Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 11

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Just when I think someone has done the lowest thing you can imagine, the McCanns have to pull off this mind-boggling stunt. And having to also buy a bracelet for the "opportunity" to purchase a poster is tactless.
OK so they are convicted of being clueless and tactless and generally Peeing off most people in this court . . . . . . . . .but are they also guilty of murder/covering up the death of their own daughter? Has the court yet decided which news article "facts" to believe and which are only false info? I am still figuring up the score cards on the articles and the story sure seems foggy in many places.

I think I will wait and see what shakes out on this case. Sure it sounds worse for the parents at the moment but then it once sounded very bad for mr murat and then it sounded pretty bad for the family friend and then it sounded bad for another person and let us not forget the possible burglary-gone-bad that was also recently mentioned. Maybe the parents really did something bad. It certainly is possible or the news media might just be playing us like a fiddle . . . . . . again.

Not riding the roller coaster this time. Will wait and see what shakes out.
Maybe they attended one of John Ramsey's seminars on "How To Handle The Media." :slap:

P.S. In all seriousness, Ramsey is a member of the Nashville Speakers' Bureau (in Tennessee) and he charges a fee to speak to groups about how to handle the media based on how he handled the media when his daughter JonBenet Ramsey was killed.

Is he joking? He had a PR person....followed by a hot shot law firm which basically adds up to the same thing and STILL much of the world thinks he had some involvement...WTF??

And who goes to these 'seminars'? Folks who have killed their children? Innocent parents of murdered children who think he is innocent?

I guess what I am asking is, "WHAT'S THE FLIPPING POINT, JOHN?'
OK so they are convicted of being clueless and tactless and generally Peeing off most people in this court . . . . . . . . .but are they also guilty of murder/covering up the death of their own daughter? Has the court yet decided which news article "facts" to believe and which are only false info? I am still figuring up the score cards on the articles and the story sure seems foggy in many places.

I think I will wait and see what shakes out on this case. Sure it sounds worse for the parents at the moment but then it once sounded very bad for mr murat and then it sounded pretty bad for the family friend and then it sounded bad for another person and let us not forget the possible burglary-gone-bad that was also recently mentioned. Maybe the parents really did something bad. It certainly is possible or the news media might just be playing us like a fiddle . . . . . . again.

Not riding the roller coaster this time. Will wait and see what shakes out.

I agree this doesn't mean they had anything to do with the disappearance of their daughter - however selling posters of your missing child is pretty bad. I cannot remember any other missing case where they sell the posters.

By the way the money from the bracelets is being used for what?
I agree this doesn't mean they had anything to do with the disappearance of their daughter - however selling posters of your missing child is pretty bad. I cannot remember any other missing case where they sell the posters.

By the way the money from the bracelets is being used for what?

I assumed it was going into the 'fund'.
I'm SORRY :furious:, but 1 million pounds = $2 million US dollars!!!!!!!!!! And they are selling posters. What are they using the fund for???????????


"They are awaiting test results on forensics from inside the apartment but even without them, they say they have another lead which points to Madeleine's death."

I am wondering if the "another lead" is evidence seized from the beach. Does anyone remember the green jammies ("not Madeleines") which were found on a beach with a note attached? We didn't learn the nature of the note... IIRC, the early dogs (not the super sniffers!) scented Madeleine in the direction of a beach...

The fresh evidence, which is being examined for DNA, has been gathered from vehicles seized by the police and a beach...
It is also understood that forensics officers are examining a small amount of evidence collected from a beach near to Praia da Luz, leading to speculation that the little girl could have been killed and her body dumped in the sea.

Additionally, there was evidence found by the dogs at another place:


Apparently the dogs "marked corpse odors" in the Ocean Club and ''other places.'' Has anyone heard this from any other source--and if so, what were the other places?

The Ocean Club is, for the most part of the cases, frequentado for English citizens, from there the possibility of the blood to belong to somebody of that nationality. Incontornável is, however, the fact of, beyond the sanguineous vestiges, the dogs also to have marked corpse odors in that one and other places. Also the couple and friends of the McCann had granted to the inquiry samples of saliva, of form to make possible the comparison with the genetic profile that comes to be found
Is he joking? He had a PR person....followed by a hot shot law firm which basically adds up to the same thing and STILL much of the world thinks he had some involvement...WTF??

And who goes to these 'seminars'? Folks who have killed their children? Innocent parents of murdered children who think he is innocent?

I guess what I am asking is, "WHAT'S THE FLIPPING POINT, JOHN?'

Check it out:

“Kate and Gerry McCann: 'The possibility that Maddie is alive and in Spain is real"

Updated on Wednesday 22/08/2007 11:09

MADRID.- 111 days ago small Maddie disappeared from the room where she was sleeping in the Portuguese Algarve.
(from: post #356)

This just doesn't make sense. First of all, the original translator left out a very important word, and I have highlighted it because it's another one of those head-scratching moments. Anyway, the correct translation is: It is something that we did not consider at first but now we weigh seriously...

The two countries share a border, and there was a lot of discussion early on about whether she'd been taken into Spain from Portugal. The McCanns even criticized the PJ for not searching cars crossing into Spain the night she went missing. So how can they say they didn't consider it important back in May, but now they do?

The McCanns went to Spain less than a month ago, but they chose a day when it was some holiday and most of the town was closed.

And nothing's changed in the past two week? Nonsense! The PJ believe Madeleine is dead. They found blood in the apartment- might not be hers, but they did find it. They have all but announced that Robert Murat is no longer a suspect, and there have been rumors that the investigation is focusing on one of their friends. A lot has changed.

IMO, this sounds like an attempt to take the pressure off the McCann party and put it somewhere else. It's also an excellent example of how the McCanns, when it suits them, continually break their own rules about the investigation being secret.
No oops necessary, it is exceedingly difficult to keep up with all the little details.

Your are correct, we did not discuss this "strange" series of events. It has been discussed on other forums with people saying that asking for a priest was "weird". However, I think that asking for a priest so that I could pray for my daughter, for her safe return, for her safety, not so weird.

Asking for GNR to show him the way to the church, that's a bit weird. I would have thought they would have been there at some point in the prior days of their vacation, but maybe not.
Don't know for sure, but I've read either here or on another forum, that GM had in fact been to the church previously, so it was weird for him to ask someone to show him the way. I don't know - almost everything the McC's have done strikes me as odd.

The McCanns and their friends had dined earlier that week at a restaurant called Chaplins which is right next to the church.
GG you guys are hard to keep up with!

I dont think i remember seeing on any of the previous threads that anyone had clarified which UK papers were tabloid and which were broadsheets. So i thought it might be useful...

Ive posted first a section of an article from BBc online which sort of clarifies the difference....
Cheers, jacobean

Thank you, jacobean. This is something that's bothered me a lot since the beginning of the case. Here in the US, we know the difference between the New York Times and the National Enquirer. But I couldn't make heads or tails out of the British ones.
Is he joking? He had a PR person....followed by a hot shot law firm which basically adds up to the same thing and STILL much of the world thinks he had some involvement...WTF??

And who goes to these 'seminars'? Folks who have killed their children? Innocent parents of murdered children who think he is innocent?

I guess what I am asking is, "WHAT'S THE FLIPPING POINT, JOHN?'

Okay, Brefie I nearly split a gut laughing reading your reply. Thanks for the great laugh. You said what I was thinking.

Now they are selling her missing posters. Has this child's disappearance become a brand of sorts, now? I've never heard such a thing of selling posters of this nature.

Does this mean if selling of the posters wane, the search for Maddie will wane as well? Is this a marketing strategy? or an ill-conceived act on her parents part?
I need to know if anyone besides me has questions regarding the reasoning behind the whole set up of leaving the children unattended. When you read through the timeline it is plainly obvious that this constant going back and forth to check on children was not going to alow for a relaxing evening for anyone. Yet, these folks have repatedly said they when out to eat, drink and play trivia and relax. They had multiple choices for child care they could have used but instead choice a dangerous, neglectful child endangering option that also presented them
with a completly unrelaxing eveing. From the reports of the amount of alcohol consumed they were engaging it a lot of drinking. This in my mind dose not jive very well wtih constant trips to check on unattened toddlers. Is it possible this whole scenerio they are selling is a farce? I have read they did this same child abandonment routine other nights. Has this been documented by other witnesses? I am having to question this whole alledged childcare scenerio and even wonder if it could be part of a coverup. This might be very farfetched but the more I think about the more the whole picture no longer makes sense to me.

Gerry's latest blog has info about a survey they commissioned through the fund...

"The survey results, commissioned by the find Madeleine campaign, will be published tomorrow and demonstrate strong support for changes in European legislation following Madeleine’s abduction."

What legislation?
Now they are selling her missing posters. Has this child's disappearance become a brand of sorts, now? I've never heard such a thing of selling posters of this nature.

Maybe next they can sell Madeleine action figures. Complete with cuddle cat doll.
Catching up on all the hard work you guys have been doing, Colomom dont stop being the caring wonderful person you are, you have been very instrumental in getting all the information together, and you make it easier for people to understand, you are doing a great job and I for one deeply appreciate all you have done.

I thought maybe when I logged on this morning we would have news about where Madelaine is, sounds like there is something going to break soon, Prayers for dear dear Madelaine.
Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:30 pm Post subject: Re: A little late but the GB Press start to catch up!!

---At least one baby in that apartment was crying on May 3.

Expatriate Pamela Fenn, 81, who lives in the flat above where the McCanns were staying, was re-interviewed by detectives on Monday after it emerged that she might have fresh clues.

Widow Mrs Fenn told police that two nights before Madeleine went missing she heard a little girl in the apartment crying for over an hour.

She said the toddler, who is believed to have been Madeleine, was crying “Daddy, daddy” constantly between 10.30 and 11.45pm.

The crying had stopped when the parents returned to the apartment.

On the night Madeleine disappeared, Mrs Fenn also heard a child crying, but it was when Kate returned from a nearby restaurant to check on her daughter that she was first aware something was wrong.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:30 pm Post subject: Re: A little late but the GB Press start to catch up!!

---At least one baby in that apartment was crying on May 3.

On the night Madeleine disappeared, Mrs Fenn also heard a child crying, but it was when Kate returned from a nearby restaurant to check on her daughter that she was first aware something was wrong.

Oh, I hope she has a time. The twins were so knocked out they were asleep and carried out of the apartment by investigators 2 hours after all the commotion when Maddie was discovered gone. And, all these people with their "checking" and no one heard this crying? Every single one of these liars should be arrested. The crap has to stop!
Oh, I hope she has a time. The twins were so knocked out they were asleep and carried out of the apartment by investigators 2 hours after all the commotion when Maddie was discovered gone. And, all these people with their "checking" and no one heard this crying? Every single one of these liars should be arrested. The crap has to stop!
It does CarpeDiem, are we the only ones that can see this.
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