Madeleine McCann General Discussion Thread No. 25

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REPLY: Elsewhere on here, a few months back, I posted an analysis of all eight claimed 'sightings' of Madeleine during 3rd May, and showed why there were real problems verifying any of them. I will be quite happy to re-post this analysis on request, and perhaps update it, as of course we now have more information from all the Portuguese police documents, files , DVDs etc. released on the net. There are especial problems with the accounts of Madeleine at the creche; the nannies' accounts have changed over time and are also quite vague. I do not regard the nannies' accounts as proving that Madeleine was alive after the night of 2nd/3rd May


I would love to see it, if you don't mind. I just come in and skim from time to time these days. This case really got to me, so bad, last year when I was in London I was so tempted to track down Gordon Brown in a very public place and ask him what he was hiding that was so important he would cover up for child killers. However, not being familiar with the conditions of British prison, I talked myself out of it...
Hello ZooKeeper and thefragile7393!!

I can't imagine that the British Police thought that the McCanns were above reproach. I honestly believe that most of those closely involved in the case know what happened to Maddie. The evidence was not strong enough to go ahead with a trial so the PJ were "encouraged" to just drop it.
The comment I was replying to was more about how the British media immediately got behind the McCanns with no impartiality. So I was commenting more on how the media possibly thought....that here's a white, well-to-do professional family vacationing, they couldn't have possibly had anything to do with it...and that could have been why the media was so gung-ho over the McCanns. I can't even begin to form a rational thought on the police's thinking.
The comment I was replying to was more about how the British media immediately got behind the McCanns with no impartiality. So I was commenting more on how the media possibly thought....that here's a white, well-to-do professional family vacationing, they couldn't have possibly had anything to do with it...and that could have been why the media was so gung-ho over the McCanns. I can't even begin to form a rational thought on the police's thinking.

It's been a long time, so I might be mistaken, but it seems I remember at first there were a few questioning British media, but it seemed to get shut down pretty quickly.
I'm no expert on British culture, but I can say from the two whole times I have been there, it is a lot different from the US. It seems like most, if not all, of the television stations are owned and controlled by the same people. The class structure is somewhat different. Then you have to factor in the size of the country. Even if you take the entire UK, IMO, it wouldn't be nearly as hard to perpetuate a massive coverup by the people in high places as it would in the US, and we all know those aren't rare.
I think the McCann's have something over PM Brown, but what I can't understand is why Brown's opposition isn't all over this. I'm not big on conspiracy theories, but this really makes me wonder.
The thing that struck me about the British news and Madeleine was how they were NOT going after the parents the way they'd normally grab on to similar stories in the past.

There weren't any huge headlines questioning the parents' leaving their children alone or trotting out some theory on how Kate and Gerry must be at least partially to blame. No, it was all the sanctified PC view that Madeleine had been kidnapped. Anyone saying different was vilified, and comments left at the bottom of news articles criticizing the McCanns quickly disappeared. It was all about raising money for the fund, the planned events to commemorate her disappearance and "finding Madeleine".

There is no doubt in my mind that high-powered political authority was brought to bear on this case to exonerate the parents, not matter what the evidence proved.
The thing that struck me about the British news and Madeleine was how they were NOT going after the parents the way they'd normally grab on to similar stories in the past.

There weren't any huge headlines questioning the parents' leaving their children alone or trotting out some theory on how Kate and Gerry must be at least partially to blame. No, it was all the sanctified PC view that Madeleine had been kidnapped. Anyone saying different was vilified, and comments left at the bottom of news articles criticizing the McCanns quickly disappeared. It was all about raising money for the fund, the planned events to commemorate her disappearance and "finding Madeleine".

There is no doubt in my mind that high-powered political authority was brought to bear on this case to exonerate the parents, not matter what the evidence proved.

Remember this, the McCanns family photo was taken by a well known photographer - this was no ordinary family.
It's been a long time, so I might be mistaken, but it seems I remember at first there were a few questioning British media, but it seemed to get shut down pretty quickly.
I'm no expert on British culture, but I can say from the two whole times I have been there, it is a lot different from the US. It seems like most, if not all, of the television stations are owned and controlled by the same people. The class structure is somewhat different. Then you have to factor in the size of the country. Even if you take the entire UK, IMO, it wouldn't be nearly as hard to perpetuate a massive coverup by the people in high places as it would in the US, and we all know those aren't rare.
I think the McCann's have something over PM Brown, but what I can't understand is why Brown's opposition isn't all over this. I'm not big on conspiracy theories, but this really makes me wonder.

Political parties will not get involved in this kind of affair, besides, its about class and money - dont fool yourself that the UK and the USA are any different - money talks.
Remember this, the McCanns family photo was taken by a well known photographer - this was no ordinary family.

OK, you say this was no ordinary family. Why? What makes them so different? It's not like they are the only doctors in England, they don't come from old money (or did I miss something?) so what makes them so not ordinary?
Political parties will not get involved in this kind of affair, besides, its about class and money - dont fool yourself that the UK and the USA are any different - money talks.

Are you from England? This is what I am saying about the differences, we just had an election, if one of the candidates had behaved like PM did, the other candidates would be raking them over the coals for it, calling their judgement and character into play, etc.
You are right, money talks. IMO, this case is such blatant bs, so why is no one in the upper ranks calling foul over it? Surely, the esteemed Prime Minister has some enemies out there? The media, the police, everyone seems determined to look the other way.
There was dissension in the ranks here over the Jon Bonet Ramsey case. I would say the Ramseys have more money, and certainly more prestige than the McCann's. It's my belief the Ramseys' were involved in Jon Benet's death, and yes, so far they have gotten away with it, but there was press coverage against them, there were disputes between police, prosecutors, etc.
I could see this flying a hundred years ago, how they are pulling it off now, in this day and age, is beyond me.
OK, you say this was no ordinary family. Why? What makes them so different? It's not like they are the only doctors in England, they don't come from old money (or did I miss something?) so what makes them so not ordinary?

I think that's what we would all like to know - what exactly does make the McCanns a not so ordinary family?
Hi Tony thanks for your brilliant reply to my question.

I have to say, I cant possibly understand why Kate would take cuddle cat with her to attend several deaths.

I have been talking about Maddie with my father, and we both remembered comments being made, about Kate not being left alone with Maddie and that there was someone else making checks on them if Gerry was not with them. What was the reason for this? Was it because Maddie was known to be a hyper child, and Kate couldn't cope well?
I remember a short interview with a woman in the village who was called Nanny at least once because she claimed she helped look after the children. Kate's mother also helped take care of them. And there were also all sorts of rumors early on that the McCanns had a nanny for the children who "went back home to Canada" and was never heard from again when the family went to Portugal. Anyone remember this?
The C.V. of the lawyer currently representing the murderess of her own 8-year-old daughter, Leonor Cipriano, and who offered the four detectives charged with torture the opportunity to receive 'only a suspended sentence' if they told the court that Goncalo Amaral had ordered them to torture Leonor Cipriano and that Amaral was present during the torture:


Correia’s Career

The career of Marcos Aragão Correia

1975 - Born: Madeira

2000? - Sets up legal practice claiming he specialises in ‘human rights’ cases

6 May 2007 - (‘Three days after Madeleine disappeared’) His underworld sources told him (cough) that Madeleine McCann had been raped and killed and her body thrown in a ‘murky lake’.

May to December 2007 - Er, did nothing (except send a recorded delivery letter to the McCanns - see below), except perhaps to negotiate a lucrative financial deal with Metodo 3, who were acting on behalf of the Helping to Find Madeleine Fund…who were acting on behalf of two British Doctors, Dr Gerry McCann and Dr Kate McCann.

2 Oct 2007 - Claims to have sent a Recorded Delivery letter from Madeira to the McCanns in Rothley allegedly containing details of ‘vital clues and evidence’ in the case. Also says he notified the Policia Judiciara in Funchal (Madeira).

17 Oct 2007 - Says he was notified that the Recorded Delivery letter never arrived to the McCanns although allegedly the letter was ‘signed for’

13 Nov 2007 - Mysteriously sues Portuguese postal service (the Correios de Portugal - CTT) for allegedly failing to deliver this letter. He told the court: “They are controversial matters, because there is no material proof of them, but I assure you there is a high degree of credibility about them. I am fulfilling my duty as a Portuguese citizen to take my ideas to the right place. I took my ideas to the PJ in Funchal, but since they didn’t reply, I took them direct to the McCanns”. He says a CTT officla falsely reported that the Recorded Delivery letter had been received. The judge dismissed Aragão Correia’s claim as unsubstantiated and orderd him to pay court costs of 100 euros (around £80). Source: Madeiran Daily News, 13 Nov 2007

10 Dec 2007 - Told Portuguese Police, in conjunction with Metodo3, that Madeleine’s body was probably lying in the Arade Dam near the tower. He had reached this conclusion after carefully considering (another cough) the information from ‘underworld sources’, who told him that Madeleine’s body was ‘in a murky lake, with a beach, near some trees’. Later, when questions were asked about his sources of information and why he hadn’t acted sooner, he changed his story to say that he had had a ‘supernatural indication’ or ‘vision’ (another cough) of where Madeleine body might be.

Dec - late Jan 2008 - Said Portuguese Police did ‘nothing’ to act on his ‘information’.

Jan 2008 - Pays for British divers from Dive Time, Lagos, Algarve to search one part of the Arade Dam. Cost at least £1,200 a day. Says he did this out of the goodness of his own heart, but later said Metodo 3 paid him ‘expenses’ [denied by Metodo 3]. Described in sections of the British press as ‘a good Samaritan’ (another cough). Media on hand to record the discovery of a 17-foot length of cord ‘which could have been used to tie up Madeleine’. Says he is ‘99% certain that Madeleine’s body will be found here’ [there’s over-confidence for you].

Mar 2008 - Further search of lake, this time managing to find ‘two black plastic bags of bones’ in the lake. Once again, media on hand to take photos of Dive Time divers, bags of bones etc. - lots of pictures of divers in black wet-suits in British media. At the same time the head of the Portuguese Police admitted that the McCanns were made ‘arguidos’ ‘hastily’.

These stories served a number of purposes, including:

(a) that the Portuguese police had acted ‘hastily’ in making Dr Gerry McCann and Dr Kate McCann suspects
(b) that the Portuguese police had deliberately ignored the vital evidence of Mr Aragão Correia’s underworld sources that Madeleine had been dumped at the bottom of a murky lake - and ignored his apparently unshakeable conviction that this ‘murly lake’ was the Arade Dam
(c) that the possibility that Madeleine’s body had been dumped in the Arade Dam tied in with the suspicious sight of a woman transferring a young child to another car in the Silves area, the woman looking like Mikaela Walczuch, the girlfriend of Mr Robert Murat. This nearly linked Madeleine’s ‘disappearance’, once again, to the ‘one-eyed oddball’, Robert Murat
(d) that Gerry and Kate McCann were not responsible; Aragão Coerreio said: “I don't believe Kate and Gerry did it. It could have been a single madman or a gang”.

Team McCann buoyant - see below:.
QUOTE: “Kate and Gerry believe it could be a key step in clearing their name. They think it could be a breakthrough. A friend revealed: ‘They're not punching the air as they know there's still a long way to go, but it's a step in the right direction’.” UNQUOTE The 'Daily Mail' had this quote from Dr Gerry McCann "This is fantastic news". I think that would bear repetition: The 'Daily Mail' had this quote from Dr Gerry McCann "This is fantastic news".

QUOTE: “Mr Mitchell added: ‘There was no air of celebration, but it's the sort of thing we have been waiting for. We hope that his comments are an indication police realise there's no case against Kate and Gerry and that it leads to them being eliminated from the inquiry’.” UNQUOTE
Not quite celebrating and ‘punching the air’, then’. But nearly.

Mar - October 2008 - Silence from Aragão Coerreio, apart from

8 April 2008 - Visits Leonor Cipriano in prison.

April 2008 – At the same time, a report said: “Aragão Correia also met the director of Odemira prison, Ana Maria Calado, who confirmed suspicions about Cipriano's treatment, noting that she was ‘shocked about the conditions in which Cipriano entered the prison’. A report to the ‘top judicial authorities’ in Portugal at the time (April 2008) said: “The report concludes that the testimony of Leonor Cipriano and of the Prison Director, as well as other available evidence, are convincing in terms of proving that a crime of torture was committed by officers of the Portuguese judicial police. It condemns the use of ‘medieval methods’ to ‘extract confessions at all costs, even if they are false’, as ‘inadmissible’ and as ‘harmful for Portugal's image as an EU member that defends human rights and has a modern legal order’ and, as such, argues that these practices must be punished in ‘exemplary’ fashion, or the Portuguese citizenry will lose faith in the judicial system.

The report ends with a message from Leonor Cipriano, who was treated as a monster as a result of the horrible nature of the crime she was accused and found guilty of committing: ‘I hope that my daughter Joana re-appears, not only to be with her again, but also to show the world that it was the male officers of the Policia Judiciara who tortured me and who are the real monsters’.”

October 2008 - Dramatically pops up in court to replace the lawyer representing the serial liar and murderess of her own daughter, Leonor Cipriano, currently serving 16 years for murder, in a claim that a confession was beaten out of her by Goncalo Amaral and his four detectives

November 2008 - Admits to a proposed ‘crucify Gonçalo Amaral’ deal with the lawyer for the four detectives. Tells the defence lawyer that his detectives will only get suspended sentences for a more minor offence if they say it was Amaral who ordered the torture and that he was there when it happened

November 2008 - Calls defence lawyer for the four detectives, Pragal Colaço, a ‘goat’

Summary of career to date:

Complete unknown until paid by the McCanns, the Helping to Find Madeleine Fund and Metodo 3 to promote the abduction theory with two bogus searches of the Arade Dam and then to get Gonçalo Amaral convicted or ordering and covering up torture and beating of a prisoner who together with her own uncle murdered her own daughter

Prediction of future career:

1. Instead of helping to nail ‘disgraced cop’ Gonçalo Amaral, he in fact becomes ‘disgraced lawyer Aragão Correia’ - and thereby inadvertently turns the spotlight on the McCanns for having employed him.

2. McCanns, the Helping to Find Madeleine Fund and Metodo 3 have to explain what their relationship is and has been with Aragão Correia.

3. Bank accounts of Aragão Correia, Metodo 3 and Helping to Find Madeleine Fund examined by police.

Wow Tony another excellent post.

This case has soo many twists and turns, nothing surprises me anymore.

Hi Calikid, I remember the "nanny returning to Canada" and not being heard from again. Dont quote me on this but I am pretty sure something was mentioned about her in one of the documentarys shown here in the UK.

All I can remember is comments being made, about Kate not being left alone with the kids on holiday, time and time again. I just wondered if it was due to the fact that maddie was hyperactive or such like?
It's been a long time, so I might be mistaken, but it seems I remember at first there were a few questioning British media, but it seemed to get shut down pretty quickly.
I'm no expert on British culture, but I can say from the two whole times I have been there, it is a lot different from the US. It seems like most, if not all, of the television stations are owned and controlled by the same people. The class structure is somewhat different. Then you have to factor in the size of the country. Even if you take the entire UK, IMO, it wouldn't be nearly as hard to perpetuate a massive coverup by the people in high places as it would in the US, and we all know those aren't rare.
I think the McCann's have something over PM Brown, but what I can't understand is why Brown's opposition isn't all over this. I'm not big on conspiracy theories, but this really makes me wonder.

Actually the British media isnt owned by the same people. BBC is actually a public corporation paid for by tv licenses. Then there are the independant tv stations ie ITV etc. Then there is Sky that is owned by Murdoch. Newspaper wise for the main dailies there are several different groups that own them ie Mirrror Group and Express group.

As for having a hold over the uk government - the McCanns have friends in very powerful places and there was several injunctions in place to stop stories coming out against them. The situation in that case and the case of the girl that went missing in Yorkshire couldnt be more different in the way the media portrayed it and how the parents were treated. MOO
The thing that struck me about the British news and Madeleine was how they were NOT going after the parents the way they'd normally grab on to similar stories in the past.

There weren't any huge headlines questioning the parents' leaving their children alone or trotting out some theory on how Kate and Gerry must be at least partially to blame. No, it was all the sanctified PC view that Madeleine had been kidnapped. Anyone saying different was vilified, and comments left at the bottom of news articles criticizing the McCanns quickly disappeared. It was all about raising money for the fund, the planned events to commemorate her disappearance and "finding Madeleine".

There is no doubt in my mind that high-powered political authority was brought to bear on this case to exonerate the parents, not matter what the evidence proved.

There were some negative articles in the Mail and Express which led to the McCanns suing the papers. They was articles out of the Portugese Media where they were of course very negative regarding the McCanns.
Wow Tony another excellent post.

This case has soo many twists and turns, nothing surprises me anymore.

Hi Calikid, I remember the "nanny returning to Canada" and not being heard from again. Dont quote me on this but I am pretty sure something was mentioned about her in one of the documentarys shown here in the UK.

All I can remember is comments being made, about Kate not being left alone with the kids on holiday, time and time again. I just wondered if it was due to the fact that maddie was hyperactive or such like?

When Gerry was away it was said that Trish and her husband ( Gerrys sister) would go to help Kate with the children and other times her own parents would go there from Liverpool.
Tony, Once again a very informative post, thank you!
I hope that your "Prediction of future career" is as accurate as your astounding knowledge of this case!
There were some negative articles in the Mail and Express which led to the McCanns suing the papers. They was articles out of the Portugese Media where they were of course very negative regarding the McCanns.

I understand, but I have to ask why. Why were they entitled to the pay-outs? I have read British newspapers, and it seems in many cases that anything goes. Nothing is really off-limits, speculation rules and the more outrageous the better. Gossip about reality stars acting badly, breaking-down celebrity marriages, rock stars using drugs, even royalty. So why were the McCanns and their friends off-limits?
I understand, but I have to ask why. Why were they entitled to the pay-outs? I have read British newspapers, and it seems in many cases that anything goes. Nothing is really off-limits, speculation rules and the more outrageous the better. Gossip about reality stars acting badly, breaking-down celebrity marriages, rock stars using drugs, even royalty. So why were the McCanns and their friends off-limits?

Basically the media said it would be cheaper for them to pay out than it would be to take it to court - and of course some still believe she was kidnapped and that there the grieving courts and I think they was worried about the negative publicity.
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