Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #16

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Where do you put an airliner intentionally that you will likely never find it again?

The Southern Indian Ocean.
You know, I've been hesitant to blame anyone for this tragedy, because we just don't seem to have a lot of information, and it makes me sad to blame someone who could be potentially innocent. But I had a thought after reading this: this captain knew jets in and out, with his simulator and all. What if, this is pilot suicide/homicide, and he purposely crashed into an area he knew would be difficult for investigators to find a black box? If he was feeling very vindictive and angry at the world, it could almost be a little posthumous psychological game. This is just my opinion and an idea, and I could be completely off, and I almost hope that I am.

That's pretty much exactly how I feel this morning. It is looking more and more likely that this is the case. If he did take the plane down there intentionally, perhaps it wasn't to play a psychological game, but maybe he wanted to hide the cause of the crash, ie perhaps he wanted the mystery he created to never be solved.
Where do you put an airliner intentionally that you will likely never find it again?

The Southern Indian Ocean.

But WHY do you put an airliner intentionally where it won't be found again? :dunno:
Retweeted by Jon Ostrower
Allison Morrow ‏@alliwsj 12m
USAToday editor on CNN, asked if he corroborated their single-source info in #MH370 story: "Well, we're doing that now." #youredoingitwrong
I'm not picking on you, I promise :).

I just want to point out that the plane probably (can't say certainly) didn't go anywhere near Perth. The distance from the search area is similar to the distance from London to Moscow (about 200 miles less). So even though Perth is the nearest place it's still a very long way away.

I definitely agree with your sentiment though. I don't think they survived long into what I believe was the hijacking.

Oh, I know it didn't go near Perth. I was just using Perth as a reference point.
of a mangosteen (or seen one) no clue !
A struggle in the cockpit could still indicate pilot suicide, and the copilot tried to stop him. I still fault Shah. He's not a good man in my book!
A struggle in the cockpit could still indicate pilot suicide, and the copilot tried to stop him. I still fault Shah. He's not a good man in my book!

I find posts like this make me sad. I don't know what caused this crash but nothing has been said that makes the pilot sound like he isn't a good man. Sure he should be looked at, but he isn't the only person on that plane who could have caused this.

I don't know but it just makes me think that this man has had his reputation ruined because of crazy stories that the media has ran with.

Finding facts and answers is always my first instinct when it comes to any situation. Of course speculation also is interesting but in my opinion it should be based off from more then common things that even all together don't add up to much.

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they have been housing, feeding, transporting 1000 people. Washing sheets, towels, staff to feed ,water, electric , food etc

watch in two days they are gonna do we send our apologies, everyone welcome to stay but we anit paying for s$$$ anymore go home or pay to stay love MAL

almighty buck
The search for wreckage continues in the Southern Ocean, amidst predictions that deteriorating weather conditions may hamper, and even stop, the missions. Rain and isolated thunderstorms along with 30 know winds is forecast. It is expected, however, that conditions will improve significantly by tomorrow.
find it interesting that there has been NO search over land ever ?

anyone heard about pilots sims erasures in 10 days?

followup of any kind about mystery untracable lady on a phone ?

Financial status of either crew member ?

activities the week before the flight?

how often they have flown togeterh

how often they have flown tht route

Homeland security not a peep



Scotland yard

on every siting thus far no effort has been made to drop something so it would be easier to find (they drop stuff in hurricanes all the time )

any answer at why a stange plane over their entire country with nothing being scrambled?

how long the air controllers that night have worked in that postion

any previous problems at the airport with communications

not ONE word about highly skilled, 20, engineers on one flight

what they were going over there for?

Cnn last night Soucie talking to individual at MAL maintenance man mentioning that they were cited for storing FDR recorder batteries in hot humid hanger degrading charge of the batteries

Any passengers take out large insurance policies in recent weeks

conflicts with management ?

comprehensive release of aircrafts maintenance history pilot write ups (12 years old lang haul) there are typically write ups

noone asking if Australia radar picked up anything that night?

not one word about the passenger china blurred out on the manifest? All behavior has meaning........

not one word about any of the other staff aboard the jetliner?

what segment the plane had flown prior to becoming 370?

satelites can monitor hurricanes in real time, we know Korea just launced a bunch of junk why in this instance only does it take 4 days to "see" anything

both Canada and Britain have very good aviation accident agencies not a peep
The talking heads on CNN are suggesting that the Malaysian police force is one of the "best" in the world, but I find this difficult to believe after all the press conferences. In my opinion, the head of police seemed to be the least trustworthy person speaking to the media and I also thought he came across as very smug. jmo
find it interesting that there has been NO search over land ever ?

anyone heard about pilots sims erasures in 10 days?

followup of any kind about mystery untracable lady on a phone ?

How would a search over land work, exactly? It is not like everyone has the right to fly and photograph in everyone's airspace. For example, do you think we would let China fly around the US and look if that were the situation?
I find posts like this make me sad. I don't know what caused this crash but nothing has been said that makes the pilot sound like he isn't a good man. Sure he should be looked at, but he isn't the only person on that plane who could have caused this.

I don't know but it just makes me think that this man has had his reputation ruined because of crazy stories that the media has ran with.

Finding facts and answers is always my first instinct when it comes to any situation. Of course speculation also is interesting but in my opinion it should be based off from more then common things that even all together don't add up to much.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using Tapatalk 2

I agree!

Of course everyone is entitled to their own opinion BUT I hate to see the media run with a story that is nothing more than pure speculation. Pilot revenge or suicide doesn't make much sense unless he reveals reasons for his actions. I so hope they find the 'black box' & are able to determine what actually happened. It would be such a shame for the pilot to be blamed without actual evidence.
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