Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #19

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The mother of passenger No. 63 aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is unable to come out of the shadows of her son's misdeed to mourn with the rest of the families.

"As a human being, as a mother, nobody thought of me. I am alone with no support except for God," she wrote after CNN tried to contact her about her son.

She is suffering alone because she has shied away from the epicenter of information in Kuala Lumpur. She is a mother whose son broke the law to get on the plane, and she is now paying for it.

"I dedicated my life to my sons, and all I wanted was for them to be happy in their life. I wanted them to live a free life. I had prayed that I would see him again, but that didn't happen. We will see each other in eternity now."

She pours out her grief with pictures of her son, messages to him and symbols of their Christian faith posted on her Facebook page.

"... From the moment I became a mother, all I wanted and asked from God was to not see my children die before me. But of course that didn't happen." She wrote.

"Although he had a stolen passport," his mother said, "he was so young with many beautiful dreams. I'm a mother just like the Chinese mothers, and I want to know what happened too. I trust in God and whatever he wants will happen. But all 239 persons are the same, maybe somebody doesn't believe that."
MH370 Passengers 'Cleared' of Hijack Role, Malaysia Police Say

Passengers on board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 have been cleared of any possible role in the plane’s disappearance, the head of the criminal investigation said Wednesday.

Investigators believe that someone with detailed knowledge of both the Boeing 777-200ER and commercial aviation navigation switched off the plane's communications systems before diverting it thousands of miles off its scheduled course...
MH370 Passengers 'Cleared' of Hijack Role, Malaysia Police Say

Passengers on board Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 have been cleared of any possible role in the plane’s disappearance, the head of the criminal investigation said Wednesday.

Investigators believe that someone with detailed knowledge of both the Boeing 777-200ER and commercial aviation navigation switched off the plane's communications systems before diverting it thousands of miles off its scheduled course...

That is really a sad story. Really puts a human face on this tragedy. It must be gut-wrenching for this mother (as it is for all the family members) not knowing what happened to their loved ones. I so hope this mystery is solved so that these families can rest easier. It wont bring their loved ones back, but at least they will know what happened to them.
Can a pilot manually control this handshake ping or is it supposed to be at preset intervals? Could that last partial ping be that someone also turned that off? Could it have been manually done to indicate something was wrong or whoever was in control of the plane realized that he / she had disabled 2 out of 3 tracking devises and was in the process of disabling the 3rd and it got a partial ping at that time? Was it purposely done just prior to another abrupt turn to deceive those looking for the plane?

From this, NYTimes article, it does not appear that anyone can control the "handshake" or ping. HTH.

"The plane is built to communicate with satellites and there is a second system, not easily controlled from the cockpit, to accomplish that. Even when it is not in use, the system goes through a “handshake” procedure with satellites, about once an hour. This procedure is akin to a cellphone that trades messages with the nearest cell tower, even though it never leaves the user’s pocket, so the cell system knows where to find it should a call come in. That handshake does not include data, experts say, but it does offer a way to establish the approximate location of the plane once an hour. American experts say they knew little about this system until this week, when it yielded a clue, albeit a weak one, to the Malaysian plane’s location."
I would have thought/hoped that any serial numbers are properly imprinted into the metal, rather than scrawled with a marker pen.

I keep thinking about this Maldives / Diego Garcia link. Assuming the Immersat pings were correct then it has to be discounted. I imagine there are quite a lot of military planes flying in and out of DC and reckon the Maldives sightings may have been one of those.

But who knows??! I wouldn't be surprised if DG shot down any unauthorised craft flying towards them. And if the early theory about the plane heading towards Langkawi is correct, then DG would be pretty much on that flight path.

I just thought of something else. When parts are swapped out they probably aren't stamped with a number. The writing on the part survived being underwater and washed up on the beach. :dunno:

It is odd however that nothing else has washed up.
Me too, however I have no darn clue why I think that !!!!!! I just remember when they switched it it "felt" wrong -- well it felt COVERUP- sorry!

And how come from the very beginning there has been NO land looking. Ever. Ever. In the first 36 hours who how why did everyone automaically go for water??

Just a guess, but maybe they figure that a land search can be conducted via satellite and eyewitness reports, since smoke would be seen for some time, and possibly some distance?

Wow, 227 people with no personal problems. Really?

Not that I am suggesting a passenger did anything wrong on the flight, but I don't believe out of 227 people not one had any personal or psychological issues going on!

I don’t think a statement like that is meant to be taken literally. I think it’s meant that there isn’t any evidence of a personal or psychological issue that would point to this kind of action. After all, the person sitting next to you might suffer from anxiety, or OCD, but even though those conditions are classified as mental illnesses, they aren’t likely to cause a person to take down the plane.

I think people are forgetting that the entire world is not entitled to every scrap of information available about this situation.

We aren’t entitled to know every detail about the lives or health of the passengers and crew, anymore than your neighbour is entitled to know those details about you.

I’ve also seen multiple calls to release the voice recording of the ATC exchanges, but really, how are often are those things released to the public before an investigation is complete, unless they think there’s something in it that the public could assist with, and I highly doubt that’s the case here.
Much cleaner font!

The breathless leads this AM: “All 227 passengers cleared”. Then cut to the sound bite from the supposed leader of this “investigation” who states: This is an ongoing investigation, we are still waiting for information from across the globe and internally.

How does the media get to “all cleared” when clearly much remains to be checked out!

Coo coo!
More BS, MAl is playing it like releasing the ATC transcripts is all this spirit of cooperation is a complete lie! They - the ATC (both the actual tapes and transcripts) are released about 24-48 hours after any crash. The abnormality is it taking a month!

bolded out dates! Another falsehood

Most recent example Asiana 777 crash last year:

Date of crash: On the morning of Saturday,July 6, 2013……

‎.ATC transcripts and audio aired :
Jul 6, 2013 - Uploaded by Anon Nymous
Jul 7, 2013 - Uploaded by vigelic
Currently highest transcript
Jul 6, 2013 - Audio: ATC scrambles

just click both the tapes and transcripts were all over the world in 24 hours!

PS:! The CVR are usually held back due to family = especially if it is fatal. They are ultimatly released. In a similiar vein the CVR transpcripts are released about a week after finding the recorder.

The FDR info typically takes a little longer because it is a lot of data to review etc etc. The recordings of them are typically released when they are sorted out!
As time goes by me too - it fits in with "stealing" the info from the Free scale folks and playing with the toys (if any!) in the belly. Coutnries have stolen each others defense stuff since the beginning of time !

The eyewitness part, if true , what struck me was that they described a white with red and blue airplane. Out in the middle of the Ocean I found that interesting !

I would think however, that Maldives might actually be best in that it might mean that the place is not going to be crashed elsewhere!

With the passage of time this angle becomes more curious in light of the fact that the captain had practiced landing , on his sim at home, on 5 airports in THAT area!

Cops find five Indian Ocean practice runways in MH370 pilot’s simulator, BH reports - See more at:
The handshake part of ACARS is located in the electronic bay below. The first half of the ACARS that was disabled can be done from the cockpit .

It can be done in the bay, but the individual would have to have researched how to do it. Flight crew (vs maintenance f olks) typically do not have that body of knowledge becasue there is no need for them to know how to do it.

Here is the bay in the 777:

Notice all the lithium batteries to the left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;1024;768

Here are the lithium batteries that caused so much trouble for Boeing while launching the 787 ( dreamliner) (the follow up generation to the 777. We have to remember the triple 7 is last generation aircraft - the model was first placed the into commercial airline service on June 7, 1995.

Design wise the 777 is two decades old!;480;342
They are suppossed to be very detailed documentation! They can track screws! No joke!

This area is one of, IMO, the best talking heads CNN (M. Shavo) claim to fame .

She changed aviation history by aggressively going after aircraft parts black market inferior parts
Fuelers and all ground handling staff ought to be very interesting if we ever are told how many of them were compicate in the scheme!
Re: Article that I posted above MH370 Passengers 'Cleared' of Hijack Role, Malaysia Police Say

Since Malaysian government and law enforcement officials don't know at this time exactly what happened to the jetliner or where the missing plane is located, how can they state with such certainty that a passenger was not involved in a possible hijack incident? :confused:
Thank you. I have been waiting for mention of the crew, other than pilot and co-pilot.

I posted above somewhere, they are now focusing on the cabin crew, as well as anyone who prepared the food for the flight.
Two official sources, who are close to the investigation but not authorised to comment publicly, said there were three main reasons investigators believe the plane's manoeuvres before it vanished were intentional.

1. The plane's communications were disabled during the handover between Malaysian and Vietnamese ATCs. "That is the precise moment to disappear an aircraft - that was what was exploited," a source said.

2. MH370's unusual flight path appears to have been programmed deliberately.

3. Investigators know of no precedent "where the sat-com [satellite communications] and the transponder have been knocked out and the plane continued to fly".
I would think the Diego Garcia airfield would be a perfect example to practice a landing because the landing strip is literally on the water, surrounded on all three sides with very little wiggle room to go off that runway. But that is just me. I've already gone way too far as a passenger on a flight landing on a Caribbean in the rain watching out the window as the plane turned at the end of the runway to look down and see water. So I would think that would be a good example of when to you abort and take off again once you get too close to the end. jmo
Re: Article that I posted above MH370 Passengers 'Cleared' of Hijack Role, Malaysia Police Say

Since Malaysian government and law enforcement officials don't know at this time exactly what happened to the jetliner or where the missing plane is located, how can they state with such certainty that a passenger was not involved in a possible hijack incident? :confused:

Yes, I agree. They should not be cleared of any role, the Malaysian Govt should have just stated that, based on checks of all passengers, there were no indications/clues to their involvement. I think they have this black/white, either/or thinking. Unfortunately they way they think about all this could drastically hurt the investigation. For instance, why would they wait so long to look at the crew and such. if they find something, it could lead to more clues or possibly some indication of what happened. Instead they wait and at time have stated they won't do parts of the investigation until they find debris, or the black box, or? It's a complex problem and you shouldn't handle it with simplistic/linear thinking.
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