Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #10

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Also, as Mary Schiavo is saying- the pilots had time before ACARS was turned off to give either a hijacking secret code or emergency code- neither was done. I think it was hijacked by the pilots.

BBM ~ They certainly have not been ruled out yet.
Someone questioned this on the show. They asked why the flight controler didn't say , "hey you are off course" . But this Brenner guy says US officials working with Malaysian officials are now reporting turn came 12 mins before final, goodnight.

I think Brenner, not sure, but one of guests said that just because the ATC was in contact with the plane that didn't necessarily mean that the plane was close enough for radar to detect its position therefore the ATC would be unaware of the change in direction.
Cnn is going to answer questions. I do not:

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Can some pls ask them

about the Uyghur professor and Uyghur terrorist group in general


The Uighur professor wasn't on the plane...and China said they checked the passengers and no one had any links to terrorism.

I don't think much more will be said unless something points at them being involved.
You are a ray of sunshine steelman!
Ya crackin' me up :giggle:

Nymeria---thanks for the kind words. I didn't know that once I entered into an "expert associate" status with the news media, that I wouldn't be allowed to fraternize with the unwashed bloggers. Little do they know that I am just a cowboy with a bad I'm sure I'll be back in here with you sleuthers before you know it. Fox news just got hold of me too---------I hope I get to be on Megyn Kelly's show as well. My girlfriend is jealous of her for just about every reason you can imagine. Just watch for the guy wearing the cowboy hat and telling all the "experts" how dumb they are.

You guys be cool....Steelman

I found a detective who WILL find this plane!!! :websleuther:



sooooooooo IF the plane turned before the all right good night.......silly question but I assume the pilots would have to know this????? and how did the ATC not pick this up???
I believe the pilot possibly trained and practiced this potentially deadly 42,000 ft climb maneuver with a sharp bank U-turn on his homemade simulator until he perfected it. It takes a large amt of air space to make a 777 safely U-turn. I believe he preprogrammed this 777 jet, Flight MH370, to make certain particular maneuvers.

The 777 flew one hour before banking a hard U-turn. Immediately, the plane climbs to 42,000 ft. That is almost eight miles from [the ground] at sea level pressure. For reference, 32,000 - 37,000 ft is normal for 777s. The plane went at least 5000 ft higher than the maximum suggested range and as many as 10,000 ft higher than recommendations. Reconnaissance planes fly at 100,000 ft above sea level pressure.

Theoretically, passengers would have seconds to reach their O2 masks during a pressurized a rapid ascend. It is imperative that the plane not remain at this altitude without O2 for everyone. The plane must descend fairly soon thereafter, for safety's sake.

East bound are assigned odd #s and west bound are assigned even #s. 42,000 ft indicates flying West bound, if assigned.

Pilots have their own O2 access in the cockpit. The 777 descends to normal altitude and cruises. ATT, the 777 had appx six hours of fuel left and cannot be refueled in midair. The lower a plane flies, the more fuel it consumes.

*The arc in the image shows where the 6 hrs of fuel remaining could take the 777 from the origination indicated by the tiny white airplane.

this is the area they are still focusing in, also known as the "arc"


The 3 dots in the western Indian Ocean are Male, Abbu Atoll, and Diego Garcia.

I'm leaning more and more to the plane going down in the water. For what reason I am not sure.

Is there a reason other than being at the bottom of the ocean that the passenger's cell phones would not be pinging? If they were on land somewhere and even turned off, cell phones would still ping, correct?

No a cell phone needs to be on and in range of a something to ping off from.
I agree without any ransom demands, I believe all the passengers (unless it was a certain passenger(s) that the hijackers were after) keeping them alive would just be a nuisance. I feel that the cabin was depressurized and oxygen cut off... I don't believe the passengers lived past the ascent to 45000 ft. Hopefully I'm wrong.

I definitely agree that keeping all of the passengers alive would be a nuisance. I just don't know if I believe that the passengers were all killed by the ascent. We don't know for sure that the plane really went that high (some experts say that the levels are not true) and a lot of the experts say the plane would break apart being that high.

Then again, playing devil's advocate with myself, in the highjackers' minds that would be an excellent way to disable any passengers that were thinking about a "let's roll" Todd Beamer flight 93 moment.

I like the guys is in for Morgan a lot --smooth engaging wht ya all think
sooooooooo IF the plane turned before the all right good night.......silly question but I assume the pilots would have to know this????? and how did the ATC not pick this up???

I am not sure if it turned before the "all right, good night" handshake. I think it was just programmed to turn before the handshake? I think, but am not 100% positive. But either way, exactly, wouldn't ATC have seen that change in flight path program?

I'm rolling:)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I'll be on CNN, MSNBC, NBC---free air fare, and hotel

Fox is offering $10 grand in cash and a ? date with a mystery lady.

I'm gonna go with Fox <modsnip>

These plane hijackings are AWESOME !!
Your posts are funny your writing style is nice!!

Nymeria---thanks for the kind words. I didn't know that once I entered into an "expert associate" status with the news media, that I wouldn't be allowed to fraternize with the unwashed bloggers. Little do they know that I am just a cowboy with a bad I'm sure I'll be back in here with you sleuthers before you know it. Fox news just got hold of me too---------I hope I get to be on Megyn Kelly's show as well. My girlfriend is jealous of her for just about every reason you can imagine. Just watch for the guy wearing the cowboy hat and telling all the "experts" how dumb they are.

You guys be cool....Steelman
sooooooooo IF the plane turned before the all right good night.......silly question but I assume the pilots would have to know this????? and how did the ATC not pick this up???

I don't think this is accurate reporting from what I'm reading.
ACARS was already turned off before the all right, goodnight so ATC wouldn't have known about the flight plan, including the turn.

Am I understanding this correctly?
The whole ACARS/transponders thing confuses me.
A commander with the Pakistani Taliban, a separate entity fighting the Pakistani government, said the fragmented group could only dream about such an operation.

I love it! HAHAHAHA Only the Taliban can get away with such an outrageously straight up comment and we all just go "Oh yeh, that's our T-dawg! He say's $h!t like that - funny guy! hahaha!"

Haha I know it's not funny but i was cracking up.
Who was it that was considering stowaways in a cargo container? Looks like at least one expert agrees, although it sounds like the cargo container was IN the airplane, maybe? A little confusing, but here is US aviation security expert Steven Frischling's quote:

&#8220;One of the positions on the plane that would be filled with a large metal cargo container is unaccounted for on the manifest,&#8221; he said. &#8220;So there is unexplained cargo. I don&#8217;t know who or what was on that plane that they wanted, but they wanted the aircraft, I think it&#8217;s on the ground, being hidden or dismantled.&#8221;

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