Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #10

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I heard that as well..but someone here said it was a rumur from TMZ

I was corrected by others who said cell phones would not have connects to towers on the ground and this plane did not have wifi

But you don't need WiFi to get phone service. Just if you want to use the Internet. WiFi or not, a phone will still ping off any nearby tower(s).

Since the phone pings were never confirmed by anyone and TMZ was apparently the only one to report it, I don't think any phones pinged anyways.
nyone know
Pakistan is their #1 enemy, dating back to the 1940s (if memory serves) when the separate Muslim state of Pakistan was created out of what used to be part of India. Lots of ethnic/racial/religious tensions between those countries for over a half century. I may be oversimplifying, but that's what I remember from my history studies (and my Gandhi report).

As for friends, the USA is a good ally with India. I believe the UK is as well, and Canada. Which is part of the reason Pakistan hates those in the West so much! The friend of my friend is my enemy, and all that! is...

and I'm with you on this one..... I start looking at the arcs bla bla and my eyes go blurry...

However when I see one of the latest maps that shows the area they are searching and see the Maldives right in amongst it, then that is what someone like me, the normal layman understands....

Also 7.5 hours of fuel, general direction the plane was heading, within the satellite area etc......seems to be right amongst it..

I just cant see why the Maldives sighting should be discounted!

I doubt they would have made it to Africa on the amount of fuel.....but looking at a map and the flight path should have been to Beijing on the reported amount of fuel on the plane well then they could have certainly made it to the Maldives!!

but like I said that is just a view from a normal non tech pleb looking at a map...that is not understanding this arc bit

Also re the last ping being at 8.11 are we talking the ping that was sent to the satellite from the engine.... My understanding is that it was the system that got sent back to Rolls Royce which was basically a blip to tell them that data had been collected.....and that MH did not subscribe to the full level of this, so the data was not sent back to them, but the blip was just telling them data was that correct???
Because I thought that happened every if the last blip was at 8.11 am, would that mean if it was flying there could still be up to an hour before the next blip would be sent at 9.11 am? (provided there was enough fuel)

Now saying all that on my quick skim I read that the last blip was from the plane on land??????? is that correct? has that been confirmed??? if so surely that narrows down a few theories, especially the going in to the sea bit.

Hope the above makes sense.....I have it my mind what I want to say but typing it is another thing!

I think the thing is, we are going on the 8:11 ping as meaning the plane has to be somewhere in the circle (arcs)....somewhere on 8:11.

So technically, it could have gone past Maldives, but then it would have to get to some point on that arc by 8:11 am Malaysia time.

But that is IF the "satellite data" is correct.

CNN just called me. They saw my posts on Websleuths. They wanted to know if I had ever been in a big airplane, seen a big airplane, heard a big airplane, or had relatives that had been in airplanes. I said YES to all of the above. They want me to come and be on a show as an "expert" on airplane flight. Is that cool or what !!?? Wolf sounds a lot different on the phone than he does in person.

:laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry:
nyone know

From doing a google search it appears to be Pakistan and China CARIIS. I don't know enough about this topic but there is a lot of information online if you wish to do some research it is very complex.
Nope, don't buy it. :seeya:

that a meteorite hit the plane:......

I would hope that if a metorite made it 35000 "close" to earth it would be a , pardon pun, B I G story!!
If the "simplistic" theory guy is correct, then certainly people need to be searching the Indian Ocean. Does anyone know off the top of their heads who (what country) is responsible for searching there?

Australia is, and I think maybe Indonesia is too.
I agree without any ransom demands, I believe all the passengers (unless it was a certain passenger(s) that the hijackers were after) keeping them alive would just be a nuisance. I feel that the cabin was depressurized and oxygen cut off... I don't believe the passengers lived past the ascent to 45000 ft. Hopefully I'm wrong.

I guess I just believe the glass is 1/2 full, and my gut tells me that they are alive. We will see, and hopefully soon, because this is so heartbreaking for the loved ones.

But, I have to agree, depressurizing the cabin would be the easiest way to fly stealth.
Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman for the Taliban in Afghanistan, who are seeking to oust foreign troops and set up an Islamic state, said the missing plane had nothing to do with them.

"It happened outside Afghanistan and you can see that even countries with very advanced equipment and facilities cannot figure out where it went," he said. "So we also do not have any information as it is an external issue."

A commander with the Pakistani Taliban, a separate entity fighting the Pakistani government, said the fragmented group could only dream about such an operation.

"We wish we had an opportunity to hijack such a plane," he told Reuters by telephone from the lawless North Waziristan region.

In Delhi, the defense official said that theoretically the aircraft could have flown a path hugging close to the Himalayas where radar is less effective because of the mountains.

But again for that sort of "terrain masking", you'd need intelligence and the skills of a military pilot, he said.

In Port Blair, capital of the remote, forested Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Indian Navy Ship Kesari returned to its base after being recalled following a two-day search scanning the Andaman Sea.

A senior defense source there said that if the plane had crashed in the area light debris could have drifted a vast distance.

"I would estimate that debris would be travelling at least 15 nautical miles an hour, so you can imagine how far it would be after more than a week," he said.

BBM ~ I'm with you there too. :)

I'm with that as well. I'm going by the investigators and they seem pretty confidant or "conclusive" as they said that it was hijacked. They have experienced investigators, aviation experts and I'd imagine more information than we do. I'm pretty sure they would be much happier to say this was an accident than a hijacking, comparatively speaking of course.
But you don't need WiFi to get phone service. Just if you want to use the Internet. WiFi or not, a phone will still ping off any nearby tower(s).

Since the phone pings were never confirmed by anyone and TMZ was apparently the only one to report it, I don't think any phones pinged anyways.

sorry, my post didn't come across properly
correct , wifi not required for cellphone service
I don't believe any cellphones connected with a cell tower

I meant to say with no wifi the passengers had no other means of communication..iPads, computers etc..
Why the plane was NEVER near the Maldives at any time.
(Assuming the satellite ping data is true.)

According to investigators, raw ACARS satellite ping data shows that at 8:11am Malaysian time on March 8, MH370 was at a location somewhere along the two red lines on the map below:


Therefore, at 8:11am, the plane was nowhere near the Maldives (or Diego Garcia). Now, published reports say some Maldive locals saw a low-flying plane at 6:15am local time. As another poster pointed out, that would be 9:15am Malaysian time, around the time MH370 would have run out of fuel.

So could MH370 have flown from its 8:11am location on one of the arcs to the Maldives? The map tells the tale:


The answer is no. The plane could not have gotten anywhere near the Maldives, which are located south and west of the tip of India (the small dots on the lefthand side of the rectangle on the map below):


Scroll back up to map #2, and put a dot where the Maldive Islands are. The only way it could have passed there at all would have been to make a beeline for the Maldives after leaving military radar, then make a beeline to the nearest point on the arc where it HAD TO BE at 8:11am. It's a nonsensical route for anyone's purpose (suicide, terror, etc.). Even if it occurred, the timing would have been very, very tight and it would have had to pass over the Maldives around 2:15am local time, NOT 6:15am.

Thus the Maldives sighting of a low-flying plane at 6:15am can be ruled out.

If the ACARS satellite ping data is accurate, there is zero chance the plane landed or crashed in or near the Maldives or Diego Garcia.

Thank you so much! I'm bringing a post over from another thread; is it known if there were other flights the plane could have slip streamed with another plane?

[ame=""]What do you think happened to Malaysia Flight370? post #80[/ame]

I have a close family member who recently retired after a long career with a major airline, as a head maintenance engineer (so he often assisted pilots in flight and even trained pilots in many aspects of the planes).

He believes what happened, after speaking with friends still with the company, that the plane was hijacked, either by the crew or others (but definitely people who knew what they were doing and how to fly), and evaded detection by basically flying in the slipstream of another plane, extremely close behind it so the traffic control systems would basically only detect one plane.

It then landed, somewhere, but he told me that the fuel it had, whilst very low for air flight, would be enough for 4 hours (!) taxiing on land. Assuming it landed somewhere flat enough, this could be good reason it's so hard to find; it may be even outside the areas they're looking!

Also, apparently the FBI and CIA are involved (may already be known, I don't know; haven't followed things that closely) due to the presence of some important Silicon Valley people onboard. Potential reason behind it all?
Re: the simplistic theory that is all over here and the internet...

My father told me about a plane that crashed where the conductive material I think it was in the roof of the cockpit had caught fire. It took the investiagators a very long time to find out what caused the accident as this stuff was supposed to be fireproof, until one investigator decided to light it up and poof it started to slowly burn....and this had been tested!!!

and the same time of thing happened as what did here, the communications went out etc....but I think it crashed not long after

However Derryn Hunch has put on here over and over why that theory does not add up, and someone else on MSM has said that the autopilot would not function.

While this theory sounds really good to me as well, how could a play fly for about another 7 hours still giving off data....I just cant see it being possible...
But you don't need WiFi to get phone service. Just if you want to use the Internet. WiFi or not, a phone will still ping off any nearby tower(s).

Since the phone pings were never confirmed by anyone and TMZ was apparently the only one to report it, I don't think any phones pinged anyways.

BBM ~ :tyou: This is what i've been trying to get clarified for days now. lol
Pakistan is their #1 enemy, dating back to the 1940s (if memory serves) when the separate Muslim state of Pakistan was created out of what used to be part of India. Lots of ethnic/racial/religious tensions between those countries for over a half century. I may be oversimplifying, but that's what I remember from my history studies (and my Gandhi report).

As for friends, the USA is a good ally with India. I believe the UK is as well, and Canada. Which is part of the reason Pakistan hates those in the West so much! The friend of my friend is my enemy, and all that!

Thanx lots I was daydreaming about losing really big airplanes in history class.....

2,788 mi - Distance from Malaysia to Pakistan

902 mi -- Distance from India to Pakistan

1,853 mi --Distance from India to China

8,431 mi --Distance from India to United States

Maximum Range 777 - 200 ER:

5,240 nautical miles
(9,700 km)
Typical city pairs:
London - New York
Denver - Honolulu
Tokyo - San Francisco
:laughcry: :laughcry: :laughcry:

I know CNN's coverage has been mostly laughable it would say the majority of us have more expert knowledge than their experts. I laughed when I saw the tweets that the character Otto from the movie Airplane was their next guest.Fox News's coverage has been very good in my opinion.

The news networks viewers have increased because many people are concerned about what has happened to MH370.

About halfway through the article, there's a theory that a meteorite hit the plane:

Would that even be possible? Sure would explain the lack of may be too small to see. I don't believe this is what happened, but it's one of the many theories out there!

I am not a genius (by a lonnnnng shot!) but I have to think if a meteor was low enough in the atmosphere and hit this plane there would be one hell of a big explosion. Remember the meteor that streaked through Russia last year and blew out windows and such?
Imagine a plane explosion combined with that :eek:

(And it would not be out in the middle of nowhere like over the Indian ocean, because that would not explain why they were so far off course...and THEN hit by a meteor. Unless...they were hijacked in some way and THEN hit by a meteor. :scared: there is some karma for ya!)

Did that make any sense? I've got serious tomnod goggles happen' here :crazy:
I agree without any ransom demands, I believe all the passengers (unless it was a certain passenger(s) that the hijackers were after) keeping them alive would just be a nuisance. I feel that the cabin was depressurized and oxygen cut off... I don't believe the passengers lived past the ascent to 45000 ft. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Depressurizing the cabin would be the simplest way to keep all the passengers quiet. My problem, however, with this theory of the plane being hijacked (to be later used for a terrorist attack) and actually landing somewhere is the removal of over 200 people off the aircraft and their disposal. It almost appears this would have to take place in a very remote area, such as a jungle, for them not to be found.

I'm with that as well. I'm going by the investigators and they seem pretty confidant or "conclusive" as they said that it was hijacked. They have experienced investigators, aviation experts and I'd imagine more information than we do. I'm pretty sure they would be much happier to say this was an accident than a hijacking, comparatively speaking of course.
Also, as Mary Schiavo is saying- the pilots had time before ACARS was turned off to give either a hijacking secret code or emergency code- neither was done. I think it was hijacked by the pilots.
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