Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #19

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Surely by now after 19 threads we have given up in the possibility that CB will ever be charged with Madddies death or dusappearance.

The germans have been overstating their case.

That's where I am betting my dollar

I am wondering if this is all mirrors where a fantasist who lived in the PdL area shot his mouth off when high, and it's all gone from there.

We know he did other bad crimes, and a bunch of petty offending - hey presto HCW thinks he has the breakthrough and gets gassed on international fame

But of course if CB never actually did the crime, they will never find the magic evidence they seek

my 02c
Surely by now after 19 threads we have given up in the possibility that CB will ever be charged with Madddies death or dusappearance.

The germans have been overstating their case.
16 threads for Libby Squire where people were saying exactly that. That there was no chance of a charge that the police didn't have evidence etc etc. Ignoring the fact that phone ping searches, complex soil analysis etc take time.

So loads of websleuthers saying he'd get off cos LE hadn't enough and then he's charged with Libby's rape and murder.

A friend was a juror on a simple theft of stolen viking treasure hoard in the UK. It had taken 4 years to go thru the evidence and build a case. So if they take that much care over a couple of metal detectorists and some ancient coins surely everyone would expect more over a missing, probably murdered child?

Am I the only one that thinks evidence gathering and collating a case should take time and be done with care? Particularly after 13 years?
16 threads for Libby Squire where people were saying exactly that. That there was no chance of a charge that the police didn't have evidence etc etc. Ignoring the fact that phone ping searches, complex soil analysis etc take time.

So loads of websleuthers saying he'd get off cos LE hadn't enough and then he's charged with Libby's rape and murder.

A friend was a juror on a simple theft of stolen viking treasure hoard in the UK. It had taken 4 years to go thru the evidence and build a case. So if they take that much care over a couple of metal detectorists and some ancient coins surely everyone would expect more over a missing, probably murdered child?

Am I the only one that thinks evidence gathering and collating a case should take time and be done with care? Particularly after 13 years?

I still don't see the similarities with Libby

In that case police released CCTV which directly connected the suspect with the victim, but they needed the body to turn up.

In the MM case, the body is not turning up.
I still don't see the similarities with Libby

In that case police released CCTV which directly connected the suspect with the victim, but they needed the body to turn up.

In the MM case, the body is not turning up.
No they released cctv of a person by a car placing someone into that car. The obvious inference was made based on last confirmed sighting but LE did not directly state that connection. Nor have they stated it since.

The similarities are the websleuthers comments taking apparent inaction to mean lack of evidence. And the fact a dangerous offender is behind bars and therefore there is the luxury of time.

Horrible tho it is to say, it's unlikely MMs body will be found or provide useful evidence if it is but I do not believe LE would make the statements they have without more evidence. Nor would I expect them to make that evidence public.

That's where I am betting my dollar

I am wondering if this is all mirrors where a fantasist who lived in the PdL area shot his mouth off when high, and it's all gone from there.

We know he did other bad crimes, and a bunch of petty offending - hey presto HCW thinks he has the breakthrough and gets gassed on international fame

But of course if CB never actually did the crime, they will never find the magic evidence they seek

my 02c

Could "Material evidence" mean witness statements?
Could "Material evidence" mean witness statements?

It could mean a lot!

Prosecuters were searching for data carriers in Hannover. Because the suspect dug his trophies in the past.

So if you add 1 on can at least assume, what it could mean in that way and what they have.

But i'm sure, they are still looking for forensics in Portugal, but without a lot media attention. Otherwise, the german investigation could have stopped to look for forensics, because of the material evidence they already have and it wouldn't make sense (anymore?). If you know what i mean!

HCW seemed a bit surprised also, of the well seraches in Portugal by P.J. IMO.
Could "Material evidence" mean witness statements?
I've read a few different variations of what it could be. The majority of websites say that 'material evidence' relates to an object or item that can be used against any individual on trial in the hope of conviction. These sites also categorise emails, text messages and undeveloped images on devices in relation to crime as 'digital evidence' as opposed to 'material'. X
The bit (well one of the many bits) I find peculiar is that OG is still calling this a 'missing person's enquiry'.

Is it possible that they're still not privvy to the Germans' findings? And/or are they privvy to them but not convinced by them? Or is it that they need 'physical evidence (eg. remains) in order to publicly amend the nature of their enquiry? And if so, does that then imply the Germans don't have evidence of that nature?

It seems unlikely to me that two such high profile investigating teams would not be liaising with each other as regards such a sensitive issue...
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Could "Material evidence" mean witness statements?

HCW was asked in English. It's unclear what he understood. Beweismaterial in German may mean something like collected evidence or evidence available (Super, help here). Anyway he conceded they have any evidence. But could it be testimonial evidence? It would be better if he had been asked in German.
The bit (well one of the many bits) I find peculiar is that OG is still calling this a 'missing person's enquiry'.

Is it possible that they're still not privvy to the Germans' findings? And/or are they privvy to them but not convinced by them? Or is it that they need 'physical evidence (eg. remains) in order to publicly amend the nature of their enquiry? And if so, does that then imply the Germans don't have evidence of that nature?

It seems unlikely to me that two such high profile investigating teams would not be liaising with each other as regards such a sensitive issue...
No, defo in the UK, regardless of who or what we know of, we know that MM is likely never going to be found alive but recovering of a body is a lot more scaled down as opposed to searching for a person who could still be alive. To go at it like she is alive, it's a lot more active. Her parents still hold out hope and without seeing proof of otherwise, LE cannot dash their hope. I think that whatever Germany do have, the OG and everybody else will accept it as and when it is revealed. Germany have different rules and CB is their prisoner. The UK must accept and respect that X
No, defo in the UK, regardless of who or what we know of, we know that MM is likely never going to be found alive but recovering of a body is a lot more scaled down as opposed to searching for a person who could still be alive. To go at it like she is alive, it's a lot more active. Her parents still hold out hope and without seeing proof of otherwise, LE cannot dash their hope. I think that whatever Germany do have, the OG and everybody else will accept it as and when it is revealed. Germany have different rules and CB is their prisoner. The UK must accept and respect that X

That doesn't really answer any of the questions I posed though. The parents still holding out hope is neither here nor there in that it's extraneous.
16 threads for Libby Squire where people were saying exactly that. That there was no chance of a charge that the police didn't have evidence etc etc. Ignoring the fact that phone ping searches, complex soil analysis etc take time.

So loads of websleuthers saying he'd get off cos LE hadn't enough and then he's charged with Libby's rape and murder.

A friend was a juror on a simple theft of stolen viking treasure hoard in the UK. It had taken 4 years to go thru the evidence and build a case. So if they take that much care over a couple of metal detectorists and some ancient coins surely everyone would expect more over a missing, probably murdered child?

Am I the only one that thinks evidence gathering and collating a case should take time and be done with care? Particularly after 13 years?

No I agree with you, if they want a conviction that will stick, they will need to get all info available to them to provide concrete evidence to the Judge.
I've read a few different variations of what it could be. The majority of websites say that 'material evidence' relates to an object or item that can be used against any individual on trial in the hope of conviction. These sites also categorise emails, text messages and undeveloped images on devices in relation to crime as 'digital evidence' as opposed to 'material'. X

What if there is forensic evidence of the suspect in 5A? In a apartment, maybe cadaver dogs had been barking. An apartment, maybe the victim had been alone for 30-60 minutes, alone with a paedo.

HCW assumed, MM died in Portugal. There are theories, that suggest MM died in the apartment, right? What if both theories are right?

Does it proof MM's abduction or murder by a suspect at a day MM vanished BARD?. Why is HCW keen on that ominous call?

A known burglar, even his solicitor doesn't deny the burglaries around the time.;)

"Yes Mr. Judge, i broke into OC, but not that day!!!"

In the DM case, almost 350 traces of DNA had been found. No real proof without confession or forensic evidence of MM, linked to the suspect.

The last decision must be made by a court IMO.
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