Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #14

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Didn't they say early on that the Boing engine sends "pings" back to Boeing to be monitored and that was how they initially determined that the plane flew for hours after last contact? but that Malaysia Airlines didn't pay to have everything monitored on the engine that they could have? So, if the engine of that plane is ever started up again, wouldn't Boeing know that right away and be monitoring everything they possibly can about it? Maybe even location?

I personally think Boeing knows more about this aircraft then we will ever on the interwebs about.

Perhaps, the onboard electronics computer system was hacked and they are gathering intelligence which they cannot release to the public?

I am still just speculating at this point.
Pilots may have known how do disable said pings? I still think we will learn more about the pilots in coming days and it will not be from the Malay or Chinese gov't. JMO
I personally think Boeing knows more about this aircraft then we will ever on the interwebs about.

Perhaps, the onboard electronics computer system was hacked and they are gathering intelligence which they cannot release to the public?

I am still just speculating at this point.

My understanding is that those pings were received by a remote source (satellite?) and that they are hourly pings, and very "liquid" in their readings especially as to the altitude of the plane. I don't even think it has been determined with any certainty that the particular pings that have been speculated about, can be conclusively attributable to this particular Malaysian flight, but I have not kept up to date on it.
I'm not convinced the pilot is involved in the plane's disappearance.
What happened....I have NO idea!
Let's assume the Black Box is located at the sea bottom where debris has been spotted - Does anyone know how deep the water is and if a black box has ever been recovered at that depth?
They wouldn't have to assume. There would be a record kept by the airline as to how much fuel was put in the jet.



You would think they would, wouldn't you?

Which I wonder if MH370 was fuelled to KL-Beijing, how can it fly with 7-8 more? :waitasec:
I have to run but I just saw that we have a submersible that can retrieve debris (including large heavy items) up to 3 miles under the oceans surface.
I have to run but I just saw that we have a submersible that can retrieve debris (including large heavy items) up to 3 miles under the oceans surface.

Thanks Carmelita - I'm curious who has the capability of detecting things up to 3 miles under the ocean's surface in order to retrieve it.
Let's assume the Black Box is located at the sea bottom where debris has been spotted - Does anyone know how deep the water is and if a black box has ever been recovered at that depth?

The average depth is 12 762 feet. Its deepest point is 26 401 feet.
In 1987, South African Airways 295 crashed into the Indian Ocean and it took over two years to find the black box at a depth of 16 000 feet.
what is tomnod using as a search area right now? the most current one?
I have an OT question: what does it mean to subscribe to this topic?

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"…Route change believed programmed into computer…"

This is just a guess and not fact, right? If we don't put emphasis on this point it easily changes what we think happened, doesn't it?

Same for the part about ascending to 45K feet, then descending to 25K (or whatever it was). This seems to have been rumor, not fact. After all, the transponder wasn't working properly, or was turned off, so how could it have relayed this data when they don't even know if the plane went north or south?

The ascending and descending came from military radar (and it is not very accurate about altitude). The north or south question is after the plane went off any known military radar, so there is much less info about the flight then.

The Indonesian radar seems to be an important question to figuring this thing out. But the Indonesians say they didn't get hits when the plane was spotted by both Malaysian and Thai radar, and this was in an area where Indonesia says it monitors, too. So that is a known example where their radar didn't pick it up when others did.

I'm guessing Indonesian radar capabilities late at night that night just weren't great, imho. Someone was sleeping, lol.

As far as the course of the plane flying over Indonesian airspace, I think it did (over water), and the Indonesian press says: "...The southern corridor begins west of Banda Aceh and takes in a vast arc past Western Australia into some of the most remote expanse of the Indian Ocean with an average water depth of around 4,000 meters." (

West of Banda Aceh means that the flight continued on a line from where the militaries last spotted it out to the west a little bit. If true, the flight could make the turn to the south and get ever farther away from the satellite (once it was off military or civilian radar, which I think is what Inmarsat must have meant).

As far as the northern route option goes, simply put, I still think you just have too many countries with radar to deal with, particularly China's and India's. Burma might work if it went down/landed there, maybe, imho.

But some of the theories like the Pakistan ones don't work with the Inmarsat data and ping arc at 8:11. If someone can explain how that works out, please post it, because I can't even have the plane getting to the coast of Pakistan and making that ping arc at the right time (unless you fly extensively in Indian air space, which just makes no sense about their radar; they have to watch for incoming nukes, remember).

No, Indonesia not paying attention for a little while to a commercial plane from Malaysia out over their water makes a lot more sense to me. They share a lot of water anyway, and they also don't have big enemies with the same capabilities as Pakistan (for India). So their border alert level could be much different than India's presumed vigilance. That would make sense, imho. They don't need to be very vigilant, not that they'd like to admit that openly ;)
I have an OT question: what does it mean to subscribe to this topic?

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I think it means you get an e-mail for every new post after you subscribe to a thread. Not sure, but I think so.
I have an OT question: what does it mean to subscribe to this topic?

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I think it means you will get a email for every post on the thread you subscribe to.
My apologies if this has been posted - I've dropped off the thread somewhat due to lack of new info.

Probe into mystery call to captain of doomed jet: Unknown woman used a fake ID when buying phone to bypass security checks

  • Call was made to Captain Shah just hours before he took off in MH370
  • Pay-as-you-go phone which made the call was bought with fake ID
  • Fake ID was used to get around security measures put in place after 9/11
  • Increases fears Captain Shah may have links to terrorism
  • Investigators will soon question the captain's estranged wife in detail

Read more:

Thank you. Read it and it hit me I don’t really know what microchips do! Then I learned that all that means is digital data. Then I realized I have no clue what that REALLY means! So here is what I learned microprocessors = digital data.

These are the new microchips technology
Currently, the majority of flight crews receive verbal route instructions from an ATC prior to taxiing. The pilot then repeats that transmission back to the ATC to ensure that they have the correct information. However, an aircraft equipped with a Data Comma receiver obtains that same route information digitally, and the pilot confirms by pressing a button in the cockpit. The instructions are then loaded directly into the aircraft's onboard computer system in seconds, significantly cutting down on the minute’s pilots waste sitting on the runway burning fuel before takeoff.

The second phase of the Data Comma program will deploy Controller Pilot Data Link Communications (CPDLC) to En Route ATC centers, giving controllers even more connection to the aircraft's flight deck with the digital transfer of communications, validation and assignment of altitudes, revised route information and issuance of altimeters, according to Geyer.

"Certain tasks that are currently only able to be achieved by the radar controller via voice will now be shared among the sector team. This will allow the radar controller time to run a more efficient sector. The ability to send route information that is in a loadable format to the flight deck will not only reduce the time it takes to input the data, but will also reduce input errors that occur," Geyer added. –

integrate Flight Tracking into Digital Air Ware:

….these can record your coordinates and send the data back once you're on the ground. While real-time flight tracking is always the best, we also offer the ability to save where you have been to help avoid noise complaints and ensure efficient flights.

doing sophisticated work at the U.S. chipmaker, a company spokesman said on Sunday

Increases fears Captain Shah may have links to terrorism:

, scary that it takes a global media to not even get close to this truth been here from day 6! Sadly, there is gonna be a Act 2-IMO

Hi all. Still back on the last thread catching up on all the thought provoking posts from last night up until this morning.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #13

The above post is by CARIIS from the last thread - about Freescale Seminconductor Inc.- I've added the Wiki link. Freescale Semiconductor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There's been very little mentioned on the news about the twenty people onboard flight MH370 representing this company. A few days ago, I heard one comment about the company being involved in radar systems. That's all.
Using my thought of too late avatar, "uncanny", to describe just another strange oddity about this whole situation. Isn't it though?

How many circumstances can be explained away by minimizing and pretending they are normal or usual? I think none when they are all put together. Uncanny!

Today they're chasing more phantom shadows - images offered up by China.

My thoughts are turning more and more negative as if someone is watching this play out (as a serial killer would) and laughing as the investigation, spending millions of dollars, chases after lost shipping containers.
My apologies if this has been posted - I've dropped off the thread somewhat due to lack of new info.

I take DM articles with a grain of salt.
They have a way of sensationalizing stories.
AFAIK, Shah and his wife weren't separated. Her and the kids just went to their second home, which I don't find suspicious.

Who is this female who made this alleged call to the pilot?

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Do pallets usually have markings on them? Like company name or something?

Assuming that a spotter plane actually sees the debris shown on the satellite images, does anyone know how long it would take ships to get to the debris field? I have not heard anything about ships being near the area.

I do not intend to sound calloused but IMO it would be a blessing if they could determine that the debris was actually part of the plane. Sadly, at this point I do not hold out any hope of survival of the passengers. Anyone evil or radical enough to hijack a plane has no regard for human life & I can't see them having any reason for going to the trouble of controlling a large group of hostages. If the plane was hijacked, I fear the bad guys plan to disguise the plane & use it in a terrorist attack somewhere in the middle east, probably Israel or possibly something involved in the Russian/Ukraine situation. This is all JMO.

God bless all the affected innocents & their families.
I just tried starting a new thread on the Pilots but don't see it yet. That is what we do - sleuth. I want to know who they are, how long they worked for airline, how many times they flew that route, where they got training, do they have families, what is their religion, and it goes on and on...
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