Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #11

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o/t but holy crap

David KaminskiMorrow ‏@FlightDKM 1h

Inquiry finds RAF Airbus #A330 dived 4,400ft in 27s after digital camera became jammed next to captain's sidestick and pushed it nose-down.
Just in case anyone is interested, Skynews has a special on tv now.

what's the link? it's not working for me, I just get the news highlights even though it says it's on
I have no idea if this is the one he had but WOW that is awesome, amazing, I want one!!

Captain Sim -- Boeing 777 Expansion for MS FSX - YouTube

AVSIM Commercial Flight Sim Microsoft Flight Sim
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PMDG 777 google cache
Where is your 777 now? Google cache
I think the problem is some news outlets are reporting he deleted the GAMES and some are reporting the logs. I have heard both Games and Logs, ehich like everyhting in this case keeps me totally confused.
Who/What to believe at this point?

I am just waiting on the "Breaking News", We have located the plane!

And then I am not too sure if I will believe that unless I see news coverage of the actual plane. :waitasec:


Yeah, that woudl have to be like BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS to have any effect on CNN, etc..

Yeah, that woudl have to be like BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS BREAKING NEWS to have any effect on CNN, etc..

oooooh you startled me, I thought there was breaking news!
But at this point in time, I think its time for resources to be switched to making little teams from several counties, start where info has narrowed it down and began visiting airports that meet both min for landing and takeoff.

Focus is now on who -- it might be safer if it moves to..... what if?..........

Any country that is hesitant they can be watched. Money is going to become an issue
If the plane was taken over by terrorists it's possible their 'end game' plan has failed. I can't see it as a test run because the whole world is now on alert and will probably remain so for a long time, as in 9/11. They have now shown their hand and would need to change too many details to avoid future detection.

I'm confused about the 239 passengers. If the plane has landed somewhere, how would terrorists manage this many people for all this time, in whatever circumstances? I did think about the passengers being used as human shields for some further action, but not after this length of time. It just doesn't seem feasible to me whether for ransom, or collateral damage, too messy. JMO

Yes, good points. But I can't see it as their "end game" plan has failed - b/c it seems to be like their plan worked since no one can find the plane.

For example, let's say they wanted to hit that building in KL, but the plan got aborted....well, then they would be kind of stuck, I mean how would they know where to go? How to avoid radar and avoid being shot down by some country? Where to land?

I sometimes go on the "simplistic theory" bandwagon that what the pilots were doing is trying to get to the airport, but something happened and they died and the plane just kept going on autopilot. But then why is the US claiming it's main theory is the South Indian Ocean and why is Australia making a big deal about searching there? If the plane went on auto-pilot, shouldn't they instead be focusing on the area in the Indian Ocean by India and on to Africa?

To be honest, I pay little attention to the other side of MY world. Except the BIG news I do. ( the radiation from Japan, Tepco:liar:. )This is embarrassing but the reason I'm familiar with Thailand is because John Mark Karr ( JonBenetRamsey case) was brought back from there and I learned ( unfortunately about the sex trade there). From the beginning of this I've learned some about this country, and I state it again. Would you trust Corrupt? Why is Obama so quiet on this? Because 1 American?Hmmmmmmmmm

Obama is like :silenced:.
good lord bad week for aviation - did you all see the delta wing two days ago where a chunk "departed" the wing prior to arrival?

or this one:

[RAW] MOMENT Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 Landing Gear Failure at LaGuardia Airport - YouTube

The past week:

o/t but holy crap

David KaminskiMorrow ‏@FlightDKM 1h

Inquiry finds RAF Airbus #A330 dived 4,400ft in 27s after digital camera became jammed next to captain's sidestick and pushed it nose-down.
I think this is a MAJOR find! Can we double, triple, quadruple check this? I think this is very serious!

ETA: ignore this post the Italian and Austrian are on the list.

Oh! Sorry for the false alarm! I thought they weren't on it?
The 2 fake-passport passengers ARE listed on the manifest.

They are listed under their fake names/nationalities from the fake passports:

No conspiracy. Also note the manifest lists 227 passengers + 12 crew.

That makes 239, as has been stated from the start.

Oh, thank you! I missed that. Sorry!

Ok, so at least we know they have not tampered with the passenger list. One thing we can count on - maybe?
Not sure if this has been posted. Not surprised.

McInerney said, “When the U.S. Navy quits their search, their ship search, they must know something in the Indian Ocean. When the Israeli Defense Forces, when they increase their defense alert, they must know something” .

Read more:
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I have thought this for a while now. To think that the USA has not kept a close eye on things going on with the plane, IMO, is allowing MSM to control our thoughts! Come on, people, we are much wiser since 9/11 right?

How many soldiers lost their lives hunting for years for Osama Bin Laden when he was "in plain sight" in a very large city? How many remote caves, rugged terrain, hidden nicks and corners did so many search for the most highly profiled fugitive? What have we learned from Iraq, Afghanistan, on and on and on? I hope and pray "we" (meaning our powers that be) have learned a lot. And that the "eyes in the sky" watching the governments in that area of the world is working to provide valuable information to protect our great country. If not, I say shame on them!

We, American citizens, have gotten wise and we expect the USA leaders have us protected and are aware of the things that happen all over that area. Israel has beefed up security for reasons unknown to us. Our American government is moving our search ships/focus for reasons unknown to us. Are we to be led into sitting and watching the MSM for hours speculating, reporting a big headline from the Malaysian powers that be? The same Malaysian spokesman who reported a plane missing and had so many searching land and sea around the area it supposedly was last heard from way back on the 8th? And then..........:truce:

No, we are not told exactly what America intelligence knows; but, I am sure, it is a heck of a lot more than MSM can even come up with in their wildest speculations. Speculation after speculation is repeating the same speculation over and over. Meanwhile, over in China, our search team is being held up?

And let's not forget the GREAT egotistical host of the most expensive Olympic venue in history is smiling in glee at telling America and the rest of the world to KHA/stick it where the sun don't shine....He showed the world who's the best, right? We are all busy chasing down a mysterious disappearance of an airliner 24/7 and he's just patting himself on the back and making plans.....

I do not post often, but have read and followed Websleuths for way too many years. But, lately I have seen/read/interrupted a lot of you have been drinking the kool-aid.

The plane has been hijacked (that word is not being used a lot in MSM is it?). How high did it go, how low did it we believe everything Malaysia has told us? We do know that it took a hell of a long time for anyone to say OMG, surprise, surprise the plane turned, twisted, jumped for hours after Maylasia says SOS. Everyday one little new declaration surfaces that makes us shake our heads in confusion/dismay?

One thing I do know is we have been slapped in the face again with the reality that human life is not valued by other nations/people as we do. Did a nefarious pilot(s) set a cruise control to commit suicide after turning away from water and flying over land. Did a pilot play games with a simulator to plot this? What extent did this pilot who was heavily into online activities and was even considered a sort of online "icon" meet and get involved with online bad guys? So many questions and so late in the game these questions come since the "alright, goodnight".

All I know is I have searched on Tomnod until I am weary and I do not see anything. I think we need to learn from Mr. Bin LD....just hide in plain site, put up a concrete wall and barbed wire.........and God please be with the families of flight 370.

No replies needed. I just had to type this out of my head.......rant over.
Regarding discussion of Obama's "silence" on the matter, I'm not sure if it should really be expected for President Obama to make a statement concerning the plane? The French president hasn't for example, but France has sent assistance and experts as has the US. I think the US is doing everything it should be and much more, and a statement from the president is not expected in these situations, I may be wrong. Also, we don't know anything yet about what happened so what do you say.
I have thought this for a while now. To think that the USA has not kept a close eye on things going on with the plane, IMO, is allowing MSM to control our thoughts! Come on, people, we are much wiser since 9/11 right?

How many soldiers lost their lives hunting for years for Osama Bin Laden when he was "in plain sight" in a very large city? How many remote caves, rugged terrain, hidden nicks and corners did so many search for the most highly profiled fugitive? What have we learned from Iraq, Afghanistan, on and on and on? I hope and pray "we" (meaning our powers that be) have learned a lot. And that the "eyes in the sky" watching the governments in that area of the world is working to provide valuable information to protect our great country. If not, I say shame on them!

We, American citizens, have gotten wise and we expect the USA leaders have us protected and are aware of the things that happen all over that area. Israel has beefed up security for reasons unknown to us. Our American government is moving our search ships/focus for reasons unknown to us. Are we to be led into sitting and watching the MSM for hours speculating, reporting a big headline from the Malaysian powers that be? The same Malaysian spokesman who reported a plane missing and had so many searching land and sea around the area it supposedly was last heard from way back on the 8th? And then..........:truce:

No, we are not told exactly what America intelligence knows; but, I am sure, it is a heck of a lot more than MSM can even come up with in their wildest speculations. Speculation after speculation is repeating the same speculation over and over. Meanwhile, over in China, our search team is being held up?

And let's not forget the GREAT egotistical host of the most expensive Olympic venue in history is smiling in glee at telling America and the rest of the world to KHA/stick it where the sun don't shine....He showed the world who's the best, right? We are all busy chasing down a mysterious disappearance of an airliner 24/7 and he's just patting himself on the back and making plans.....

I do not post often, but have read and followed Websleuths for way too many years. But, lately I have seen/read/interrupted a lot of you have been drinking the kool-aid.

The plane has been hijacked (that word is not being used a lot in MSM is it?). How high did it go, how low did it we believe everything Malaysia has told us? We do know that it took a hell of a long time for anyone to say OMG, surprise, surprise the plane turned, twisted, jumped for hours after Maylasia says SOS. Everyday one little new declaration surfaces that makes us shake our heads in confusion/dismay?

One thing I do know is we have been slapped in the face again with the reality that human life is not valued by other nations/people as we do. Did a nefarious pilot(s) set a cruise control to commit suicide after turning away from water and flying over land. Did a pilot play games with a simulator to plot this? What extent did this pilot who was heavily into online activities and was even considered a sort of online "icon" meet and get involved with online bad guys? So many questions and so late in the game these questions come since the "alright, goodnight".

All I know is I have searched on Tomnod until I am weary and I do not see anything. I think we need to learn from Mr. Bin LD....just hide in plain site, put up a concrete wall and barbed wire.........and God please be with the families of flight 270.

No replies needed. I just had to type this out of my head.......rant over.

Thank you for posting this. I feel the same exact way but there's no way i could have articulated it as well as you have.
I'm not sure if it should really be expected for President Obama to make a statement concerning the plane? The French president hasn't for example, but France has sent assistance and experts as has the US. I think the US is doing everything it should be and much more, and a statement from the president is not expected in these situations, I may be wrong. Also, we don't know anything yet about what happened so what do you say.


The President is clearly aware and has been since this began. Nothing can be said. And, nothing happened here in the U.S. There are enough leaders of other Countries to say something. We just get in there and get looking, try to keep all involved calm. It is not the U.S. President's place to say anything in this matter. It is Malaysia's.
Regarding discussion of Obama's "silence" on the matter, I'm not sure if it should really be expected for President Obama to make a statement concerning the plane? The French president hasn't for example, but France has sent assistance and experts as has the US. I think the US is doing everything it should be and much more, and a statement from the president is not expected in these situations, I may be wrong. Also, we don't know anything yet about what happened so what do you say.

FWIW i just saw him make a statement on fox live.
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