Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #10

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I know...and IF they know it was pre-programmed......DON"T THEY HAVE THE COORDINATES WHICH WERE ENTERED IN?

This is soooo confusing.

If they are stating it was entered at least 12 minutes before then I would take an educated guess that this came through the last acars transmission. I don't know but would guess that they would have the whole lot of data entered?
Hopefully someone with acars knowledge can help with this.
I am in catch up mode again, if this has been answered I will come back and delete when I get to the finish line :)

This image was spotted days ago, already been examined and debunked.
It is actually a plane in the air, just looks like it is on the ground because of the way the satellite pic is taken.

I didn't think it was MH370 either if the plane landed it will be hidden somewhere straight away or cut up in bits by now.
When debris reaches the shore we'll get a better picture.
That's assuming there was a crash in water. Personally, I believe this plane landed somewhere safely and is being hidden, like in a hanger.
America's former head of air security believes the crew of missing flight MH370 died heroically trying to save the plane from a fire.

Billie Vincent, former head of security for the Federal Aviation Administration throughout the 1980s, has dismissed theories of a terror attack or suicide mission.

Instead he believes the pilots struggled to save their aircraft after a blaze in the cargo hold until they were eventually overcome by smoke.

This may be accurate if the rumors are true about banned batteries being in the cargo hold.

there was discussion because of a concern about a large amount of lithium batteries in the cargo hold

but I think Malaysian airlines made a comment about the cargo being safe...
does anyone else remember this?
can't seem to find the link
It looks to be about 400 miles between the two-


ETA- The pinkish "A" pointer marks Diego Garcia. Maldives are directly North.

Wow thank you. I wonder what the circumference is of how far Diego Garcia's radar field is? (I bet no one knows b/c that would certainly be classified material).

One of my theories is that the plane went West to Somalia or thereabouts. But that would require them making sure not to go inside Diego Garcia's radar field or it would certainly have been shot down.
America's former head of air security believes the crew of missing flight MH370 died heroically trying to save the plane from a fire.

Billie Vincent, former head of security for the Federal Aviation Administration throughout the 1980s, has dismissed theories of a terror attack or suicide mission.

Instead he believes the pilots struggled to save their aircraft after a blaze in the cargo hold until they were eventually overcome by smoke.

This may be accurate if the rumors are true about banned batteries being in the cargo hold.

Yeah, I heard this Billie Vincent this morning on a phone call with one of the news stations. <modship> His theory about a fire is full of holes because there would still have been ways to send distress signals or maydays even if the power was fried. Not to mention.....where's all the wreckage and bodies....Billie !!??
THat kind of looks like Photoshop to me....the plane is on top of the trees.

I agree and it is pretty incredble to me that he found a different map. Everytime I looked at it, the map was the same and the date was the same. jmo
Problem is, if going with this theory (that he had been practicing this sort of thing on the simulator), then you need to explain why the authorities have said there was nothing suspicious on the confiscated equipment.
I find the 5 runways the pilot programmed in suspicious.
Those poor folks. They are desperate. They need to eat and stay strong for whatever may lie ahead. Easy for me to say tho. I certainly can understand their frustration.

I know it must be absolute agony for them one missing passenger's father has died already from the stress of this. It really annoys me people making jokes on twitter about this plane 239 people may have died it is not a joke. I hope we find out what has happened in the end but it may take years.
Those poor folks. They are desperate. They need to eat and stay strong for whatever may lie ahead. Easy for me to say tho. I certainly can understand their frustration.

I totally agree.

However, someone needs to explain to them, and us really, why no one knows. Obviously no one does. Watching the videos on plane crashes, it seems the random theories and searches are not unusual when no one has an exact location. The looking into every person and object on a plane are also essential. They may not understand, like I did not really, until now.
This is a Malaysian Airlines 777-200 taken from google earth over KLA...

Notice the differences... the tail is purple on the jet in the pics the tabloid is claiming.. and look at the wingspan of this jet I've pointed out compared to the length of the nose to the wingspan of the one they're claiming... Its a 737

Its 1000000% not MH370 in their photo I'm afraid :)

Just out of interest Derryn, what are the planes either side of it?
I know it must be absolute agony for them one missing passenger's father has died already from the stress of this. It really annoys me people making jokes on twitter about this plane 239 people may have died it is not a joke. I hope we find out what has happened in the end but it may take years.

that's so horrible, I didn't know that
there was discussion because of a concern about a large amount of lithium batteries in the cargo hold

but I think Malaysian airlines made a comment about the cargo being safe...
does anyone else remember this?
can't seem to find the link

Respectfully I don't think Malaysian airlines would admit this it would be a public relations disaster. I don't believe everything the airline or the Malaysian government is saying to be true.
sorry for my ignorance, but are there security people on a plane?

Lol, can you tell I'm American? Good question; maybe not on Malaysia Air...but seems like more than 1 person in 200 would be concerned enough to react, even if not in an 'official' security position.

The scenario of cutting one's way through is laughable at best. (I have visions of Roadrunner cartoons running through my head, actually.) If the stowaway tried to blast his way through the floor, how does he know he won't also blow a hole in the roof of the cabin, causing depressurization, chaos, and damaging the plane he supposedly wants to take over?

This just seems not the smart way to go about it - for such an otherwise 'precisely executed' hijack. JMO.
Yeah, I heard this Billie Vincent this morning on a phone call with one of the news stations. <modsnip> His theory about a fire is full of holes because there would still have been ways to send distress signals or maydays even if the power was fried. Not to mention.....where's all the wreckage and bodies....Billie !!??

The fire theory doesn't sound plausible to me, but if it snuck up suddenly and they went to get a fire extinguisher and then smoke got out of control's not like anyone on the ground would have been able to help them, so you'd focus on fighting the fire before radioing. I think there was a case like that a while ago. An electrical fire that was unnoticeable for a while, that popped up in the cockpit electronics before reaching the passenger cabin. If it was confined to the cockpit for a while, no one could have gotten in to use the radio...they die of smoke inhalation or can't access the cockpit after the fire is put out because of the runs out of fuel and disappears into the ocean...doesn't explain the deliberate commands, but we still really don't have that much confirmed info.
ok..thanks..that's better
12 mins before "alright good night".....the plane was in flight
so speculation back on the pilots?

I am very suspicious of the Malaysians insistence that the person who said "all right, good night" is definately the co-pilot.

There was a pilot on CNN earlier today who was saying that Asian pilots don't use that vernacular and they would have used a more precise sign-off.
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