the SUV with the cracked taillight, but not a completely broken light. "That taillight was not completely damaged. It was cracked. A piece was missing. But not completely damaged," an outside investigator testified.Jackson claims the taillight was further damaged to fit the Commonwealth's narrative after the SUV was in the possession of the lead investigator.

"Michael Proctor didn't draw a thin blue line. He erected a tall blue wall. A wall you can't scale. A wall that Karen Read certainly couldn't get over," Jackson says.

Jackson claims almost all of the videos that the jury has seen from the Commonwealth have been manipulated or altered. Discusses the video of the SUV shown to the jury, which an investigator had to admit was inverted.

Jackson walking through the jury his theory of evidence tampering, including the multiplication of broken taillight fragments found at the scene of the crime which he claims could have been dropped by unaccounted for police officers and state troopers.

Jackson says there is no evidence whatsoever that Read's vehicle struck O'Keefe. Every piece of material evidence, he says, proves the opposite. That John's injuries do not come from being hit by a car.

With five minutes left in his closing argument, Jackson hones in on Lead Investigator Proctor, his integrity, his bias in this case. Wonders if he could truly be objective. "I began the discussion this morning talking about the truth...about hiding, concealing and exposing the (the jury) stand as the guardian of justice and the protector of justice... you cannot convict Karen Read unless the Commonwealth has met it's incredibly high burden of proof…"

"My question to you is, what will you do with this moment? Ignore the bias, lies, lack of evidence? Or will you say with your verdict, 'I see the truth and I will not ever look the other way.'""Karen Read is innocent. Do justice and find her not guilty.”

Adam Lally is giving the closing arguments for the Commonwealth. Begins with the reported confession by Karen Read:"I hit him. I hit him. I hit him. Oh my God, I hit him.”

Lally says Karen Read also said on the scene, "this is all my fault."Lally says there is no evidence of a cover-up. There is no conspiracy, he says, beyond speculation and conjecture from the defense.

Lally is showing a timeline of events to the jury-Karen and John fight over text about their relationship-Karen texts O'Keefe's sister-in-law asking to go out for a drink-Drink timeline: 9 drinks consumed from 8:58pm to 10:54pm

Lally reminds the jury about the GPS data and surveillance video that shows Read's car moving around town. A map is shown that displays the cars movements, including evidence that the SUV was traveling 24.5 mph in reverse.

Over the course of several hours, Read calls O'Keefe and others dozens of times. She leaves voicemails on John's phone, screaming, cussing and insulting him. But Lally reminds the jury that she didn't once call 911.

First responders on scene reported Karen Read asking, "is he dead? Is he dead?" Lally points out that is different than, "is he ok? Is he going to be alright?"Lally says she is looking for confirmation.

Lally points out that Read, when arriving on the scene, knew exactly where O'Keefe was laying despite the darkness and the blizzard surrounding her. She gets out of the car and beelines for the body.

Lally says there is hours of video evidence showing Read crashing into O'Keefe's vehicle, but it does not show damage as alleged by the defense. The hair in the taillight, which the defense calls "magic hair" for staying in place for so long and over great distances, was frozen in place, Lally says.

Lally reminds the jury that the O'Keefe's cause of death is not just blunt force injury, but also hypothermia.

Lally has ended his closing arguments. There will be a small break before the jury receives their instructions.

I didn't buy into the coverup until I sat through all of the testimony of the Alberts, the McCabe's, Mr Higgins, the young birthday party-guests and their drivers, the detectives and the troupers. Much of what they testified to was not what a reasonable person could believe. imo
If ahe was 'agitated' or 'stormed out', it's a tad alarming..
Did she report misconduct?
What the hell happened?
I think she will talk....wanting people to know what happened. Per those in court that have watched her she seemed most engaged with the defense at least that was their impression. Who really knows.

After 8 weeks of gripping testimony, closing arguments are scheduled to begin any moment in the high-profile murder trial of Karen Read, accused of hitting and killing her boyfriend, Boston Police Officer John O'Keefe in 2022.

The prosecution claims Read backed into her boyfriend with her Lexus SUV after a night out of drinking, leaving him to die in the cold. The defense claims she is being framed, alleging a larger conspiracy and cover-up among police officers and colleagues who beat him to death.

You can catch up on the story by reading this article. I will live tweet the closing arguments below.

We have been waiting for closing arguments to begin, but just learned a female juror has been unexpectedly dismissed. My team on the ground spotted her being transported out & said she appeared "agitated." Other reporters I'm speaking to say she "stormed out." Court is in recess

Judge is back on the bench. Closing arguments are beginning. Defense will begin, Mr. Alan Jackson will deliver the close.

Jackson says the jury has been lied to from the beginning and told "to look the other way." Instructs them to stare down the evidence unflinchingly and unwaveringly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, there was a cover-up in this case. How does a cover-up happen? Well, let's count the ways, shall we?" Jackson says.

-Lead investigator is someone they know
-Delete call history, Google searches
-Destroy phones, sim cards, even dogs
-Don't take witnesses in questioning, but question them together
-Ignore witnesses that don't fit narrative
-Write vague and false police reports
-Don't photograph evidence, don't document evidence, manipulate evidence
-Don't turn over videos, invert videos
-Make this case cut and dry and ensures the homeowner "never sees any *advertiser censored*"
-Most important, "pick your patsy.""It's not that it could happen, its that every one of those things did happen," Jackson says.

"Drag her through the mud and make sure you attack her character."Jackson says O'Keefe and Read were a loving couple and the narrative that they had issues at home was a lie.

Jackson reminds the jury about the Apple data for John O'Keefe, and says the Commonwealth will skew the data or point them in a different direction. "Don't be fooled, John walked into that house, Karen drove away, and the scientific data proves it.”

Talks about the prosecution's star witness, Jennifer McCabe. Says McCabe lied about what she witnessed and her call history. Now discussing a motive for Brian Higgins to coax O'Keefe to come to the home and his previous advances toward Karen Read.

Jackson wonders aloud why Higgins immediately left for the police department after a night of drinking? He claims to gather intel. Jackson also wonders why the dog, Chloe, was unexpectedly gone after 7 years ownership. "Was there something about the dog they didn't want law enforcement to find out?" One defense expert testified that marks on O'Keefe's arm likely came from a large dog.

Jackson going through the call history and Google searches of Albert, Higgins and McCabe. How long does it take for someone to die in the cold, was searched on McCabe's phone. "There is no innocent explanation for that Google search," Jackson tells the jury.

Jackson reminds the jury that Karen Read tried calling John 53 times before finding his body.

Jackson says that Read cracked her taillight when backing out and hitting O'Keefe's traverse. Now showing still images of the SUV with the cracked taillight, but not a completely broken light. "That taillight was not completely damaged. It was cracked. A piece was missing. But not completely damaged," an outside investigator testified.Jackson claims the taillight was further damaged to fit the Commonwealth's narrative after the SUV was in the possession of the lead investigator.

"Michael Proctor didn't draw a thin blue line. He erected a tall blue wall. A wall you can't scale. A wall that Karen Read certainly couldn't get over," Jackson says.

Jackson claims almost all of the videos that the jury has seen from the Commonwealth have been manipulated or altered. Discusses the video of the SUV shown to the jury, which an investigator had to admit was inverted.

Jackson walking through the jury his theory of evidence tampering, including the multiplication of broken taillight fragments found at the scene of the crime which he claims could have been dropped by unaccounted for police officers and state troopers.

Jackson says there is no evidence whatsoever that Read's vehicle struck O'Keefe. Every piece of material evidence, he says, proves the opposite. That John's injuries do not come from being hit by a car.

With five minutes left in his closing argument, Jackson hones in on Lead Investigator Proctor, his integrity, his bias in this case. Wonders if he could truly be objective. "I began the discussion this morning talking about the truth...about hiding, concealing and exposing the (the jury) stand as the guardian of justice and the protector of justice... you cannot convict Karen Read unless the Commonwealth has met it's incredibly high burden of proof…"

"My question to you is, what will you do with this moment? Ignore the bias, lies, lack of evidence? Or will you say with your verdict, 'I see the truth and I will not ever look the other way.'""Karen Read is innocent. Do justice and find her not guilty.”

Adam Lally is giving the closing arguments for the Commonwealth. Begins with the reported confession by Karen Read:"I hit him. I hit him. I hit him. Oh my God, I hit him.”

Lally says Karen Read also said on the scene, "this is all my fault."Lally says there is no evidence of a cover-up. There is no conspiracy, he says, beyond speculation and conjecture from the defense.

Lally is showing a timeline of events to the jury-Karen and John fight over text about their relationship-Karen texts O'Keefe's sister-in-law asking to go out for a drink-Drink timeline: 9 drinks consumed from 8:58pm to 10:54pm

Lally reminds the jury about the GPS data and surveillance video that shows Read's car moving around town. A map is shown that displays the cars movements, including evidence that the SUV was traveling 24.5 mph in reverse.

Over the course of several hours, Read calls O'Keefe and others dozens of times. She leaves voicemails on John's phone, screaming, cussing and insulting him. But Lally reminds the jury that she didn't once call 911.

First responders on scene reported Karen Read asking, "is he dead? Is he dead?" Lally points out that is different than, "is he ok? Is he going to be alright?"Lally says she is looking for confirmation.

Lally points out that Read, when arriving on the scene, knew exactly where O'Keefe was laying despite the darkness and the blizzard surrounding her. She gets out of the car and beelines for the body.

Lally says there is hours of video evidence showing Read crashing into O'Keefe's vehicle, but it does not show damage as alleged by the defense. The hair in the taillight, which the defense calls "magic hair" for staying in place for so long and over great distances, was frozen in place, Lally says.

Lally reminds the jury that the O'Keefe's cause of death is not just blunt force injury, but also hypothermia.

Lally has ended his closing arguments. There will be a small break before the jury receives their instructions.

BBM from above quote:
"Lally says there is hours of video evidence showing Read crashing into O'Keefe's vehicle...."

Question: Where is the hours of video? Why didn't we see it?
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Really? it depends on judge? There were some requests for read back in Murdaugh trial of certain sections of testimony and the judge allowed, I would assume in the interests of allowing the jury to resolve conflicts of memory and reach their verdict based on the correct facts. I don't like that idea at all in this trial especially after the massive amount of testimony. It just sounds wrong and not in the interests of reaching a a fair verdict at all if a judge were to deny a request or make jury feel uncomfortble about needing a clarification. moo
Really, While a read back is at the discretion of the judge, they generally do not allow it and instruct jury to rely on notes and memory. moo
Although my opinion differs from others. I feel Lally did a great job. I was thrilled to see the support for John’s family! Whatever the verdict the jury has seen it all, and I feel they will come to the correct verdict. While I’m hopeful it’s guilty, I respect their decision. Rest in peace John, you truly seemed to be an amazing person.
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