Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #6

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If the sample referred to is the saliva sample already identified as belonging to the child who stayed in the apartment before the McCanns, then it's all moot, surely? So much of this stuff is *advertiser censored* stirring by the media to get clickbait, we should all know better than to take it at face value.
The Metro and Mirror are quoting a Portuguese paper regarding the request. Seems to be German LE have requested the handing over a number of pieces of evidence, not just the sample.

Also, the Portugese paper are stating the DNA sample contains very little identification value. Do the German LE perhaps think they have slightly better technology to get more information from the sample?

Madeleine McCann police 'want to retest' saliva found on bed in family apartment

I wondered if maybe the German police think the PJ have something / someone to hide so they have not done as good a job as they should have to investigate this matter?
If the sample referred to is the saliva sample already identified as belonging to the child who stayed in the apartment before the McCanns, then it's all moot, surely? So much of this stuff is **** stirring by the media to get clickbait, we should all know better than to take it at face value.

I agree it probably is just media **** stirring. I'm just surprised by some of the views that DNA should be demanded from countries before someone has even been questioned....and I'll leave it there for now.
I think they can because he's a German citizen. Then Portugal could have a claim because the crime took place their but CB would have to be extradited, which he would fight.

I don't believe that Universal Jurisdiction applies to a crime such as this.
Universal Jurisdiction (allowing a country to prosecute for a crime in another country) is usually reserved for crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide, and torture.

I think it is probable that, should Germany determine that Brueckner is responsible for this crime against Madeleine, Brueckner would need to be returned to Portugal for prosecution.

Universal Jurisdiction | International Justice Resource Center
Sorry, have I missed something? Why are people saying the Portuguese LE are not co-operating? The only thing I've read is that German LE have made a request for the sample (and other evidence). I've not seen anything about a reponse from the Portugal LE, only reporters making assumptions about what might happen.
I thought there was some law that let British people be prosecuted in Britain for harming children in a different country? Does Germany have similar?
I don't believe that Universal Jurisdiction applies to a crime such as this.
Universal Jurisdiction (allowing a country to prosecute for a crime in another country) is usually reserved for crimes against humanity, war crimes, genocide, and torture.

I think it is probable that, should Germany determine that Brueckner is responsible for this crime against Madeleine, Brueckner would need to be returned to Portugal for prosecution.

Universal Jurisdiction | International Justice Resource Center

CB was tried in Germany for the rape of the 72 year old though. He is appealing it on grounds of jurisdiction though at the moment.
Sorry, have I missed something? Why are people saying the Portuguese LE are not co-operating? The only thing I've read is that German LE have made a request for the sample (and other evidence). I've not seen anything about a reponse from the Portugal LE, only reporters making assumptions about what might happen.

Because the media said they are not cooperating... it would seem.
I thought about this too. Has CB ever had a hair lip? It's quite a distinctive feature and depending on how far away the witnesses where may have needed to be quite prominent to be seen.
I wondered whether it could just have been an injury which healed. Thought that was a possibility, as you’d have to be quite close to distinguish a hairlip from a cut?
Its usually considered a reliable source in my experience. Did you guys read the quote at the end from his friend? :(

Terrible, quote from the New York Post from Spiegel TV that nobody has mentioned yet:

“A former pal of Brückner’s told the Spiegel TV show that the suspect “told me, ‘I can transport children, kids, in this space. Drugs and children, you can transport them in this van, it’s a safe space in the van, nobody can find them. Nobody can catch you.’ ”
This thread is moving so fast and hard to keep up with, so if this is a re-post, my appologies
But I just read that CB had two campers at least:
"Striking detail: the documentary shows that the investigated camper has never been spotted in Praia da Luz, where Maddie disappeared in 2007. In Portugal, Christian Brückner would have different campers and a black Jaguar."
Translated from:
Verdachte in zaak Maddie McCann had kinderkleding in zijn camper
Also in a German video there was a mention that he worked as a mechanic and had several cars in his garage of one of the many houses he lived.
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Terrible, quote from the New York Post from Spiegel TV that nobody has mentioned yet:

“A former pal of Brückner’s told the Spiegel TV show that the suspect “told me, ‘I can transport children, kids, in this space. Drugs and children, you can transport them in this van, it’s a safe space in the van, nobody can find them. Nobody can catch you.’ ”

I think this quote was discussed last week. It's not a Nypost exclusive quote.
DailyStar 4 days ago
This is my first post, but I’ve been reading for a while! I don’t know how reliable the New York Post is considered here, but...

As much as I hate to bring this up again ... I followed the link to our Sydney Morning Herald (a pretty reputable publication) that is referenced in your linked article .... and it says this.

The Telegraph understands a letter was sent apologising for not sharing information, but it did not explicitly say their daughter was dead.
Telegraph, London
Correio da Manhã from here, Portugal.
Encontrados fatos de banho de criança na auto-caravana do suspeito de raptar Maddie

Kids’ clothes and swimwear in his mobile home. According to his lawyer, he refuse to comment this. But, again, my fear: he is denying any involvement in MM's case.

He told his friend in a bar that he 'knew all about' what happened to her. He then showed his friend a video of him raping a woman.
Can he really "only" knows about it, but not directly involved?

Isn't this an act of pure desperation of German police?

Whatever Germans have, as a piece of evidence, it needs to be strong (altough not enough) to still have some hope that this will be finally solved.
I don't want to be skeptical, but doubts are coming. Hope my feeling is wrong.
In this particular e-fit it appears this man has some type of 'hair lip'. I seem to remember other witnesses of different encounters describing a man with a hairlip (sorry, can't find the link for now). So, either this isn't CB, OR when he's in a particular frame of mind, he grimaces to produce something that looks like one?

The mark above his lip did cross my mind. I thought it could be a possible injury he had to the face at the time.

Edit: Also didn't he like to dress up? Could he have merely applied some kind of facr paint/make up. It's farfetched but doesn't seem out of reach from what I've read about CB.
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