Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #19

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What is taking those ships so long to reached that debris? I know that it is far from everywhere, but they were able to reach places just as far during WWII. The technology today is a lot more advanced and we should be there already. The debris is going to keep moving and eventually hit land. I hope we all take something from this nothing is totally safe today and we have to always be on our toes for the mysteries in life.

I know right. I am hoping some are on scene by now.

For many days, I kept hearing the exact same news about the ships. That they are heading to the location. They never would ever get there though. Then they moved the search area to a new spot before I ever heard of even 1 ship arriving at the first spot.

Its been crazy. At least we know some must have gotten to some of the spots because they were finally able to say some of the debri was not from the plane.

Could also be cross talk on ATC also, seems MH377 was arriving late at 13:19 on March 8. (But I'm sticking with the pilot accidentally called 377 from having said it on a previous flight. Makes most sense, until we can actually hear the ATC audio. If we can hear it, can someone link it, I'll listen when I get home. TIA!)

I've read this so many time, i hear it in my head! Not 1 single news agency has reported the discrepancy as yet, to clarify it (having looked through heaps of reportings of it)

12:32:13 (MAS 370) MAS 377 request taxi.
12:32:26 (ATC) MAS 37..... (garbled) ... standard route. Hold short Bravo.
12:32:30 (MAS 370) Ground, MAS 370. You are unreadable. Say again.
12:32:38 (ATC) MAS 370 taxi to holding point Alfa 11 Runway 32 right via standard route. Hold short of Bravo.

ATC point out MAS 370 is unreadable before taxi'ing

The pilot may have flown the 377 route before, but i don't think he was flying a back to back flight, as was he not at court prior to going on duty?
I think that has been debunked, but who can keep track! Reminds me of the SNL sketch last Saturday except it wasn't an iPhone anyone was worried about but a Darth Vader action figure :blushing:

I think it was where this person was to placed? shoved? it that I thought was so wild. When would anyone on that flight had the time to do it? So many crazy stories out there. It grosses me out to think of recovering it, and what shape it would be in.
I've read this so many time, i hear it in my head! Not 1 single news agency has reported the discrepancy as yet, to clarify it (having looked through heaps of reportings of it)

12:32:13 (MAS 370) MAS 377 request taxi.
12:32:26 (ATC) MAS 37..... (garbled) ... standard route. Hold short Bravo.
12:32:30 (MAS 370) Ground, MAS 370. You are unreadable. Say again.
12:32:38 (ATC) MAS 370 taxi to holding point Alfa 11 Runway 32 right via standard route. Hold short of Bravo.

ATC point out MAS 370 is unreadable before taxi'ing

The pilot may have flown the 377 route before, but i don't think he was flying a back to back flight, as was he not at court prior to going on duty?


I wasn't thinking flights back to back. I was thinking whichever one said it may have flown MH377 at some time before March 8, could be days or weeks, anytime really.

I have no idea, just guessing. Hopefully we will one day get to hear it.
I've read this so many time, i hear it in my head! Not 1 single news agency has reported the discrepancy as yet, to clarify it (having looked through heaps of reportings of it)

12:32:13 (MAS 370) MAS 377 request taxi.
12:32:26 (ATC) MAS 37..... (garbled) ... standard route. Hold short Bravo.
12:32:30 (MAS 370) Ground, MAS 370. You are unreadable. Say again.
12:32:38 (ATC) MAS 370 taxi to holding point Alfa 11 Runway 32 right via standard route. Hold short of Bravo.

ATC point out MAS 370 is unreadable before taxi'ing

The pilot may have flown the 377 route before, but i don't think he was flying a back to back flight, as was he not at court prior to going on duty?

That is amazing to me. They are typically very careful with those numbers.

It will be interesting to find out the root cause of the discrepency.

If it was actually said that way on the audio tape, that is very concerning. Imagine if a heading was said wrong or an altitude. It is serious business with the communication.

Im hoping it is just the transcript that is wrong and the audio is correct.

It doesnt even matter really because regardless of what part is wrong, this is just another example of the total chaos that has been this investigation. This is turning into 1 very sad fiasco. No wonder the families are upset.

When the famlies were showing they were upset very early on, I had assumed they were over reacting but lately I have realized they have every right to be upset and they probably noticed the BS run around they were getting much quicker than the public has.
I think it was where this person was to placed? shoved? it that I thought was so wild. When would anyone on that flight had the time to do it? So many crazy stories out there. It grosses me out to think of recovering it, and what shape it would be in.

And they wonder why the picture was so dark that you can't see anything... I think this is just someone's way of getting attention through a blog and has nothing to do with the flight. jmo
There's no proof the plane crashed. There's no proof it took the southern route.

Aviation reporter Jeff Wise appeared on CNN several times and published multiple articles on Slate on MH-370. He has come to doubt the Inmarsat satellite ping data, and recently published another article arguing that, from what we know of their reasoning, the conclusion that the plane definitely headed south is -- for lack of a better word -- bogus:

Even the confident assertion...that the northern route had been ruled out [is] a fairly rickety claim. What Inmarsat actually said in its analysis was that if one assumed that the plane maintained a steady speed, then a straight-ahead course on the southern arc more nearly matched the ping data than a similar course to the north. But we already know that before it disappeared the plane was changing speeds and flying a zigzag course. (Indeed, to get to the southern Indian Ocean, MH370 would have had to do an about-face from its last known course; if it had followed a straight-ahead track, it would have wound up in Kazakhstan)...

[T]he evidence that MH370 is in the Indian Ocean is very shaky indeed...

This guy is a serious journalist, not a conspiracy theorist. He's no joke. It's a scary read.

Why should we assume the plane held a steady course and speed after 2:15am?

Anyone interested in finding MH-370 ought to be demanding that Inmarsat and investigators provide public, verifiable proof for their assertion the plane definitely went south.

If they can't, then why aren't any intense efforts being made to search the northern route?
The MAS377 -

Could be a typo. What is up with all that "garbled" in the transcript?

Also, could be whichever pilot was saying had previously flown MH377, and accidentally said 377.


Maybe March 7th date was confusing them or him
That is amazing to me. They are typically very careful with those numbers.

It will be interesting to find out the root cause of the discrepency.

If it was actually said that way on the audio tape, that is very concerning. Imagine if a heading was said wrong or an altitude. It is serious business with the communication.

Im hoping it is just the transcript that is wrong and the audio is correct.

It doesnt even matter really because regardless of what part is wrong, this is just another example of the total chaos that has been this investigation. This is turning into 1 very sad fiasco. No wonder the families are upset.

When the famlies were showing they were upset very early on, I had assumed they were over reacting but lately I have realized they have every right to be upset and they probably noticed the BS run around they were getting much quicker than the public has.

If you look at 12:42:48, he almost did the same thing but a different #.

Retweeted by Hishammuddin Hussein
H2O Comms ‏@H2OComms 10h
Pg 2- full transcript of comms between flight MH370 and Air Traffic Control Kuala Lumpur @HishammuddinH2O #MH370
There's no proof the plane crashed. There's no proof it took the southern route.

Anyone interested in finding MH-370 ought to be demanding that Inmarsat and investigators provide public, verifiable proof for their assertion the plane definitely went south.

If they can't, then why aren't any intense efforts being made to search the northern route?

BBM: It is because that in and of itself would suggest state sponsored terrorism and no one really wants to go to war, etc.

To me, many governments are looking the other way because of this.
That is amazing to me. They are typically very careful with those numbers....respectfully snipped for space

I know we're all grasping at straws and frustrated. But unfortunately, it's just totally normal for both pilots and ATC to garble flight numbers. It really doesn't mean anything.

For example, take the ATC transcripts from the famous flight that successfully ditched in the Hudson River in 2009 under hero pilot Sullenberger.

According to ATC tapes and transcripts (audio/text link) during the ditching, Sullenberger mis-called his own flight number once, and the air traffic controllers who had led him through take-off mis-called the flight number six separate times in less than 3 minutes. BBM:

Its flight number was US Air 1549, coded by ATC as "Cactus 1549":

Flight 1549: "Ah, this, uh, Cactus 1539. Hit birds, we lost thrust in both engines. We're turning back towards LaGuardia."


New York Tracon: "It's 1529, he ah, bird strike. He lost all engines. He lost the thrust in the engines. He is returning immediately."


LaGuardia: "Cactus 1529, which engine?"


New York Tracon: "Cactus 1529, if we can get it to you, do you want to try to land runway 1-3?"


New York Tracon: "Cactus 1529, Over the George Washington bridge want to go to the airport right now."


New York Tracon: "Cactus 1529, uh, you still on?"


New York Tracon: "Cactus 1529, if you can, ah, you got, ah, runway 2-9 available at Newark off your two o'clock and 7 miles."
Plus, is this a typo?

12:32:13. MAS 370. MAS377 request taxi.

Is there a transcript out?? I've not been able to keep up, so need to catch up.

So is this Trancript #2, the Telegraph one being a fake? Or is this Transcript #3, the "new version" Malaysian officials are talking about now, where someone doesn't say "all right, goodnight," but rather something TOTALLY DIFFERENT? Transcript #1 would be the original one Malaysian officials "misunderstood" (?) as co-pilot saying "all right, good night."

Or is this transcript #4 or 5?
I know we're all grasping at straws and frustrated. But unfortunately, it's just totally normal for both pilots and ATC to garble flight numbers. It really doesn't mean anything.


I agree that we are all frustrated. However, we cannot keep making excuses.
The garbled flight numbers, not checking (stolen)passports, doctored iranian photos, deleted content on simulator, changing wording re MH370 crashed, radar data, alright goodnight, cargo manifest, and so on.

Just looks like a perfect crime. :moo:
Omg wow The Telegraph really needs to be held accountable for publishing TOTALLY FALSE transcript. This transcript is nothing like the transcript they supposedly got from unnamed someone or other. Can't believe they would go public with it without verifying that it was the actual transcript copy!

That IS the official transcript.
March 28: Malaysian officials tell the passengers’ families there is “sealed evidence” they cannot know about.

Has this been discussed? What is this about? This is the first time I have seen it. No wonder families are getting more upset! :banghead:
There's no proof the plane crashed. There's no proof it took the southern route.

Aviation reporter Jeff Wise appeared on CNN several times and published multiple articles on Slate on MH-370. He has come to doubt the Inmarsat satellite ping data, and recently published another article arguing that, from what we know of their reasoning, the conclusion that the plane definitely headed south is -- for lack of a better word -- bogus:

This guy is a serious journalist, not a conspiracy theorist. He's no joke. It's a scary read.

Why should we assume the plane held a steady course and speed after 2:15am?

Anyone interested in finding MH-370 ought to be demanding that Inmarsat and investigators provide public, verifiable proof for their assertion the plane definitely went south.

If they can't, then why aren't any intense efforts being made to search the northern route?

Good for him and the others who are looking at it all from a reverse engineering and what we know perspective (too bad they are limited in what we know). I'm glad to hear there are those with more knowledge that also do not think all of this makes sense.

Here is more he has written:

A person commenting on that article say he has done his own analysis and found a northern route that matches all the distances and Doppler effects

Another person is talking about the aging Inmarsat satellite and it's actual capabilities - quite detailed, what he says
There's no proof the plane crashed. There's no proof it took the southern route.

Anyone interested in finding MH-370 ought to be demanding that Inmarsat and investigators provide public, verifiable proof for their assertion the plane definitely went south.

If they can't, then why aren't any intense efforts being made to search the northern route?

I disagree with much of this post and I understand YMMV but my points are:
1) someone should "demand" ? I don't understand how that would work. I just don't think anyone can be in a position to "demand" anything from a private company - they are not some government agency. The own and operate satellites.

2) You think there is no verifiable proof - and all I can say to that is just because we don't know, doesn't mean proff doesn't exist.

3) I have asked this before: how exactly does any investigative team make an "intense effort" to search the north? Satellites, i understand, and we do not know if this is being done or not. But short of that, what do you suggest? Armies march into sovereign countries? Invade foreign airspace/ I understand the desire to search north but how exactly would that work?

I am not sure if you are thinking the US or someone else should be more demanding of answers: who do you think that should be? I believe the US has a public interest in this and should try to influence the investigation, but other than that, I don't know what a foreign country can do...
This is very complicated.
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