Malaysia airlines plane may have crashed 239 people on board #2

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Right, but it turned around on radar, then vanished over the gulf of Thailand. So if it flew all the way to the other side of Malaysia, it would have been seen on radar.

Using this one to add on my last post conspiracy theory -

Turning the transponder off would effectively take it off this "Flight Radar" that everyone is relying upon here - and it would remove it from most civilian systems for all intent and purpose.

The right active radar military systems would still see the aircraft as a return signal and a transponder switched off would not hide that - but if it landed at Butterworth, well... they're in on it aren't they ;)

Ahhhh the possibilities! :floorlaugh:
Would like to ask our aviation experts if EMP (electronic magnetic pulse) has been analyzed as a potential cause for the lack of telemetry from MH370, either for distress signal from the plane itself, or the flight crew?

Electromagnetic pulse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I did find an interesting thread on EMP in aviation - from 2012 that I am including for reference. I hope it's not too O/T (Mods, please snip if necessary)

Generally not - all aircraft electronics systems are shielded because lighting creates EMP and due to a mass of wiring being packed into such confined space, they create their own problems that can effect the instrumentation if not shielded properly.

Yes a huge EMP could do it I guess, but it would have to be localized and the power and planning and specialized equipment required to achieve it would be so huge that it it would just be a whole lot cheaper and easier to take it out a plethora of other ways...
Just to throw a conspiracy theory curve ball in the mix for some fun - RMAF (Ex RAAF) Base Butterworth is right in the path back toward that "New Search Area"

Its an easily secured military base with a runway length of just under 2,500m that is out of sight from public eyes ;)

I don't really believe this but I'm sure it will provide some food for thought hehe

Are you saying that our military currently has the plane? If so our friends are better at staying quiet than I thought! Damn it! My husband turned down a trip to Butterworth last month, if he'd have accepted it I might have been able to solve this mystery!
Have any fields of debris been investigated yet? This is nuts!
Just going to say it again - something seriously stinks here... In a world where we have the capability to detect highly sophisticated nuclear submarines that are designed for stealth and absoloute silent operations - In a world where we can detect Kim Jong and his mates letting off some fire crackers in their back yard to celebrate another day of oppression...

...apparently this is the same world where a 300 tonne civilian aircraft flying around multiple different countries territorial airspace borders at a time when tensions are simmering in the region is completely invisible...
Are you saying that our military currently has the plane? If so our friends are better at staying quiet than I thought! Damn it! My husband turned down a trip to Butterworth last month, if he'd have accepted it I might have been able to solve this mystery!

hahahas No - as I said in my post, I'm just throwing it in here to feed the conspiracy theorists a scrap or two ;)
Some thoughts
1. If a bomb did go off during the flight, I would think the group responsible would want people to know about it. The point of terrorism is to put fear into people, and that isn’t going to happen if everyone is just confused.

2. Is there any possibility that the plane was hijacked, landed somewhere else, and there is going to be a standoff soon? Perhaps the search is a way to distract everyone?

And I am starting to think there could be something supernatural behind this. Yeah, it is crazy but perhaps aliens are behind it, or they were sucked into another dimension. IDK....

"China has deployed up to 10 satellites to assist the search.

Beijing-bound flight MH370 vanished on Saturday shortly after it left Kuala Lumpur. There were 239 people on board.

Rescue teams from several countries are scouring the seas for signs of the plane.

Civil Aviation Department chief Azharuddin Abdul Rahman told reporters late on Monday that the search area had been doubled from 50 nautical miles from where the plane had disappeared to 100 nautical miles (115 miles; 185km).

"The area of search has been expanded in the South China Sea," he said."
Woah. First time I have heard that news. Read those last two paragraphs folks. Crazy if true indeed!

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Things that make you go Hmmmmm.......

Woah. First time I have heard that news. Read those last two paragraphs folks. Crazy if true indeed!

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk

Holy cow! This could actually be a test for the technology!

that's not exactly MSM

horrible writing and no sources cited for said theory
Okay this is probably totally crazy... but it just occurred to me and I haven't seen it mentioned.
I would love to know how often this captain flew RECENTLY in a regular plane (not a simulator.)
I know how many flight hours he had... I'd like to know his schedule for the last few months. :twocents:

I've read that this captain was an instructor, a trainer, spent a lot of time in a simulator.

In a simulator you are in charge... you give the orders... you don't wait for ATC or anyone.
There was another disaster... where a 747 took off without clearance and hit a 2nd 747 still on the runaway.
The pilot who took off without clearance had spent a great deal of time in simulators.
He was found to be at fault for the accident, weather contributed, etc.

He was nearly as experienced as this pilot, highly regarded, training other pilots, etc.
Many wonder if the simulator time had something to do with it... so it occurred to me in this case.

[ame=""]Tenerife airport disaster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

[ame=""]The Tenerife Airport 747 Collision - YouTube[/ame]
Who in their right mind leaves their passport in the hands of a shop owner while a tourist?
Hinky, hinky, hinky. IMO.
A hotel may ask to copy a page of your passport but if anyone asks to keep your passport, run for the hills! :hills:
Now I'm wondering if the request for a copy is safe.

Wasn't it a massage shop?

Possibly left it behind when he put all his clothes back on?

Just an idea...

A friend of ours works there and was in China for related meetings. We know he's safe. I'm sure they all had to be there at the same time for the same events.

Right which I understand. But big companies NEVER allow everyone to take the same flight. That is a huge nono. Because if something like this happened then it could potentially take out the higher eshelon(sp) of the company which could in turn be devastating to the company. So when whoever is setting up the flights, they are always told to make sure that they schedule people on different flights. Even if they are all meeting at the same place. That way if a plane were to go down, only a couple people would be affected rather then 20, therefore ensuring that the company would still be able to function.
Meanwhile, 20 passengers on the missing plane are world-class electronic geeks for a major Defense contracting company that specializing in such things as weapons that disappear planes and ships for the battlefield.

They are employed by a company designing and manufacturing cutting edge electronic weaponry for the Department of Defense. Such weaponry includes those making it possible to vanish planes off the radar, as Deborah Dupré reported this weekend in the article, Malaysia Plane Hidden With Electronic Weaponry? 20 High-Tech EW Defense Passengers

thought I would post the last two paragraphs!! because I like all you above are blown away by the coincidence of this if it is true! I wonder if there is anyway we could find out if this is in fact true!!!
Wasn't it a massage shop?

Possibly left it behind when he put all his clothes back on?

Just an idea...



but ... but he was just renting a motorbike :facepalm:
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