Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #19

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The metal detector did NOT go off when the captain went through.

The audio is NOT from the security screening. CCTV recordings have no sound.

The audio (voice and beeps) is from the later time and place when the published video was recorded. Someone filmed a monitor playing the original CCTV video, capturing the ambient sound in the room while doing so.

My CCTV cameras record both video & sound and they are considered cheap compared to what is on the market.
How are you sure that this is not the original sound for the video? Sounds to me like the guy doing the pat down repeated the same instructions to both.

Watch the top of the metal detector light up all the way across when the pilot goes through.
I’ve been thinking about how many aircraft fly around with their radar identifiers turned off.

Do other countries military planes sometimes do this, so that our Western military cannot track their movements? (And maybe we even do it ourselves?) For whatever reason, not necessarily a nefarious one. I definitely could imagine some countries, such as perhaps Indonesia, doing this.

We have assumed that the unidentified plane was MH370. Could it have been some other plane that then landed safely in its home country?

Love these questions. I remember wondering this early on then abandoning it, who knows why.
Or, could it be a drone. (I remember thinking that one of those first two nights when they got what we thought was an "outlier" radar read from the Straits of Malaca) Or did the Immarstat satellite specifically ping this flight, this plane?
I’ve been thinking about how many aircraft fly around with their radar identifiers turned off.

Do other countries military planes sometimes do this, so that our Western military cannot track their movements? (And maybe we even do it ourselves?) For whatever reason, not necessarily a nefarious one. I definitely could imagine some countries, such as perhaps Indonesia, doing this.

We have assumed that the unidentified plane was MH370. Could it have been some other plane that then landed safely in its home country?

You can't turn off radar - it doesn't require a connection. This plane turned off its transponder.

I guess I would compare it to a cell phone. You have to turn on location services to use GPS and other tracking services, and you could turn it off and no one could locate you. But you can't control the fact that it still has to connect through a tower that is under the control of the cell company, unless you disabled the phone altogether. So the police can always get those records.

Transponders can be turned off, but radar just looks at whatever is in the air and doesn't require you to agree, so you can't go off radar. It gathers less info though because it can't identify which plane is which since the plane is not agreeing to provide that info like with a transponder (like the difference between tracking a phone using a cell tower and someone voluntarily checking in with foursquare as a certain person).

We have radar so that we can detect enemy planes who won't identify themselves and shoot them down.
There is an absolutely fantastic comment in the comments section below this article, whereby someone has actually plotted the route if the aircraft travelled in the northern corridor - very interesting, and i wonder if its being, or has ever been considered?

Most of those very technical comments flew right over my head. Is there an icon for "flew over my head"? :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Yes! Thank you. Totally different wording?!?

Yes I know! I can't believe it. Thanks a lot, Telegraph, for all your misinformation. Guess it was my fault for actually thinking they had a real copy.

Edit***wait but I just remembered that Malaysians (government or airline?) who said themselves that the last words were "all right, good night" and also that it was VERIFIED as co-pillots voice.

I for one have never actually believed that they verified it as the co-pilots voice. I never beleved that that was actually "definately" the co-pilot speaking.

I did, however, believe the "all right, goodnight" part - as I'm sure everyone did b/c it was reported by all the news agencies.

And the Telegraph transcript also said "all right, goodnight" as the last sentence.

So ok, perhaps someone gave the Telegraph a falsified copy.

b/c why would Malysian officials have actually given out that false information??

Or if they didn't give it out, why didn't they "correct" the rumor which was ALL OVER THE NEWS for weeks??? "All right, good night"?


From the facebook link upthread, it sounds like the Malaysian government tried to get out of it by saying "Malaysia Airlines" said it. Not us, you see, them. They did it.

The problem is, with all these rumors and misinformation and changes by the Malaysian officials, I can't keep up with who said what when.
Ok I am very confused now b/c the one that I read on the Telegraph website a week or so ago was very different from the one that was linked to upthread.

The one released a couple of weeks ago by the Telegraph was the old one, the very inaccurate one. The new 'official' one was released yesterday I think.
You can't turn off radar - it doesn't require a connection. This plane turned off its transponder.

I guess I would compare it to a cell phone. You have to turn on location services to use GPS and other tracking services, and you could turn it off and no one could locate you. But you can't control the fact that it still has to connect through a tower that is under the control of the cell company, unless you disabled the phone altogether. So the police can always get those records.

Transponders can be turned off, but radar just looks at whatever is in the air and doesn't require you to agree, so you can't go off radar. It gathers less info though because it can't identify which plane is which since the plane is not agreeing to provide that info like with a transponder (like the difference between tracking a phone using a cell tower and someone voluntarily checking in with foursquare as a certain person).

We have radar so that we can detect enemy planes who won't identify themselves and shoot them down.

Thank you. I stated radar identifiers as I was not sure if that was the transponder or the ACARS or .... ?

I do understand that radar cannot be turned off ... only flown beneath.
There was no explanation for the change. The conversation was in English, the universal language of aviation. Investigators were scrutinizing the conversation to determine if there was any stress or tension in the voice of whoever was communicating with ground control, the Malaysian government said.

It added that investigations were trying to confirm if the voice in the final conversation was that of the co-pilot, as was earlier believed.


in other news:

The 11 planes involved in the search Tuesday returned to their base in Perth without any significant sightings, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority said.

Because of the weather, a Japanese coast guard plane with high-performance radar and infrared cameras completed just one of its three planned passes over the search area, then turned back. It descended to just 150 metres (500 feet) above the whitecaps at one point, but the crew members still couldn’t see anything out the windows.

Some of the aircraft have occasionally dipped even lower for brief periods, raising concerns of collisions with ships in the zone.

I, respectfully, disagree and sincerely hope you are right.
Thing is, if one, two or three of these occurred...then I may discount them, as you are doing. For ALL of these to occur would take an unfortunate and devastating coincidence. IMO.

My counter-argument is that it's not coincidence but boring routine on an international flight from a poor country to find: fake passport-holding immigrants, ATC/pilots garbling flight numbers, pilots who like simulator games, pilots who sign off with some form of "good night", and, to top it off, a crummy police force who bungles information releases, PR, photo-copying, etc.

I still think the plane was most likely diverted somewhere on purpose.

But I think so based on the radar, satellite and transponder/ACARS evidence, not based on information from the ground, which so far is a whole lot of nothing.
My CCTV cameras record both video & sound and they are considered cheap compared to what is on the market.
How are you sure that this is not the original sound for the video? Sounds to me like the guy doing the pat down repeated the same instructions to both.

Watch the top of the metal detector light up all the way across when the pilot goes through.[/QUOTE]

Where do you see this? You mean the top of the "door" thing they went through?
There is an absolutely fantastic comment in the comments section below this article, whereby someone has actually plotted the route if the aircraft travelled in the northern corridor - very interesting, and i wonder if its being, or has ever been considered?

I think I finally worked my way through all 2 pages of very excellent comments (not that I could follow all of it). I really hope that someone is looking at that Northern corridor or other options than just the one they seem to be doggedly following.
What is taking those ships so long to reached that debris? I know that it is far from everywhere, but they were able to reach places just as far during WWII. The technology today is a lot more advanced and we should be there already. The debris is going to keep moving and eventually hit land. I hope we all take something from this nothing is totally safe today and we have to always be on our toes for the mysteries in life.

Aren't a lot of WWII wrecks still sunk or lost? We've never had regular amazing success with ocean recoveries - even if you know where something went down, it's just so difficult. We have so much trouble even saving trapped miners still - the conditions are just so harsh and baffling. It's not easy. Things move and are too deep to be seen. Things disperse and break up. It's not like working on land.

From the facebook link upthread, it sounds like the Malaysian government tried to get out of it by saying "Malaysia Airlines" said it. Not us, you see, them. They did it.

The problem is, with all these rumors and misinformation and changes by the Malaysian officials, I can't keep up with who said what when.

Haha... they are one in the same.
I’ve been thinking about how many aircraft fly around with their radar identifiers turned off.

Do other countries military planes sometimes do this, so that our Western military cannot track their movements? (And maybe we even do it ourselves?) For whatever reason, not necessarily a nefarious one. I definitely could imagine some countries, such as perhaps Indonesia, doing this.

We have assumed that the unidentified plane was MH370
. Could it have been some other plane that then landed safely in its home country?

I've wondered a lot about this. Does anyone know the technical/scientific explanation for why or why not it could be another plane and not MH370?
Thank you. I stated radar identifiers as I was not sure if that was the transponder or the ACARS or .... ?

I do understand that radar cannot be turned off ... only flown beneath.

Sorry for misunderstanding! I don't know much about ACARs, but I think it requires a connection and is "voluntary." Military planes trying to be sneaky wouldn't voluntarily add something like that, or would only have a closed connection with military controllers. Military planes can hide any identifying electronic data because it has to be attached to some system the enemy would have access to, and they wouldn't do that for obvious reasons. It needs a method of transmission.

And on another note, the government only released one transcript. Leaked docs should never be believed without further confirmation. Even if they are translated from a real copy, you can't trust an unknown person who is disclosing them without authorization. If they are willing to do that, it's hard to know whether they have a good motive or a bad one, and they are obviously not big on following rules, so they may rush to judgment and make a mistake as to the accuracy in their eagerness to get it to the media.
aa9511 said:
Where do you see this? You mean the top of the "door" thing they went through?

I knew I saw this and "heard" the beeping. I have spent some time trying to relocate this video through google, then found it on YouTube, of the pilot and co pilot going through the security check. So many copies out there without the sound and the voice. Listen carefully to the metal detector going off when the captain goes through. But no additional check on him to see why he set it off when he passed through. Wonder why the guy doing the pat down doesn't even bother to ask what the captain may have had on him to set off the detector? I wonder if the authorities have questioned the guy doing the body search? Who is he? What's his history? Why wasn't the captain asked to go through again after emptying his pockets, and removing his shoes, etc.? What's going on here? Or has this already been discussed & I missed it? I did skip pages here & there in an effort to keep up.
Just remembering my flight of many years ago, when I "beeped" going through. It's amazing what people forget in their pockets, or are wearing. And that was before 9/11!

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