Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #12

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Thanks for your expertise Derryn! I think you've done a great job answering questions while not over committing yourself to theories and blame.

If you can find a way to post the PDF I'd love to read it. I'm currently watching all of the Air Crash Investigators I can get my hands on much to my husbands disgust. He has a terrible fear of flying, which is unfortunate since he spends a lot of time in Black Hawks and in Hercules, even QANTAS freaks him the hell out:floorlaugh: I love planes though and loved living on a RAAF Base (except when I had newborns :tantrum:)
Thank you Derryn! I'll read it once I get to work. Hope everyone else takes the opportunity also.
Ok, the pictures are dated Sunday. Then I read this article that they sent a ship there on Monday and is supposed to get there Thursday.

They definitely knew about these images DAYS ago!!

A merchant ship that responded Monday to a request for help in the search was expected to arrive Thursday evening at the site.

Read more here:

In the meantime:

The Australian Navy has sent its own ship, the HMAS Success. The Success is the largest ship built for the navy and is large enough to recover any plane debris from the ocean if needed and transport it back. The naval ship is several days from the location.
Ms Wang's 30-year-old husband had organised a golfing trip to Kuala Lumpur with some friends. He was on MH370 when it vanished.

She said she had a premonition one night soon after the plane missing that her husband was in Australia. Her father also described recurring dreams of his son-in-law drowning in what he described as "clear, blue water", with fish and other sea creatures pushing and prodding him.

A painful anecdote of the stress, and distress, waiting families are suffering under.
ABC Australia's map showing search area within 1-hour's flight of "red-line arc" satellite ping:


1). If there, the plane went in the water near the red line, perhaps drifting slightly south.
2). If there, it didn't drift from the Gulf of Thailand, South China Sea, the Maldives, the Strait of Malacca or Vietnam. Way too far.
3). If there, earlier sightings in such areas were wrong. (Sorry Courtney Love!)
Even as the focus shifted to the remote southern Indian Ocean, Hishammuddin said Malaysia was sending two aircraft to search Kazakhstan in central Asia. That’s one of the locations along a northern corridor described as a possible location for the aircraft based on satellite pings sent by the plane after air traffic controllers lost contact with it in the early hours of March 8.

Married to my beautiful childhood sweetheart of a wife too :) hehehe
Very sweet. I am sure she won't mind that you are my new BFF with the cool toys especially after she sees my sub sim. :)

You aren't going anywhere, by the way. Your eyes are getting sleepy....just listen to the sound of Anderson Cooper's voice...heavy eyelids now...say to yourself..."I can't leave these non-pilot people to their own devices"...

Okay now where were we? I have seen the blob photo and I can say it is a good thing I was not the one in charge of finding it.
Peter Marosszéky, an aviation expert at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, said the objects could be some of the thousands of shipping containers that litter the ocean.

Australian authorities have redirected other commercial satellites to take higher resolution images, which might provide more clues.

Read more here:

I live in a strange place that is simultaneously the heart and polluted armpit of the known universe.

You guessed it, Paris. You?

me too, in Chatelet!
Can someone please clarify, if known?

The images of the potential debris in question were captured Sunday. Has anyone spotted this debris via aircraft radar or other technology since Sunday? Or is the Sunday image the latest and only "sighting"? TIA.
So if this IS the plane it must have flown over Indonesia, right?

Could the pilot have been trying to get back to KL because of cockpit problems (a la "startlingly simple" theory), and auto pilot took it several hours in that direction?

Surely if it IS here, it rules out terrorism and hijacking, where would they have been going??
"Currently, there are 18 ships, 29 aircraft and six ship-borne helicopters deployed along the northern and southern corridors, as follows:


In the northern corridor, there are four aircraft:
Two from Malaysia
One from Japan
One from the USA

In the southern corridor, there are 25 aircraft:
Two from Malaysia
Five from Australia
Three from China
Four from Indonesia
Two from India
Four from Japan
One from New Zealand
Two from South Korea
One from the UAE
One from the USA


All 18 ships are in the southern corridor:
6 from Malaysia
1 from Australia
5 from China
6 from Indonesia

This deployment includes six helicopters:
Three from Malaysia
Three from China.

"I can confirm that Malaysia is sending two aircraft to Kazakhstan, and the UK is planning to send one ship to the southern corridor.

"Until we are certain that we have located MH370, search and rescue operations will continue in both corridors.

Read more: UPDATE 21: MISSING MH370 : Full statement by Hishammuddin - Latest - New Straits Times
A lot of the experts I'm hearing this morning are skeptical about this being the plane. I hope for the families sake they are wrong.
Also, if it is the plane, there needs to be an investigation into the investigation and how badly the Malaysians have handled this.
Thank you Derryn for all your pilot insights, explanations and good humour though I fear you are as they said in Top Gun " bugging out" too early.
Stay safe in those skies!
I'm finding it INEXCUSEABLE that they have had these images since Sunday, and this is only coming out now. :maddening:
If this is the plane, then I don't think we have been mislead about the pings, the transponder, the acars, radars, the turnaround they are spot on with the calculations from this info....

If this is the case then can someone else please remind me of what ended up being confirmed about the timing of the turnaround???

It was a seven or eight digit code that had to be keyed in is that correct? and this was done 17 mins before the all right good night?

sorry to be asking this, but it was all over the place with different reports so I cant remember what was confirmed.

This is vital if you ask me, because if this was done then the mechanical error does not hold to me and it leads me to one theory...........a suicide mission.......but by whom??

if it was hijacked there has been no one claim it personally and believe me I hate to say this, it narrows it down to probably two people.
Just a note, based on CNN's ongoing demonstrations: in the past thread it was reported that the debris in question was 1500 miles "past" Perth or a total of over 4000 miles from Kuala Lumpur.

Actually, the debris is West-Southwest of Perth, so it is about the same distance from KL as Perth itself, but 1500 miles west.

Of course, their demonstrations could be wrong. They aren't working with a precise grid.
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